Chaine Family

As Charlomaine waited on the rooftop, he watched the horizon for the arrival of Justice. His anticipation grew when he saw several carriages approaching, each drawn by powerful horses from Hell. The sight of the majestic steeds made Charlomaine wish for one of his own.

The first carriage stopped, and from it emerged a formidable figure. Clad in full armor with a sword strapped to his back, his gray skin contrasted sharply with his blue eyes, and two horns jutted from his head. This was Chain, the current head of the Chain family.

Charlomaine jumped down from the rooftop to greet them. "Welcome, Lord Chain," he said with a respectful bow.

Chain nodded in acknowledgment. "Greetings, Prince Charlomaine. It is an honor to meet you."

As Charlomaine straightened up, he glanced at the other carriages. "And where is your daughter, Justice?"

As if on cue, the door of the second carriage opened, and a young woman stepped out. She had striking features: white hair, piercing red eyes, and an air of confidence. She wore a dark, elegant dress that matched her father's formidable presence.

"Justice, welcome to our home," Charlomaine said, extending his hand.

Justice looked at him, her gaze steady and unflinching. "Thank thee, Prince Charlomaine," she replied in her old-style English. She took his hand with a firm grip, and they shook hands.

Chain observed the interaction with approval. "I trust you two will get along well. Justice has been eager to meet you."

Charlomaine smiled. "I am sure we will. Please, come inside. There is much to discuss."

As they made their way into the grand hall, Charlomaine couldn't help but notice the curiosity and cautious respect in Justic's eyes. It was clear she had heard much about him and their impending union.

Once inside, Charlomaine led them to the main chamber where Lucifer and Lilith awaited. The king and queen of Hell stood regally, ready to welcome their guests.

"Welcome, Lord Chain, and welcome, Justic," Lilith greeted warmly. "We are pleased to have you here."

Chain bowed deeply. "Thank you, Your Majesties. It is an honor to be here."

Charlomaine took his place beside his parents. "Justic, I believe this is the start of a significant alliance between our families."

Justice nodded. "Indeed, Prince Charlomaine. I look forward to our future together."

As the evening progressed, discussions of politics, alliances, and the future took center stage. Charlomaine found himself intrigued by Justice's intelligence and strength. She was no ordinary sinner; she carried the legacy of her family with pride and determination.

As the night drew to a close, Charlomaine escorted Justic to her chambers. "I hope you find your stay here comfortable. If there is anything you need, do not hesitate to ask."

"Thou art kind, Prince Charlomaine," Justice replied. "I look forward to getting to know thee better."

Charlomaine smiled. "As do I."

As they both looked left and right, they let out a bright, simultaneous sigh.

"I really can't do that anymore," Justice's said, relaxing her formal posture. "So, how is life, Charles?"

Hearing that name, Charlomaine felt a tick mark of irritation form on his forehead. He really hated that nickname. It reminded him of his past life and the Moon Cell Holy Grail War, where his historical counterpart, Charles, had done many things that he would rather forget. Back then, he was known as Charlemagne, but no one knew that now.

"Can you please stop calling me that?" Charlomaine said, looking at Justice with a mix of exasperation and affection. "I know we're friends and everything, but why do you keep doing it? Also, the whole royal act never suited you anyway."

Justice laughed, a light and musical sound that cut through the tension. "I know, I know. It's just fun to tease you. Besides, you're the only one who reacts like that. Everyone else is too scared of you."

Charlomaine sighed, his irritation melting away. "Yeah, well, I guess it's just a reminder of things I'd rather forget."

"Fair enough," Justice said, her expression softening. "I'll try to remember that. So, what's been keeping you busy lately?"

Charlomaine shrugged. "The usual. Training, dealing with politics, and preparing for the future. You know how it is."

Justice nodded. "Yeah, I get it. Same here. My father has been pushing me hard, but I suppose that's the life we chose."

"Indeed," Charlomaine agreed. "But enough about duties. How about we take a break from all this and just catch up like old times?"

"That sounds perfect," Justice said with a smile. "Lead the way, Charles—uh, I mean, Charlomaine."

Charlomaine chuckled, shaking his head. "Let's go."

As they walked through the corridors of the palace, they fell into an easy conversation, their laughter echoing through the halls. For a moment, they could forget their responsibilities and just be two friends enjoying each other's company.

"But can you tell me something?" Charlomaine asked, looking at her intently. "Why did you pick me?"

Justice smiled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Simple," she said, meeting his gaze. "It was either you or Raiser."

