Unexpected Fortune

Looking at her son, Gulan smiled gently. She then sitting on the quilt with him, she took out the spoils she had found before and began to count them.

The only weapons she had were two axe blades worth some money. She put all the other sticks into her space to be used as firewood. Some silver and copper coins were found. It was the first time Gulan had seen real currency since she came to this world. Her original body was really poor and didn't have a single copper coin.

This group of people was quite wealthy, which showed that they had done a lot of evil and robbed a lot before.

Nearly twenty taels of silver were found on the scarred man alone, and all the copper coins on them added up to more than three hundred copper coins.

You wouldn't know until you counted them. Once you counted them, you would be shocked. These silver coins were not a small amount here, and you didn't know how many people they had robbed. She didn't expect that the arrival of these people would make her a small fortune. Gulan's unhappiness instantly decreased a lot, and she immediately put all of them into her space.

Looking at the thick night, patting Dahei curled up beside the quilt to alert it, Gulan hugged her son and went to sleep.

There was still some time before dawn, so she could take a nap. Because of her special profession, Gulan had already mastered the skill of being able to fall asleep at any time. The moment she lay down, she fell into a deep sleep. After all, with her current physique, she was really tired after walking all day. She slept until the early morning before opening her eyes. Looking at the still gray sky, Gulan stretched and sat up. Hearing the movement, Dahei also sat up, shaking his tail and approaching his new owner to express his affection.

The reed marsh was very quiet, perhaps because it was far away from the crowd. In the barren places, even birds are much less than before.

But it's not that there are none. Occasionally, you can still see a few skinny birds flying over your head. Whenever this happens, Gulan wants to keep them, but it's a pity that the little things are too fast and disappear in a flash. She can only regret it in her heart.

AnAn was still sleeping soundly. Gulan got up carefully and told Dahei to take good care of her son. She went to the other side of the reed marsh to solve the irreversible physiological needs of her body.

Then she brushed her teeth. She had to brush them. She hadn't brushed them for two days. Gulan felt her mouth stink!

Then, while AnAn was still asleep, she added some food and took out more than a dozen quail eggs. Both she and her son needed nutrition.

Fortunately, she could secretly replenish nutrition from the space when her son was asleep, otherwise she couldn't recover so quickly. But her son couldn't. The quail eggs in the space were his only way to replenish nutrition. This was not a mountain forest. It was impossible to catch a pheasant or a hare. She looked at the sleeping little bun with an apology, because she had to eat alone again.

Gulan took out an egg, a box of milk, and a sausage and ate them. In order to better protect the little bun and herself, she had to restore her body to its peak state as soon as possible.

During this period, Dahei also little confused, and his excited tail shook out a residual image.

Afraid that AnAn would wake up, Gulan ate very quickly. After cleaning up the mess and stretching her arms and legs a little, she stopped and started to prepare food.

She looked at the disaster victims in the distance, frowned slightly and decided to prepare more food to avoid making her cooking too conspicuous. Seeing that it would take some time for her son to wake up, Gulan had already decided what to cook.

First, wash the wild vegetables from last night and drain the water. Then, take out the white flour, corn flour and bean flour from the space and mix them. In order to avoid making eyes, the proportion of bean flour should be higher. She prepared to make coarse grain vegetable cakes. Of course, milk, eggs and yeast are also indispensable for a better taste.

Doing these things was not difficult for her. It only took a moment for the dough to be kneaded and put aside to rise.

During the rising period, for the safety of cooking, Gulan swept the reeds around her again, cleared a large space, and collected a pile of firewood.

The surprise was that when she was sweeping the reeds, she unexpectedly harvested two nests of wild duck eggs, a total of seven eggs, which really excited Gulan. It looked like there was no one here, so they must have slipped through the net, but she didn't know if they were bad or not.

When Gulan started the fire and started to make vegetable cakes, the sky had begun to brighten. In order to speed up, Gulan took out a large iron pot from the space, and put the first few pots into the space. She calculated the time and changed the iron pot to a pottery pot when her son was about to wake up, and then carefully put away the mattress under her son and the quilt on his body.

After all the cakes were made, she filled a water bag with water, boiled the wild duck eggs, and used the pottery pot that was previously filled with water to boil a pot of clam meat porridge. After An An rubbed his eyes and sat up, the first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to look for his mother. When he saw Gulan, he called softly, and the cute little appearance made Gulan's heart melt.

"Mom, I want to relieve myself," AnAn said a little anxiously.

Gulan looked at her son with his legs clamped together, and he seemed to be really anxious.

"Go ahead, don't go too far, just next to it." Then asked Dahei to accompany An'an.

After AnAn relieved himself, he noticed that the environment was different from when he went to bed. Confused, the little guy ran to Gulan's side.

"Mom, why did we change places?"

Gulan, who was packing up the rags, stopped what she was doing, looked back at the little bun, and said, "After you fell asleep, mom felt that it was not safe there, so she found a new place." She was not going to mention the attack at night.

"Oh" AnAn looked around and found that it was indeed better than the place last night. He immediately put this question behind his mind and then focused on the fire. He and Dahei squatted neatly beside the fire, looking at the pottery jar on the fire, their eyes were exactly the same as they were eager for food, and Gulan couldn't help laughing.

"Hungry..." After packing up the package and tying up the dry grass and throwing it into the basket, Gulan came to his son and touched the little guy's head. The touch was much better than when she first arrived. He had finally grown some flesh and his hair had some luster. Gulan felt a little comforted.

"Hmm," AnAn nodded to his mother and his stomach growling in a very appropriate way. He was indeed very hungry. Gulan held back her laughter and opened the pottery jar covered by several sticks and clam shells to reveal the wild duck eggs inside. It was almost cooked. The wild duck eggs were all good. The one that Gulan broke had been put into the space.

The appearance of the wild duck eggs made the little bun unable to remain calm. He looked at Gulan in surprise, "Mom, wild duck eggs?"

"Yes," Gulan smiled.

"Mom, where did you get them..." AnAn couldn't help asking out loud when he was happy, but he regretted it after he opened his mouth. He vaguely felt that his mother had a secret that he shouldn't ask.

Gulan looked at the reeds around him, "Mom picked it up in front of here."

The little bun followed his mother's gaze to the reeds around him. He had a good memory and immediately remembered that he had seen wild duck eggs in the reed marsh in the village before. Thinking of this, his eyes lit up and he didn't care about being hungry or the cooked wild duck eggs. He stood up and got into the dense reeds, and Dahei followed him in. With Dahei around, Gulan didn't worry. This kid wouldn't give up unless he went to look for him himself. If he couldn't find it, he would come back. Gulan didn't care about him and took the wild duck eggs down by herself. The clam porridge was still a little bit cooked.