Hello Uncle and Auntie

Actually what is is your goal. Justice said looking at Charlomaine as they were Walking. You never told me

My goal. Charlomaine thought to him self remembering his past life and remembering everything in remember how he was how he ruled. I wanna make everyone happy

As they walked, Charlomaine's words hung heavy in the air, his resolve firm and unwavering. Justice regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and admiration, her eyes reflecting the flickering light of the hellfire that surrounded them.

"To make everyone happy," she repeated, her voice soft with disbelief. "That's a lofty goal, even for a prince of Hell."

Charlomaine nodded, his expression serious as he met her gaze. "I know it won't be easy," he said, his voice tinged with determination. "But I believe it's possible. And I won't rest until I've achieved it."

Justice smiled, a rare glimmer of warmth in the depths of the underworld. "Then I'll stand by your side," she said, her voice steady with conviction. "No matter what challenges lie ahead, we'll face them together."

And with that, Charlomaine and Justice continued their journey through the dark and twisted landscape of Hell, their hearts filled with hope and determination as they forged a path toward a brighter future.

Still it is going to be difficult and maybe impossible. Vestial siad looking at Charlomaine. This is hell and even as prince everyone can act happy but is everyone in hell is not really happy then your dream won't work young prince, you do relished why the sinner in hell come in hell correct

Charlomaine's expression remained resolute, undeterred by Vestial's words. "I know it won't be easy," he admitted, "and I understand the nature of Hell better than most. But that doesn't mean I should give up on trying to make a difference."

He paused, his gaze scanning the landscape around them. "People come to Hell for many reasons," he continued, his voice low but determined. "Some for punishment, some for redemption. But regardless of why they're here, they deserve a chance at happiness."

Vestial regarded Charlomaine with a mixture of skepticism and admiration. "You're different from the others," he conceded. "Your compassion is... unusual, especially for a prince of Hell."

Charlomaine smiled faintly. "Maybe that's exactly why I have to try," he said. "To show that even in the darkest of places, there can be light."

With renewed determination, Charlomaine and his companions pressed on, their hearts set on a seemingly impossible dream of bringing happiness to the denizens of Hell.

As Charlomaine arrived to the castle he was ready for a good sleep, as then he hurd a nock on his door as he saw his father

Come with me. Lucifer said looking at him. This not demand this is order from the king of hell

Charlomaine was taken aback by his father's sudden summons. He followed Lucifer to the garden where Lilith was already waiting, her expression unreadable.

"Come with me," Lucifer said, his tone grave yet composed. Charlomaine followed silently, his mind racing with questions.

As they entered the garden, Charlomaine noticed a golden portal shimmering in the center. Before he could ask about it, figures began to emerge from the other side. Charlomaine's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the unmistakable presence of the Archangels.

As the archangels gathered in the garden, Charlomaine's surprise quickly turned to delight at the unexpected family reunion. He greeted each of his aunts and uncles with genuine warmth, feeling a sense of belonging that transcended the boundaries of heaven and hell.

"It's been too long," Charlomaine said, smiling as he embraced each of his relatives in turn. "I've missed having everyone together like this."

Lucifer and Lilith exchanged a knowing look, their pride evident in the way they watched their son interact with his celestial family. Despite the complexities of their respective realms, moments like these reminded them of the importance of family bonds.

As the evening wore on, Charlomaine regaled his relatives with tales of his adventures in hell, eliciting laughter and applause with each colorful anecdote. For a brief moment, the weight of his responsibilities faded away, replaced by the simple joy of spending time with loved ones.

As Charlomaine was talking with his Aunt's and Uncle, Micheal was with Lucifer and Liltih

Really he looks very human. Micheal said looking at Lucifer. If it wasn't for the bat wing I would thing is human how is that brother

The fuck do I know. Lucifer siad looking at Micheal. Also liltih is technically a human I mean first woman

Lucifer's dismissive response to Michael's observation prompted Lilith to interject with a playful smirk.

"Watch your language, dear," she chided Lucifer before turning her attention to Michael. "As for Charlomaine's appearance, well, let's just say he takes after his mother in more ways than one."

