
Gulan's expression became more and more solemn, and the feeling of uneasiness in her heart became stronger and stronger, as if something was going to happen.

She held her son's hand tightly, ready to pick him up immediately if something went wrong, but she hoped that she was overthinking, and the sound of horse hooves was just passers-by.

Often what people fear will come true. As the sound of horse hooves approached, the disaster victims who were resting on the official road shouted that the robbers were coming and began to flee in panic. Some ran directly along the official road, and some ran to the fields below. The same thing was extreme fear and panic.

Gulan immediately put the package basket on his back and picked up his son. Li Da quickly asked his parents to get on the cart and stuffed the younger children into the cart. The men carried the packages and pulled their women, driving the mule cart along the path in the field and ran quickly. While running, Li Da did not forget to call Gulan, and Gulan followed closely. Almost everyone ran along the path in the field subconsciously. For a while, the fields on both sides of the official road were full of people.

At this time, the robbers swarmed in and chased after them on horseback.

Gulan, who was running and checking, saw that there were several horses leading the way, followed by two carriages, which were full of people, all holding weapons and looking ferocious. The moment the carriage stopped, the people on the carriage rushed towards the victims who were fleeing in a hurry with weapons in their hands. They were really robbers. The people on the horse rushed to the fields, forcing the fleeing people to stop with arrogant shouts.

I'm afraid it won't end well today, Gulan had this thought in his mind. If the victims could form a group to resist the bandits together, as long as they were not afraid of death, they could crush them in terms of numbers alone.

Unfortunately, these were just Gulan's thoughts. It was almost impossible to happen in reality. There were people who were not afraid of death, but there were more people who were afraid of death.

The victims who were caught up mostly chose to compromise in the face of the shining swords. They squatted on the ground motionless according to the instructions of the bandits, fearing that the bandits' swords would greet them.

Those who didn't want to compromise were beaten or chopped to the ground. Not only were they injured, but their limited food and water, and even their few possessions, were also robbed. The entire Lijia Village ran along the field path, led by Li Da, who was the first to react, and headed deep into the path.

  Perhaps because the few carts in Lijia Village were too conspicuous, the robbers who were chasing them actually split three horses and chased them in this direction.

Li Da, who was driving the mule cart, looked at the robbers running towards them from a distance, and shouted at the people behind him at the top of his voice, "Hurry up!" At the same time, he whipped the mule hard with the long whip in his hand, his face pale with defeat.

But the effect was minimal. The mule was strong and had good endurance, but its speed was no match for the horse, not to mention that there was a cart full of things behind it.

Although everyone tried their best, they were still quickly caught up by the robbers behind them. They crossed the field and blocked Li Da's mule cart.

Instantly the whole team was in chaos, except for the people in Lijia Village who were relatively well off. The other victims who fled in this direction quickly turned around and fled in another direction.

At this time, Li Da was forced to stop the mule cart. The brothers of the Li family, including the strong laborers of Lijia Village, immediately surrounded the old and weak in the village, holding sticks or farm tools and confronting the three people.

Lijia Village has always been relatively united. Under the leadership of the village chief and the ancestors, the cohesion is very good. Before fleeing the famine, certain arrangements were made for various problems.

It was also because of this that they escaped from the banditry half a month ago. Although many people were injured, fortunately no one was left behind and their lives were not in danger.

Because Gulan was holding a child, she was also subconsciously classified as the old and weak, and ranked in the second tier. The middle ones were the elderly and children. In fact, there were not many elderly people in Lijia Village, only about ten people.

It was not surprising to see old people when people fled from famine, but as time went by and the days of fleeing from famine became more and more difficult, many old people died on the road because they had less food and less water. There were almost no old people alive in Lijia Village, which was very difficult.

This was also due to the unity of the people in Lijia Village. Almost subconsciously, at the moment of danger, all the young and middle-aged people in Lijia Village faced the danger voluntarily, which touched Gulan a lot.

The dagger appeared in her hand, ready to attack at any time. She glanced at her son in her arms. Although she wanted to hold him in her arms, it was not a wise choice to hold her son in her arms if the danger really came. It was possible that her son would be injured.

Thinking about it, in order to prevent accidents, Gulan quickly took out a dime and stuffed it into her son's clothes, and stuffed a few cakes and two wild duck eggs into the package containing clothes. The boy couldn't carry more.

In a low voice, he told her son, "AnAn, I will send you to Grandpa Li and Grandma Li later. Dahei will be there to protect you. You must stay close to Grandma Li, okay? Dad is going to beat the bad guys and will be back soon."

"Dad..." AnAn looked at Gulan anxiously, and was very scared. The little hands holding Gulan's clothes turned white because of the force.

"Don't be afraid, Dad is very powerful. Have you forgotten the martial arts that Dad taught you?"

"No," AnAn shook his head.

"AnAn is great," Gulan praised while holding AnAn and squeezed next to Uncle Li and Aunt Li.

When he saw Gulan put An'an next to her, Uncle Li, who was still calm, instantly understood what Gulan meant. He wanted to persuade him to stay in the crowd, but looking at the men outside, he selfishly didn't say this sentence in the end. One more person always means more strength. He sighed in his heart and said without waiting for Gulan to speak, "Don't worry, I will take good care of AnAn." He held AnAn's hand tightly and made his promise.

"Thank you," Gulan said and then told Dahei to protect the little master, "AnAn, follow grandpa, dad will be back soon."

Then she put the package across AnAn and reached into the package to take out a mini crossbow and ten crossbow arrows from the space. These were all bought by her abroad during her travels.

Although she can get these things in China because of her special profession, it is not impossible to buy them if she wants, but it is indeed very troublesome, while there is no such problem abroad,become a hobby. If she doesn't touch it for a long time, her hands will itch.

However, before she died, she did collect a few rifles in the space, but she didn't plan to take out the guns unless it was absolutely necessary. Although the crossbow in her hand was also very conspicuous, it was much more low-key than a gun. The fight had already started outside, and the screams of pain could be heard from time to time in the crowd. Gulan walked while loading crossbows, and at the same time, the dagger in her other hand was tightly grasped.

Gulan was very fast, passing through the crowd and appearing at the periphery almost instantly. At that time, Li Da and several young villagers were chopped to the ground. Several other strong men led by Li Er were rushing forward, preparing to wear down the three robbers with a round-robin battle, waiting for an opportunity.