A very arigent chicken

"Well, well, well, if it isn't the prince of Hell," a voice echoed through the grand hall.

Charlomaine's happy expression darkened instantly. He turned to face the source of the voice, a forced smile plastered on his face. Striding towards them was a man with bright yellow hair and a slight yellow beard. Two flaming wings extended from his back, flickering with an otherworldly light. He was a sinner, but not just any sinner—he was Raiser, a member of the notorious Phoenix family, another royal lineage in Hell.

Raiser's eyes glinted with amusement as he approached, his fiery wings casting a warm glow around him. "Charlomaine," he drawled, his voice dripping with mockery. "It's been too long. I see you still keep interesting company."

Charlomaine's eyes narrowed, his forced smile barely hiding his disdain. "Raiser," he greeted coldly. "What brings you to this diplomatic event? I didn't think you'd be interested in such matters."

Raiser chuckled, his gaze drifting over the Cerberus sisters. "Oh, you know me, always looking to expand my network," he said smoothly. "And who could resist the charm of such lovely hybrids?" He winked at the sisters, who remained stoic, their expressions unreadable.

Cerberus Prime stepped forward, her tone polite but firm. "Raiser, it's always a pleasure," she said, though her eyes betrayed no warmth. "What business do you have here today?"

Raiser's smile widened. "Just here to enjoy the festivities and perhaps engage in a bit of...friendly competition," he replied, his eyes locking onto Charlomaine's. "After all, what better way to strengthen alliances than through a little rivalry?"

Charlomaine's fists clenched at his sides, but he kept his composure. "Competition?" he echoed. "What kind of competition are you suggesting?"

Raiser spread his hands, flames dancing along his fingers. "Oh, nothing too serious," he said with a smirk. "Just a test of skills and strength. A duel, perhaps? To remind everyone who truly holds power here."

Charlomaine's fake smile dropped completely. "If it's a duel you want, then a duel you'll get," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "But don't think for a moment that I'll go easy on you."

Raiser's grin widened, his eyes glinting with anticipation. "Excellent," he said. "Let's give everyone a show they won't forget."

The atmosphere in the hall shifted, tension crackling in the air as the two royal descendants prepared to face off. The Cerberus sisters stepped back, their eyes fixed on Charlomaine with concern and support.

"Be careful, darling," Cerberus Second whispered, her voice barely audible.

Charlomaine nodded, his gaze never leaving Raiser's. "I will," he promised, his resolve steeled for the challenge ahead. "Let's show him what the prince of Hell is truly capable of."

"Also," Raiser sneered, his gaze shifting back to Charlomaine. "Why are you hanging out with hybrids like these?" He pointed to the Cerberus sisters, his eyes meeting each of the three in turn.

"They aren't even fully sinners like me, or full demons," Raiser continued, his voice dripping with mockery. "They are hybrids." He emphasized the word as if it were a curse. "I mean, they aren't even fully demons. Heck, they're hybrid hellhounds. Lower than imps."

Charlomaine's eyes flashed with anger, but he kept his voice steady. "You know nothing of their strength or loyalty, Raiser," he said coldly. "These 'hybrids' have proven themselves far more worthy than any pureblood demon I've encountered."

Cerberus Prime stepped forward, her expression fierce. "We may be hybrids, but we are proud of our heritage," she declared. "We are not defined by our blood, but by our actions and loyalty."

Raiser scoffed, crossing his arms. "Loyalty?" he echoed with a smirk. "Loyalty won't save you in the heat of battle."

Charlomaine's fists clenched, but he maintained his composure. "Loyalty and strength are not mutually exclusive, Raiser," he said. "And you will soon see just how formidable they can be."

Raiser's eyes narrowed. "Bold words, prince," he said, his tone challenging. "Let's see if you can back them up."

Charlomaine stepped forward, his presence commanding. "Very well," he said. "Let the duel begin."

The tension in the hall grew palpable as Charlomaine and Raiser squared off. The Cerberus sisters stood behind Charlomaine, their expressions resolute and supportive.

Raiser summoned flames to his hands, his fiery wings spreading wide. "Prepare yourself, Charlomaine," he taunted. "This will be a duel to remember."

Charlomaine's eyes narrowed as he called upon his own powers. "Indeed," he replied. "Let's give them a show they won't forget."

With that, the duel began. Flames and dark energy clashed in a spectacular display of power. Charlomaine and Raiser exchanged blows, each trying to outmaneuver the other. The Cerberus sisters watched intently, ready to step in if needed.