Michael chuckled at Lilith's remark, appreciating her light-hearted approach to the conversation. Despite the weighty responsibilities they bore as celestial beings, moments like these offered a welcome respite from the usual solemnity of their duties.

"I suppose he does," Michael conceded with a smile. "It's fascinating to see how much he resembles a human, yet his essence is undeniably celestial."

With a shared understanding of Charlomaine's unique nature, the trio continued their conversation, their familial bond strengthening with each passing moment.

Lilith leaned back, her gaze drifting to the celestial vista beyond. "Indeed, it's a testament to the intricate tapestry of creation. Each soul, whether celestial or mortal, carries a distinct essence that contributes to the greater harmony of existence."

Lucifer nodded in agreement, his expression softening as he reflected on the profundity of Lilith's words. "Our son embodies the convergence of worlds, a bridge between realms that reminds us of the interconnectedness of all beings."

Michael observed the exchange with a sense of reverence, his gaze drawn to the golden horizon where heaven and hell seemed to converge in a shimmering dance of light. "It's moments like these that remind us of the beauty inherent in diversity, the beauty of embracing the differences that define us."

As they basked in the tranquil ambiance of the garden, a sense of unity enveloped them, transcending the boundaries of heaven and hell. In that fleeting moment, they were simply family, bound by love and shared experiences, finding solace in each other's presence amidst the eternal expanse of existence.

Meanwhile with Charlomaine he was still talking to his aunt and uncle as they wanted to now what there nephew was doing.

So Charlomaine. Raphael siad looking at Charlomaine. I hurd you have four fiancee you luckily little guy

As then he got a smack in the head by Gabriel, as she just looked at him.

Charlomaine chuckled, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. "Yeah, it's been a bit of a whirlwind, to say the least. But they're all wonderful in their own way."

Uriel chimed in with a warm smile. "Indeed, it's a testament to your character that you've garnered such affection from them. You must be quite the charmer, Charlomaine."

Charlomaine shrugged modestly, his gaze drifting to the horizon. "I just try to treat everyone with kindness and respect. It's the least I can do in a place like hell."

Really are you really Lucifer son. Azrael said looking at him. No wait right Lucifer is also sweet hurt keep on forgetting that

Charlomaine nodded, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, it's a bit of a paradox, isn't it? My dad may rule hell, but he's got a heart of gold... most of the time, anyway."

Michael chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Indeed, he's not as intimidating as he seems. But I suppose that's what makes him such an effective ruler."

Charlomaine glanced at his uncle, a curious expression on his face. "Speaking of ruling, how's heaven been lately? Any major celestial dramas I should know about?"

So tell us about you Fiancee. Raphael siad still feeling the damage Gabriel gave to him. Come how you meet then and how did they became your fiancee

Charlomaine chuckled, settling into his seat as he began his tale. "Well, it all started when I was at a diplomatic party in hell. You see, I met the Cerberus sisters there, and we hit it off. They're quite the trio—loyal, fierce, and surprisingly caring once you get to know them. As for Justice, she's from the Chain family. We met under different circumstances, but there was an instant connection. She's strong-willed and independent, yet she has this gentle side that not many get to see."

Gabriel leaned forward, her interest piqued. "And how did they become your fiancées?"

Charlomaine scratched his head, recalling the events. "Well, it was a combination of circumstances and choices. Justice told me that it was either me or another suitor, and I guess I won her over. As for the Cerberus sisters, they just kind of... claimed me, I suppose."

Raphael smirked, his eyes twinkling mischievously. "Claimed you, huh? Sounds like quite the adventure."

Charlomaine laughed, nodding in agreement. "Oh, it definitely has been. But I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Indeed," Michael chimed in, his expression thoughtful. "It seems you've found yourself in quite the unique situation, Charlomaine. Four fiancées from prominent families in hell—quite the feat."

Charlomaine shrugged, a sheepish grin playing on his lips. "I suppose so. But you know what they say, love knows no bounds."

Azrael nodded, a hint of admiration in her eyes. "That's a commendable sentiment, especially in a place like hell."

As they continued their conversation, Charlomaine shared anecdotes about his time spent with each of his fiancées, recounting adventures, misunderstandings, and moments of genuine connection. The archangels listened intently, intrigued by Charlomaine's experiences in the underworld.

