Fragrant Food

As the aroma of food wafted out, Gu Lan found that her stomach growled even louder. The sleeping little bun seemed to smell the aroma of food, and his eyes rolled a few times before slowly opening.

"Mom" The little bun opened his eyes and immediately looked for his mother's figure. He was afraid that his mother had woken up before and was dreaming. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his mother's figure, and then he was attracted by the smell of food and couldn't help saying "It smells so good".

The little bun sat up and found that it was not his illusion. There was really food, and it was made by his mother. The surprised little guy opened his mouth wide, and he didn't even notice that his mother found that he woke up and walked to his side.

"Son, you're awake!" Gu Lan looked at the little bun with maternal love. It was so pitiful for the skinny little guy to encounter this damn world.

"Mom, what is that?" The little bun still couldn't believe it. Maybe he was still dreaming. Only in dreams can he eat enough. In dreams, he and his mother have a lot of food and never go hungry again.

"Silly son" Gu Lan laughed. The little bun didn't know how to hide the emotions on his face, and Gu Lan saw them all.

"That's the food made by mother. Isn't it fragrant?" Gu Lan said gently while touching the little bun's head.

"Yeah, very fragrant" the little bun nodded firmly.

"Aren't you curious about where mother found these foods?" Gu Lan said this deliberately to see the little bun's reaction.

The little bun shook his head firmly, "Not curious."

He didn't care where the food came from. As long as his mother stayed by his side, the little bun would be satisfied.

"Really not curious." Gu Lan continued to walk the little bun.

"Not curious" The little bun hugged Gu Lan, and his little stomach made a gurgling sound, obviously he was very hungry.

The stomachs of the mother and son were like playing music, making the mother and son laugh at the same time.

Gu Lan touched the little bun's slightly large head, and was relieved with a little sadness. This child is too sensible. Perhaps it was the emotional interference of the original owner, Gu Lan easily integrated herself into the role of mother.

"My son is really good, but mother still wants to say that we can't tell anyone about the food we have. This is a secret between us, mother and son, understand?"

Gu Lan had to settle the little bun, although the little bun looked sensible and distressing.

"I know, mother, I won't tell anyone, otherwise our food will be snatched away by others. In the past, my aunt and her family often snatched our things."

As if he remembered the past, the little bun trembled a little, and his eyes became more determined. The child's words made Gu Lan sad again. I don't know how much suffering he had suffered in the past for such a young child to remember.

"You are so good, sit here obediently, mother will bring the food over."

The little bun sat honestly and looked at his mother expectantly.

Gu Lan grabbed two handfuls of dry grass in her hand, put them on the edge of the broken pottery as an insulation pad, and carefully brought it down.

Both mother and son couldn't wait to look at the food in the pottery, and their stomachs growled even more happily.

Looking at the steaming pottery, it was so hot, you couldn't grab it with your hands.

Gu Lan: "Don't worry, son. I'll make a few pairs of chopsticks so we can eat."

"Mom, I won't touch anything."

The little bun hid his hands behind his back and nodded repeatedly. His big black and white eyes stared at Gu Lan without blinking, as if the words "I'm very good" were written in his eyes. Gu Lan feel was so cute looking at these eyes.

"Be good, wait for mother." Gu Lan stood up and walked out of the ruined temple slowly with a staggering step. Fortunately, there were still many dead trees around, and soon Gulan broke off a few branches that were slightly thinner than fingers and returned to the ruined temple.

Then she took out the dagger from his arms, cut the branches into four chopsticks of similar length, quickly peeled the skin and sharpened the front end a little, and then handed one pair to the little bun.

"Eat it" Gulan looked at the little bun gently.

"Well, mother will eat too" the little bun said softly.

"Be good" while talking, the mother and son finally ate the delicious food that made them salivate. When they were half full, the little bun stopped under Gu Lan's interference.

"Son, we were very hungry before, and we can't eat too much now, otherwise our stomachs will hurt." Gu Lan looked at his son seriously and said, pointing to the little bun's stomach. Gu Lan knew this common sense.

Hearing that his stomach would hurt, the little bun immediately dropped the chopsticks in his hand.

"Mom, I don't want to eat anymore." Very well-behaved.

In fact, the little bun was already very satisfied. He had eaten the most since he could remember.

"Good boy" Such a sensible little bun, Gu Lan's nose was sour, and she felt even more distressed for this little person, and now it was her son.

Seeing that there was nearly half of the food left, Gu Lan put the broken clay pot in the corner, found a relatively clean piece of clothing in the package and covered it with it.

After doing all this, Gulan held the little bun and lay on the haystack without moving.

Her body had just begun to recover, and doing this was already her limit. She really didn't want to move.

Her body was too weak and she couldn't leave for a while. It seemed that she had to stay in the ruined temple for a few more days. At least she had to wait until the fever subsided and her body recovered before she could leave. Otherwise, she couldn't protect the little bun and herself, let alone get out of the disaster area.

"Mom, are you feeling unwell?" The little bun raised his dark hand and touched Gulan's forehead. Although he was not very old, his eyes were full of worry.

"Mom, it doesn't seem so hot anymore, but it's still hot." The little bun told her what he found out. He felt that his mother was getting better.

"Yes, son, you are great. You found it after touching Mom. Mom is indeed not as hot as before. She feels better. It will take less than two days for her to get better. Then we can leave here."

With the memories and emotions of the original owner, Gu Lan has completely integrated herself into this role in a short period of time. She is the original body, and the original body is her. The look in her eyes when she looks at the little bun is more and more full of maternal love.

"Well, mom, get better soon."

The little bun didn't care whether he left or not. As long as he was with his mother, he would stay in the broken temple forever, and the little bun felt good.

Just like that, Gu Lan sat on the haystack holding the little bun, talking to her from time to time.

During this time, seeing that the time was almost up, Gu Lan swallowed another special antipyretic medicine. Of course, the medicine was secretly stuffed into her mouth, but the water was drunk in front of the little bun.

"Mom, did you find water?" The little bun was so surprised that he looked at such a small jar of water curiously, and he didn't realize that water was also added to the food they had eaten before.

"Yes! Mom found water, otherwise how could Mom's illness be cured so quickly, and how could I make food for my An An?" Gu Lan gently tapped the tip of the little bun's nose to remind the slow-witted little guy.

"Yes!" The little bun finally reacted, and buried his face in his mother's arms embarrassedly, feeling so stupid. The cute look made Gu Lan laugh again, and she hugged the little bun tighter.

Not long after taking the medicine, Gu Lan sweated again. This time, sweating made her body feel more comfortable, and the soreness in her body was relieved again. Feeling that her strength had recovered a lot, Gulan stood up with the little bun. She couldn't always stay in the dilapidated temple. She was going to take the little bun out for a walk.