Sell if You Want

Some people are really unworthy of being parents. Gulan couldn't bear it, although this trouble was really hard to deal with.

While grabbing Baodan, she used her strength to press the child's numbness. Baodan suddenly lost the strength to struggle. The person in front of him glanced at him expressionlessly. Somehow, Baodan felt cold and was very scared. In fear, he could only call for his parents instinctively.

The sound of his son's cry for help instantly stopped Daya's mother who was beating her. At this moment, Daya had been hit many times, her face was red and swollen, and the corners of her mouth were bleeding. The situation did not look good. While Gulan grabbed Baodan, Aunt Li and the others also quickly picked up Erya who had lost consciousness. Looking at the child with blood on the corners of her mouth and unconscious, Aunt Li cursed the child's mother in her heart, and then pinched Erya's philtrum hard. She had seen the doctor do this before.

The son's cry also made Daya's father, who had been watching coldly, unwilling. Daya's mother threw away the money-losing goods in her hand and rushed to Gulan angrily.

"Let go of my son!" she shouted. Her son was her weak spot. If anyone dared to touch her son, she would fight to the death. She didn't try to snatch her son back even though the man was tall and strong. This man looked weak and frail. Daya mother really didn't take him seriously. Besides, her own man also rushed over.

But this time she miscalculated. The reason why she could easily take her son away last time was because Li Da didn't want to have any contact with him and despised him. Gulan didn't have any scruples in this regard, let alone not hitting women. She had no scruples for women who were full of foul language and vicious hearts, let alone men. For Dayan's father who rushed up with a bad face and wanted to swing his fist, Gulan stretched out one hand to stop the swinging fist. Her feet were not idle either. With a kick, Daya father flew several meters away. This was when she had already stopped her strength.

"Ah...husband" Daya mother, who had wanted to rush to Gulan, looked at the man who was kicked away and screamed and ran to the child's father who fell to the ground.

"Husband, are you okay?" Daya mother face turned pale with nervousness.


..." Will it be okay? Daya's father wanted to roll his eyes at his wife, but he didn't even have the strength to do that. Lying on the ground, he felt that his internal organs were displaced, and his stomach and back hurt so much that he couldn't get up at all. At this moment, he regretted rushing up.

But who could have thought that this thin-looking man would be so powerful, and the hand that grabbed him was so powerful that it seemed to be able to crush his fist directly.

Seeing that her man was beaten so hard that he didn't even have the strength to sit up, Daya's mother's eyes turned red with anger. If anything happened to the child's father, they would have no way to live. Fortunately, she didn't let her anger get to her head. Her man didn't get any good, and she would be beaten if she rushed up.

Baodan, who was caught in Gulan's hand, looked at his father who was beaten away, and the screams in his mouth stopped abruptly. This time, tears really fell, because he was scared. His father lying on the ground made him see the reality clearly. His father was actually beaten and flew away. He was so scared that he trembled all over. He became obedient in an instant because he didn't want to be kicked away.

Although Daya mother didn't dare to rush up and attack, she still stood up and walked forward a few steps when she saw the man who was still holding her son.

"You... a grown man grabbing a child, what kind of hero are you? Hurry... let my son go." Staring at Gulan's calm and deep eyes, Daya mother didn't know why a chill rose from the bottom of her heart. She was already a little scared and her words were trembling.

Gulan glanced at her calmly and said sarcastically, "You think too much. I'm not interested in your son. It's just that your son is too uneducated. He interrupted my meal before and spit out dirty words. Not only did he pollute my son's ears, but he also made me unhappy. If you, as a mother, don't know how to educate your son, then naturally someone else will do it for you." After saying that, he glanced at the boy under his command. Now he was well-behaved, but not stupid to the extreme.

"And if you ask me to let him go, I have to let him go. Do you think too highly of yourself? You dragged the two children who ate my food away from me without saying hello. You are trampling on my face. I am very unhappy. I like to hit people when I am unhappy. Don't mention it, my hands feel pretty good because you. Where do you think I should hit this kid?" Gulan smiled wickedly at Baodan, and lifted him up and shook him, scaring Baodan so much that his soul almost flew away. He couldn't help but screaming "Mom, save him" with his magic voice.

Daya mother was also very scared. When had she seen such a person who took action without saying a word? Even the evil people on the road of fleeing famine did not take action directly. Moreover, this person's eyes told her that he was serious and not joking. Daya mother was really scared. Seeing her son crying, she felt heartbroken and confused. She didn't care about anything and begged, "It's our fault. If you are unhappy, just beat us. The child is still young, so just let him go."

Gulan laughed sarcastically, "You feel sorry for this son. It turns out that you are not heartless as a mother! You felt sorry for this son even before I beat or scolded him. I was curious. Those two are not your flesh and blood, and they didn't crawl out of your stomach. Why didn't you feel the slightest bit of pain when you fought? It's not an exaggeration to say that they are enemies." Gulan glanced at the two children protected by Aunt Li. The younger one had woken up and hugged his sister tightly. Dayan looked at Gulan awkwardly.

She knew it was because of those two money-losing goods. Her hatred was even deeper. She thought about dealing with this first and then going back to see how she would deal with these two money-losing goods who always suppressed her. But at this time, she could only lie on the ground and be a slave, otherwise her son would suffer.

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault. I disciplined the children too harshly. In fact, I love them very much. I will definitely change in the future. Just let my son go."

"It's okay to let him go. Your two daughters ate two bowls of rice from me. You must know how precious food is now, right? And I put meat in it. This is meat. It's one hundred coins for two more bowls of rice. Give me the money and I'll let your son go." Gulan looked like she was not willing to negotiate.

"What?" Daya mother was stunned by these words. How could two bowls of rice cost 100 coins? One hundred coins were enough to buy a bushel of grain. This was a clear attempt to blackmail them! Daya mother was dumbfounded. In the past, she was the one who blackmailed others. When had she ever been blackmailed by others? They didn't even have one hundred coins to sell.

When she heard that they had to pay for the food for the two losers, Daya's father, who was lying on the ground, became anxious. After a while, he finally struggled to stand up.

"We have no money. Whoever wants to eat can ask for it." Daya's father glared fiercely at the two losers who were curled up in someone else's arms.

"It seems that your son is not that important!" Gulan smiled coldly. As she said that, she lifted the child in her hand and slapped him on the buttocks. Baodan screamed immediately, as if he was going to be killed.

Baodan's father couldn't bear it, and rushed forward with his fists. He couldn't believe that he was not as good as such a thin man. Then he was kicked out as well. He didn't even have the strength to groan in pain. The people around were relieved when they saw it, and they said that it was a good beating. It was really uncommon for parents to treat them like this.

"Husband!" Dayan's mother couldn't help but shout, but she didn't rush over this time. The main reason was that her mind was on her son, who was crying miserably after being beaten. Dayan's mother was distressed and wanted to step forward, but was fixed on the spot by Gulan's threatening gaze.