Unexpected visitor

As in heaven they had been getting mails as one then grabbed one as they saw the name Lucifer, as the mail boy, ran to the office if arch angel, as in seating on chair was Micheal who was Lucifer twin as rh messed boy arrived as Micheal saw the letter.

When was this sent. As he looked at the date. 15 years ago so recent what do you have lucifer

Michael's brow furrowed as he examined the letter, its edges worn from years of transit. He carefully broke the seal and began to read, the familiar handwriting of his twin brother, Lucifer, bringing a mix of emotions to the surface. A photo of a baby fell out of the envelope, landing gently on Michael's desk.


**Dear Michael,**

**I hope this letter finds you well. It has been many years since we last spoke, and much has changed in Hell. I write to you not as a rival or adversary, but as a brother.**

**There is someone you need to know about: my son, Charlomaine. Enclosed is a photo of him as a baby. He is unlike any other in Hell, possessing qualities and potential that could bring a new era of balance.**

**Charlomaine is now fifteen years old, and I believe he holds the key to bridging the gap between our realms. He is not just a product of Hell; he embodies a unique blend of strength, wisdom, and compassion that even I find remarkable.**

**I write to you in the hope that you might consider meeting him. Perhaps in him, you will see the possibility of a future where our realms are not constantly at odds.**

**Yours in earnest,**



Michael leaned back in his chair, processing the contents of the letter. The idea of Lucifer having a son, and one with such potential, was unexpected. Despite their past conflicts, Michael could sense a genuine desire for reconciliation in Lucifer's words.

The archangel's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Gabriel entered, noting the pensive look on Michael's face.

"What's the matter, Michael?" Gabriel asked, concern evident in his voice.

Michael handed him the letter and the photo. "It's from Lucifer. He sent this fifteen years ago, but it only just arrived. He's introducing us to his son, Charlomaine."

Gabriel examined the photo and letter, eyebrows raising in surprise. "Lucifer has a son? And he wants us to meet him?"

Michael nodded. "Yes. He believes Charlomaine could be a bridge between our realms. If there's even a chance that he's right, we have to consider it. Perhaps it's time we reach out and see what his son is like."

Gabriel nodded. "I'll arrange a meeting with the other archangels. This could be a significant development."

As Gabriel left to gather the others, Michael looked out the window, his mind racing with the possibilities. Could it be true? Could Lucifer's son really bring about a new era of cooperation between Heaven and Hell? Only time would tell. But for now, hope flickered in Michael's heart, a hope that perhaps the bonds of family could overcome even the greatest of rifts.

So what is the kids name. Gabriel said her eyes meeting him. What is his name.

Charlomaine. Michael said looking at him. His name is Charlomaine.

Wait he name him Charlomaine. She said almost be lapping. Oh boy that kid of hell names his after a christen king oh boy that other are going lapp at this not a joke right

Michael shook his head. "No, it's not a joke. Lucifer seems to have chosen the name intentionally. Charlomaine... it carries weight, significance."

Gabriel's expression softened, understanding dawning in her eyes. "I see. Well, regardless of the name, we should approach this with an open mind. If Lucifer believes his son can bring about change, then we owe it to ourselves to at least meet him."

Michael nodded in agreement. "Agreed. We'll convene the other archangels and discuss our next steps. This could be the beginning of something significant, Gabriel. Let's not dismiss it lightly."

With that, they left the office, the weight of Lucifer's letter hanging in the air. As they gathered the other archangels, the prospect of meeting Charlomaine, Lucifer's son, filled them with a mixture of curiosity and cautious optimism.

Raphael, the archangel known for his healing abilities, read the letter with a furrowed brow. "Hmm... Charlomaine. An intriguing choice of name. It seems Lucifer is making a statement with this."

Uriel, the archangel of wisdom, nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed. We must consider what message Lucifer intends to convey through this. Perhaps this Charlomaine is meant to bring about change, as the name suggests."

Asriel, the archangel associated with justice, folded his arms across his chest. "Change or not, we must be vigilant. Lucifer's intentions are always shrouded in mystery. We cannot afford to underestimate him or his progeny."

Gabriel, the archangel known for her compassion, offered a gentle smile. "Regardless of Lucifer's motives, this child is innocent. We must approach him with kindness and understanding. Who knows, he may surprise us all."

With their reactions varied, the archangels convened to discuss their response to Lucifer's letter and the implications of Charlomaine's existence. The fate of heaven and hell seemed intertwined more than ever before, and their next steps would be crucial in navigating this delicate balance.

