
The entire area of ​​the reeds is really not small, about two acres of land. AnAn and Dahei disappeared instantly, except for the faint swaying reeds. With Dahei around and his mother close, AnAn was not afraid. He kept shuttling through the reeds that were much taller than him, searching the ground with a pair of clever eyes, thinking about wild duck eggs.

Perhaps the desire in his heart was too strong, and the little guy really found a nest of wild duck eggs by chance, only three at most. Unfortunately, nothing was found in the subsequent search, but this was enough to make the little guy excited. With a red face, he ran to his mother in the middle of the reed marsh with three wild duck eggs.

At this time, Gulan was using the shovel in the space to shovel the soil to put out the fire. It was impossible to put it out with water, after all, water was so precious at this time.

"Mom... Mom" ​​Gulan looked at the shovel in her hand, and then looked at his son who was about to run to her. Well, it was too late to put it into the space.

"Mom, I found three too." AnAn excitedly held up the wild duck eggs in his hand to show his mother.

"Really? My son is awesome!" Gulan put down the shovel in her hand and took the wild duck eggs from her son's hand, praising him with a surprised smile. She didn't expect there were still some.

"Yeah," AnAn smiled even brighter after being praised by her mother. "Mom, are you putting out the fire?" As he spoke, his eyes lit up and he shifted his gaze to the pottery jar on the side. Now that the fire was out, it was time to eat. He subconsciously touched his rumbling stomach. He was so hungry.

"Hey..." AnAn picked up the small shovel on the ground.

"Be careful, don't hurt yourself."

Gulan had to remind her son that this thing was still very sharp. It looked like a shovel, but it was actually a special tool that could be used as a weapon. Both sides of the shovel were sharpened, and if you accidentally touched it, you would bleed.

AnAn felt his mother's worry and nodded quickly. He took the shovel handle with his little hand and took some effort to lift it up.

It doesn't look big, but it's really heavy. AnAn looked at his mother in confusion, "Mom, what's so heavy?"

Gulan squatted down and looked at her son and said softly, "This is a small shovel, very sharp." She pointed to the sides of the shovel and asked her son to take a closer look, "See, are the sides very sharp? Don't touch yourself, otherwise you will definitely get hurt."

In order to be more convincing, Gulan took the shovel and casually cut a fire stick next to her. The stick was instantly broken in two, which made AnAn's eyes widen.

He opened his mouth and looked at the shovel in his mother's hand in disbelief. This was... too sharp. The stick, which was half the thickness of his arm, broke in an instant. AnAn picked up the broken stick. Although he didn't understand it very well, he could see that the broken end was very neat.

He vaguely knew that this was a good thing. He didn't know where his mother got this thing from, but he felt that his mother had become very powerful since she woke up from her illness. AnAn looked at his mother with admiration. The admiring eyes made Gulan, who had been waiting for his son to ask questions, a little strange.

"AnAn, don't you ask mom where this came from?"

AnAn shook his head and looked at his mother in confusion, "Why should I ask." In his eyes, his mother is now omnipotent, so what's so strange about having an extra shovel.

Gulan: "..."

She forgot that the child is still young and can't think about these issues yet, and she was really worried.

"It's okay, mom is just asking for fun, you must be hungry," Gulan changed the subject.


"Then let's eat," Gulan found her homemade wooden chopsticks and handed them to her son along with two cooked wild duck eggs, "Be careful of the heat," she warned him worriedly.

"It's not hot, mom, you eat it," he was about to hand over the wild duck eggs in his hand, but was stopped by Gulan, "Mom has more, you eat it," and then poured two servings of porridge with the clam shells left over from last night.   

Looking at the clam shells, Gulan felt that if she had time, she would really try to carve wooden bowls and spoons. Fortunately, this thing should not be difficult, and Gulan felt that she could do it.

On the other side, hundreds of people gathered at dawn under the river, and the number was still increasing.

They all heard that river clams and snails could be found here, so they swarmed over. Many families, except for those who stayed behind, almost all went there. Everyone opened their eyes and carefully searched in the cracks.

Soon, the entire bottom of the river was almost turned over, and most of them returned empty-handed. Only a few who were lucky enough found a few, and they hid them secretly on their bodies. When food was extremely scarce, no one would be stupid enough to expose that they had found good things.

When Gulan and her son finished their meal, packed up their things, walked out of the reeds and arrived at the official road not far from the river, they were shocked by what they saw.

There were many people at the bottom of the river. Although they were not as crowded as the others, they were not far behind. These thin and ragged victims were searching quickly at the bottom of the river, using shovels and hoes. They all wanted to find more food before leaving. No one wanted to die on the way before reaching their destination.

But ideals are often good, but reality is helpless. There are so many people and how many clams can be divided. Most of them are in vain, but even so, they don't want to miss every opportunity.

Gulan sighed, all for survival. After watching for a while, Gulan with a heavy heart, prepared to leave with his son. It was just right to take advantage of the small number of people and the less trouble.

As soon as she turned around, a scream of "there is water" sounded, causing Gulan to stop and turn around. These two words instantly caused a sensation, and a group of people rushed to a place surrounded by people in a hurry.

They had not found a water source for many days. Many people were in urgent need of water and some were even short of water. They couldn't control themselves when they heard that there was water.

Judging from the direction, it should be the area she wanted to dig yesterday evening. Unexpectedly, water was really dug out.

"There is really water," someone shouted again.

Although the water only came out a little, it was enough to make them happy. The crowd exploded instantly. Those holding shovels continued to dig down regardless of whether they knew each other or not. Some chose to dig nearby, maybe they could also dig out water.

When the pit was dug to a certain depth, although Gulan was far away, she could tell from their voices and actions that the amount of water coming out was getting bigger and bigger. Many people hurried back to get tools to hold water. It was only when these people came back that they found that the water source had been surrounded by a large group of people. Gulan was not surprised at all about this. This was human nature.

Then Gulan witnessed the biggest conflict between the refugees on the road of fleeing famine since coming to this world. Gulan was not going to watch it. The result was already very clear. Even if the group that surrounded the water source looked large and powerful, it was not as many as the refugees who were eager to get water.

"AnAn, let's go." Gulan whispered to her son and called Dahei to mix into the crowd of refugees.

Not everyone was willing to risk their lives. When the fight broke out, many people had already packed up their belongings and were on their way, fearing that they would be innocently affected.