Wolf is Coming

AnAn, who had already sobered up, also felt the tension of everyone. He followed his mother to gather in the crowd, and was then sent to Grandpa and Grandma Li by his mother again.

This time, AnAn was very quiet. The little guy knew in his heart that something was going to happen again, and it was likely to be a very terrible thing. He knew that he could not hold his mother back. AnAn held Grandpa Li's hand with one hand and Da Hei's head with the other, standing obediently in the crowd, with worry in his eyes.

Instructing Da Hei to protect AnAn and asking Uncle Li to take care of AnAn again, Gulan quickly passed through the crowd. This time the situation was more critical than encountering bandits.

After all, there were only three people to face when encountering bandits, but this time there were more than three pairs of eyes glowing in the night.

Li Da and the young and middle-aged men in the village lit as many fires as possible outside the crowd at the fastest speed, and also picked up their sharpest weapons, which were actually kitchen knives and axe knives.

By the way, there were also three machetes seized from the bandits, which were handed over to the three strongest and most powerful men in the village.

When Gulan came to the periphery, Li Da wanted to give the machete in his hand to Gulan. In his opinion, the machete would be more useful in Gulan's hands.

Gulan refused and showed Li Da the dagger in her hand. She had no shortage of cold weapons in the space. She bought a lot of them both at home and abroad, and even received some for free before she lost her life.

It took less than half a cup of tea from Gulan's warning to everyone gathering together. In the panic, some people knew to gather with their things on their backs, while others didn't care about anything and just ran over. In any case, everyone gathered inside the fire in such a limited time before the beast arrived.

According to the tradition of Lijia Village, children, the elderly, and women are in the innermost part, and the middle-aged men are on the periphery.

As for the other scattered victims, people were not united. Regardless of whether they were men or women, young or old, everyone wanted to stay in the safer fire. At this juncture, they even had a dispute. In the end, if it wasn't for the threat of Village Chief Li that anyone who didn't follow the rules would be kicked out, it would be hard to say when the dispute would end.

They were all a bunch of confused guys. Of course, we can't generalize. Some of them were clear. The two sons of Village Chief Zhao also stood on the periphery with weapons, and there were also some men who wanted to protect their wives and children.

All these dissatisfactions disappeared completely in the next moment when a pair of red eyes approached. Fear drove everyone to cover their own and their children's mouths tightly and shrink in the crowd.

They were wolves, clearly visible in the moonlight. They seemed very excited to see them, staring at them greedily and fiercely.

One, two, three, four... There were actually eleven of them. Led by the tallest gray wolf, these wild wolves stopped in front of the fire. It's really unexpected that there would be wolves here. They came here by smell.

No wonder the dense forest plants at the foot of the mountain are so lush, and there are no signs of being dug. I'm afraid it's the credit of these wolves. Gulan felt that she had seen the truth at this moment.

If it weren't for Dahei discovering the abnormality in advance and watching the wolves, when they came... Gulan couldn't help but sweat. Just thinking about it made her feel very tragic.

These wolves were obviously starving, and they were all skinny. Otherwise, they would not have come down the mountain to hunt from such a long distance.

Fortunately, they were discovered early and measures were taken. Under the power of the fires, the wolves did not dare to attack even though they were very impatient. But Gulan knew that this situation would not last long. The over-starved wolves would definitely take risks to fill their stomachs. Compared with the death of hunger, fear of fire did not seem so difficult to overcome.

"Brother Li, the wolves won't be able to hold out for long before they attack. Don't relax and concentrate." Gulan reminded Li Da beside her in a low voice.

Li Da nodded and passed on the message. Although he was very scared, he still held his weapons and stood ready to face the wolves.

Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour after Gulan finished speaking, the wolves had become even more irritable, baring their fangs and growling at the people in the fire, drooling, and obviously unable to hold out.

Finally, with a howl from the leader wolf, two gray wolves jumped into the encirclement of the fire. Gulan ran directly to one of them, and Li Da rushed to the other with a machete and several others.

These two wolves must be dealt with as soon as possible. It would be better if they could successfully deter the wolves. Otherwise, once the wolves launched a general attack, even if Gulan used special weapons, she could not guarantee that there would be no casualties.

Gulan did not dare to hold back at this time. She turned around and kicked the gray wolf in the air. When it landed, she stabbed the wolf's throat with the dagger in his hand, and killed one of them neatly. Then she looked in the direction of Li Da. Although it took some effort, the gray wolf was still solved by Li Da and others. There was no skill, just instinct.

The gray wolf was agile, but they had weapons in their hands. In the end, the gray wolf was solved by Li Da's chop on the neck. Two little brothers died in a row. Although the head wolf was shocked, the strong hunger made it howl again.

Gulan knew it was bad when she heard it. The wolves were ready to attack. Thinking of her son in the crowd, Gulan didn't care about anything else. A mini crossbow appeared in her hand with a fake move. It's exposed, and since the deterrence doesn't work, she have no choice but to fight.

In a flash, when the wolves pounced on her, Gulan pulled the trigger in her hand and shot out one crossbow after another. The speed of the crossbow was amazing, but the speed of the wolf pack was not slow, not to mention the situation of a group pounce.

While the arrows were hitting the gray wolf, a few wolves still managed to break through the fire and instantly fought with Li Da and his men. Ten arrows were fired at once, and the leader wolf missed a total of four arrows. Unfortunately, time was tight and she had no time to reload the arrows. She put away the crossbow, looked around, and rushed to the most thrilling place where the leader wolf was.

At this moment, the wolf was biting the arm of a young man from Lijia Village, dragging and changing its body shape rapidly, quickly avoiding the attacks of others.

The man whose arm was bitten was also trying to escape from the wolf's mouth. He wanted to pull out his arm while others attacked the wolf with a pale face and endured the pain, but it was obvious that the wolf was not ready to let him go. Not only could it flexibly avoid the attacks of the villagers, but it would also take the opportunity to offer a claw.

The villagers were also trying to attack the leader wolf with the weapons in their hands, but few of them really dared to face the sharp fangs.

The wolf leader, who had been interfering with the attack, seemed to have lost his patience. He finally let go of the person he was biting, baring his fangs and pouncing on the villagers who were blocking the way.

He was too fast. Previously, the villagers were able to fight because the person in his mouth was restrained. But now there was no restraint, and he was as fast as a shadow, rushing directly to the neck of one of them, and it was about to bite him.

The young man wielding the hoe only had time to stare at the wolf leader who was rushing towards him. He didn't even have time to dodge at this moment. The distance was so close that he could even smell the fresh fishy smell in his mouth.

Just when he thought it was over, Gulan seemed to fall from the sky, jumped up and kicked the wolf leader's head. The terrifying force immediately rolled several meters away with his body, and Gulan followed.