Prepare 2

Looking at the little bun's thin face, Gu Lan didn't know whether it was the original emotion of the original body or her own emotion, anyway, she felt very distressed.

She had never had a child in her life. When she was young, it was okay because she was always busy and didn't notice it, but when she got older, she did feel lonely.

To be honest, coming to this strange place with such a child, this new identity would have made her very uncomfortable, but in fact, she was happy in her heart, which indirectly fulfilled her wish to be a mother.

After such a busy time and the effect of the special medicine, Gu Lan also felt that her body had become much more comfortable, and her strength also recovered a little. The feeling of soreness and weakness was really not pleasant.

Helping the sleeping little kid to cover the rubbed-off clothes, Gu Lan, who had nothing to do, began to observe herself.

In fact, she had already seen her true appearance in the light curtain. Although she was very thin, she was still very pretty. If she gained some weight, she would be even prettier. One look at her hands showed that they were weathered hands that often worked, not like the hands of a young woman in her early twenties.

The clothes on her body were tattered. Seeing it Gu Lan suddenly remembered the precious clothes that the fairy gave her. She wondered if it really existed.

After rummaging around on her body, Gu Lan breathed a sigh of relief. The clothes really appeared in reality, but they were just in the innermost layer. The color also turned into the least conspicuous black. Compared with the tattered clothes outside, the clothes inside could not be exposed at all, mainly because there was no patch at all, which was a bit too good, but these were not a problem. As long as she wanted, the clothes could be transformed into any form.

As long as it existed, it was fine. This was the treasure that they would live on in the future. With it, Gu Lan would be more confident.

Little bun slept for a long time, or maybe because Gu Lan woke up and made Little bun feel relieved, anyway, he slept until noon.

During this period, Gulan, who had recovered a lot, walked around the ruined temple and didn't find much valuable things. However, she found a more broken pottery jar. The upper part of the pottery jar had disappeared, leaving only the broken lower part. Fortunately, after Gu Lan's inspection, it was still usable. This one must have been discarded.

This broken pottery jar was much larger than the small pottery jar she found before, enough for the mother and son to cook. In fact, she wanted to use the tools in the space, but it was too conspicuous to explain.

Thinking of eating, Gu Lan's stomach rumbled even more.

Since she woke up, she has been adapting to her new identity. She didn't eat anything except a few sips of water. If it weren't for her amazing perseverance, she really couldn't help the hunger in her stomach.

No, I really can't help it. If I don't get something to eat, Gu Lan thinks she might faint again, so she took out a piece of bread from the space to fill it up.

Then, holding the bottom of the pottery jar that she had cleaned, Gu Lan slowly moved towards the ruined temple. Next, it was time to make lunch for her and Little Bun.

Firewood was ready, and there was plenty of it in the ruined temple. After moving a few larger stones, Gu Lan sat the pottery jar on it and found the dry grass that the fire starter lit on her body. Fortunately, the original body usually had to cook, and the fire starter was always with her, otherwise she would really have to use the lighter in the space.

Soon the fire was lit, and Gu Lan took out a dagger from the space and found the smallest radish from the previous package. In order to save water, she omitted the rinsing process and could only peel it with a dagger. After all, there was a lot of dirt on it. Gu Lan was able to endure hardships, but she had no interest in eating dirt.

These skins were eventually collected by Gu Lan and put back into the space. She didn't eat them, but it didn't mean that they couldn't be used. She kept them for now. In such difficult times, waste is shameful.

She peeled the radish into thin slices, grabbed some peeled wheat, and then took out a piece of black bread, tore it into pieces and threw it in. After thinking for a while, she took out a bag of pickled mustard from the space and poured one-third of it in. She took out a bag of salt and pinched a pinch of it in. After finishing, the pickled mustard was taken back to the space, and Gu Lan tore a piece from the most torn clothes and included it in the space, and then wrapped it with a few larger dead leaves, wrapping it tightly.

-Prepare End-