Still. Azreal the angel of death said looking at the picture. This kids looks more human then demon or even a sinner heck if it was not for the bat wing I would have thought he was Human

Michael nodded, his gaze fixed on the photograph. "Indeed, Azrael. Charlomaine's appearance is... unexpected. It raises questions about his nature and potential role in the celestial order."

Gabriel leaned closer to examine the image. "He does seem to defy conventional expectations. Perhaps his unique heritage will enable him to bridge the gap between worlds, fostering understanding and harmony."

Raphael chimed in, his tone thoughtful. "Regardless of his appearance, Charlomaine is a child of both realms. We must ensure he is nurtured and guided with wisdom and compassion, regardless of the challenges he may face."

Uriel, ever the strategist, pondered aloud, "Indeed. Our approach to Charlomaine will shape his path. Let us not underestimate the significance of our interactions with him. He may hold the key to a future we cannot yet foresee."

With the archangels deep in discussion, their focus shifted to devising a plan to welcome Charlomaine into the celestial fold and ensure his upbringing would serve the greater good of both heaven and hell.

As then they saw someone walking in as they saw him, he was wearing a pure whitr suit with a mix of brown ans yellow hair as ut was slich back he was holding a Cain, as he was walking to them as this was Jesus there brother and thr second highest authority only to father, aka God

As Jesus approached, the atmosphere in the room shifted subtly, a mixture of reverence and anticipation filling the space. His presence exuded a sense of calm and warmth, contrasting the gravity of the discussion.

"Brothers and sister," Jesus greeted them with a serene smile. "I see the arrival of Charlomaine has stirred much discussion among you."

Michael nodded respectfully. "Indeed, brother. Charlomaine's emergence raises significant questions about the balance between heaven and hell, as well as his potential role in the divine plan."

Gabriel's gaze softened as she regarded Jesus. "We seek your guidance, brother. Your wisdom and insight are invaluable as we navigate this new chapter in the celestial realm."

Jesus nodded thoughtfully, his eyes reflecting deep understanding. "Charlomaine's existence is a testament to the intricate tapestry of creation. As stewards of this realm, it is our duty to embrace him with compassion and understanding, guiding him towards his true purpose."

Raphael, ever eager to contribute, spoke up. "But how do we ensure Charlomaine's upbringing aligns with the divine will? How do we reconcile his dual heritage and potential influence on both realms?"

Uriel nodded in agreement. "Indeed, his upbringing is paramount. We must ensure he receives the necessary guidance and education to fulfill his destiny, whatever that may be."

Jesus raised a hand, his expression gentle yet resolute. "Fear not, my siblings. Charlomaine's journey is guided by the divine hand. Trust in the wisdom of the Creator, and together, we shall illuminate the path ahead for this child of both worlds."

Wait your knew about him. Micheal said looking at Jesus. How long

Sense he was Born. Jesus said looking at them. I mean did you know he has four fiancé.

Haha. Raphael lapped with the other male angel. The boy is making us proud.

As the Gabriel aen Uriel the only female angel of the arch angel smacked each of there brother head with a pan

Michael chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Leave it to Charlomaine to keep us on our toes, even before he's fully grown."

Gabriel sighed, though a hint of amusement danced in her eyes. "His antics may be amusing, but we mustn't forget the weight of his destiny. He bears a unique responsibility, one that requires our utmost attention and support."

Uriel nodded in agreement, her expression solemn. "Indeed, Charlomaine's path is fraught with challenges and uncertainties. It falls upon us to offer him guidance and protection, ensuring he remains steadfast in his purpose."

Jesus's gaze softened as he regarded his siblings with affection. "Worry not, my dear ones. Charlomaine is resilient and resourceful, qualities he undoubtedly inherited from both worlds. Together, we shall shepherd him towards his destiny, navigating the complexities of heaven and hell with unwavering faith."

With a shared sense of determination, the archangels prepared to embrace the journey ahead, knowing that Charlomaine's existence heralded a new chapter in the celestial realm, one filled with both trials and triumphs.

Meanwhile in hell Charlomaine was just thinking as the Cerberus sister looked at him

What is wrong. Cerberus prime said looking at him. What is wrong

Don't know. Charlomaine said looking at his fiancée. I fell something is going to happen and I am going to be in the middle of it

Cerberus seacond frowned slightly, her concern evident. "Do you want us to accompany you? Perhaps our presence could offer some reassurance."

Charlomaine shook his head, a determined glint in his eyes. "No, I must face whatever awaits me alone. But knowing you're by my side in spirit gives me strength."

Cerberus third nodded, her expression resolute. "We'll be here waiting for you, ready to support you in any way we can. Just remember, you're not alone in this, Charlomaine."

