3 puppy's

As then zestial left, as Lucifer end Lilith were left.

Does he not relish something. Lucifer siad looking at him son. I mean he can just for me to nock you up liltih and now I am going to run for my life because I can fell the blood come from you

Lilith chuckled softly, shaking her head at Lucifer's jest. "Oh, dear Lucifer, you always have a way with words. But I believe Charlomaine's desire for a blood sibling runs deeper than a mere request for us to expand our family."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Lilith's insight. "Do you think there's more to it than that, my love?"

Lilith nodded, her expression thoughtful. "Indeed. Charlomaine has always possessed a compassionate and nurturing spirit, much like your own, my dear. I believe he longs for a sibling not just for himself, but to share his love and affection with someone who shares his blood."

Lucifer's gaze softened as he regarded his son with newfound understanding. "I see. So it's not just about fulfilling his own desires, but about creating a bond with someone who truly understands him."

Lilith smiled warmly, her eyes shimmering with pride. "Exactly. Charlomaine may be young, but he possesses a wisdom and empathy beyond his years. I have no doubt that he will make an excellent older brother when the time comes."

Lucifer nodded in agreement, a sense of warmth spreading through his chest. "Indeed, he will. And when that time comes, we will support him every step of the way."

With a shared smile, Lucifer and Lilith turned their attention back to their duties as rulers of Hell, their hearts filled with love and pride for their extraordinary son.

But he may need to wait. Lucifer siad looking at liltih. Maybe a few hundred years, I means is not really that long

Lilith chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, a few hundred years is but a blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things. And in that time, Charlomaine will continue to grow and mature, preparing himself for the responsibilities that come with being an older sibling."

Lucifer smiled, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "And who knows, perhaps in a few hundred years, Charlomaine will have more than just one sibling to look after."

Lilith raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Oh? Do you have something in mind, my dear Lucifer?"

Lucifer merely grinned, his expression cryptic. "Only time will tell, my love. Only time will tell."

With that enigmatic remark, Lucifer and Lilith returned to their duties, confident in the knowledge that their family would continue to thrive and grow in the ever-changing landscape of Hell.

As wiat Zestial and Charlomaine they were waiting for the arrival of the chain family, as Cerberus girl were with him, as they were glarring at with bloody murder on the face.

Explain. All three of them said together. Explain right now Darling

Charlomaine glanced at the three Cerberus girls, their intense gazes making it clear that they demanded an explanation. Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself to address their concerns.

"It's... it's not what you think," Charlomaine began, his voice calm despite the tension in the air. "The Chain family... they're old allies of our family. They've been a part of Hell for generations, and their daughter, Justice, is... well, she's someone I've known for a long time."

The Cerberus girls exchanged skeptical glances, clearly unconvinced by Charlomaine's vague explanation.

"Known for a long time, huh?" one of the Cerberus girls scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "And yet you've never mentioned her before. Sounds suspicious to me, darling."

Charlomaine sighed, knowing that his explanation wasn't going to satisfy them easily. He needed to choose his words carefully if he hoped to calm their suspicions.

"It's... complicated," Charlomaine admitted, his gaze shifting uncomfortably. "But Justice and her family... they're not here to cause trouble. They've come to negotiate a truce between our families, to put an end to the feud that has divided us for so long."

The Cerberus girls exchanged surprised glances, clearly taken aback by Charlomaine's revelation.

"A truce?" one of them echoed, her tone incredulous. "After all this time?"

Charlomaine nodded solemnly, his expression serious. "Yes, a truce. And it's long overdue. We need to set aside our differences and work together if we're going to survive in the ever-changing world of Hell."

The Cerberus girls fell silent, their expressions thoughtful as they considered Charlomaine's words. After a moment, one of them stepped forward, her demeanor softened slightly.

"Well, if you trust them, darling, then we'll give them a chance," she said, her voice tinged with reluctant acceptance. "But if they try anything funny, they'll have to answer to us."

