Let My Son Go

Seeing this, Gulan shook her head and softened her heart. She picked up the spoon and fed the last bit of food left in the pottery jar to Erya. The girl's condition was also very bad. Anyway, they have almost finished eating, so let's give it all to the two children.

The reason for feeding is that the little girl dare not eat if she is not fed! The whole time, she only dared to look at her sister. Even when she took the first bite, her sister seemed to have made up her mind and nodded to her before the child dared to open her mouth. The pitiful appearance made the people who were used to seeing poor people on the road of fleeing famine feel sad.

Seeing that the little girl's eyes had returned to clarity, Aunt Li and the others were relieved. If this girl really had any problems, their family would be in trouble. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but glare at the little grandson who was hugging her legs. Looking at the evasive look of the little grandson, the child was obviously a little scared. He should be more scared, Aunt Li thought to herself.

The two children looked really bad, and since their grandson was at fault, even though they knew that there might be something wrong with the two children, Aunt Li and the others still did not stop Gulan from feeding the two children.

Just as the little food was about to be finished, a dirty boy suddenly appeared. Seeing Erya eating, and then seeing the empty pottery jar, a fierce light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he rushed over, shouting. He was still shouting dirty words that the two losers had eaten all his delicious food, and he wanted to beat the two losers to death.

The appearance of the dirty boy immediately made the two girls sitting on the ground tremble, their eyes were so scared and panicked, especially the little one who dared not swallow the food in her mouth, and huddled tightly beside her sister. The dirty boy who rushed over was stopped by the quick-eyed and quick-handed Li Da, who picked him up like a chicken.

"Let me go, why are you arresting me? Wait until my dad comes, and let him beat you to death, you..." He was already arrested but still didn't know the situation and was still showing off. Not only that, the little guy was full of swear words, and he said them very smoothly, which showed that he often said a lot.

"What did you say?" Li Da stared at the annoying thing in his hand with displeasure. If his child was full of swear words, he would have beaten him to death long ago, and he would never let him come out to be so embarrassing. Such a thing would not be a thing when it grows up.

Li Da's appearance was originally very intimidating and fierce. After he glared at him, the dirty boy who was fluttering in his hand finally knew that he was afraid and did not dare to move for the time being. Then he pursed his lips and then burst into tears, shouting to his parents that someone was bullying him.

"Baodan... Baodan... Who bullied my son?" The panicked voice of Daya's mother came from outside the crowd, followed by Daya's father, with a very bad face.

As if he saw a backer coming, the boy called Baodan cried even louder and struggled to get to his parents, but unfortunately he was small and had limited strength, so he couldn't get away from the pair of strong hands.

"Oh, my dear, why are you holding my son?" The eager-to-protect her son, Daya mother, saw her son being held in the air, and her heart tightened. No matter how much the person in front of her was stronger than her, she only had her eyes on her son and tried to pull him off. Because it was too sudden, she did pull him off. Rather than saying that she pulled the child off, it would be better to say that Li Da dodged first. The woman who could teach her son to be full of foul language showed that she was not clean in her daily life. Li Da didn't want to have any contact with the woman who gave birth to such a thing.

"Son, are you okay?" Daya mother looked at her son in her arms nervously.

"Mom, they all bullied me, and the money-loser ate all the delicious food. Mom... Dad, go and beat them up..." Thinking that there was no delicious food left, the dirty boy started crying again. Afraid that his parents would not let him vent his anger, he rolled on the ground again. Whenever he did this, his parents would give in to him.

Daya's mother felt distressed again and wanted to pull her son up, but the boy was really strong when he was throwing a tantrum. She couldn't pull him up for a while, mainly because she had not eaten enough for a long time and didn't have much strength. But even so, she only looked a little thin, not as skeleton-like as his two daughters.

"Okay, mother promises you, hurry up and get up."

The boy stopped crying and yelling immediately, and climbed up from the ground. His agile movements showed that he often did this action, and had never been he hungry. He was completely different from the money-loser in his mouth.

Seeing that her son was no longer crying and playing tricks, Daya mother breathed a sigh of relief, but looking at the people from Lijia Village who were watching, she didn't dare to cause trouble. The people from Lijia Village were famous for their solidarity in their town. They dared to step forward to grab the man just now because they were too anxious.

This time, she reacted and sweated for herself. The man who caught her son was much stronger than her own man. Daya mother would never dare to step forward to show off her strength at this moment. For such a person, even if she and the child's father went together, they would only be beaten. She dared to say that the tricks she used in the village would not work here. The women next to the man were watching her covetously, as if they would immediately go up to her and scold her if she did anything wrong. She was not popular, and no one in Xishan Village would help her. She would only suffer. But her son was spoiled by them. If he did nothing, the child would definitely not agree.

After thinking about it, she suddenly saw the two losers huddled together, and she was immediately furious. It was because of these two losers that they went to ask for something for such a long time and did not come back. Baodan could not wait and ran over when they were not paying attention. If Baodan had not run over, how could she see that the losers ate all the things, otherwise how could they make a fuss? It was all the fault of the losers. Sure enough, these two losers were born to suppress her and could not do anything well. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She did not dare to offend others, and she could not ask her own children, so she let her son vent his anger.

Thinking of this, Daya mother rushed to where Daya and Erya were, and slapped Daya in the face before anyone could react, and dragged her out by her hair. Erya was immediately shocked and screamed "Ah", and then her sister's scream quickly woke her up. She didn't know where she got the courage from, and rushed forward to pry open her mother's hands, but she was a child of a few years old, and she was a child who was malnourished and undernourished for a long time, how could she pry open an adult's hand.

Then Daya mother slapped her to the ground, and her mouth and nose bled immediately, which showed how hard the slap was, and this slap also successfully made Erya lose consciousness. Seeing that his mother punished the money-loser, Baodan was immediately happy, clapping his hands, and said with resentment: "Mom, beat them hard, the money-loser is not only useless, but also disobedient and ate my food, beat them to death." As he said that, he stepped forward and wanted to kick Erya who had fainted on the ground, but was caught by Gulan who couldn't bear it.

Although Gulan knew that some parents liked to spoil their children, and even spoiled them too much and were not likable, there shouldn't be many who were as disgusting as the child in front of him. This child can no longer be called ignorant, but rather vicious. He had no sibling feelings towards his own sister, and kept asking his mother to beat them to death. He even stomped on her naturally, which showed how normal such things were in his eyes. You don't even need to imagine how much the two children had suffered in this family.