Hello Satan

As the group was walking they decided to stay in hotel before they go to another places, as they were there justice just asked.

Um Astolfo. Justice said looking at him. You a hybrid right, Imp and Sinner was you mother as imp or sinner and same goes for your father

Astolfo looked thoughtful for a moment before answering. "Yeah, I'm a hybrid. My mother was a sinner, and my father was an imp. I guess I got the best—or maybe the weirdest—of both worlds."

Justice nodded, intrigued. "That's interesting. Hybrids are quite rare, especially ones with such a mix. Do you know much about your parents' pasts?"

Astolfo shrugged. "Not really. They didn't talk much about their past lives. I know my mother was a bit of a troublemaker on Earth, which is how she ended up here. My father... well, he never said much about his past. He was always more focused on the present and on making the most out of our lives in Hell."

Charlomaine, listening to the conversation, couldn't help but draw parallels to his own situation. "It seems like everyone here has a complicated past. But maybe that's what makes us all stronger. We've all had to overcome something to get where we are."

Oton, who had been silently listening, finally spoke up. "In Hell, your past can either weigh you down or fuel your fire. The important thing is to keep moving forward, no matter what."

Justice nodded in agreement. "That's true. We're all here now, and we've got each other's backs. That's what matters."

The group fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts as they prepared for the challenges ahead.

Will your not the only one who is a hybrid. Cerberus prime said as she pointed at her and her sister. I mean we are also hybrid but not of imp but hell hound and sinner do he corrected out ancestors and much more

Astolfo looked at the Cerberus sisters with interest. "Really? That's pretty cool. I guess that makes us sort of kindred spirits."

Cerberus Prime nodded. "Yeah, we've got a mix of hellhound and sinner in us. Our ancestors were hellhounds, but over time, our family mingled with sinners. It's given us some unique abilities and perspectives."

Charlomaine smiled at the camaraderie forming among his companions. "It seems like hybrids are more common than I thought. It just goes to show that strength comes from diversity."

Justice chimed in. "Absolutely. We've all got something special to bring to the table. Together, we're unstoppable."

Astolfo grinned. "Well, then, I guess we're all in good company. Now, what's the plan for tomorrow? Are we heading to the Wrath Ring, or do we have more to explore here?"

Charlomaine considered their options. "We could head to the Wrath Ring to continue our search for more knights, but there's still plenty to see and do here in the Pride Ring. Let's rest up tonight and decide in the morning. We've got a long journey ahead of us, and we'll need all our strength."

Oton, who had been quietly observing, nodded in agreement. "Rest is a good idea. Tomorrow, we'll face whatever comes our way together."

With that, the group settled in for the night, each reflecting on their journey so far and the bonds they were forming. The future was uncertain, but with each other, they felt ready to take on anything Hell could throw at them.

As the next morning arrived as they were ready to go to the wrath ring, as they decide to go to wrath next.

Come let's go. Astolfo said excited. I may be from pride but I wanna see what wrath the land of sinner is like.

Wow chill. Charlomaine said morning a magical circle. I first need to make a call

As he did, as the group saw as from the other side was, what they thought at first was Imp, but he was bigger then any imp, then they saw it he had a skull of a goat as two dark horns as he looked at Charlomaine.

Hi. Charlomaine siad looking at the demon. Hi Uncle Satan

"Charlomaine, my favorite nephew," Satan said with a deep, rumbling voice, a hint of amusement in his tone. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"

"Uncle Satan, we're heading to the Wrath Ring today," Charlomaine explained. "I wanted to check in with you first, to see if there's anything we should be aware of or if you have any advice for us."

Satan's goat-like eyes glinted with interest. "The Wrath Ring, eh? It's a dangerous place, even for someone of your stature. But I know you're more than capable. Just keep your wits about you, and don't trust anyone too easily. The denizens of Wrath are... tricky."

Charlomaine nodded. "Thanks for the advice, Uncle. We'll be careful."

Satan chuckled. "I know you will. And remember, if you run into any real trouble, just call on me. Now, go and show them what the future ruler of Hell can do."

With that, the magical circle faded, and Charlomaine turned to his companions. "Alright, we're ready. Let's head to the Wrath Ring."

Astolfo bounced with excitement. "This is going to be so much fun!"

Justice and Zestial exchanged glances, both feeling a mix of anticipation and caution. Cerberus Prime, Second, and Third stood ready, their expressions serious.

"Remember what Satan said," Charlomaine reminded them. "Stay alert and watch each other's backs."

With a final nod, the group stepped through the portal, leaving the familiar sights of the Pride Ring behind. As they emerged on the other side, the harsh, fiery landscape of the Wrath Ring greeted them. The air was thick with tension, and the ground seemed to pulse with the anger and resentment of the sinners who called this place home.

Charlomaine took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the challenge ahead. "Welcome to the Wrath Ring," he said. "Let's find our next knight."

Wait hold up. Oton said everyhting finally clicking in for him and Astolfo. Satan as in the Satan.

Right. Charlomaine said looking at them. You gust treat Satan the same way Humans treat Grandfather aka God, Will unless your a sinner, overlord, Royal demons or the other sins

Oton and Astolfo exchanged wide-eyed looks.

"I... I didn't realize we were talking about *the* Satan," Oton stammered, his hand instinctively moving to the hilt of his sword for comfort.

Astolfo, still bouncing with excitement, tried to process this new information. "So, Satan is your uncle? And God is your grandfather? That's... a lot to take in."

"Yeah, it's a bit complicated," Charlomaine admitted with a grin. "But it's just part of the family dynamic down here. Satan's really not as bad as the stories make him out to be, at least to those he cares about."

Cerberus Prime chimed in, "It's true. Hell operates differently than what most people think. Family ties and loyalty are crucial."

Justice, ever the practical one, clapped her hands together. "Alright, now that we've had our revelation for the day, let's focus on the task at hand. We're here to find the next knight."

"Right," Charlomaine agreed. "We've got a mission. And from what I've heard, the Wrath Ring has some of the fiercest warriors. We'll need to stay sharp."

As the group moved through the rough terrain of the Wrath Ring, they passed by various demons and sinners, each more intimidating than the last. The atmosphere was charged with aggression and hostility.

"Where do we start?" Zestial asked, scanning the horizon for any signs of potential knights.

Charlomaine thought for a moment. "Let's head to the central arena. That's where the strongest fighters usually gather. If we're going to find someone worthy, that's the best place to start."

They navigated through the chaotic streets, eventually arriving at a massive coliseum. The sounds of clashing weapons and roaring crowds echoed from within.

"This place is intense," Astolfo commented, eyes wide with amazement.

Charlomaine nodded. "It's where the best come to prove themselves. Let's see what we can find."

Inside the coliseum, they found a seat with a good view of the arena floor. Demons of all shapes and sizes battled ferociously, each fight more brutal than the last.

"Keep an eye out for anyone who stands out," Charlomaine instructed. "We're looking for someone with exceptional skill and strength."

As they watched the battles, a particularly fierce match caught their attention. A towering demon with fiery red skin and horns curved like a ram's was dominating his opponent, displaying incredible power and technique.

"That one," Zestial said, pointing. "He's definitely got potential."

Charlomaine nodded in agreement. "Let's see if we can talk to him after the match. He might just be the knight we're looking for."

The group watched as the demon secured his victory, the crowd erupting in cheers. Once the fight was over, they made their way down to the arena floor to approach him.

"Are you sure you want to pick from them?" Zestial asked, scanning the numerous imps around them. "I mean, this is the birthplace of all the imps, but still..."

"Hey," Oton interjected, looking at Zestial. "I was also born here."

Zestial raised an eyebrow. "True, but we're looking for someone who stands out, someone who can be one of Charlomaine's knights."

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully. "Zestial has a point, Oton. But every great warrior starts somewhere, and this place has seen its share of fierce fighters. Let's keep an open mind."

As they walked through the streets, they encountered imps training in combat, practicing their skills with fervor. It was clear that the Wrath Ring was a crucible for honing warriors.

Astolfo, still bubbling with energy, bounced alongside them. "So, who do we talk to first? There are so many potential candidates!"

Charlomaine scanned the area, his eyes settling on a group of imps training rigorously under the supervision of a particularly stern-looking overseer. The overseer had an air of authority and experience, commanding respect from the imps.

"Let's start with the overseer," Charlomaine suggested. "He seems to be in charge here."

They approached the overseer, who turned to face them with a stern expression. "What do you want?" he asked gruffly.

"I'm Charlomaine, son of Lucifer," Charlomaine introduced himself. "We're looking for the best fighters to join my retinue as knights. Can you recommend anyone?"

The overseer's eyes widened slightly at the mention of Charlomaine's name. He stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Charlomaine, huh? Well, we have some promising fighters here, but one stands out above the rest. His name is Gerin. He's a tough imp with a lot of potential."

"Gerin," Charlomaine repeated, nodding. "Can we meet him?"

The overseer nodded and called out, "Gerin! Get over here!"

A young imp with a confident stride approached them. He had sharp features, a lean build, and a determined look in his eyes. "Yes, sir?"

"Gerin, this is Charlomaine, son of Lucifer," the overseer introduced. "He's looking for knights to join his retinue."

Gerin's eyes widened in surprise and excitement. "An honor to meet you, Charlomaine. What can I do for you?"

Charlomaine smiled. "I've heard good things about you, Gerin. Would you be interested in joining my quest to form a group of elite knights?"

Gerin's face lit up with enthusiasm. "Absolutely! It would be an honor to serve as one of your knights."

"Great," Charlomaine said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Welcome to the team."

As they continued their search, they felt the excitement and anticipation building. With each new member, Charlomaine's vision of forming a formidable group of knights was becoming a reality.

"Alright, team," Charlomaine said, turning to his companions. "We have our first knight from the Wrath Ring. Let's keep moving and see who else we can find."

"Wait a minute," Cerberus Second said, looking at Gerin with a puzzled expression. "Your name is Gerin. First Astolfo, then Oton, and now you? Are we just forming the 12 Knights of Charlemagne? I mean, Charlomaine, you are named after him."

Charlomaine chuckled. "It's starting to look that way, isn't it? Maybe there's something to this. Perhaps fate has a hand in guiding us to recreate the legendary 12 Knights of Charlemagne."

Astolfo, always energetic, bounced on his feet. "It's like we're living out a grand story! I'm all in for it!"

Gerin nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. "If that's the case, I'll do my best to live up to the legacy."

Charlomaine smiled at his new knight. "I'm glad to have you on board, Gerin. We'll see where this journey takes us."

Just then, Justice, who had been silent for a while, chimed in. "So, what's the plan now? We've got three knights. Do we keep searching in the Wrath Ring, or move on to another layer?"

Charlomaine considered this. "We should keep our momentum. Let's see if we can find another knight here before we move on. The Wrath Ring has a lot of potential, and we've already had good luck."

"Agreed," Zestial said, looking around. "There are plenty of strong warriors here. Let's keep our eyes open."

As they continued their search, the group moved deeper into the bustling heart of the Wrath Ring. They passed through training grounds, marketplaces, and arenas, observing the various inhabitants and their activities. The air was thick with the sounds of clashing weapons and the grunts of intense training.

They reached another arena, where a fierce battle was taking place between two imps. One of them, a tall and muscular imp with a determined look, was clearly dominating the fight. He moved with precision and power, his every strike calculated and effective.

"That one," Charlomaine said, pointing to the imp in the arena. "He looks promising."

They watched as the imp defeated his opponent with a final, decisive blow. The crowd erupted in cheers, and the imp raised his arms in victory.

"Let's go talk to him," Charlomaine said, leading the way to the arena's edge.

As the victorious imp exited the arena, Charlomaine approached him. "Impressive fight," he said. "What's your name?"

The imp looked at him, catching his breath. "My name is Olivier."

Charlomaine's eyes widened in surprise. "Olivier? Well, it seems fate truly is guiding us. How would you like to join my retinue as one of my knights?"

Olivier looked intrigued. "Your knights? And who are you?"

"I'm Charlomaine, son of Lucifer," Charlomaine replied.

Olivier's expression shifted to one of respect and interest. "The son of Lucifer, forming a group of knights? That sounds like a worthy cause. Count me in."

"Welcome to the team, Olivier," Charlomaine said, shaking his hand. "Let's keep moving forward and see where our journey takes us."

With their ranks growing, the group felt a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. They were not just assembling a team; they were reviving a legendary order, and the possibilities seemed endless.

To be continued