Charlomaine nodded, relieved that the tension seemed to have eased for now. "Thank you," he said sincerely, offering them a small smile. "I appreciate your understanding."

With that, Charlomaine and the Cerberus girls set aside their differences, united in their resolve to forge a new path forward in the ever-shifting landscape of Hell.

Actually young lord. Zestial said looking at him. You never did told me how you meet them.

Oh right. Charlomaine said looking at him. You were busy that days, will let's start it started when I was 10 with a part

Flash back

As the memory unfolded before him, Charlomaine found himself transported back to the events of his youth, to a time when the world of Hell was still shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. With Zestial's curious gaze fixed upon him, Charlomaine began to recount the story of how he first encountered the Chain family.

"It was a typical day in Hell," Charlomaine began, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "I was wandering the streets of Hazbin Hotel, as I often did, when I stumbled upon a commotion near the outskirts of town."

He described the chaotic scene that greeted him, the sound of shouting and clashing swords filling the air as two rival factions clashed in a fierce battle for dominance. Amidst the chaos, Charlomaine caught sight of a lone figure, a young girl with fiery determination in her eyes, fighting bravely against overwhelming odds.

"And there she was," Charlomaine continued, his voice filled with admiration. "Justice, the daughter of the Chain family, holding her own against foes much larger and more experienced than herself."

As he recounted the events of that fateful day, Charlomaine described how he had been drawn to Justic's courage and determination, how he had stepped in to lend her a helping hand in her moment of need. Together, they had fought side by side, their bond forged in the heat of battle as they faced their enemies together.

"And from that moment on, we were allies," Charlomaine concluded, a fond smile playing on his lips. "Justic and her family became trusted allies of mine, and together, we faced countless challenges and adventures in the world of Hell."

As the memories faded and Charlomaine returned to the present, he could see a newfound respect in Zestial's eyes, a deeper understanding of the bonds that tied Charlomaine to the Chain family.

"An admirable tale, young lord," Zestial said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "It seems you have quite the knack for forming alliances, even at such a young age."

Charlomaine nodded, grateful for Zestial's understanding. "Thank you," he said sincerely. "The Chain family has been a valuable ally to me over the years, and I trust them implicitly. I hope that one day, you will come to see them in the same light."

With that, Charlomaine and Zestial continued their conversation, their bond strengthened by the shared memories of Charlomaine's past adventures and the allies he had made along the way.

But I wasn't talking about the chain family. Zestial said looking at him as he pointed at Cerberus. I Was talking about them

Right. Charlomaine said looking at him. It started in a deplamatic party.

As the flash back starts

As the memory enveloped him, Charlomaine found himself transported back to a grand diplomatic gathering in the opulent halls of one of Hell's most prestigious palaces. The air was thick with the scent of incense and the sound of lively conversation as demons from all corners of the realm mingled and socialized.

Amidst the throng of guests, Charlomaine stood tall and proud, his youthful visage belying the wisdom and determination that lay within. He was here on behalf of his parents, Lilith and Lucifer, tasked with representing their interests in the intricate web of Hellish politics.

It was amidst the glittering chandeliers and ornate tapestries that Charlomaine first laid eyes upon the three figures who would come to play a significant role in his life—the Cerberus sisters. With their striking white hair and piercing red eyes, they stood out amidst the crowd, exuding an air of confidence and poise.

As Charlomaine approached them, he was met with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion from the Cerberus sisters. They were wary of the young prince, their demeanor guarded as they exchanged wary glances amongst themselves.

"I believe introductions are in order," Charlomaine said, offering a polite bow. "I am Charlomaine, prince of Hell. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

The eldest of the Cerberus sisters, her expression stern yet intrigued, stepped forward to address him. "I am Cerberus Prime," she said, her voice cold and calculating. "And these are my sisters, Cerberus Second and Cerberus Third. We are here representing the Chain family, loyal servants of Hell."

Charlomaine nodded, taking note of the formal introduction. "I have heard of the Chain family," he replied, his tone respectful. "Your reputation precedes you. It is an honor to meet you."

