Welcome to Greed

As then Zestial took away Olivier's necklace, it broke, and he was suddenly transformed into an Incubus.

"Well, that is something," Zestial said, looking at him in surprise. "Why were you hiding yourself as an Imp?"

Olivier looked a bit sheepish, brushing off some dust from his newly revealed form. "I found it easier to blend in as an Imp. Less attention, less trouble. Being an Incubus, especially one with some strength, tends to attract the wrong kind of attention."

Charlomaine nodded, understanding. "I see. Well, your secret is safe with us. You're still a valuable addition to our team, Olivier."

Astolfo clapped his hands excitedly. "An Incubus! This just gets more interesting by the minute!"

Oton, still recovering from his own surprise, laughed. "Looks like we're gathering quite the diverse group. I like it."

Gerin added, "Strength comes in many forms. I'm glad to have you with us, Olivier."

Olivier smiled, feeling more at ease. "Thanks, everyone. I'll do my best."

Charlomaine looked at his growing group of knights with pride. "Alright, let's keep moving. We have more knights to find and a lot more ground to cover."

As they continued their journey through the Wrath Ring, they encountered various challenges and adventures. They fought off rogue demons, navigated treacherous terrains, and built stronger bonds as a team.

As they arrived at an inn to rest before their next destination, the Greed Ring, Charlomaine took a moment to activate his system.

"System," Charlomaine said, looking at the blue interface box that appeared before him. "Do you have something to do with me finding demons with the same names as my knights from my previous life?"

[Response: The presence of individuals with names corresponding to your previous knights is coincidental. However, the Greed Ring may hold further connections to your past life. Explore thoroughly to uncover more about these connections.]

Charlomaine sighed, rubbing his temples. "Coincidental, huh? Well, at least it's consistent. Anything else you can tell me about the Greed Ring?"

[Response: The Greed Ring is ruled by Mammon. It is known for its vast wealth and powerful merchant houses. It might be wise to explore the major trading hubs and seek out those who show exceptional skill and ambition.]

Charlomaine nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Got it. Thanks, system."

Just then, Astolfo walked over, looking curious. "Who were you talking to, Charlomaine?"

Charlomaine turned to him, smiling. "Just the system. It gave me some hints about the Greed Ring. Apparently, it's all about wealth and ambition there."

Astolfo's eyes sparkled with excitement. "That sounds fascinating! I can't wait to see what kind of people we meet there."

"Me too," Charlomaine said. "Let's get some rest and prepare for tomorrow. We have a lot to do."

The next morning, the group gathered and set off for the Greed Ring. Charlomaine and his group were immediately struck by the opulence and grandeur of the place. The streets were lined with merchants selling all kinds of exotic goods, and the buildings were adorned with gold and jewels.

"This place is something else," Justice said, looking around in awe.

"Indeed," Zestial agreed. "We need to be cautious here. Greed can drive people to do desperate things."

Charlomaine nodded, leading the way through the bustling marketplace. They explored various trading hubs and met several influential merchants, but none stood out as potential knights.

As they continued their search, they came across a grand auction house. Intrigued, they decided to enter and see what was being sold. Inside, they saw various rare and powerful items being auctioned off.

"This is definitely a place where we might find someone with the skills and ambition we're looking for," Astolfo said, eyes wide with excitement.

"Agreed," Charlomaine said, scanning the room.

The auction was in full swing, with people bidding on various treasures. Suddenly, the auctioneer announced the next item, a beautifully crafted shield with intricate engravings.

"This shield once belonged to a legendary warrior of the mortal realm," the auctioneer proclaimed. "It is said to possess magical properties that protect its bearer from any harm."

Charlomaine felt a strange sense of recognition as he looked at the shield. "That shield... it feels familiar somehow."

Justice noticed his reaction. "Do you think it could be connected to one of your past knights?"

"Possibly," Charlomaine said. "We need to get it."

As the bidding started, Charlomaine raised his hand. "Five thousand souls."

The room fell silent, and the auctioneer looked surprised. "Five thousand souls! Do we have any higher bids?"

There were murmurs among the crowd, but no one else dared to bid higher.

"Going once, going twice... sold to the young gentleman!" the auctioneer declared.

Charlomaine walked up to claim the shield, and as he did, he noticed a figure watching him intently from the shadows. The figure stepped forward, revealing himself to be a tall, imposing demon with a calculating gaze.

"Impressive bid," the demon said, his voice smooth and confident. "I am Mammon, ruler of the Greed Ring. You have my attention, Charlomaine."

Charlomaine met Mammon's gaze, feeling a mix of apprehension and determination. "Thank you, Lord Mammon. I intend to gather a group of knights, and reclaiming this shield is just the beginning."

Mammon smiled, a glint of interest in his eyes. "I see. Well, I wish you luck on your quest. The Greed Ring is full of potential candidates. Perhaps we can be of mutual benefit to each other."

Charlomaine nodded. "Perhaps we can."

As they left the auction house, Charlomaine couldn't shake the feeling that Mammon would be an important ally—or adversary—in their journey. For now, though, they had reclaimed the shield, and their search for the remaining knights continued.

As they continued to explore the Greed Ring, they came across a bustling tavern. Inside, the atmosphere was lively, with demons and sinners engaging in various games and challenges.

"This looks like a good place to find someone with the skills we're looking for," Oton said.

