
These are often the children who are the least favored. From the skinny appearance of the two children, you don't need to think to know how the two children live.

People on the road of fleeing famine are very thin, but it is rare to see two children who are as thin as skeletons under the protection of their parents. This shows how cruel their parents are.

Gulan, who was eating, also noticed the two children standing in front of them. They didn't speak, and didn't dare to look at people. They lowered their heads and looked at their feet. Their legs were even shaking a little. Obviously they were afraid. It was impossible for Gulan to pretend not to see them. Very thin, thinner than the little bun she saw when she came here.

The taller one held a bowl in her hand, wearing rags that could barely cover her body, and straw sandals on her feet, but it seemed that these shoes would not be worn for long.

"What are you doing?" Gulan paused and asked the two children. Her voice was lower than usual. The two children didn't look brave, and as she spoke, the smaller one's body shook more violently.

As Gulan finished speaking, Aunt Li and her daughters-in-law also stopped here. After hearing Gulan's words, they resisted the urge to speak.

..... Isn't this obvious?

Gulan was also aware of this. When she was eating, she came over with a bowl in her hand, obviously for the purpose of coming for food.

Perhaps it was because Gulan did not drive them away and her voice was very steady, like a greeting between neighbors, that the very nervous and scared Daya finally mustered up all her courage and raised her head. She quickly glanced at Gulan with her deep-set eyes, timidly pushed the bowl in her hand forward a little, and a cowardly sound rang out, so small that if Gulan had not had good hearing, she would have thought it was a mosquito buzzing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we are hungry, can... can you pity us sisters and give... give us some food? Just a little bit." Daya struggled to say this sentence, timidly pointed at the pottery jar, and the moment she raised her head, her eyes were full of shame.

AnAn, who was eating, finally realized that something was wrong. He also heard what Daya said, which reminded him of the bad memories in the past. He quickly protected the pottery pot and glared at the person who wanted to steal his food.

Goudan also heard it. This little guy was more protective of food than AnAn. When he heard someone wanted their food, he quickly swallowed the food in his mouth. He stood up like a calf and rushed to Daya who was talking, and bumped into Daya who was talking. For Goudan, those who didn't know them and came to steal their food were all bad people.

This scene happened too quickly. No one expected that the two little guys would react so strongly, especially Goudan, who went up without any fear. If he was a little braver, it would be terrible.

"Goudan" Aunt Li quickly scolded her grandson. How could this bastard bump into someone without saying anything? He was too reckless. The girl was so weak. What would happen if something happened to her? Then she glared at her grandson.

Goudan was startled by Aunt Li's stern voice. He obviously heard that his grandmother's voice was not right. He then realized that his grandmother, his mother, and his aunt were all there.

Seeing the little sister lying on the ground, Goudan suddenly felt guilty and quickly hid beside his mother, but was pulled out by his mother and thrown to his grandmother.

Gulan hurried to the little girl's side and tried to help her sit up. The little girl, who was originally holding on, could not hold on at all after being hit by Goudan. She could not sit still at all. Her eyes were full of stars and her face was pale and cold sweat was pouring down. It was obvious that she was in great pain and looked very scary.

The little girl next to her finally reacted when she saw her sister's wooden expression. She cried out "Wuuwuu", which actually made her more lively. She called her sister in her mouth, but her voice was very weak, as if she had not eaten for a long time.

Goudan, who was already a little guilty when being caught by his grandmother, seemed to be a little uncomfortable and a little scared when he heard the crying and looked at the little sister who was knocked down on the ground by him. He seemed to realize that what he did just now was wrong.

Gulan didn't need to look at her to know that the child was extremely hungry and had low blood sugar. In fact, even if a two or three-year-old child was hit, what would happen? How strong was the force? Or was the child too weak to fall down at the touch? I don't know how they got here. She took out a piece of candy from the space and stuffed it directly into the little girl's mouth, then carried the little girl to the fire. Eating candy alone was not enough, and she also needed to supplement with food.

She glanced at her son who was guarding his food, picked up a wooden spoon, picked up a spoonful of thin rice, and fed about half a bowl of rice, then stopped. The little girl had not eaten enough for a long time, and she couldn't eat too much at one time.

The little girl who was crying for her sister stopped crying. In fact, her own condition was not good either. She felt dizzy and her face became even paler after crying, but she still stared at her sister, fearing that something bad had happened to her. The little girl knew that if her sister was gone, she would not live long. The only person who protected her in this world was her sister.

When the little girl fell, many people in Lijia Village saw her and gathered around. Seeing the pitiful appearance of the two children, they couldn't help but talk about them.

"I don't know whose girl they are. They are so pitiful. They are so hungry."

"Don't they have no family?"

"It seems to have."

"So you have seen them?"

"I have some impression. If I am not mistaken, the two girls should be from Xishan Village. They seem to have parents."

"It is really rare for them to have parents who can starve their two children to this extent."

"Who said it wasn't? He is also cruel."

It has been difficult all the way, but it is not like the most difficult time in Linzhou. The further west we went, the better the situation became. The ground in Linzhou was scorched yellow, and the grass roots and leaves were dug up. Some people were so hungry that they ate soil to quench their hunger, and eventually died of swelling. At that time, there were many people as thin as the two sisters, but almost all of them fell on the road. Many people fell down every day, and the whole Linzhou was full of starving people.

It was not an exaggeration to say that it was purgatory. In order to survive, everyone shuddered at the thought of the cruel scene. If it weren't for the unity and courage of Lijia Village, they wouldn't have come this far. It can be said that almost everyone who can get here is either cruel enough or follows the collective action of the village.

But as we go west, the situation gets better, and more and more wild vegetables are found. Everyone's situation is gradually getting better. As long as you are not lazy, you can still get a meal a day. Even if the adults save a bite and give more to the children, the two children will not be so hungry.

Aunt Li also looked at the little girl nervously. After all, the child was knocked down by Goudan, and she was still very worried. What she was more worried about was that the little girl's family would take the opportunity to blackmail her.

In fact, when Gulan stuffed a candy into Daya's mouth, Daya, who had never eaten such delicious food, felt better at that moment. Then, after eating delicious food, her body became better and better. Her eyes were shining with golden light, and the dizziness gradually subsided. With the help of Gulan's power, she slowly sat up, opened her eyes and began to see clearly.

"Sister," the little girl cried as she saw her sister open her eyes.

Daya gave her sister a weak smile. She didn't dare to ask for help from others. She wanted to help her sister stand up, but she pulled her sister down instead. This made Daya, who was already pale, even paler.