For a moment, there was a tense silence between them, each party sizing the other up, assessing strengths and weaknesses. But beneath the surface, Charlomaine sensed a spark of curiosity and intrigue, a mutual interest in what each had to offer.

And so, amidst the grandeur of the diplomatic gathering, a tentative alliance was formed—a bond that would grow stronger with time, as Charlomaine and the Cerberus sisters navigated the treacherous waters of Hellish politics together.

So how many fractions are there in the hound family. Charlomaine said looking at the Cerberus family. I Heard that you guys have many fractions

The Cerberus sisters exchanged knowing glances before Cerberus Prime stepped forward to address Charlomaine's inquiry. "Indeed, young prince," she began, her voice carrying a note of authority. "The Hound family is vast and sprawling, divided into numerous factions, each with its own territory and influence."

Cerberus Second nodded in agreement, her expression serious. "Our family's history stretches back centuries, with each generation adding to the complexity of our hierarchy," she explained. "From the Bloodhound faction, known for their fierce loyalty and combat prowess, to the Watchdog faction, responsible for maintaining order and security, the Hound family encompasses a wide array of specialized roles."

"And let us not forget the Tracker faction," Cerberus Third added, her eyes alight with excitement. "They are skilled in reconnaissance and intelligence-gathering, providing invaluable information to our family's leaders."

Charlomaine listened intently, absorbing the information with keen interest. He had heard tales of the Hound family's power and influence, but now, faced with the Cerberus sisters themselves, he gained a deeper understanding of their significance in the intricate tapestry of Hellish society.

"Thank you for enlightening me," Charlomaine said, his tone respectful. "It is clear that the Hound family plays a vital role in maintaining order and stability in Hell. I look forward to learning more about your traditions and customs."

The Cerberus sisters nodded in acknowledgment, their demeanor softening slightly as they recognized Charlomaine's genuine curiosity and respect. In that moment, a bond of mutual understanding and respect began to form—a bond that would shape their future interactions and collaborations in the tumultuous world of Hell.

Also you guys are not normal sinner family. Charlomaine said looking at the girls. Your hybrid aren't you.

Yes indeed. Cerberus third said. Yes we were originally a fully sinner family, but current it is a fix if natives born demons and sinner, will to be more correct hell hound

Charlomaine's eyebrows rose in surprise at the revelation. "A hybrid family," he mused, his gaze shifting between the Cerberus sisters. "That explains your unique abilities and characteristics."

Cerberus Prime nodded solemnly. "Indeed, young prince," she confirmed. "Our lineage is a blend of both demon and sinner blood, a heritage that grants us certain advantages and abilities not typically found in either group."

Cerberus Second stepped forward, a faint smile playing on her lips. "We possess the strength and resilience of demons, coupled with the adaptability and resourcefulness of sinners," she elaborated. "It is a potent combination that has allowed our family to thrive in the ever-changing landscape of Hell."

"And let us not forget our canine heritage," Cerberus Third chimed in, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Our keen senses and instinctual abilities make us formidable hunters and trackers, invaluable assets to our family and allies."

Charlomaine nodded in understanding, his curiosity piqued by the Cerberus sisters' unique lineage. As the prince of Hell, he was accustomed to encountering beings of all shapes and sizes, each with their own origins and abilities. Yet, the hybrid nature of the Cerberus family added an intriguing layer of complexity to their identity.

"Thank you for sharing your story with me," Charlomaine said, his tone genuine. "Your family's heritage is truly fascinating, and I am honored to have the opportunity to learn more about it."

The Cerberus sisters exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions reflecting a shared sense of pride in their lineage. In that moment, a sense of camaraderie and understanding blossomed between Charlomaine and the hybrid siblings—a bond that would only deepen as they faced the challenges and adventures that lay ahead in the chaotic world of Hell.

To be continued

So yeah two Ch in one day hope you like also yesterday I messed up justice name to Justic my ass was way to lazy to fix it also yeah hope people like this Ch