Encountering the Town

Gulan squatted in front of her son, smiled gently, and asked her son softly, "Will AnAn be unhappy if we take them in?"

AnAn glanced at Daya and Erya, shook his head, "Dad, I'm not unhappy."

"AnAn is really a good child, but AnAn, Daddy wants to say sorry to you. Daddy kept two people without AnAn's consent. Will you forgive Daddy?"

AnAn was a little stunned. He didn't expect her mother to apologize to him. He shook his head quickly, "I'm not angry."

How could he blame his mother? He was just a little worried. Oh! Thinking of her mother's extravagant eating habits, AnAn felt that he might have to worry more in the future. After all, there were two more people, oh no, there were also several horses, and the horses' food and grass had to be taken care of. Thinking of this, AnAn felt that the responsibility was really heavy.

Gulan could never have dreamed that because of her decision, her son would become closer to a worrying old man. Whenever he had a break, he would pull Daya and Erya to help the horses find grass if he had time.

"Good son," Gulan hugged the caring little carrot head into her arms, feeling the warmth of the little person.

Daya and Erya looked at him enviously. They never knew that parents could apologize to their children and be so gentle.

After a while, Gulan took AnAn's hand and came to the sisters, introducing this as her son, Gu An.

"Little master," the sisters hesitated for a moment and called out hurriedly. Although they were young and didn't understand many things, they saw a lot on the road of fleeing famine. Her mother also took them out to sell, but no one liked them. Knowing that being bought by the master means being a servant, one must call the master master. This is why Daya knew to call Gulan master from the beginning.

The two children's names were too eye-catching. Gulan felt that it was necessary to correct them. The child was a little stubborn, so she had to change the method. Gulan looked at Daya and thought.

Immediately, she said, "Don't call us master or little master in the future. Look at our clothes. We don't look like a family that can afford servants. It's too eye-catching. In order not to cause trouble, you should call us uncle and young master AnAn." At least it's much better than master. After all, there are still many people who call uncle. The meaning of uncle and uncle in the countryside is not much different. And she didn't plan to raise the two children as daughters, but she couldn't bear to see their lives lost. If the two children have any ideas in the future, Gulan is ready to return the severance letter and household registration to them.

When Daya heard that it would easily cause trouble, she panicked and nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Gulan was satisfied and introduced them to Dahei. Dahei circled around the two frightened children and barked at his master, as if to say that he remembered. Gulan touched Dahei, and the big black dog was becoming more and more smart. Then he looked at his son, "Would you help Dad pack up? We may have to set off soon."

"Yeah," AnAn nodded her cute little head.

Daya wanted to help pack up when she heard it, but was stopped by Gulan, "No, you should rest first and recover your body completely." It was just a few things, so why would two little girls need to pack up? She asked her son to help, mainly because she thought this was a good opportunity to cultivate the mother-son relationship.

Seeing that the master was firm, Daya didn't dare to move, and sat on the ground to rest with her sister.

The team set out in the middle of the morning. AnAn still took the mule cart of Old Man Li, and Daya and Erya followed the mule cart. Old man Li wanted to get off and let the two children go up, but Gulan refused. Why should old man Li be troubled by the trouble she caused? Gulan believed that the two children could hold on until now. They should be very resilient girls. Even if they couldn't hold on, didn't she still have horses in her hands? Let them rest on the horses when the time comes.

The next day was very peaceful. After walking along the mountain for half a day, they returned to their correct route and came to the official road.

On the way, Gulan put the two sisters who were very tired on the horses. At the same time, this was the most relaxing day for the two sisters since their escape. They didn't have to carry anything and even sat on the horses. The mood was simply indescribable. In short, they were tired but happy.

Two days passed like this. It was afternoon. There were hundreds of people in Lijia Village, plus the village of Village Chief Zhao and some scattered disaster victims. The team was really not short.

After walking for nearly a day, everyone was very tired and the speed was getting slower and slower, but the mood was much better, because they would reach Chixian in two days at most. If the situation in Chi County was not bad, and they were not excluded from the disaster victims, some people would decide to stay, after all, it was too difficult to escape from the famine. Hope they will not be rejected by the prefectures and counties they passed by before, and even driven them away, and even worse, they fought. Even if they were allowed to go into the city to replenish some food, it would be a pity that they did not.

After walking for almost an hour, Gulan, who was riding on a horse, saw the shadow of a village from a distance. This was the first time he had seen a village in a few days. She hoped that it would not be another deserted village like the one she encountered before. Gulan was still waiting for the village to appear so that he could replenish things, especially the cart, so that the children could be more relaxed.

After a while, the shadow of the village became clearer and clearer, and everyone saw it. As if seeing hope, everyone's pace involuntarily accelerated a little, and at the same time they hoped that there would be people here, after all, the situation here was getting better and better along the way. Although the fields they passed by in the past two days were still very dry, they were not as barren as they had seen before. Finally, they saw the crops planted in the fields. Although they all looked listless, they were still alive and well, which gave them hope. In other words, the further they went west, the better the situation would be.

However, as they got closer, their excitement was quickly extinguished. The village did exist, and it was not a deserted village. However, some disaster victims who were dressed in rags like them were stopped outside the roadblocks. As they had experienced in the past, people were not allowed to enter easily. The difference was that there were two porridge sheds here. It was already evening when they arrived, and it was the time to distribute porridge. Many people lined up under the porridge sheds.

The place closer to the town had been occupied by hundreds of disaster victims.

Gulan and the people of Lijia Village had to choose a place that was a little farther away and safer. Gulan didn't want to mix with so many disaster victims. Looking at the current situation, the town cannot be easily entered. There were tall wooden frames at the entrance of the town, and nearly a hundred people were guarding it. But the specific situation needs to be inquired clearly. There is a porridge stall, the situation here should not be too bad, Gulan really wants to go in and take a look, mainly to buy some food and a cart.

Village Chief Zhao thought about it and decided to follow the people of Lijia Village. With the village chief taking the lead, most people in Xishan Village chose to rest on the ridges at the edge of the road like the people of Lijia Village. Of course, there are some who have different opinions. Village Chief Zhao doesn't want to manage such villagers, and he can't manage them.