With a grateful smile, Charlomaine bid them farewell, steeling himself for the challenges that lay ahead. He couldn't shake the feeling of impending danger, but with the Cerberus sisters' unwavering support, he felt ready to confront whatever fate had in store for him.

As Charlomaine ventured forth, he couldn't shake off the eerie sensation that lingered in the air. The streets of Hell seemed quieter than usual, the usual hustle and bustle replaced by an ominous silence. Shadows danced along the walls, casting eerie shapes that seemed to follow him with every step he took.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the silence like a blade. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the prince of Hell himself," a sinister figure emerged from the darkness, his eyes gleaming with malice. It was none other than Raiser, a rival demon who had always harbored resentment towards Charlomaine.

Charlomaine tensed, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword. "What do you want, Raiser?" he demanded, his voice steady despite the unease gnawing at his gut.

Raiser smirked, his gaze filled with contempt. "Oh, nothing much," he sneered. "Just thought I'd pay a visit to the illustrious prince and see if he's as powerful as they say."

Without warning, Raiser lunged forward, his claws aimed straight at Charlomaine's throat. Reacting swiftly, Charlomaine dodged the attack, narrowly avoiding Raiser's lethal strike.

The two demons clashed, their blows echoing through the empty streets as they engaged in a fierce battle. Charlomaine fought with all his might, his mind focused on protecting himself and those he cared about. With each strike, he could feel the weight of his responsibilities as the prince of Hell bearing down on him.

Despite Raiser's formidable strength, Charlomaine refused to back down. Drawing upon his training and the skills he had honed over the years, he fought with a determination that bordered on ferocity. He knew that failure was not an option – not when the lives of his loved ones hung in the balance.

As the battle raged on, Charlomaine could feel his strength waning, his muscles aching with exhaustion. But he refused to give in to despair, drawing upon the last reserves of his energy to deliver a final, decisive blow.

With a mighty swing of his sword, Charlomaine struck true, sending Raiser crashing to the ground with a resounding thud. For a moment, the world seemed to hold its breath as Charlomaine stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion.

But his triumph was short-lived, for even as Raiser lay defeated at his feet, Charlomaine knew that the battle was far from over. With a weary sigh, he braced himself for the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that the path to true victory would be fraught with danger and uncertainty.

As then Zestial came out of the shadow next to him was Justice as they both looked pisses.

What were you think. Justic siad looking at Raiser. Why did you attack him, are you nuts he is the fucking prince

Charlomaine glanced at Zestial and Justice, his expression a mix of surprise and gratitude. Despite their differences, they had his back when it mattered most.

"I appreciate the backup," Charlomaine said, his voice tinged with relief. "And Raiser... I don't know what he was thinking. But he won't be causing any more trouble for a while."

Justice nodded, her eyes narrowing as she turned her attention to Raiser, who lay sprawled on the ground, defeated and humiliated.

"You should count yourself lucky," Zestial added, his voice dripping with disdain. "Attacking the prince of Hell is a death sentence. Consider yourself fortunate that Charlomaine is feeling merciful today."

Raiser groaned, struggling to rise to his feet as he glared at Charlomaine with undisguised hatred. But before he could utter a word, Justice stepped forward, her expression cold and unforgiving.

"Consider this a warning," she said, her voice low and dangerous. "Cross Charlomaine again, and you'll regret it. We may be demons, but even we have our limits."

But why did you do this. Charlomaine siad looking at Raiser. You do relished this will not effect you but hr whole Phenix family

Raiser sneered, his lip curling in contempt as he struggled to his feet, his pride wounded but his resolve unbroken.

"Why did I do it?" he spat, his voice dripping with malice. "Because I refuse to bow down to some upstart prince who thinks he can rule Hell with impunity. You may have the title, Charlomaine, but you lack the strength and the conviction to lead."

Charlomaine's eyes narrowed, his patience wearing thin as he listened to Raiser's tirade. But before he could respond, Justice stepped forward, her voice cutting through the tension like a blade.

"Enough," she said, her tone firm and commanding. "We have wasted enough time on this fool. Let him go, Charlomaine. He is not worth your anger."

Charlomaine hesitated, his gaze locked with Raiser's for a moment longer before finally relenting. With a dismissive wave of his hand, he turned on his heel, his mind already racing with plans for the future.

"Consider yourself lucky," he said, his voice cold and unyielding. "Next time, you won't be so fortunate."

And with that, Charlomaine strode off into the darkness, leaving Raiser behind to nurse his wounded pride and plot his revenge.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones