Thank You

When the battle just ended, Gulan took her son from Uncle Li, she could clearly feel her son's tense body trembling slightly, and she saw that he held her tightly. The little guy has just calmed down a little and snuggled in Gulan's arms.

"Don't be afraid, you have to believe that your mother... your father will not abandon you." Gulan was so concerned that she almost let the cat out of the bag.

After all, the child was young and had never experienced such a battle. Even adults had not experienced it many times. It was already very impressive to be able to hold back tears. For example, Goudan had cried several times and fell asleep in his mother's arms. AnAn snuggled in his mother's arms and felt the unique warmth of his mother. The previous fear had slowly disappeared. As long as his mother was by his side, he could feel unlimited courage.

Li Da and the others watched Gulan only cared how to coax her son and completely ignored them. They could only wait helplessly by the side. Their curiosity about Gulan was like a rolling river.

There were so many people who were curious that they didn't know how to ask, and they were hesitant to ask. After all, it was one thing for them to speak out about other people's privacy, and it was another thing for them to ask out of curiosity.

When she felt that her son's body was completely relaxed and his expression returned to normal, Gulan let her son sit next to Dahei and looked at the several pairs of eyes that had been staring at her.

There was curiosity, disbelief, gratitude, admiration and worship in these eyes, and they were shocked by the scene of her action.

Gulan looked back at the owners of the several pairs of eyes with a cold gaze. Facing these intimidating big eyes, it was Li Da and the others who looked away first.

I had never noticed before that Gulan's eyes were so big, even their wives' eyes were not so beautiful. The most important thing was that these eyes were like a deep pool, so deep and silent, making people a little afraid to look directly at them.

After receiving hints from several younger brothers, Li Da coughed lightly and was finally ready to speak.

"Gulan, thank you for saving so many of us." Li Da thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, when facing the bandits, Li Da had no confidence at all. He could only fight the bandits with brute force. He wanted to rush out with the human wave tactics. As long as his parents and family could rush out, he was ready to stay. To be honest, at the moment of escaping, he was still in shock. He couldn't believe that except for the injured, they were all there.

"It's nothing. Am I not your distant relative? It's my duty to help. Besides, I'm helping myself. No need to say thank you." Gulan smiled lightly.

Relatives are fake relatives, but outsiders don't know?

"Yes, we are relatives." Li Da's face immediately bloomed with joy because of this sentence. Somehow, a sense of pride arose in his heart. In other words, the hero who saved their entire village was his distant younger brother. How could he not be proud and proud? He inexplicably felt a sense of honor.

At this moment, he completely forgot that this was just a relative declared by his father to the outside world, not a real relative. Li Er and his brothers also followed their eldest brother in their joy. They were all rough people. Regardless of whether Gulan was their relative or not, they were ready to treat him as a relative in their hearts. After all, saving a life was like giving birth to a new life.

If Gulan was a selfish person, he would have had time to leave before the bandits arrived. With his ability, he could have protected his son. This alone was worthy of their admiration. As a result, the brothers were so busy being happy that they didn't ask the questions they wanted to ask. When the excitement died down, the village chief and two elders came over and ran straight to Gulan who was surrounded by them.

The three old men looked at the young man who saved them, their faces full of grateful smiles. Village chief Li was so excited that he opened his mouth to express his gratitude.

"Thank you, thank you, brave warrior, you saved our entire village." At this point, Village Chief Li's eyes were filled with tears of excitement.   

Then he said, "I'm sorry, I'm a little excited. The warrior may not know who we are. I am the village chief of Lijia Village. These two are our elders. We are here on behalf of the whole village to thank the warrior for his bravery. The situation today is so dangerous. If there were no warriors... the warriors are the lifesavers of our whole village." When talking about danger, the village chief couldn't help but get excited again, and he saluted Gulan while speaking.

Not only that, but he also saluted Gulan with the two elders, but was stopped by Gulan in time. It was also because she was quick, otherwise she might not be able to stop the three elders at once.

Their age is not much different from her before the accident, but her current physical age is only about 20 years old at most, so she dare not accept the salute from the village chief and the elders.

She said hurriedly: "The village chief is in a serious situation. I often hear my uncle say that the village chief and the villagers usually take good care of my uncle's family. My uncle treats us father and son as his own children. Now that something has happened, Gulan dare not stand by and watch. It is not only to save you, but also to save herself." Dealing with people is really not what Gulan is good at. Fighting is okay. After saying these few words, Gulan felt that a lot of brain cells died. However, looking at herself in this way, she still has a little emotional intelligence, not like the female man her colleagues said.

Gulan's words not only made the village chief feel comfortable, but also made Li Laohan and others feel relieved.

"That being said, it is also a heroic act. Not everyone can do it at this time. Anyway, thank you."

Originally, he thought that today would not end well. He thought that whoever could escape would be the best. He was ready to lose his life here. Unexpectedly, the situation took a turn. This distant nephew of Jianghe's family was so powerful. Fortunately, Jianghe met this nephew. At this moment, the village chief was extremely grateful.

"Uncle village chief, my brother's surname is Gu, you can just call him Gulan." Li Da couldn't help but interrupt when he heard the uncle village chief calling the warrior, with a little pride in his tone.

"Look at how proud you are, I know it's your brother." The village chief laughed at Li Da, then looked at Gulan and said with a smile: "Then I will ask you to call me Gulan." Gulan smiled and naturally agreed.

"Good, he is a good young man." The village chief nodded, and then saw the little guy standing next to Gulan, his eyes full of love.

"This is your son right?, he looks so handsome." The village chief praised, not out of politeness, he really felt that the child was well raised by his father.

Although the child is not fat, he is not as skinny as they have seen many times, and the child is in good spirits.

When parents love to hear others praise their children, Gulan is no exception. She smiled and said, "The village chief praised you, how can a child tell if it's good or not?" Then she looked at her son and said softly, "AnAn, say hello to the village chief and the two elders."

AnAn looked at his mother and saw the encouragement in her eyes. The little guy took a step forward and saluted while speaking.

"Hello, village chief, hello, two elders."

Gulan was very pleased with AnAn's performance. Under her deliberate guidance during this period, her son has become much braver than before, and he is getting farther and farther away from the timid and timid little guy in the original owner's memory.

"Your name is AnAn!"

AnAn nodded a little shyly, but still insisted on looking at the village chief.

"AnAn is also good," the village chief said lovingly.

"Thank you, village chief," the little guy said thank you in a crisp voice.

The child's childish thanks made the village chief laugh happily. He touched the little guy's head and didn't stay for long. After saying a few words to Old Man Li, he and the two elders returned to their resting place.