
Gulan did not dare to delay, and ran to the side of the fallen Li Da with a few big strides. She took a look at the wounds. Fortunately, except for one person who was relatively seriously injured, the others were not injured.

"Gulan, what are you doing here? Don't forget that you have a son." Li Da was a little anxious when he saw that it was Gulan who helped him up.

This kid is too reckless. His situation is different from theirs. What if there is really something wrong? Then he will really become an orphan. It is really difficult for orphans to survive on the road of fleeing famine.

"Brother Li is fine, I know it." Gulan said as she looked at the bandits who stomped Li Erge to the ground.

Although they have half the number of people than the bandits, they are just dealers after all. They have not really learned a single move. How can they beat the bandits who live on the edge of a knife and carry sharp weapons with their brute force and blood?

First of all, they are already inferior in momentum. Once they are afraid, the situation of the battle is almost foreseeable.

Several people were about to collapse, and they were even more flustered in order to avoid the opponent's swords during the fight. Seeing that the sword was about to hit Li Erge's back, Gulan moved.

In such a short moment, Gulan had already figured it out. These three bandits looked very powerful but this was only for the inexperienced men, who only knew a few tricks. But for Gulan, who could be said to have been through hundreds of battles, she was still confident that she could deal with them.

It just so happened that she was also lacking a means of transportation. She took a fancy to the horses of these three people and accepted them with a smile.

In order to end the battle as soon as possible, Gulan decisively used the treasure clothes. With the blessing of the power of the treasure clothes, she didn't even need to use the crossbow, which was stored in Gulan's space. Almost in the blink of an eye, Gulan appeared next to the three bandits. This speed... Li Da, who was about to say something, was shocked. Then his eyes widened and mouth opened. They could not deal with the three bandits with the combined strength of almost the whole village. Gulan knocked down the three bandits with three punches and two kicks, which stunned everyone.

Gulan suddenly appeared in the middle of the bandits. Before everyone could react, he turned around and kicked the bandit who was swinging his knife at Li Er. The seemingly light kick not only made the bandit's knife fly into the sky. The bearded bandit's arm was bent behind him in an extremely twisted posture. At the same time, under this momentum, he flew several meters away, hit the ground heavily, vomited blood, and lost consciousness.

The other two bandits were shocked when they saw this and were able to kick their brothers unconscious on the ground, however their boss couldn't do that. In a panic, they didn't care about the villagers in front of them, and instinctively rushed towards Gulan with a knife.

They wanted to deal with this kid who suddenly came out by encircling him. In an instant, the three of them fought together. The seemingly ruthless and experienced bandits were nothing to the truly experienced Gulan.

Gulan dodged the flying machete and rolled up. She stomped her feet at the lower limbs of the two bandits, and heard two cracking sounds. As Gulan rolled away, the two fell to the ground together. One of them had a bad posture and landed on his mouth first. He lost consciousness without even a cry of pain under the double blow. The other one was not so lucky. He tried to stand up while holding his legs in pain, but was kicked by Gulan again and flew out.

The whole process was almost completed in an instant. When Li Da and the others reacted, all three fell to the ground and lost consciousness. Li Da and the others looked at Gulan in disbelief. It should be said that all the young and strong men in Lijia Village looked at Gulan in disbelief. In their opinion, the difficult battle ended just like that, just like the time to refill a cup of tea.

The battle happened suddenly and ended suddenly, so that the three bandits fell down without even having time to signal their brothers, which directly bought time for Gulan and the entire Lijia Village to leave.

Then Gulan grabbed an unconscious bandit with one hand and threw them into the ditch beside the field. Before throwing them into the ditch, she suddenly thought of something and touched the two bandits. She really found two money bags and accepted them with a smile.

When she was about to pull the third person, Li Erge had already dragged someone over and imitated Gulan's way of touching the man. He also found a money bag and handed it to Gulan without hesitation. For him, the person was Gulan's, so the war items were naturally his. Then he imitated Gulan and threw the people in. By the way, he threw a few handfuls of weeds from the ditch on them. A little cover could also delay more time.

Then needless to say, everyone did not dare to delay the quick action for a moment, and arranged the wounded as much as possible on the cart. When Gulan took the things on his son's back and sat on the horse under the surprised eyes of Li Laohan, everyone started to start quickly.

Li Er and Li San led two other horses, each with two injured people sitting on them. Although these horses had changed owners, they were still very docile and followed them obediently.

The group continued to flee deep into the fields, not daring to delay for a moment, and the longer they could run before the bandits found anything unusual. Since the fields were full of disaster victims, Gulan and his group were not too eye-catching, and they successfully ran out of this area.

Following the path in the field to the deep, when the bandits found that three people were missing and found where they were unconscious, the group of people from Lijia Village had disappeared in the field.

When the leader of the robbers came here and saw the third, fourth, and fifth brothers who had been carried out of the ditch and were seriously injured, he frowned and shouted fiercely, "Who did it?"

Unfortunately, except for the three people in a coma, no one could answer him, which made him furious, and Gulan and his group had successfully left here and appeared on a path a few miles away. The people of Lijia Village escaped again.

They dared not walk on the official road for the time being. They injured three people and lost three horses. This group of people must be unwilling to give up. There is a high probability that they will chase along the official road. In the short term, they can only take the small road. As long as they grasp the general direction, it will be safer besides taking more detours.

After running for several miles in a row, everyone dared to relax a little and slow down. The extremely fast journey made everyone breathe rapidly and flushed. They really couldn't walk anymore. At the call of the village chief, everyone sat on the ground and finally took a breath. After drinking some water, they finally felt better.

Thinking of the thrilling scene before, they were still a little horrified. Fortunately, Li Da's distant cousin helped, otherwise the result would be unknown.

This group of bandits was obviously much more powerful than the ones they had encountered before. Not only did they ride horses, but they also carried cold swords. If they chopped them down, they would definitely see blood.

For a moment, everyone was full of gratitude to Gulan, and they all looked at Gulan surrounded by Li Da with kindness.

The wound on Li Da's body only looked scary, but in fact it was not deep, and he had already applied medicine. He instinctively avoided the knife when it came, otherwise he would not have had the strength to surround Gulan. Gulan was feeding her son water at the moment, completely ignoring the admiring eyes of Li Da and the others. Nothing was more important than her son's heart now. Although the boy stayed beside Uncle Li obediently, he was very worried and scared.