Go Up The Mountain

The dozens of trees around the mountain were soon filled with people. After packing up, the first thing everyone did was to go out to find food, except for the family members who stayed behind.

This was a dense forest with a mountain not far away. The green vegetation was obviously much more than all the places they had passed before, which instantly doubled everyone's determination to find food.

The most important thing was that there were no fields for more than ten miles around, and there was no one living there, which meant that there might be more opportunities to find food here.

Because of the green, the previous shock was forgotten at this moment. The only thing in mind was to find food. Both women and men took tools and began to search in the dense forest.

Gulan led the horse to the selected tree and tied it up again. Before she could say a few words to her son, Li Da and the others shouted at her, asking her to go with them to find something to eat. Gulan waved to them and told them to go first. She wanted to go with her son. Leading the child would definitely affect the speed, and they would be dragged down together.

Gulan had never thought of sending her son to Aunt Li's place temporarily, and she estimated that the boy would not be willing.

To dig wild vegetables for food, bedding and other things must not be brought with them. Gulan temporarily put them with Aunt Li and asked them to help look after them. She also asked for help with several horses tied to the trees. At the wave of Uncle Li, Gulan took his son into the dense forest and joined the army of digging wild vegetables.

This forest is very large, and even with hundreds of people here, it is still not crowded. Gulan did not bring AnAn to gather together, but chose a slightly remote place, and Dahei followed closely.

The wild vegetables here are indeed much richer than all the places they have been before. Although there is also a lack of water, they are still growing tenaciously.

The mother and son not only dug mustard greens and bitter hemp vegetables, but also several varieties such as gray-vegetables, as well as wild onions. They dug a lot in a short time.

Although the quality is a little different due to the lack of water, it does not affect the consumption at all, and they have not used half of the previous time.

Most of them were collected by Gulan in the space. AnAn was busy digging or teasing Dahei from time to time and did not pay attention to how much he dug. Gulan did not have any psychological burden to collect them.

Gradually, the mother and son walked closer and closer to the mountain. Gulan looked at the tall green mountain not far away and felt tempted, but looking at her son beside her, she gave up the urge to go up the mountain at this moment. There were too many uncontrollable factors on the mountain. Gulan did not dare to take the risk, but she did not give up the idea of ​​going up the mountain. She thought about going back to ask Aunt Li to look after the child for a while, and she would go up the mountain to see.

It seemed that the digging was almost done, there was probably a basket, and this was still under the condition that she kept smuggling, and there was more space, so Gulan was ready to go back.

Not only Gulan had a full harvest, but almost everyone of the scattered disaster victims had a good harvest, and some even went back and forth several times.

This is the so-called 'Misfortune is the place where blessing depends, and blessing is the place where misfortune lies'. Who can tell the cause and effect relationship in it?

In short, the low mood when encountering bandits before completely disappeared. Although it is just a common wild vegetable, it is hope. As long as there is hope, you can persist.

Back to the tree she chose, Gulan put the basket there casually, thinking about going up the mountain and having a small discussion with her son.

Perhaps because his mother had been with him for a while, the little guy was easy to talk to. He obediently agreed to his mother's words, nodded and agreed to go to Grandma Li's place, and promised not to run around and wait for her to come back.

Aunt Li naturally agreed. AnAn was very sensible and she hardly needed to worry about him. As soon as he arrived at Grandma Li's place, he played with Goudan. And Dahei was beside him, guarding AnAn diligently and enduring the abuse of the two little ones.

But when Old Man Li heard Gulan say that he was going to the mountains, he was a little worried. He wanted him to wait for Li Da and the others to come back and go together, but seeing the sky, Gulan did not agree.

Thinking that he was indeed a good fighter, and that his sons were not here at the moment, Old Man Li did not insist, and told him to be careful and come back early.   

Gulan nodded, told her son to "be obedient" and ran quickly towards the foot of the mountain.

The situation on the mountain was unclear, and since it was her request to go up the mountain, Gulan would not be so careless as to drag Li Da and the others with her.

On the one hand, she was worried about safety issues, and on the other hand, she could go up the mountain faster and more freely.

The forest was not far from the foot of the mountain, and Gulan was very fast. It took her almost no time to reach the foot of the mountain and go directly up the mountain.

As soon as she stepped into the mountain, she found that the vegetation here did not seem to be as lush as that at the foot of the mountain. Gulan guessed that it might be because of the direct sunlight, the few trees here, and the lack of water for so long.

Sure enough, she glanced at the plants and looked away, moving quickly up the mountain. It can be seen that there should be very few people coming up this mountain, and there is no road at all.

Fortunately, the vegetation is not lush, otherwise it would take a lot of time to wade through these plants, and it would be very tiring to walk while looking for a way.

Gulan, who was moving quickly through it, unconsciously used the ability of the treasure clothes, and her speed increased several times. Although it was not an afterimage, it was incredibly fast, not like someone who had traveled halfway.

Gulan had never hunted large animals in the world she lived in. There were protected animals everywhere, so she couldn't break the law. But she had caught a lot of small animals, such as hares and pheasants.

When she reached the middle of the mountain, Gulan quickly slowed down. She couldn't catch wild animals at this speed. It was too fast. Before she could see anyone, they would have gone far away. She had to be calm and patient.

With a dagger in one hand, she took out the mini crossbow that she had put into the space before. This thing was most suitable for shooting by surprise.

Gulan slowed down and searched carefully, especially in places that seemed to have more lush vegetation. She would take a look there. Pheasants and hares also liked to stay there.

Unfortunately, it was almost dark, and Gulan still didn't find anything. That was right. Even if there were some wild animals, how could the animals in the mountains let them go? She would look for a while. If she didn't find anything, she would go down the mountain.

Just when she was about to give up and go up the mountain, she suddenly heard a rustling sound from a somewhat withered plant bush to her right and above.

The sound was very familiar, reminding Gulan of the scene when she encountered a hare before. Thinking of this, she was happy, maybe this trip to the mountain could really yield some gains.

Then, she quickly chose an inconspicuous place to hide, staring at the place where the sound came from, with the crossbow in her hand ready, as long as something in the plant jumped out, she would shoot it at the first time when she chose the right time. If you want to have a harvest, you have to be patient, and patience is Gulan's strong point.

She huddled tightly behind a tree and didn't move, her eyes not relaxing and looking at the place covered by plants. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait too long, otherwise she would have given up once it got dark. In fact, it was only a few minutes later, a small gray head appeared in the plant.

The two long ears were squirming back and forth, and the eyes kept looking around, as if it would shrink back immediately if there was something wrong.

After a while, it seemed that it was sure that there was no danger. The gray rabbit jumped out carefully. Just when Gulan was about to take action, another rabbit head appeared from behind.