Chapter 20: A Small Grin

Everyone turned to Agatha, who was surprised at how she had raised her own voice. She had not been given time to think through what had happened, and hearing everyone arguing only irritated her even more.

"*clears throat* Look, I could care less about what any of your plans are at the moment. I am cold, hungry, and with a pounding headache. I was so close to eating a strawberry shortcake before the attack, which trust me, was the only joy I was going to experience for the day but that cake was most likely smashed into pieces just like my sanity at the moment."


Nerian tried to cover his mouth to contain his laughter. Zaki hit his stomach with her elbow to keep him in check.

"Oof, sorry."

Agatha continued.

"Thus, if it is not too much trouble for you gentlemen…"

She looked at Zaki who gave her a small smile.

"...and ladies, I would like to find a place to rest and eat. We can have our nice, bonding chat afterward."

She walked towards Arcane and gave him a demanding look.

"Does that sound like a straightforward plan you would be willing to follow, sir?"

Arcane said nothing and turned his back to Agatha. 

"Just so you know, my lady, there aren't any villages around nor cities. We will have to hunt for food and sleep under the stars. I hope that is of no convenience to you."

"Wait, and just how is that any way to keep her safe-"

Daliyah started to protest but Agatha stopped her.

"You make it sound like I would have a choice either way. I'm sure that regardless of the circumstances, that was your plan to begin with. I may not look like it, but I can adapt fairly quickly. Your only job is to escort me safely to the capital I assume. Whether I am comfortable or not is my concern alone, so there is no need for the sarcasm."

A small grin appeared behind Arcane's mask, hidden away and only known to him.

"Very well. Zaki, is the carriage functional at all?"

Zaki shook her head in disappointment. She once again started to sign what she saw.

"(The fight was chaotic. The carriage was one of the first things that was destroyed after you and Myer left)."

"It makes sense since we weren't protecting it anymore."

Myer gave Daliyah a side eye which she returned.

"(I was only able to get our lady the blanket put away in her luggage. It was the only rescuable item. All her clothes, food, and utilities are gone)."

"Well great! So we will have to go back to being hunters and gatherers."

Although Nerian was used to surviving in the wild as a soldier, he had hoped they wouldn't have to go through the trouble of hunting for food this once. 

"Did my division go the way they were supposed to?"

"(Yes, after exterminating the last of the wolves, they gathered the wounded and headed west)."

"Good, then we will head east. Nerian, Zaki!"



"You two move ahead and make sure there are no…disturbances on the way. We will follow close behind. If you see anything out of the ordinary, report it to me. Go!"

In the blink of an eye, Zaki and Nerian were gone. Agatha was only able to figure out the direction they took by the small traces of leaves falling off some trees.

"So fast…"

"Let us also head out. Daliyah, is it?"


"I'm sure you don't mind sticking close to your mistress. I will walk in the front and Myer will keep watch in the back."

"Then I guess I should also watch my back."

"Hmp, I'm not such a lowly coward."

"You almost killed me from behind."

"I told you I was being thoughtful."

"Enough you two."

Arcane could not believe he had someone so similar to Myer in the group. It was already enough to have one, yet here was another. Myer was a skillful soldier, as well as wise and strategic when the time was right. He was usually good at keeping his sarcasm and strong personality hidden when strangers were around, but for some reason, it was hard for him to do it in front of Daliyah.

"Does she irritate him that much? Because she was able to get away with what she did? No, that's too shallow of a reason…"

"Daliyah, no matter how dislikable he may seem, I do not believe he will go against his master's orders and hurt you."

Agatha held Daliyah back and reasoned with her. If they were to travel together, they had to bear each other at least, and have a bit of "trust."

"Trust is an understatement though. I don't even trust myself anymore."

Agatha smiled at Myer.

"Myer, is it? Am I wrong to make this assumption? That you would not stab us in the back as long as you are not ordered to? After all, that would make your master look bad."

"He is not my master. He's my commander. And yes, you are right."

"Partially that is."

"My apologies. Now that it is all settled, shall we get going, commander? I have no problems with the setup. Not that I have much of a say in this."

Although Arcane had his back facing her, he could feel Agatha giving him a sarcastic smile.

"Someone is becoming rather cheeky."

Arcane started to move forward as he thought of this. 


*Growling stomach*

Agatha held her stomach as she felt her hunger growing stronger. She had been trying to keep the sound hidden, but the roaring animal within her did not want silence.

"I want food…"

They had been walking for about three hours now, only stopping here and there for her to rest. She had never walked so much in her entire life. She was glad Daliyah had made her wear these boots.

"I can barely feel my legs anymore. How are they so calm?"

While she was fighting to steady her breathing, the other three did not seem to have a problem. 

"Agatha, are you alright? Do you need another break?"


"Seriously? We took a break 15 minutes ago. At this pace, we won't make it far by nightfall."

Myer could notbelievee they were moving so slowly. If it were only Arcane and him, they would be almost at the bottom of the mountain by now.

"I wasn't asking you. I don't know if you have any common sense in that head of yours, but unlike us, she is not used to all this movement. Her stamina is not well-built. She is not the most active person out there, so it makes sense for her to barely manage this much."

"Geez, Daliyah, no need to help me that much."

Agatha was thankful for her friend standing up for her, but for some reason, it also felt like an insult.

"She says 'this much' like we are taking a morning stroll around the garden."

"Hmm, you are right. I should not expect her to be able to handle this much. You, on the other hand, have quite the stamina built up. Like you've had training for years like the rest of us. I am even more curious about you now."

Daliyah glared back at Myer who in return gave her a cold smile.


Before she could give a response, Zaki appeared out of nowhere in front of Arcane.

"Zaki, is something the matter? Are there monsters up ahead?"

Zaki shook her head excitedly.

"(No sir. But! There is a good area up ahead with a river. It should be a good place for the lady to rest. Nerian is inspecting the area to make sure it's safe enough to spend the night. We can also fish something for dinner)."

"I see. Good work."

Zaki nodded happily at the approval.

"I don't know what she said, but it seems to be good news wouldn't you say?"

"Yes, let us hope so my lad- I mean…sorry, I'm still getting used to it."

"*chuckle* It's alright."

"Zaki and Nerian have found a river up ahead. We can rest there, get food, and hopefully spend the night."

"Oh, thank goodness!"

Agatha sighed in relief.

"Let us go on then."