The Elves and The Humans both witnessed that Nathan got buried under the cave's debris, Barbosa was already standing up, he was smiling. The Princess was peeking from behind a tree.

"Now that is a loss" Barbosa said while staring towards the debris, some of the Elves tried to clear the debris and rescue Nathan from under it, but the stones were too huge and heavy for these Elves.

Barbosa looked towards Malyva who was stood their staring at the debris in a trance, with his eyes filled with tears. Barbosa said "Malyva, now that he is dead I don't think you have anyone who can face.

I will give you a chance to save your people, surrender.

I don't want to damage the goods that I have to deliver."

Barbosa was never a man of mercy, instead he enjoyed oppressing and torturing, it was a way through which he would gain satisfaction, but not today.

If he successfully brings all these Elves back to Empire without any damage, the rewards he would receive would be enormous.

He continued with a nasty smile "I wonder, may be I will be promoted to be one of the Ten core Generals."

Malyva's eyes were filled with anger, he was helpless with only two choices, one to fight and die and achieve salvation the other to surrender and be slaves for the rest of his life. He fell on his knees and started crying "My King, I have failed again to live up to your expectations, I.... I couldn't even protect the last few of us."

Barbosa looked towards his soldiers and said "handcuff them all, and bring me the old man."

The human soldiers took steps forward and shouted "drop your weapons. Get on your knees."

The Elven men didn't even budge, a voice from of an Elven man was heard, "and who told you that there is no one left to fight." It was an young Elven man who was in his mid 20's with blonde hair and dirty clothes, he had an old rusty sword in his hand, he walked out of the group and looked towards Barbosa and said "I IVAR ELDINA son of RAGNAAR ELDINA, will fight you."

Barbosa and the other human soldiers laughed at him, Barbosa said "Ragnaar..... the Eastern General, I still remember how your father lost pathetically that day."

Ivar busted out in anger "my father didn't loose, it was you humans who ganged up on him.. He didn't loose pathetically, I know he fought bravely and sacrificed his life to fulfill his duty."

Barbosa said mockingly "yes, yes very bravely."

Ivar again bursts out in anger, he pointed his sword towards Barbosa and said " do not mock my father."

Barbosa looked seriously towards Ivar and said "surrender, I don't want to damage you, you will fetch a good amount in the slave market."

Ivar was still standing there with angry eyes and his sword pointed towards Barbosa, he didn't even flinch.

Barbosa looked towards his soldiers and nodded, a sign to capture Ivar with force.

Two human soldiers came forward, they took out their swords, and walked towards Ivar, he smiled and said mockingly "cowards".

The human soldiers walked to him, eye to eye, all three took their stance.

Both the human soldiers simultaneously swinged their sword and made an attack to decapitate Ivar in one shot, to which Ivar countered by blocking both of them, blocking two swords simultaneously was too hard and heavy for Ivar, he started loosing his ground, his feet got dragged back by several feet, he put all of his strength in his hands and pushed them back with his sword.

Several continues swings were made by the soldiers, Ivan didn't countered any of them but instead tried to escape them with his all, several swings passed him by just inches.

Rather than a sword fight it became a tagging game, 'this should enough, I have tired them." He took a stance and made a broad horizontal swing. To the soldiers this swing looked like a last attempt of a rabbit that's about yo be caught, they simply raised their swords to block this attack. Just before the swords were about to clash, Ivar's sword showed a slight Golden glow.


It was the soldiers swords that shattered with this clash, Ivar was a Aura user, he used Aura in last seconds to catch the soldiers off guard, as soon as the sword of the soldiers shattered, he made another horizontal swing and even before the soldiers could understand what happened, he decapitated both them simultaneously, the heads of the soldiers rolled on the ground and their decapitated body fell. All the Elves shouted in cheer, they were delighted.

This was the birth of a warrior, a warrior who will be remembered in the history.

But the situation still didn't look good, the Elves were still in danger, there were still around 40 soldiers who can fight. And above all Barbosa was still standing fine.

Two more soldiers took some steps forward, but Barbosa halted them, he said, "his skills are beyond what you can handle, he is a Aura user, I don't want meaningless casualties on my side."

He walked towards Ivar who was standing near the dead bodies with his sword pointed towards Barbosa, his eyes were filled with anger, but his body looked exhausted, he said to Barbosa " I don't fight people who are unarmed."

Barbosa didn't stopped he kept on walking and reached Ivar. Ivar swinged his sword which was radiating golden aura, but Barbosa caught the swords blade in his left hand and crushed the sword, he looked in Ivar's eyes and said "I don't need a sword to deal with a baby." With his right hand he punched in Ivar's face, it was a heavy punch, Ivar fell on ground on his back, his sword was shattered, his nose was bleeding.

Barbosa got on his face and caught Ivar's collar, he landed two more punches on Ivar destroying his face.

Barbosa looked towards the group of Elves who were scared with tears flowing from their eyes, but none dared to step forward.

Barbosa looked back towards Ivar and hit him in face, "I told you" (punch) "to surrender" (punch) "but you" (punch) "had" (punch) "to" (punch) "go ahead" (punch) "and" (punch) "irritate me" (punch).

But even after eleven punches on his face, Ivar didn't lose conciousness, his whole face was bleeding with his eyes swelled and teeth broken, he was coughing blood, but he still tried to reach out to his broken sword. Barbosa stood up, he kicked his broken sword away, "kill... me....", Barbosa spitted on Ivar's face and turned back. He looked towards his soldier's and said "tie him up, even with his face destroyed he will fetch a good amount for his skills in the slave market."

He took some more steps and turned back, he looked towards all of the Elves and said "tie them all, we are going back to base."

He then looked towards the sky and said " haaaah, I thought, finally I would get some fun, Nathan you should have entertained me more."


The debris of cave rumbled.