After a while, Lucifer joined the group, his presence commanding attention. "Well, it seems our young prince has been keeping quite busy," he remarked, a hint of pride in his voice.

Charlomaine smiled warmly at his father. "Just trying to make the most of my time here, Dad," he said. "After all, life in hell is never boring."

So um one thing more thing. Charlomaine siad looking at his uncle and aunt. Can you cancel the extermination I mean they happen every 10 years when hells population is at i-

No. All the arch angel and even Lucifer scream. We/they will not

Charlomaine was surprised, he expected the no from his Uncle and Aunties, but hearing a no from his father surprise him. Charlomaine's expression shifted from surprise to understanding as he absorbed their collective response. Despite his disappointment, he recognized the gravity of their decision.

"I understand," he said, his tone resolute. "I just thought I'd ask. But I trust your judgment, all of you."

Lucifer nodded solemnly, his gaze meeting Charlomaine's. "It's not an easy decision, son, but it's necessary for the balance of hell."

With a sigh, Charlomaine nodded in agreement, accepting the weight of their responsibility. "I'll keep that in mind," he replied, a sense of determination settling within him.

But can you tell me. Charlomaine said looking at them. Why won't you cancel it

The Archangels exchanged glances, silently deliberating the response to Charlomaine's question. Finally, Gabriel spoke up, her expression grave yet compassionate.

"It's not a decision we make lightly, Charlomaine," she began, her voice tinged with empathy. "The exterminations, as harsh as they may seem, serve a purpose in maintaining order and balance within hell. They're a necessary measure to prevent overpopulation and chaos."

Michael nodded in agreement, adding, "While we understand the suffering it brings, especially to those like you who wish for peace and harmony, sometimes difficult choices must be made for the greater good."

Charlomaine listened attentively, absorbing their words with a sense of resignation. He knew deep down that their decision was rooted in the complexities of governing hell, and though he didn't agree with it entirely, he respected their authority and wisdom.

"I see," he replied solemnly, a flicker of disappointment crossing his features. "Thank you for explaining. I may not fully understand it, but I trust your judgment."

Lucifer placed a reassuring hand on Charlomaine's shoulder, offering a supportive squeeze. "It's a difficult reality we face, son," he said gently. "But know that we'll always strive to make the best decisions for our realm, even when they're hard."

Charlomaine nodded, his resolve firming as he accepted the complexities of his realm's governance. In that moment, he vowed to work towards a future where such drastic measures might one day be rendered unnecessary.

Also not everyone in hell is will. Michael siad remembering some of the sinner. Don't desver to live in the after life

Michael's words hung heavy in the air, a somber reminder of the harsh realities of hell. Charlomaine couldn't help but reflect on the countless souls he'd encountered during his time in the underworld—some driven by unfathomable darkness, others consumed by their own suffering.

"I understand," Charlomaine said quietly, his gaze distant as he recalled the myriad faces of the damned. "Not everyone in hell seeks redemption or deserves salvation. There are those whose actions have led them down a path of irredeemable darkness."

Raphael nodded in agreement, his expression tinged with sadness. "Indeed, Charlomaine. It's a sobering truth, but one we cannot ignore. There are souls in hell who have committed unspeakable atrocities, their hearts hardened by hatred and malice."

Gabriel's features softened with empathy as she placed a comforting hand on Charlomaine's shoulder. "But amidst the darkness, there are also those who yearn for redemption, for a chance to find peace and forgiveness," she said gently. "It's our duty to offer them hope, to guide them towards the light, even in the darkest corners of hell."

Charlomaine nodded solemnly, his resolve strengthening with each word spoken by the Archangels. Though the challenges ahead seemed daunting, he knew that with compassion and determination, even the most lost souls could find their way to redemption.

"Thank you, all of you," he said sincerely, his voice filled with newfound determination. "I may not have all the answers, but I'm committed to doing whatever I can to bring hope and healing to those who need it most."

As the conversation drew to a close, Charlomaine felt a renewed sense of purpose stirring within him. With the guidance of the Archangels and the support of his loved ones, he was determined to forge a path of compassion and redemption in the depths of hell.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones