New quest

As Charlomaine woke from his dream, he found himself reflecting on his past life as Charlemagne. This time, however, his dreams were not filled with battles or conquests but with memories of his twelve loyal knights—the Twelve Paladins of Charlemagne. He especially remembered Roland's bravery and Astolfo's quirks.

"I miss them," Charlomaine sighed as he got out of bed. "Anyway, what now?"

[New Quest: Find the Twelve Knights of Charlomaine]

[Objective: Search through the seven layers of Hell to gather the finest warriors to serve as your knights.]

"Where are the knights?" Charlomaine asked the system.

[Unknown. You may need to search throughout all of Hell to find your new Twelve Knights of Charlomaine.]

"Well, fuck you too," Charlomaine muttered. "You suck sometimes."

Determined, Charlomaine dressed and made his way to his father's study. As he entered, he found Lucifer immersed in a pile of paperwork.

"Charlomaine," Lucifer said, looking up from his desk. "What brings you here?"

"I've been thinking, Dad," Charlomaine began. "I want my own knights."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "That can be arranged. I'll gather my strongest knights for you to choose from."

"That's not what I mean," Charlomaine clarified. "I want to choose them myself. I'll travel through all seven layers of Hell and pick my own knights."

Lucifer leaned back in his chair, surprised but intrigued. "I see. If that is your wish, I won't stop you. But be cautious, the layers of Hell are treacherous and filled with powerful entities."

Charlomaine smiled, determination burning in his eyes. "I understand. I'll be careful."

"Very well," Lucifer said. "You may begin your journey whenever you're ready."

Charlomaine left his father's study with a sense of purpose. Gathering his trusted companions, he prepared to venture into the depths of Hell. As he stepped outside, he was met by the Cerberus sisters, Justice, and Zestial. They looked at him expectantly, sensing something significant was about to happen.

"Where are you going, Charlomaine?" Cerberus Prime asked.

"I'm going on a quest to find my own knights," Charlomaine announced. "I want to gather the strongest warriors from all seven layers of Hell."

"We're coming with you," Justice said firmly. "You shouldn't go alone."

Charlomaine nodded, grateful for their support. "Thank you. Let's begin our journey."

"Where do we go first?" Justice asked, looking up at the red sky of the Pride Ring. "We're already in the Pride Ring, so should we look for your first knight here? I don't know how you'll do it."

Charlomaine took a deep breath, scanning the landscape around them. The Pride Ring, the first and highest layer of Hell, was known for its sprawling cities and competitive inhabitants. It was a place where the ambitious and the powerful thrived, making it the perfect starting point for his quest.

"Yes, we'll start here," Charlomaine decided. "The Pride Ring is home to many powerful demons. If we're going to find worthy knights, this is as good a place as any to begin."

The group moved through the bustling streets of a nearby city, its architecture grand and imposing. Demons of all kinds roamed the streets, their pride and arrogance palpable. As they made their way through the city, Charlomaine kept an eye out for potential candidates.

After hours of searching, they arrived at a large coliseum where a crowd had gathered. Inside, demons were fighting in fierce gladiatorial matches, showcasing their strength and combat skills. Charlomaine's eyes lit up with interest.

"This is where we'll find our first knight," he said confidently.

As then they heard a laugh, looking down the group saw a pink-haired demon riding a hippogriff. The demon's appearance was androgynous, making it hard to determine whether they were a girl or a boy. They had pink hair, two horns, and were holding a spear while having fun. The demon looked somewhat human, leading Charlomaine to believe they were likely a hybrid, perhaps a mix of a Sinner and an Imp. But what caught Charlomaine's attention the most was how much this demon resembled Astolfo, even in their playful demeanor.

Charlomaine's eyes lit up with a smile as he watched the demon. "I want that demon as the first of my knights," he said with determination.

His fiancées and Zestial exchanged glances, slightly surprised but ready to support him. "Are you sure?" Justice asked. "You don't even know their name."

"I'm sure," Charlomaine replied. "Something about them feels right."

They approached the area where the pink-haired demon was playing. The demon noticed their approach and, with a wide grin, directed the hippogriff to land in front of them.

"Hello there!" the demon greeted enthusiastically, dismounting the hippogriff with a graceful leap. "I'm Astolfo. What brings you to my part of the Pride Ring?"

Charlomaine stepped forward. "Astolfo, my name is Charlomaine, Prince of Hell. I am seeking strong and noble warriors to form my knights. I was impressed by your skills and spirit. Would you consider joining me as the first of my new knights?"

Astolfo's eyes widened with excitement. "A prince, you say? And you want me to be your knight? That's quite the offer!" They twirled the spear playfully. "But why me? There are plenty of strong demons around here."

Charlomaine smiled. "Because you remind me of someone I once knew, and I see great potential in you. Together, we can achieve great things."

Astolfo thought for a moment, their playful demeanor not diminishing in the slightest. "Alright, Prince Charlomaine, you have yourself a deal! But I have one condition."

"And what is that?" Charlomaine asked.

"You have to keep up with me!" Astolfo declared with a laugh, mounting their hippogriff again. "Catch me if you can, and I'll be your knight!"

Without another word, Astolfo took off on the hippogriff, heading towards the sky. Charlomaine didn't hesitate. "Justice, Zestial, let's go!"

They followed Astolfo through the streets and skies of the Pride Ring, weaving through buildings and dodging obstacles. Charlomaine pushed himself to keep up, his determination never wavering. Finally, after a thrilling chase, Charlomaine managed to catch up and grab Astolfo's hand.

"You got me!" Astolfo laughed, clearly impressed. "Alright, Charlomaine. You win. I'll be your knight."

With Astolfo as the first of his new knights, Charlomaine felt a sense of accomplishment. He turned to his companions, ready to continue their journey.

"One down, eleven to go," he said with a smile. "Let's move on to the next layer."

The group left the Pride Ring, their next destination in mind, determined to gather the finest warriors from each of Hell's seven layers, knowing that their journey had only just begun.

Alright your a good runner. Justice siad talking a breath. Your really fast.

Yeah. Cerberus siad looking at Astolfo. Your really a fast girl

Hearing the word girl, Astolfo almost lapped holding back there lap

Hahahahha. Astolfo lapped leaving Cerberus, Justic and Zestial confused but not Charlomaine. I am boy

Astolfo couldn't help but laugh at the misunderstanding, finding amusement in the situation. "Hahaha, I'm a boy!" he clarified, trying to contain his laughter as Cerberus, Justic, and Zestial looked at him with confusion.

Their minds seemed to freeze momentarily, processing the revelation. Charlomaine, however, wasn't as surprised. To him, Astolfo's resemblance to the Astolfo from his universe was uncanny, so the revelation didn't come as a shock.

"Justic, Cerberus, Zestial, are you alright?" Charlomaine asked with a smirk, noticing their puzzled expressions.

"Just fine," Cerberus replied, still trying to process the new information. "It's just... unexpected."

Astolfo chuckled, understanding their confusion. "I get that a lot. My appearance can be deceiving, but trust me, I'm all boy!"

With the misunderstanding cleared up, they continued on their journey, Astolfo leading the way with his energetic and playful demeanor. Charlomaine couldn't help but feel grateful to have him as the first member of his new knights, knowing that his unique spirit would bring a valuable dynamic to their group.

So where do we go now. Astolfo siad looking at Charlomaine. Where do we go where do we go.

"We could venture into the ring below, the Wrath Ring, the domain of the imp demons," Charlomaine suggested, contemplating their next move. "Or we could continue exploring the Pride Ring, there might be more potential candidates for our knights there."

Justic nodded in agreement. "Exploring the Pride Ring further could reveal more diverse options for our knights," she remarked, considering the possibilities.

Cerberus pondered for a moment before voicing her opinion. "It might be beneficial to thoroughly explore each ring before moving on to the next. We don't want to miss any promising candidates."

Astolfo nodded enthusiastically. "Sounds like a plan! Lead the way, Charlomaine!" he exclaimed, eager to embark on their next adventure.

With their destination decided, they set off, ready to continue their quest to assemble Charlomaine's knights from the depths of Hell's rings.

Let go back the Coliseum. Zestial said. It is a good place

"Indeed, the Coliseum is a prime spot for potential recruits," Charlomaine agreed, observing the spectacle before them. "Let's see what this bout has to offer."

As they settled into their VIP seats, the intensity of the battle unfolded before them. The armored sinner clashed with the imp, each displaying impressive skill and strength in combat.

"Justic, Cerberus, keep an eye out for anyone who catches your attention," Charlomaine instructed his companions, scanning the arena for any promising candidates.

Astolfo, ever enthusiastic, cheered loudly as the battle raged on, clearly enjoying the exhilarating display of combat prowess.

Zestial nodded in agreement. "We'll observe closely and see if anyone stands out as a potential addition to our ranks," he assured Charlomaine, his keen eyes focused on the fighters below.

With their sights set on the Coliseum as a recruiting ground, Charlomaine and his companions eagerly awaited the outcome of the fierce contest, ready to identify their next potential knight amidst the chaos of battle.

As the battle unfolded, Charlomaine couldn't help but admire the raw skill and determination displayed by both combatants. The sinner's precise strikes clashed with the imp's relentless onslaught, each blow resonating through the arena with thunderous force.

"Justic, do you see anyone who might fit the bill?" Charlomaine asked, his eyes darting between the fighters as he sought out potential candidates.

Justic scanned the arena with a discerning gaze, analyzing the fighters' movements with a critical eye. "There, the sinner with the silver armor," she pointed out, her voice tinged with certainty. "He possesses impressive agility and technique. He could make a valuable addition to our ranks."

Cerberus nodded in agreement, her sharp eyes tracking the sinner's every move. "Indeed, his combat prowess is undeniable," she remarked, her expression thoughtful. "But let's not overlook the imp. Despite being outnumbered and outmatched, he fights with remarkable tenacity and resilience."

Astolfo, caught up in the excitement of the spectacle, cheered enthusiastically for both fighters, clearly enthralled by the intensity of the battle. "Wow, they're both amazing!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with admiration.

Zestial observed the fight with a measured gaze, analyzing the combatants' strengths and weaknesses with keen insight. "We must choose wisely," he cautioned, his tone reflective. We must ensure they possess not only skill in combat but also loyalty and integrity."

With their collective assessment in mind, Charlomaine and his companions continued to observe the duel, weighing their options carefully as they sought out the ideal candidate to join their ranks. In the midst of the chaos and excitement of the Coliseum, they remained focused on their mission, determined to find the perfect addition to their burgeoning fellowship.

As then the group saw the imp winning as he removed his helmet the imp had a white mark on his right eye, as it was scar as imp scar are always white as he has long hair as he moved his sword back to his back

And we have our winner. The announcer siad. Cheer's to Oton

Hearing that name Charlomaine was shocked inside, as he relished was he was going to be his second knight as Charlomaine got up

Charlomaine approached the victorious imp, his gaze fixed on the warrior's determined expression. As he drew closer, he could sense the lingering adrenaline and triumph emanating from Oton's form.

"Congratulations on your victory, Oton," Charlomaine spoke, his tone respectful and sincere. "Your skill in combat is truly impressive."

Oton turned to face Charlomaine, his white scar standing out starkly against his tanned skin. There was a fierce intensity in his gaze, tempered by a sense of stoic resolve.

"Who are you?" Oton asked, his voice gruff yet tinged with curiosity.

"I am Charlomaine," he replied, extending a hand in greeting. "I seek worthy warriors to join me as my knights, and I believe you possess the strength and valor to stand by my side."

Oton regarded Charlomaine for a moment, his expression unreadable. Then, with a nod of acknowledgment, he clasped Charlomaine's hand in a firm grip.

"If you seek loyalty and strength, you shall find it in me," Oton declared, his voice carrying the weight of conviction. "I pledge myself to your cause, Charlomaine, Prince of Hell."

A sense of camaraderie and mutual respect settled between them, sealing their newfound alliance. With Oton's acceptance, Charlomaine felt a surge of determination and purpose, knowing that they were one step closer to assembling the formidable team of knights he envisioned.

Together, Charlomaine, Astolfo, Justic, Cerberus, Zestial, and now Oton, stood poised to embark on their next adventure, united in their quest for greatness amidst the shadows of the infernal realm.

I just relished something. Zestial siad looking at Oton, Astolfo and Charlomaine. I have read up on the person that Charlomaine was name after Charlemagne two of his knight name was Astolfo and Oton

Charlomaine's eyes widened with realization as Zestial's words sank in. The connection between his current companions and the legendary figures from his namesake's era was uncanny. Astolfo and Oton, now standing before him as loyal allies, bore the same names as two of Charlemagne's esteemed knights.

( "It seems fate has woven an intriguing tapestry," Charlomaine mused, a hint of wonder coloring his voice. "To encounter warriors who share the names of legends from my past life... It cannot be mere coincidence." )

Astolfo and Oton exchanged glances, their expressions mirroring Charlomaine's mixture of curiosity and fascination.

"If our names carry the legacy of greatness, then let us strive to uphold that legacy in this new era," Astolfo declared, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes.

Oton nodded in agreement, his gaze steady and resolute. "We may bear the names of heroes long gone, but our deeds in the present will carve our own path to glory."

With renewed purpose and a sense of destiny guiding their steps, Charlomaine and his companions stood united, ready to forge their own legends in the tumultuous landscape of Hell. The echoes of history intertwined with the promise of the future, binding them together as they ventured forth into the unknown.

To be continued

Hope People like this Ch, it is a start of new arch and yes we still haven't arrived to the main plot of Hazbin hotel, what can I do when I decide to set thsu story in 16 century hell