
This was a pleasant surprise. I thought there was only one rabbit, but there were more behind. Gulan waited patiently for the rabbits behind. She wanted to see how many there were.

With the first rabbit taking the lead, the second rabbit didn't wait too long and soon jumped out, followed by the third. Then Gulan waited for a while and found nothing new.

Although each of the three rabbits was skinny, they were all meat. Unconsciously, a frightening light flashed in her eyes, shining brightly. If possible, she wanted to keep all of them. The little rabbits didn't notice the danger here. The first rabbit was looking for plants to fill its stomach.

Fortunately, the three rabbits were not too far apart. Gulan estimated the speed of the arrows and the possible movement trajectory of the rabbits after being frightened.

After calculation, she found that it was a bit difficult to hit the three rabbits one by one, but it was not impossible. As long as she was fast enough and had a keen eye, she could finish it quickly before the rabbits ran back to their nests.

So if you want to catch all the rabbits, you must be fast, ruthless, accurate, and hit them in one shot. Otherwise, it will be almost impossible to catch them again.

Gulan's crossbow can hold ten crossbow arrows at a time. It is equipped with an infrared sight and is a continuous mini crossbow.

At this moment, the crossbow has been aimed at the largest rabbit closest to the rabbit nest. Now the only thing she has to do is to pull the trigger quickly.

When the trigger was pulled, the first rabbit targeted did not even have time to react and was nailed to the ground. The remaining two rabbits were frightened and wanted to escape back to the nest. The two crossbow arrows that followed closely also nailed them tightly to the ground. One of the rabbits was less than half a meter away from its nest, and it went straight through its head and died. It was exactly the same as Gulan's psychological calculation, which made her feel like she was back to the past. How to say it? This feeling was inexplicably refreshing.

Anyway, after catching these three rabbits, Gulan was in a very good mood. Pulling out the crossbow arrow from the rabbit's head, smearing the blood on the dry grass, and then rinsing it with water, Gulan recycled the crossbow arrow and put it into the card slot.

Although there are still many crossbow arrows in the space, this kind of thing is consumable, no matter how many there are, they can't withstand consumption. As long as it doesn't damage, Gulan is ready to recycle it .

Two of them were put into the space, and one was held in Gulan's hand. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, she had to go down the mountain. Although she didn't catch any big animals, she was satisfied with these rabbits.

Gulan went down the mountain very quickly and successfully returned to the bottom of the mountain before it was completely dark. She just bumped into Li Da and Li Er. Seeing Gulan, the two breathed a sigh of relief. They were about to go up the mountain to find him.

In fact, they were also worried? It was still very difficult to find someone in the dark, and it was still up the mountain. Li Da was thinking about making a torch, but now didn't have to.

Their attention was all on Gulan, and they didn't notice the rabbit she was holding.

"You finally came down. If you don't, we two brothers will have to go up the mountain. Are you okay? Did you encounter any danger?"

"It's okay. I'm sorry to make you worry, Brother Li."

"Okay, let's go. We are fine. I'm worried about your son. This kid has been waiting for you since it was getting dark. He didn't eat the food he was given, saying that he would wait for you to come back to eat together. I have to say that your son is really good and sensible." Li Da patted Gulan on the shoulder and praised him.

Gulan must be happy to hear someone praise her son, but she was more distressed. Her steps couldn't help but become faster, so that Li Da, who was talking, was stunned, and the person had disappeared beside him and left far away. This speed made Li Da and Li Er speechless and hurried to catch up.

When the two of them caught up with him panting, Gulan had already returned to the tree where they were resting with her son in her arms.

They shook their heads and returned to the family group under the tree. Now they can be sure that if this kid wanted to run away when he encountered bandits, this speed would definitely be a sure thing, and it also indirectly shows Gulan's good character.

AnAn's mood immediately turned from gloomy to cheerful when he saw his mother coming back, and he didn't need to be coaxed at all, but Gulan still hugged the little guy for a while and promised to come back earlier next time.

As for the wild rabbit, Gulan was in a hurry and threw the rabbit with its legs tied under the tree as soon as she arrived. In addition, it was dark, so the Li family didn't notice it and just thought that Gulan didn't get much in the mountain.   

At this moment, Dahei was staring at her. Dahei was greedy, but he still didn't dare to eat after looking at his master. He seemed to remember that he was beaten badly for stealing food. After comforting her son and letting the little guy sit obediently, Gulan was going to prepare something.

The poor child had been waiting for her to come back, and his stomach had been hungry for a long time.

Looking at the wild vegetables in the bamboo basket, she thought about making something different, making a cold wild vegetable salad, and a vegetable cake for each person. There was no hurry to light the fire, mainly to wash the wild vegetables. If there were no conditions, it would be fine. If there were conditions, Gulan would not abuse herself.

The night was the best cover. Whatever she did, she didn't make a big noise and would hardly be noticed.

Despite this, Gulan used her back to cover herself when washing the vegetables. At the same time, the water from washing the vegetables was not wasted and stored in the space, leaving it for Horses and Dahei to drink. The water in the space was not endless.

After doing all this, she lit the fire. The most abundant thing in the forest was dry firewood. When digging wild vegetables, she picked up some and it was enough for her and her mother to use for a night.

Take out the broken pottery jar, first steam the vegetable cakes in the broken pottery jar, then add water to simmer the bitter hemp gray wild vegetables in boiling water, squeeze out the water, Gulan took out the seasoning and finally dripped two drops of sesame oil, and a cold wild vegetable salad was completed. If the sesame oil was not too fragrant and the smell was too obvious, it would be more delicious if more was added. Even so, AnAn smelled the smell of sesame oil and squatted beside her mother following the smell.

"Mom, it smells so good!" The little guy sniffed gently.

"Are you hungry?"

"Hmm," AnAn nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Then let's eat, go get the chopsticks." Gulan pointed to the package.

The Li family not far away also smelled a faint fragrance of wild vegetables, which made them, who had already eaten, start to secrete saliva involuntarily. It was just a wild vegetable, and I don't know how Gulan made it so delicious, it really smelled good.

Li Da and the others couldn't help but look at the father who were eating, and then looked at their mother eagerly, the meaning in their eyes was self-evident.

Aunt Li resisted the urge to roll her eyes and said, "Don't even think about it. We are such a big family, no matter how much we make, it won't be enough for you to eat. It's good enough to have some wild vegetable soup." Aunt Li decisively rejected her son.

The men who were originally full of hope immediately wilted after being confronted by their mother. They knew in their hearts that what they said was right. They thought that they would eat as much as they could when they settled down in the future.

But the fragrance was really... tempting. It turned out that wild vegetables could be so delicious.

AnAn felt that this was the most delicious wild vegetable he had ever eaten in his life. His little mouth was chewing like a rabbit. When he said that this was the most delicious wild vegetable he had ever eaten in his life, Gulan laughed but felt a little sad.

What was her child, who had such a big world, doing? He was at the age of being spoiled by his parents and elders. He was a treasure in the hands of his parents and elders. He was afraid of dropping it in his hands and afraid of melting it in his mouth.