Catching Up with Victims Disaster

"My son is really smart. These are bird eggs. I found them on the tree by accident this morning. Do you want to eat them, An'an?"

An'an nodded hurriedly. He wanted to eat them.

"Wait a little longer. It's too hot. I'll give you three later."

"Thank you, mother," the little bun thanked her hurriedly. His eyes narrowed into slits with joy.

"Good boy," Gu Lan smiled as she touched her son's head.

Then she put the dozen quail eggs she had picked out on a piece of tattered clothing that she was not going to wear.

This piece of clothing was so tattered that it could no longer be worn. Fortunately, it was still clean and could still be used to wrap things.

The black dog lying on the side also smelled the fragrance of the rice. Although it looked eager, it did not move. This surprised Gu Lan.

This dog was either trained before or had suffered too many losses and learned to be smart.

Gu Lan took the broken pottery jar down from the fire. Although it was very hot, the extremely hungry mother and son could not care less. They only waited a little and then couldn't wait to eat it.

After eating about 70% full, the mother and son stopped. There was still a large portion of rice left in the broken pottery jar, enough for their meals for the whole day.

During the whole process of eating, although the black dog's eyes revealed desire, he still lay there motionless.

Gu Lan's obedience softened her heart, which reminded her of a wolfhound she once raised, which was equally obedient.

Gu Lan was not a soft-hearted person. If she was soft-hearted, she would not be able to complete the mission. You have to know that she had faced all the vicious criminals.

It was really this black dog that touched a soft spot in her heart. In the end, she picked up the bowl that she had broken and poured most of the bowl into it.

It was impossible to eat enough, but it could temporarily sustain the black dog's life.

Looking at the food placed not far from him, the black dog looked at Gu Lan for a moment, and finally stood up and ate.

An'an took the three bird eggs given to him by his mother and carefully peeled them.

"Mom, you eat." An'an held the first peeled bird egg high in front of his mother.

"Okay, my An'an is awesome!" Gu Lan did not refuse and praised her son. She was not going to let An'an develop the habit of eating alone.

Seeing his mother eating, An'an smiled happily and continued to peel the remaining two bird eggs in his hand.

Holding the two peeled bird eggs, An'an ate them in small bites with a very serious expression, as if eating some delicacies from the mountains and the sea. In fact, they were very common quail eggs, commonly known as bird eggs. This scene made Gulan very sad.

On the other side, the black dog licked most of the bowl of rice clean, cleaner than washing it with water. While the little bun was eating the quail eggs, Gu Lan put out the fire, and when the little guy was not paying attention, she also put the remaining dry firewood she picked up yesterday into the space. The remaining dozen quail eggs were wrapped and stuffed into the arms of the little bun. After wrapping the remaining rice, the mother and son were ready to set off.

Even the bowl that she deliberately knocked was received in the package. After taking a look at the black dog, the mother and son set off again.

After walking for a while, Gu Lan found that the black dog had been hanging far behind.

A few days passed like this. The black dog kept following Gu Lan and her son. Gu Lan couldn't bear it anymore and would give it some food every night.   

Then, he changed from followed them from distance at first to following them at a distance of less than one person behind them.

Although the black dog was still very thin, it was obviously better than when they first met. At least he looked less depressed and the light in his eyes was getting brighter.

In the past few days, Gu Lan and his friends met more and more people on the road, so they were considered to be catching up.

These people walked very slowly, with pale faces and thin bodies, and chapped lips. It was obvious that they had been lacking food and water for a long time.

Although Gu Lan and Little bun had tried their best to restrain themselves, they had never really eaten enough in these days, and they could only drink a few sips of water every day when they were extremely thirsty.

Even so, the mother and son still looked better than these disaster victims, and with a black dog following behind them, they really attracted attention. Fortunately, Gu Lan had foresight and dressed herself as a man, and made herself dirty, which reduced a lot of prying eyes.

Despite this, Gu Lan took Little bun as far away from the crowd as possible and sped up.

If it were Gu Lan herself, she would not be afraid, mainly because she was with Little bun, and the two of them looked easy to bully, so it was better to hurry on.

She didn't want to have a conflict with others, especially since some of them looked at her unkindly, with a predatory look in their eyes. If they hadn't been wearing tattered clothes, they would have been robbed countless times.

The black dog also quickened its pace, following the mother and son closely. Although they were already very fast, they still couldn't overtake the long escape team in front of them in a short time.

The sun was about to set, and night would soon come. After walking for a whole day, with almost no rest in the middle, Gu Lan and Little bun could no longer walk, and had to find a place to rest for the night.

Although they had been focusing on physical exercise during this period, their foundation was too poor before, and they were already very good to be able to hold on until now.

Looking at the area where they stopped, there was no shadow of any village around. With the naked eye, all the edible leaves around were almost picked clean. The only consolation was that the bark of these trees was still there, indicating that the refugees here were indeed much fewer than those in the south, and the situation might be better.

There was a very obvious river not far away, very long and wide. Gu Lan looked at it from a distance and did not see any shadow of water.

Judging from the reaction of the people fleeing famine, the river must have dried up, and the riverbed should have cracked into pieces like the lakes and rivers encountered along the way.

Gu Lan finally stopped under a tree with the little bun. This place is relatively remote, and the tree is relatively thick and can block a lot of sight. Gu Lan must be cautious.

Sitting under the tree with the Little bun, the black dog also lay beside him, vigilantly observing the surroundings.

The mother and son were already thirsty and hungry. With this tree blocking the prying eyes of others, Gu Lan carefully took out three pieces of black bread from the package, threw one piece to the black dog that had been following them, and the mother and son ate the remaining two pieces. Gu Lan has acquiesced to the existence of the dog for so many days, and will also share some food with it, of course, these are all behind people's backs. Now many people have no food to eat, and she doesn't want to increase this hatred value.

After the mother and son finished the black bread in their hands, they quickly took out the can of water. The mother and son each drank a few sips, and finally their throats felt better.

Unless they were extremely thirsty, the mother and son would not drink water along the way. Most of the time, they just endured it. Speaking of this, I have to say that the little bun was so sensible that it made people feel distressed. Even though he was very thirsty, he did not make a fuss about drinking water.

Looking at the hot and tired black dog sticking out his tongue, Gu Lan took out the bowl that he had given the black dog water before, poured half a bowl, and it was licked clean by the black dog in a few moments.

In fact, a piece of bread can't really go far, and Gu Lan's stomach is still hungry.