Chapter 21: True Identity

The river was a bit muddy, and its currents were strong because of the rain. However, the afternoon sky was now completely clear, as if the storm had not happened. The sound of the river was rather calming. The breeze gently moved the grass and trees. It was a tranquil scenery, one Agatha had only seen in paintings and picture books. Agatha noticed where the river met the land on their side. She thought about how it seemed shallow and safe enough for her to approach and touch with her hand without worrying about drowning or getting swept by the current,


"Since I can't swim."


As she decided in her head to take a closer look…


"Can you swim?"


A husky, deep voice spoke to her from behind. She looked over her shoulder to an Arcane who looked at her doubtfully.


"Um, no, why? Are we crossing the river? I thought we would be resting on this side."

"No, we are not crossing."


"Then why do you ask if I can swim?"


"Because it seemed like you wanted to approach the banks of the river."


"I do, why? Is something wrong?"


"It would be best if you didn't if you can't swim. A storm just went by, and as you can see, not only is the water rather… questionable looking, but the currents are unpredictable right now. Though it may seem shallow and safe, it can be dangerous for someone who can't swim if you go in too far without thinking and get swept off your feet."


"I see…"


A sad and disappointed expression appeared on the young woman's face.


"What were you planning to do by getting close to it?"


"Just touch the water."


"Have you never seen a river before?"


"Not in person no."


"I see."


"Agatha! Come over to the fire so you can warm yourself!"


Daliyah called out while pointing at the fire she and Zaki had made. Agatha waved at her and nodded. She then turned to Arcane, making her expression indifferent, and asked,


"Is there anything else commander?"




"Well then, if you will excuse me."


Agatha turned before Arcane could say anything else and hurriedly walked away. It wasn't like he had much to say anyway. It was obvious she did not like him much, and she had many reasons for that. He had given the order for her friend to be executed and had deceived her in a way. Even though it was all his duty and a way of protecting her, she did not seem to be thankful at all.


"Oh well, I am not here to be liked by her or to receive her thank you. My only job is to protect her and keep her alive."


Agatha's words suddenly came back to him.


"They have no problem with using my life for their benefit so don't make it seem like I'm the only selfish one here."


He had never thought about it this way. As far as he knew, her death was for the greater good, and yet when she said those words, there were so many emotions in her eyes. Anger, resentment, sadness, and desperation. Her death…the one he was escorting her to.


"Rejoice everyone!! We will be having rabbit for dinner!"


Nerian's overjoyed voice brought Arcane back from his thoughts. He chuckled a bit and walked towards the fire as well.


"I'm glad to see that goofy grin on your face after almost breaking down like a baby because you couldn't catch anything."


Myer, with another rabbit in his hand, teased Nerian who had been very close to giving up on catching anything.


"Seriously, what would people think if they saw a legendary Sapphire Warrior struggling to catch a single rabbit."


"What are you talking about? These things are agile and hard to catch. Plus, you were also with me and struggled to catch the one you have as well."


"Did he now?"


Daliyah gave Myer a mocking look.


"Yes, you should have seen him. He struggled to catch that one rabbit for a whole hour. I told him he could just catch another, but this man is as stubborn as a mule. He was determined to catch that specific one."




"The amount of times he cursed under his breath was insane."


"Nerian! If you don't want to take the place of my rabbit over the fire, zip your mouth."


"Okay, okay, I'll shut up now."

Zaki laughed as she signaled them to hand her their hunt. Agatha observed as Zaki, fully concentrated, took out a knife and without flinching, skinned the rabbit and prepared it.


"Ugh, I feel sick…"


Agatha covered her mouth as she witnessed this. Zaki looked up at her and sweetly smiled, proud of her skills. Agatha nervously smiled back.


"Yep, the innocent looking at the most terrifying."


While the rabbits were roasting over the fire, the group sat quietly for a few minutes, each wondering who would be the first to speak. After a while, Myer was the first to speak.


"Well, I am sure that we could be doing something more productive that does not involve looking at each other's attractive faces. For example, telling the group their true identity and intentions. Daliyah, you don't mind me calling you by your first name, do you? Why don't you go first."


"I do mind. Also, why me?"


"Ladies first."


"I am not the only woman here."


She looked at Zaki as she said this.


"Zaki is with us. She can give her input when it's our turn."


Nerian expressed this in a defensive tone. Zaki placed her hand on his and assured him she was alright.


"I agree with Myer and Nerian. Four of us are with the Sapphire Warriors which the vessel has confirmed. You, on the other hand, kept your identity hidden from your mistress, so it is only fair-"




Agatha interrupted Arcane before he could finish.


"She is no longer my servant, but my friend. Only nobles and those of the royal bloodline have servants, and I am far from being either. Of course, before you say anything about it, I ended our master and servant relationship after you decided to spare our lives. This means your decision is still valid, am I right?"




"I will take that as a yes. Thus, I would appreciate it if all of you stopped seeing or addressing Daliyah as a servant. With this being said, Daliyah…"


Agatha gave Daliyah a small smile as she spoke to her.


"I would appreciate it if you go first as well. I am also curious about who you truly are. You don't have to share your deepest secrets or things you don't feel comfortable with. Just enough to show them you are not a danger like you have shown me. Please…"


Daliyah hesitated for a few moments. She looked around at everyone who was waiting for her to speak. She finally opened her mouth.


"All of you know who the Whitlock family is right?"


"Yes, it is known throughout the empire that they were chosen by the White Lotus Priestess to work closely by her side. After her death, they were given the job to protect the vessel when she appeared."


Nerian proudly said this as he remembered his history classes from childhood and during his training days.


"Yes, which is why when Agatha was found, what remained of the family moved to live in the fortress they had built in the mountains. As you may know, the current head and Elder of the family is Elwood Whitlock."


Agatha lowered her gaze as she heard his name. Daliyah went silent when she saw this and once again hesitated.


"What does the Whitlock family have to do with you?"


Myer asked impatiently, not seeing the connection.


"You see, Elder Elwood Whitlock…is my grandfather.