Charlomaine's movements were precise and calculated, his years of training evident in every strike. Raiser, on the other hand, fought with reckless abandon, his attacks wild and fiery.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that Charlomaine's strategy and the support of the Cerberus sisters were giving him the upper hand. With a final, powerful blow, Charlomaine sent Raiser sprawling to the ground.

Breathing heavily, Charlomaine stood over his fallen opponent. "Do you see now, Raiser?" he said, his voice steady. "Strength and loyalty go hand in hand. Never underestimate those who fight by my side."

Raiser glared up at him, his pride wounded but his spirit unbroken. "This isn't over," he spat. "I'll be back."

Charlomaine nodded, his expression resolute. "I'll be ready," he said. "And so will they."

The Cerberus sisters stepped forward, their expressions proud and supportive. Together, they faced Raiser, a united front against any challenge that lay ahead.

As then all three of them moved to Charlomaine, each of them grabbed him, making puppy noises.

"Be our beloved," Cerberus Prime said, her wide, innocent eyes meeting his.

"Yes, no one defends us like that except for our family," Cerberus Second added, looking at him with admiration.

"Yes, yes, yes, please do," Cerberus Third echoed, her eyes pleading.

Charlomaine was taken aback, not used to such open affection from the Cerberus sisters. Before he could respond, the lights dimmed and then brightened again. Charlomaine turned to see his parents, Lucifer and Lilith, standing on a small stage.

"Today, we are here to announce something important," Lucifer said, addressing the crowd. "We have decided to have our son be engaged."

The crowd of demons murmured among themselves, curiosity piqued. Charlomaine's eyes widened in realization as he glanced at his parents.

Lilith continued, "We present the next in line to the Hound family, the Cerberus sisters."

The murmurings grew louder as the demons recognized the significance of this alliance. The Hound family was a powerful and influential house, known for their strength and loyalty. The Cerberus sisters, standing beside Charlomaine, straightened up, their expressions a mix of pride and excitement.

Charlomaine, still processing the sudden turn of events, managed to compose himself. He stepped forward, meeting the eyes of the three sisters.

"It is an honor to be engaged to you," Charlomaine said, extending his hand to them.

Cerberus Prime took his hand, her grip firm. "The honor is ours, Charlomaine," she replied, her voice steady and strong. "We look forward to our future together."

Cerberus Second and Third nodded in agreement, their eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Lucifer and Lilith watched the exchange with satisfaction, knowing that this alliance would strengthen their position in Hell. The announcement marked the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with promise and potential challenges. The crowd of demons applauded, recognizing the significance of this powerful union.

Charlomaine glanced back at his parents, seeing their approval. He knew this engagement was more than just a personal relationship; it was a strategic move that would shape the future of Hell.

Yes but. Lucifer said looking at his son. Which one of the 3 do you pick

Charlomaine turned to his father, surprised. "Which one?" he echoed, glancing at the three sisters.

Lucifer nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Yes, you need to choose one of the three to be your primary fiancée. The others will remain your loyal allies, but tradition dictates you must select one."

Charlomaine looked at Cerberus Prime, Second, and Third. Each of them stared back at him, their expressions filled with hope and expectation. He took a deep breath, considering his decision carefully.

"Cerberus Prime," Charlomaine said finally, his voice steady. "I choose you."

Cerberus Prime's eyes widened with surprise and then filled with joy. She stepped forward, taking his hand in hers. "I am honored, Charlomaine," she said softly, her voice filled with sincerity.

Cerberus Second and Third exchanged glances but then smiled, stepping closer to Charlomaine as well.

"We support your decision, and we will stand by you always," Cerberus Second said, her tone warm and genuine.

"Yes, together we are stronger," Cerberus Third added, nodding in agreement.

Lucifer and Lilith exchanged a satisfied glance, knowing this alliance would indeed be a powerful one.

"Very well," Lucifer announced to the gathered crowd. "Charlomaine has chosen Cerberus Prime as his primary fiancée. This union will bring great strength and unity to our families."

The crowd erupted in applause, the demons acknowledging the significance of this moment. Charlomaine felt a mixture of relief and determination. He knew this was just the beginning of his journey, and he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, with Cerberus Prime and her sisters by his side.

Actually. The hound family leader said. It is ok for him to pick all 3 of them, to be his future wife.

Charlomaine looked up at the leader of the Hound family, his eyes widening in surprise.

"Really?" Charlomaine asked, glancing back at the three sisters who were now beaming with excitement.

"Yes," the Hound family leader confirmed, a proud smile on his face. "It is not uncommon for members of powerful families to have multiple spouses. You may take all three of them as your future wives."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow, but then he smiled and nodded. "Well, that settles it. Charlomaine, you will be engaged to all three of the Cerberus sisters."