Charlomaine couldn't help but laugh at that. "So, it was a choice between the lesser of two evils, huh?"

"Pretty much," Justice replied with a grin. "Raiser is...well, you know how he is. Arrogant, insufferable, and a complete jerk. You, on the other hand, actually have a heart. Plus, you've always treated me with respect."

Charlomaine nodded, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "I suppose that's a fair assessment. But still, choosing between us seems like a tough spot to be in."

"It was," Justice admitted, her tone more serious now. "But I made my choice, and I stand by it."

Before Charlomaine could respond, Chain approached, his heavy armor clinking with each step. "Justice, Charlomaine, it's time to discuss the terms of your engagement."

Charlomaine sighed, knowing this conversation was inevitable. "Let's get this over with."

They all moved to a private chamber, where Chain laid out the conditions. "Our families will form a powerful alliance through this union. Justice will support you in your future endeavors, and in return, the Chain family will receive protection and favor from the royal family."

Charlomaine nodded. "That sounds reasonable."

Justice added, "And we expect mutual respect and support. This isn't just a political arrangement for me, Charlomaine. I want us to work together and help each other grow."

Charlomaine met her eyes, seeing the sincerity in them. "Agreed. We'll support each other."

The contract was signed, binding them together in a powerful alliance. As they left the chamber, Justice nudged Charlomaine playfully. "You know, this might actually be fun."

Charlomaine chuckled. "Let's hope so. We've got a lot ahead of us."

As they rejoined the others, Charlomaine noticed Zestial watching them with a smirk. "Congratulations, young lord," Zestial said. "Another step towards your destiny."

Charlomaine rolled his eyes. "Thanks, Zestial. Now let's see what other surprises today has in store."

Justice linked her arm with Charlomaine's. "Whatever comes, we'll face it together."

With their new bond sealed, Charlomaine felt a strange sense of anticipation. The future was uncertain, but with allies like Justice and the Cerberus sisters, he felt more prepared to face it.

Meanwhile, Lucifer and Chain sat in a quieter corner, their drinks in hand. They regarded each other with a mix of nostalgia and wariness.

"You have changed a lot, Lucifer," Chain said, taking a sip of his drink. "You've come a long way from the days when I first arrived in Hell. I still remember how scared I was back then."

Lucifer chuckled, a soft, almost melancholic sound. "Those were different times, Chain. Hell was a lot more chaotic, and I was still finding my way as its ruler. But you've changed too. From a frightened newcomer to the head of one of Hell's most respected families."

Chain nodded thoughtfully. "Yes, we've both evolved. It's strange to think how much time has passed and how much we've both grown. Back then, I never would have imagined sitting here with you, discussing an alliance through our children."

"Neither would I," Lucifer admitted. "But here we are, trying to navigate the complexities of power and family. It's not an easy path, but it's necessary."

Chain looked around, watching the mingling demons and sinners. "Our world is harsh, but it's home. And our children will need to be strong to survive and thrive here."

Lucifer's gaze softened. "They will be. Charlomaine has shown great potential, and with Justice by his side, I believe they'll bring about a new era for Hell."

Chain raised his glass. "To our children, then. May they forge a future brighter than our past."

Lucifer clinked his glass against Chain's. "To the future. And to the unexpected friendships we've found along the way."

They drank, a silent understanding passing between them. Their pasts were filled with darkness and struggle, but the future held a glimmer of hope. And in Hell, that was a rare and precious thing.

Lucifer's smile faded slightly, his eyes reflecting a shadow of old memories. "Yes, those were dark times," he said, his voice quieter. "I was ruthless, driven by anger and a need to assert my dominance. The chaos was a way to maintain control, to show strength."

Chain nodded, a grim expression on his face. "So many deaths and so much chaos. I remember those scenes vividly. The screams, the despair... You dragged traitors with horses, riding all the way through Hell. And then there were the punishments reminiscent of what humans did to your brother, Jesus."

Lucifer's jaw tightened at the mention of Jesus. "It was a message, Chain. A brutal one, but necessary at the time. I needed to establish order and make it clear that betrayal had severe consequences. I regret the need for such measures, but Hell is not a place for mercy."

Chain sighed, setting his drink down. "I understand. We've all done things we're not proud of to survive here. But things are different now. Our children, they have a chance to shape Hell into something... less brutal."

Lucifer's expression softened. "Yes, Charlomaine and Justice represent a new generation. They have the potential to lead with strength but also with a touch of compassion that we lacked. Perhaps they can bring balance to this place."

