Daddy Says Sorry to You

Until she could no longer see the figures of the family of three, Gulan took out the severance certificate and household registration in her arms and walked to the two children.

"Your parents don't want you anymore. This is the severance certificate and household registration. If... if you want to return to your parents, I will return these things to you." Gulan gave them the right to choose. She didn't want to and was unwilling to help others choose their own lives. After all, they were young children, and it was normal for them to want to stay with their parents, but in this case, even if she had been meddling in other people's affairs before. Of course, if they didn't want to, she would have to take in the two children temporarily, otherwise the two children might not be able to survive.

Gulan really didn't want to cause trouble for herself, but sometimes things happened right in front of her eyes, and they came to her door by themselves. She really wanted to pretend not to see it. In the end, she was old and her heart softened, especially towards the children. Whatever, if the two children were willing, she would take care of one child or several children anyway, and they would not starve to death.

Erya hugged her sister tightly, but Daya, perhaps because she was too stimulated, bravely looked at the good man, especially the severance letter and household registration in the good man's hand.

For them, the person in front of them was a good man. He not only gave them delicious food, but also saved them from their parents. Otherwise, Daya felt that she would not be able to survive today.

As for her parents, Daya had long since stopped having any extravagant demands. This was good. It cut off all her thoughts. In the future, her relatives would only be her sister and the master who took them in. The rest were irrelevant.

Gulan was not in a hurry to hear the answer, but waited patiently. It was indeed a cruel thing for children under ten years old to make them make a choice.

I thought the child would think about it for a while, but I didn't expect that it would only take a cup of tea. Daya looked at her firmly, then rejected the support of the people next to her, pulled her sister to kneel on the ground and kowtowed directly. It was really a kowtow, and the sound was very obvious. Fortunately, there was land all over here, otherwise the head would not be broken. These two children are really honest.

"What are you doing? Get up quickly." Gulan picked them up one by one in order to prevent the two kids from knocking their heads.

"We will follow you, and our lives will belong to the master from now on." The little girl said firmly, with a sparkling look in her eyes. For Daya, only one life of her and her sister was worth money.

Gulan stared at them, "Have you decided?"

Daya nodded firmly, "No regrets."

"Okay, if you want to follow me, then follow me, but you don't need to call me master, just call me Uncle Gu."

"No, you are the master because you saved us sisters." Daya still said firmly.

This little girl seems to be a little stubborn. I really didn't see it before, but what can I see when I just met her? Gulan didn't want to argue with them on this issue. Just shout whatever you want, whatever they like.

"Forget it, whatever you want."

Daya finally looked a little relieved after hearing this.

Gulan looked at the two skinny children, and then at her son. One child was not enough, and two more were added. She couldn't help but complain in her heart: Is this what she deserves? She has added pressure to herself for no reason.

"Gulan, you don't..."

Aunt Li looked at Gulan with a hard time saying that she shouldn't be so soft-hearted, but when she looked at the two children, she couldn't spit out the words. The two children are really too pitiful, never mind, she will take care of them more in the future.

People are already here, it's too late to say anything more, fortunately Gulan is not confused, and got the severance certificate and household registration, so that the two children have nothing to do with the other side. But just in case, she has to remind Gulan if she has a chance, don't forget to sign a contract with the two children when you settle down, so that there will be no future troubles.

Looking at the tattered clothes that barely covered the two children's bodies, Aunt Li sighed and hurried back to the tree to rummage through the mule cart. She brought all the clothes of her two granddaughters with her, and she was reluctant to throw them away even when they were too small. In the countryside, as long as the clothes are not torn and really can't be worn, they will be kept, just right for the two children to wear.

Sighing, Aunt Li gave the clothes she found to Daya, thinking of taking the two children to a remote place to change them first, but Daya refused. The clothes were too good. Although they were old and had patches, there were not too many. They were very clean and smooth. Seeing how dirty her clothes were, Daya was reluctant to wear them now, for fear of dirtying the clothes. Daya looked at the clothes in her hands steadily. She didn't cry even when she was beaten so hard just now, but now she couldn't help crying. She had never worn new clothes since she was a child. The clothes on her were thrown to her by her mother because her mother wore them out and didn't want them anymore. She and her sister's clothes have always been the same. They have never had a piece of clothes that fit them even slightly. Daya didn't know how to thank them, so she could only pull her sister and bow to Aunt Li by instinct.

Aunt Li quickly stopped the two sisters. She didn't know what their parents were thinking about such good children. She told them to have a good rest and went back with a sigh.

The crowd soon dispersed. No one had much opinion on the two children's fate. After all, they didn't need to raise them. Instead, they had a new understanding of Master Gu's character. No matter what, he was a good person. As for the two extra children, they all thought about helping them as much as they could in the future.

Gulan pulled the two girls holding the clothes back to the resting place, took out the water bag and poured a clam shell of water to them. The sisters' lips were cracked badly.

Water, seeing the water, the two sisters couldn't help but swallow it dryly, "For us."

Daya seemed a little unbelievable and didn't dare to take it.

"Yes, it's for you, drink it." Gulan nodded.

Although Daya's eyes were excited, she didn't take the water immediately, but pulled her sister to kowtow to Gulan, but was stopped by Gulan.

"If you want to follow me, don't kowtow so often. It is said that a man's knees are made of gold. In fact, it is the same for girls. Don't bend your knees easily, unless there are special circumstances that are serious enough to affect your life. Remember what I said?" Gulan looked at the two children with a serious face, and there was seriousness in his words.

Although Daya didn't understand what the master said about a man's knees being made of gold, it didn't stop her from remembering all these words. She also heard the seriousness of the master's words, and the little girl nodded obediently. What Gulan didn't know was that this sentence had always influenced Daya for her whole life. Erya didn't understand it even more. Seeing her sister nod, she followed suit.

"Drink it." Daya carefully brought the water over. The two sisters took a sip and drank it quickly, without a drop of water left.

AnAn stood aside and watched obediently. He had a little hostility towards the two sisters, but after seeing what they had suffered, he only had sympathy. This reminded AnAn of the past, but it was much better than them. Although the children at home bullied him, the adults at home didn't touch him, and his parents also protected him. Unlike their parents who seemed to want to beat them to death, AnAn felt so happy when he saw them. His mother loved him very much.

He knew that his mother had saved them, and he vaguely understood that they would follow him and his mother in the future. But AnAn was a little worried. With two more people, would they have enough food in the future? Would his mother have to work harder? The little guy was a little entangled. But AnAn was a little worried. With two more people, would they have enough food in the future? Would his mother have to work harder? The little guy was a little entangled.

Gulan didn't know about AnAn's little entanglement, otherwise she would definitely shout "What a cute, caring son".

At this moment, she was a little worried that AnAn would not agree, after all, AnAn seemed to be a little hostile to the two sisters because of the food. But thinking of AnAn's well-behaved and sensible, she felt that she was overthinking it. If the child really disagreed, he would have made a scene long ago. She did not ask for AnAn's consent, which was wrong, so Gulan decided to explain it to her son. Gulan squatted in front of her son, smiled gently, and asked her son softly, "Will AnAn be unhappy if we take them in?"

AnAn glanced at Daya and Erya, shook his head, "Dad, I'm not unhappy."

"AnAn is really a good child, but AnAn, Daddy wants to say sorry to you. Daddy kept two people without AnAn's consent. Will you forgive Daddy?"