The crowd erupted in cheers, acknowledging the powerful union being formed. Cerberus Prime, Second, and Third each took one of Charlomaine's hands, their eyes shining with happiness.

"We are honored to be your future wives," Cerberus Prime said, her voice filled with emotion.

"We will support you and each other always," Cerberus Second added, squeezing his hand gently.

"Together, we will make an unbreakable team," Cerberus Third finished, her smile bright.

Charlomaine felt a sense of relief and joy wash over him. This unexpected turn of events felt right, and he knew that with the support of the Cerberus sisters, he could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Thank you," Charlomaine said, looking at each of the sisters in turn. "I am honored to have you all by my side."

Lucifer stepped forward, raising his hand to address the crowd. "This union will bring great strength and unity to our families. Let us celebrate this momentous occasion!"

As the crowd cheered once more, Charlomaine couldn't help but feel hopeful for the future. With the Cerberus sisters by his side, he knew they could achieve great things together.

End of flash back

"That is how the day went," Charlomaine said, looking at Zestial. "That's how I ended up engaged to all three of them."

Zestial nodded thoughtfully. "A fascinating tale, young lord. It seems you have quite a unique bond with the Cerberus sisters."

Charlomaine glanced at the three sisters, who were now smiling at him with warmth and affection. "Yeah, they're special. We've been through a lot together."

Cerberus Prime stepped forward, her eyes sparkling. "We have always been and will always be by your side, Charlomaine."

"Yes, we'll face any challenge together," Cerberus Second added, nodding firmly.

"And no one will dare to mock us again," Cerberus Third finished with a determined look.

Zestial smirked. "Indeed, with such loyal companions, your future looks promising, young lord."

Charlomaine smiled, feeling a deep sense of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, Zestial. And thank you, all of you. Together, we'll make sure no one underestimates us ever again."

As they stood together, ready to face whatever the future held, Charlomaine knew that with the Cerberus sisters and his loyal advisor by his side, he could conquer any challenge that came his way.

"But what about Raiser?" Zestial said, looking at him. "You don't like him, do you?"

"No," Charlomaine said, shaking his head. "There aren't many royal demons I like or respect. Personally, I always liked the lower class more. They're more... well, likable, as much as you can get in hell, that is."

Zestial raised an eyebrow. "Interesting perspective for a prince of hell."

Charlomaine shrugged. "The so-called 'nobles' are mostly self-serving and arrogant. The lower classes, at least, are honest about who they are. They don't pretend to be something they're not."

Cerberus Prime nodded in agreement. "It's true. The lower classes have a certain honesty about them."

"And loyalty," added Cerberus Second. "They don't betray their own."

Cerberus Third smiled. "We're with you, Charlomaine. No matter what."

Charlomaine felt a swell of gratitude towards the sisters. "Thanks. That means a lot."

Zestial smirked. "It seems the prince has a heart after all."

Charlomaine rolled his eyes. "Don't push your luck, Zestial."

As they shared a rare moment of camaraderie, Charlomaine felt a renewed sense of purpose. Despite the challenges and the political intrigue, he knew he could rely on his loyal companions. Together, they would navigate the treacherous waters of hell's politics and emerge stronger than ever.

"But I do respect the lower class who have climbed the ranks," Charlomaine said, looking at Zestial. "From normal sinner to overlord, finally getting the title of royal demon—whether through my father's or mother's decree—if they don't become arrogant assholes, I respect them all."

Zestial nodded thoughtfully. "Ambition tempered with humility is a rare but admirable trait, especially in hell."

Cerberus Prime tilted her head. "So, anyone in particular you respect?"

Charlomaine thought for a moment. "There are a few. Those who worked their way up without losing their integrity. They're the ones who make hell a place where merit can still matter, despite the chaos and corruption."

Cerberus Second grinned. "That's why we chose you, Charlomaine. You're different."

"Yes," Cerberus Third agreed. "You see the value in everyone, not just those born into power."

Charlomaine smiled at them. "I try. It's not easy, but it's worth it."

Zestial smirked. "Well, it's good to know the future king has some sense."

Charlomaine rolled his eyes. "Don't get used to it, Zestial. I still have my moments."

As they laughed, the tension of the morning began to fade. With his loyal companions by his side, Charlomaine felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The path to power in hell was fraught with danger, but together, they would navigate it with strength and unity.

To be continued

Also sense people are going to ask this yes Raiser is this universe version of Riser