At The Mountain Foot

They also had to quickly recuperate at the mountain foot. They couldn't rest for long, as they still had to hurry on. After the village chief left, the Li brothers wanted to get close to Gulan, but were called over by the old man Li, who told them not to disturb Gulan's rest.

Just as everyone was resting, some refugees appeared one after another from the back of the trail. Although they were a little embarrassed, they had escaped and didn't lose much of their belongings. The people in Lijia Village looked at the refugees who were as embarrassed as before, and couldn't help but sigh at their luck.

Similarly, the people in the back also saw the crowds of people sitting on the ground in front to rest. Before, they were busy escaping, and they had to endure even if they were in pain. Now, seeing the resting crowd, they completely relaxed and couldn't bear it anymore.

Some of them recognized that they were acquaintances. An old man, accompanied by two young men, staggered to the resting place where the village chief of Lijia Village was.

"Village Chief Li, it's great to see you." The old man sighed as soon as he saw them.

"Village Chief Zhao?" Li Yan was also very happy to see the newcomers, and couldn't help but pat the other person on the shoulder.

Unexpectedly, Village Chief Zhao stumbled and almost fell, and was supported by the young man who was traveling with him.

Li Yan also hurried over to help him, "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"It's okay, I was just busy on the road and a little exhausted, it will be fine after a while." Village Chief Zhao shook his head.

Li Yan quickly helped Village Chief Zhao sit on the ground, asked his son for a water bag, poured half a bowl of water and handed it to Village Chief Zhao.

"How can this be done?"

"Drink it"

"Thank you, brother." Village Chief Zhao was really thirsty, and saw that Village Chief Li Yan didn't want to rest for a moment and came over.

After drinking the water, his throat felt much better, and after a few seconds, Village Chief Zhao looked at Village Chief Li embarrassedly.

"Okay, don't be embarrassed." Village Chief Li raised his hand and put it down again, subconsciously wanting to take a look of Village Chief Zhao, thinking about this guy's performance just now, he finally stopped.

"Is your village okay?" Village Chief Li said with concern.

"Some of them escaped, but the others were lost. Sigh..."

"No matter what, it's good to save your life. There is still a long way to go in this world. As the village chief, you must hold on and lead everyone out of the predicament."

"I want too. It's a pity that the people in our village are not united, not to mention now, alas!" With a sigh, Village Chief Zhao looked at Village Chief Li with envy.

Although their Lijia Village is small, their hearts have always been united. This is why they are so united after fleeing famine for several months. To be honest, he is not qualified as a village chief. His level and lacks the ability and authority.

Then he looked at Village Chief Li Yan with some embarrassment, "Brother Li, I want to discuss something with you."

Since Brother Li was called, it seems that there is really something. Village Chief Li glanced at the people resting in the distance and seemed to understand something, "are you being too formal? Tell me."

"There are not many people left in our village now. I want to follow your village and leave together. Do you think it's okay?"

Village Chief Zhao looked at Village Chief Li nervously. He made this request. To put it bluntly, he was impressed by the ability of Lijia Village and wanted to seek protection. Village Chief Li Yan also understood his idea, but he didn't want to join Lijia Village by following their village.

To be honest, if he really wanted to join Lijia Village, Village Chief Li would be in a dilemma. It's not that they are xenophobic, but mainly because the villagers of Xishan Village are not united, and he dare not bring these uneasy factors into Lijia Village.

Just following behind, Village Chief Li nodded and agreed after a little consideration.

The goal was achieved, Village Chief Zhao breathed a sigh of relief and smiled with relief.

After thanking Village Chief Li, he and his two sons returned to their own village for fear of delaying Village Chief Li's rest, and announced to the remaining villagers that they would follow Lijia Village in the future. However, everyone's reaction was not big, most of them have not recovered from the previous shock.

There were some scattered refugees around them, and everyone's face was full of lingering fear. Originally, Lijia Village was going to prepare to set off after a break, but because of the situation in Xishan Village, they decided to wait a little longer. They came late, panting and obviously not yet recovered. Since they agreed, they naturally have to be more humane.

After about two quarters of an hour, Village Chief Li saw that everyone had almost recovered, and shouted for the villagers to pack up their things and prepare to set off. At once, everyone moved, including the scattered people far away from them. It is always safer to walk together.

Gulan stood up holding her son. She wanted to continue holding her son and riding a horse, but was stopped by Aunt Li, and AnAn was held by her on the mule cart. Gulan did not refuse. Compared with horseback, it is more comfortable to be on the cart.

As for the trophy horses, Gulan had dealt with the bandits, so the three horses were naturally under Gulan's control and belonged to her. No one in Lijia Village was jealous, and they were grateful for saving the whole village.

Gulan had one horse, and the other two were temporarily used by two seriously injured people. For safety, someone led them in front.

No one wondered why Gulan could ride a horse.They thought riding a horse was not much different from riding a mule. In this way, the team set off.

Dahei followed the mule cart at Gulan's instruction to protect AnAn. Because of riding a horse, Gulan could not get too close to the mule cart, so she only followed it from the outside.

Looking at her son on the mule cart, she thought that if conditions allowed, she would definitely get a cart, so that she would not have to be separated from her son.

The team walked on the field path all afternoon. The speed was slow, but they had walked more than 20 miles, and everyone's mood was slightly stable.

The bandits should not chase them again from such a distance. The team stopped before dusk, at the foot of a mountain.

There are endless green mountains here. Even if you hold on for a while longer, you can't get out of this mountainous area. You can just rest in the forest below the mountain.

It took a lot of detours to get here, but it's not too far from Chicheng. I just hope that the situation in Chicheng is better, and I hope it can accept the victims and let them settle down.

As soon as we stopped, everyone started to choose a place to rest. AnAn ran to his mother as soon as Grandma Li got off the cart, and so did Dahei.

Gulan, who was leading the horse, quickly tied the horse to the nearest tree and picked up her son. After rushing all afternoon, her son didn't have the chance to get close to her. The boy missed her, and she didn't forget to touch Dahei. AnAn, who was held in his mother's arms as he wished, was instantly healed. He smiled brightly at his mother, and then considerately asked his mother to put him down. He also knew that his mother must be very tired. He saw it all, his mother didn't ride a horse all the way. She exchanged with several Uncle Li in the middle of the way.

At the request of his son, she put AnAn down. With Dahei accompanying him, Gulan also began to look for a place to rest at night.

I don't know if there are any wild animals on this mountain. Maybe I can go up and take a look after I settle them down, Gulan thought while looking at the mountain.

This place is all dense forests, and there is nothing special. Unless you go to the foot of the mountain, it is impossible to find a cave or something here.

He chose a tree that was closest to the Li family. The two trees were a few meters apart. Old man Li wanted Gulan to rest under the tree together, but Gulan refused.

There were many people in their family, and no matter how thick and dense a tree was, it would be crowded with so many people squeezed together. Old man Li seemed to have noticed this problem, and did not deliberately try to keep Gulan after he refused, after all, they were not far away.