Chain glanced towards where Charlomaine and Justice were conversing. "Let's hope so. For their sake and for the future of Hell."

Lucifer nodded, a small but genuine smile returning to his face. "For their sake, indeed. And for ours, too. We've paved the way with blood and fire. It's time for them to build something better."

As they continued to watch their children, there was a shared hope between the two leaders that the future might hold more than just survival it might hold the possibility of redemption and change.

So are you every gonna change your outfit. Lucifer said looking at chain armour. Like how many centers have you been wearing that armour

Chain chuckled, looking down at his armor. "This old thing? I've been wearing it for centuries, yes. It's seen better days, but it's also seen countless battles. It's become a part of me, in a way."

Lucifer smirked. "I figured as much. It just seems a bit outdated, don't you think? Maybe it's time for an upgrade."

Chain shrugged. "Perhaps. But this armor has served me well. It's a reminder of where I came from and what I've endured. Changing it feels... wrong, somehow."

Lucifer nodded, understanding. "I get it. We all have our relics from the past. But don't you think it's time to let go of some of that history? We're trying to build something new here, something better."

Chain sighed, glancing at his armor again. "Maybe you're right. It's just hard to let go of the past, especially when it's shaped so much of who we are."

Lucifer placed a hand on Chain's shoulder. "It's about moving forward, Chain. We've all done things we're not proud of, but we can't let those things define us forever. We're here to create a better future for our children."

Chain looked at Lucifer, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Alright, I'll consider it. Maybe it's time for a change after all."

Lucifer grinned. "Good. And who knows, maybe you'll start a new trend among the sinners."

Chain chuckled. "Let's hope so. If we're going to build a better Hell, we might as well look the part."

As they shared a moment of understanding, Charlomaine and Justice continued their conversation, unaware of the profound decisions being made by their fathers. The future of Hell, it seemed, was slowly beginning to take shape.

Meanwhile in heaven they had been getting mails as one then grabbed one as they saw the name Lucifer, as the mail boy, ran to the office if arch angel, as in seating on chair was Micheal who was Lucifer twin as rh messed boy arrived as Micheal saw the letter.

When was this sent. As he looked at the date. 15 years ago so recent what do you have lucifer

Michael's brow furrowed as he examined the letter, its edges worn from years of transit. He carefully broke the seal and began to read, the familiar handwriting of his twin brother, Lucifer, bringing a mix of emotions to the surface. A photo of a baby fell out of the envelope, landing gently on Michael's desk.


**Dear Michael,**

**I hope this letter finds you well. It has been many years since we last spoke, and much has changed in Hell. I write to you not as a rival or adversary, but as a brother.**

**There is someone you need to know about: my son, Charlomaine. Enclosed is a photo of him as a baby. He is unlike any other in Hell, possessing qualities and potential that could bring a new era of balance.**

**Charlomaine is now fifteen years old, and I believe he holds the key to bridging the gap between our realms. He is not just a product of Hell; he embodies a unique blend of strength, wisdom, and compassion that even I find remarkable.**

**I write to you in the hope that you might consider meeting him. Perhaps in him, you will see the possibility of a future where our realms are not constantly at odds.**

**Yours in earnest,**



Michael leaned back in his chair, processing the contents of the letter. The idea of Lucifer having a son, and one with such potential, was unexpected. Despite their past conflicts, Michael could sense a genuine desire for reconciliation in Lucifer's words.

The archangel's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Gabriel entered, noting the pensive look on Michael's face.

"What's the matter, Michael?" Gabriel asked, concern evident in his voice.

Michael handed him the letter and the photo. "It's from Lucifer. He sent this fifteen years ago, but it only just arrived. He's introducing us to his son, Charlomaine."

Gabriel examined the photo and letter, eyebrows raising in surprise. "Lucifer has a son? And he wants us to meet him?"

Michael nodded. "Yes. He believes Charlomaine could be a bridge between our realms. If there's even a chance that he's right, we have to consider it. Perhaps it's time we reach out and see what his son is like."

Gabriel nodded. "I'll arrange a meeting with the other archangels. This could be a significant development."

As Gabriel left to gather the others, Michael looked out the window, his mind racing with the possibilities. Could it be true? Could Lucifer's son really bring about a new era of cooperation between Heaven and Hell? Only time would tell. But for now, hope flickered in Michael's heart, a hope that perhaps the bonds of family could overcome even the greatest of rifts.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones