
Look, just this wild vegetable, with two drops of sesame oil, most children in her world would not even look at it, but in AnAn's eyes it is already delicious.

Suddenly, the sadness doubled. This kid has been surrounded by misery since he was born, and it is not easy for him to grow up to this age.

Gulan smiled gently at her son, touched her son's nose lovingly, and said softly: "Don't worry, Dad will make more delicious food in the future, so that AnAn can eat enough."

The little guy looked at his mother with bright eyes and nodded heavily. He believed what his mother said. At the same time, he did not forget to pick up another chopstick of wild vegetables, and his little mouth was full. It was so cute!

Their meal made many people greedy. Fortunately, they finished it in a short while, otherwise I am afraid that someone would not be able to resist the temptation and come to grab some food.

Gulan threw two vegetable cakes to Dahei and gave it all the water for the vegetables. The three horses tied under the tree found grass to eat under the tree by themselves, and the water had been fed when they were tied.

Fortunately, when she left the deserted village, she took two more wooden basins from that family, otherwise there would be no tools for the animals to drink water.

After feeding her son, Gulan also had the mind to clean up the rabbit. When she took the rabbit thrown under the tree, the little bun, who was a little sleepy after eating, immediately became energetic and excitedly surrounded her.

"Dad, did you catch the rabbit?" Because of excitement, the little guy's voice was a little loud, and he carefully touched the rabbit's ears tied with dry grass with his hands.

"Yes," Gulan answered her son and took out a dagger and placed Dahei's drinking bowl underneath, ready to kill the rabbit and collect blood.

An An's voice was heard by several families not far from them, and everyone couldn't help but cast envious eyes. The people around were all from Lijia Village. Because of the bandit incident, they were grateful to Gulan in their hearts, so even if they were envious, they had no other thoughts. After all, this was caught by someone with his own ability. If you want to eat it, catch it yourself.

Li Da's family was the closest, so naturally they heard it. The two brothers couldn't help but look at each other. It was also because it was dark when they met Gulan before, and their attention was on this kid, so they didn't pay attention. They really didn't know that this kid caught the rabbit. Li Da was fine, after all, he was the eldest brother and had to keep calm, but the brothers below were a little impatient and wanted to watch the fun.

Before they started to move, they were suppressed by their father. It was lively to watch, but their greedy expressions were simply uncontrollable. Several grown men were like this, whether Gulan would give it or not. The rabbit was so small, if he gave too little, it would not be enough to fill the gap between his teeth, and if he gave too much, Gulan would have worked in vain. Old man Li thought more, it was not easy for Gulan to catch the rabbit, so he decisively stopped his son.

Therefore, no one came until Gulan peeled off all the rabbit skins, and the rabbit's internal organs and blood were thrown directly to Dahei. The rabbit skin was collected by Gulan. Now there is no environment for tanning the skin, so we can only wait.

Next, she processed the rabbit meat. She definitely wouldn't eat it tonight. Besides, she was already full. If she wanted to eat it, she had to pickle it. Gulan evenly rubbed a little salt on the rabbit meat. It should be enough for the mother and son to eat for two days.

It took two quarters of an hour to finish all this. The fresh rabbit meat was placed in another clean wooden basin and stuffed into the willow basket. Then Gulan pressed the excess firewood on it. Now, in addition to clam meat and fish meat, she has also added rabbit meat. She no longer has to be sneaky to increase nutrition. She decided to stew half of the rabbit meat tomorrow morning.

Seeing her son who was so sleepy that he kept nodding his head while sitting, Gulan let him lean against a big tree for a while. Before going to bed, she had one more thing to do, which was to change the bedding, so she had to work on the little guy first. There was no shortage of needles and thread in the space. The fabrics were two pieces of clothes in the package that could not be torn any more. So with the weak firelight, Gulan, with her back to others, began to work hard on the quilt. It was impossible to make the stitches too dense for speed, but it was acceptable.

After a while of rapid needlework, the work was finished in nearly two quarters of an hour. Gulan breathed a sigh of relief, and could finally cover herself with the quilt openly.

Gulan glanced at her son who had fallen on Dahei, and quickly arranged the sleeping place, which was still a layer of dry grass, a layer of tattered clothes, and a layer of mattress. With Dahei on guard, Gulan held her son and lay down with peace of mind. Before falling asleep, she thought about going up the mountain again tomorrow morning, and there would not be many such opportunities in the future.

It was late at night, and with the rustling sound of leaves in the wind, the tired people either lay or curled up and fell asleep, with a fire lit beside them. The resting place was still some distance from the mountainside, about two or three miles away. In addition, Village Chief Li has always been a more careful person. Before going to bed, he had arranged for the young and strong men in the village to take turns to watch the night for half an hour in three shifts, so everyone rested at ease.

Time soon came to midnight, and Dahei, who was sleeping next to his master, suddenly stood up with his ears. He turned over and stood up, looking towards the direction of the mountain, and his eyes instantly became sharp. At the same time, it was Li Da's turn to take his two younger brothers to watch the night. The three of them sat around the fire and listened to the surrounding movements.

Dahei, who sensed the danger, came to Gulan's side as soon as possible and pushed his master with his head. Gulan opened her eyes almost at the moment when Dahei's head stretched out, and a sharp light flashed in her eyes. Seeing that it was Dahei, she put away the dagger in her hand. Dahei had never woken her up at night since he followed them. This move was very unusual.

Noticing something strange, Gulan immediately sat up and stood up, followed Dahei to a slightly wider place on the side and looked in the direction of Dahei's sight. A few breaths passed, and Gulan didn't hear any sound. It seemed normal, but Dahei's performance was getting more and more alert, and his body was half bent down.

... This was a posture ready to attack.

Gulan stared again, and then her pupils condensed. Before she could fully react, her legs had already quickly run to the tree where her son was resting and woke her son up. In the distance, a pair of glowing eyes approached this side. It was a beast coming.

Time was limited, so Gulan didn't care about anything and shouted loudly, "There are wild beasts, everyone wake up."

At the same time, she didn't stop moving, and quickly packed up her things. Except for the big ones, everything else was put into the space.

Gulan's voice was like a drop of water in an oil pan, which exploded instantly. Li Da stood up directly, calling his brother to go back and help, and he looked into the distance. It was okay at first glance, and immediately he was covered in cold sweat. A pair of glowing eyes were approaching quickly, and the distance was not too far.

Li Da followed and shouted, shouting that everyone should get up quickly, and the wild beasts were coming soon. Those who got up quickly gathered at the place where there was a fire, shouting not to disperse. People with a little common sense know that animals have a natural fear of fire. If you say that Gulan's voice woke everyone up, Li Da's voice made everyone panic.

Fortunately, there were few things, so it was easy to pack. They stuffed the bedding into the basket, took the packages and water utensils, and they were at a loss. They instinctively followed Li Da's shouting.

Soon they gathered together, and the young men of Lijia Village quickly lit more fires. Fortunately, there was no shortage of this thing, and there were fires almost everywhere where people rested.

The gathering place was the resting place of Lijia Village, and Gulan and her son and the livestock of Lijia Village were naturally surrounded by it.