Disaster Victims

There was nothing that could be done. When the refugees were hungry, Gulan did not dare to eat with Little bun, mainly because she was afraid that they would look too good. You know, people who are extremely hungry can do anything. After eating some food and drinking a few sips of water, Gulan felt much better in her stomach and recovered some of her strength. Seeing that it was not dark yet, she put her sore arms back and prepared to take Little bun to find something to eat. Although the things in the space were enough for her and Little bun to eat for two lifetimes, most of the things in it could not be taken out, at least not until she had fully recovered completely herself and had the ability to protect herself and Little bun. Fortunately, there were still a lot of black bread left, which was dark and less noticeable. Come to think of it, it's really a good thing that I particularly liked to eat whole wheat brown bread for a while.

At that time, I thought that the space and time were still static, so there was no need to worry about the problem of spoilage, so I saved a lot of it in the space regardless.

Although I regretted saving so much later, I am very grateful now. Gulan saw mostly ragged people when she was walking around. Of course, she herself was not much better. She was wearing the clothes of a dead man, and her whole body was covered with patches.

These people were sitting or lying under the trees to rest. They looked like they were not going to leave. Their spirits were not very good. They all looked miserable and hopeless1 with frowns on their brows.

Many people were like her. After a short rest, they stood up again. Their purpose was the same, to find something to eat around.

Everyone was heading towards the inside of the forest. The ground and the trees were all places they would not let go. Gulan couldn't help but sigh. Even if there was food for so many people, it might not be their turn.

Looking into the distance for a while, Gulan was still ready to try her luck at the river not far away. Holding An'an's hand, followed by the big black dog, one big and one small, they walked towards the river.

At the same time, Gulan was not the only one walking in that direction. There were other disaster victims as well. The same thing was that they all looked pale and thin, weak and powerless. Their eyes showed both helplessness and desire for life.


"Mom, I'm hungry..."

"Ni'er, bear with it a little longer. When mom finds food, we'll have food to eat." The young woman's voice was very tired, but she was still comforting her child.

This was the voice of a mother and daughter not far behind Gulan. Although the voice was not loud, it was still very clear to her ears.

Even without looking back, Gulan could imagine the mother and daughter's sorrow.

This damn world really doesn't want people to live!

Gulan couldn't help but complain in her heart again.

Fortunately, there is more green as you go west. The situation here is much better it is than when she was sick in the ruined temple.

Gulan was looking for wild vegetables on the ground seriously, and so was Little bun. Although the situation here was not good, she could still pick a few wild vegetables from time to time, which comforted her a little.

Thanks to the memories of the original body, otherwise Gulan really didn't know what wild vegetables were? I'm afraid she's not even as good as Little bun. Although Little bun is not very old, he does know wild vegetables. He was lucky enough to pick several plants for Gulan, and received a round of praise from Gulan, which made Little bun's eyes light up with joy.

"Mom, I found another one..." The mother and daughter also stepped on some, and their voices were obviously much lighter than before.

Gulan and Little bun also walked to the riverside. The mother and son picked a handful of wild vegetables, which was enough for a meal with other vegetables.

The black dog followed closely behind them throughout the whole process, looking around with vigilant eyes.

Standing on the riverside, looking at the dry and cracked riverbed below, as she expected, there was not a drop of water.

Even so, Gulan wanted to go down and take a look. She was not the only one who had this idea. Other disaster victims had the same idea and wanted to try their luck.

At that time, many people on the river bank had already tried their luck, but they all returned disappointed.

Gulan took her son and carefully went down from the river bank to the bottom of the river. The ground they touched was hard, which showed that the ground had already dried up.

But this was normal, because the place they were standing on was the edge of the riverbed.

What surprised Gulan was that the mother and daughter behind them also followed them down. I hope they can find something. Gulan sighed in her heart.

The mother and daughter carefully walked around them, looking at the black dog with vigilance and fear, obviously afraid of the black dog.

While walking, several people passed Gulan, all with vigilant and inquiring eyes, and tightly protected their baskets, and went to the center of the river in twos and threes.

Not to mention that Gulan was also vigilant against these people, after all, she had a child with her. Gulan carefully led An'An and Da Hei to the less crowded place on the river.

Dahei is the black dog that has been following them these days. Gulan named it Dahei for convenience, which is also a way of accepting it. Although it is an animal, sometimes animals are more reliable than people.

Dahei's eyes have always been vigilantly scanning the people around him. Once someone gets too close, his eyes will become fierce. Having him really reduces some troubles.

The mud at the bottom of the river has dried up and cracked into pieces. Some of them are so wide that you can even put a fist in. It is harder than climbing to the sky to find water here. Most people enter with hope and leave with disappointment. Soon, many people at the bottom of the river disappeared.

Gulan did not leave, but took An'an and Dahei to walk deeper along the river. I always feel unwilling if I don't walk it myself.

Gradually, there are fewer and fewer people at the bottom of the river. In this way, Gulan feels more at ease and doesn't have to be on guard all the time.

"Mom, it's all dry here. Can we find water and food?" An'an kicked the cracked mud under his feet hard.

"Mom doesn't know either, An'an and mom can go look for it together, okay?"

"Yes, An'an and mom will go together," An'an nodded firmly, "and Dahei," the little bun looked at the black dog and added.

"Yes, and Dahei," Gulan smiled, gently touching his son's head.

An'an looked at his mother meekly, enjoying Gulan's touch very much, with dependence in his eyes.

"Let's go, let's walk forward."

"Yes, mom," An'an held his mother's hand tightly, and at the same time did not forget to greet Dahei behind him. He and Dahei have become good friends in the past few days.

Dahei barked at An'an and followed, and his expression did not relax, paying attention to the few people in the river.

Soon, the mother and son gradually walked to the bottom of the river. Gulan, who stopped, felt a little different when she arrived here.

Although the silt here was also cracked, Gulan could still feel that it was not so hard under her feet, and it seemed to have a sense of collapse. The stopped foot stepped on the ground with a little force, and the cracked soil suddenly sank a little more.

Gulan eyebrows was raised and a flash of inspiration came to her mind. This was a river that had just dried up. If she dug down along the soft mud, she might be able to dig out water.