Charlomaine agreed and led the way inside. They watched as a particularly skilled demon was playing a high-stakes card game, easily winning against his opponents. The demon had a sharp, calculating look in his eyes and moved with confidence and precision.

"That one," Charlomaine said, nodding towards the demon. "He looks like he could be one of my knights."

They approached the table, and Charlomaine introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Charlomaine. I couldn't help but notice your skill. What's your name?"

The demon looked up, studying Charlomaine and his group. "Name's Gerin. What do you want?"

"I'm gathering a group of knights, and I think you'd be a valuable addition," Charlomaine said. "Join us, and together we can achieve greatness."

Gerier smirked, considering the offer. "Alright, I'll join you. But only because I think this could be interesting."

With Gerier now part of their group, they continued their journey through the Greed Ring, each step bringing them closer to assembling the new Twelve Knights of Charlemagne.

As Charlomaine and the group got a proper look at Gerier, they realized he was no ordinary demon. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes and a playful smirk that seemed to hint at hidden depths of cunning.

"Wait a minute," Justic said, studying Gerin intently. "Isn't he the Jester demon, the main entertainer of the Greed Ring?"

Charlomaine nodded, impressed by Justic's observation. "Indeed he is. It seems we've recruited someone with a flair for the dramatic."

Gerier chuckled, twirling a coin between his fingers. "You could say that. Life's too short to be serious all the time, right?"

Charlomaine couldn't help but smile at Gerier easy going attitude. "Welcome to the team, Gerin. With your skills and wit, I have no doubt you'll make an invaluable addition."

Gerier grinned, accepting Charlomaine's welcome. "Glad to be aboard. Let's make some waves, shall we?"

As Charlomaine and the group got a proper look at Gerier, they realized he was no ordinary demon. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes and a playful smirk that seemed to hint at hidden depths of cunning.

"Wait a minute," Justic said, studying Gerin intently. "Isn't he the Jester demon, the main entertainer of the Greed Ring?"

Charlomaine nodded, impressed by Justic's observation. "Indeed he is. It seems we've recruited someone with a flair for the dramatic."

Gerier chuckled, twirling a coin between his fingers. "You could say that. Life's too short to be serious all the time, right?"

Charlomaine couldn't help but smile at Gerin's easygoing attitude. "Welcome to the team, Gerin. With your skills and wit, I have no doubt you'll make an invaluable addition."

Gerier grinned, accepting Charlomaine's welcome. "Glad to be aboard. Let's make some waves, shall we?"

With Gerier now part of their group, they continued their exploration of the Greed Ring, knowing that each new recruit brought them one step closer to fulfilling their quest. As they journeyed through the bustling streets and opulent palaces of the Greed Ring, Charlomaine couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the brink of something truly extraordinary.

Let's see. Justice Said with a smirk. We have two imp, a sinner, a Incubus and jester demon, so what now the another jester demon because it looks we are getting of every type of demon

Charlomaine pondered Justic's observation, considering their diverse group of recruits. "You're right, we have quite the assortment of demons so far. But our quest isn't just about gathering different types of demons—it's about finding individuals who embody the qualities of the legendary knights."

Zestial nodded in agreement. "We need more than just variety; we need strength, loyalty, and unwavering resolve."

"Exactly," Charlomaine said, his gaze scanning their surroundings. "We need demons who are not only skilled in combat but also possess the courage to stand by our side no matter what challenges we face."

As they continued their journey through the Greed Ring, Charlomaine remained vigilant, searching for potential candidates who could join their cause. Each encounter brought them closer to assembling a formidable team of knights who would help them navigate the treacherous depths of hell and fulfill their quest.

And someone. Oton said looking at Charlomaine. My lord has found 4 demon of the main demon of each ring me and Gerin for wrath, Astolfo for pride, Olivier for lust and Gerier for greed

Charlomaine nodded, acknowledging Oton's observation. "Indeed, it seems we have representatives from each of the seven circles of hell among us. But our quest isn't just about gathering demons from each ring; it's about finding individuals who embody the qualities of the legendary knights of Charlemagne."

Astolfo chimed in, his expression earnest. "We need comrades who are not only powerful but also possess the virtue and courage to face the challenges ahead. Together, we must strive to uphold honor and righteousness in the darkest depths of hell."

Charlomaine glanced at his companions, a sense of determination burning in his eyes. "Let's continue our search. Our quest for the twelve knights of Charlemagne has only just begun, and I believe there are still worthy candidates waiting to be discovered." With renewed purpose, they ventured forth into the depths of the Greed Ring, ready to seek out allies who would stand by their side on their perilous journey.

Meanwhile with Mammon he was talking to Lucifer.

Really nice. Mammon said looking at Lucifer. When were you going to says I have nephew.

First of all you not my blood brother Mammon you or any of the sin, but I do consider all of the that way. Lucifer said looking at Mammon. And also of all the looks you could have taken you took something that is mix of Christmas tree and a spider, I know you trying look like the jester demon but still

ALucifer's tone carried a hint of amusement as he addressed Mammon's appearance. "Well, I must say, your choice of form is quite... unique, Mammon. It certainly makes a statement."

Mammon shrugged nonchalantly. "Eh, I like to stand out. Plus, it's a great conversation starter. Who wouldn't want to chat with a walking, talking Christmas tree?" He grinned mischievously, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

Lucifer chuckled, shaking his head. "Fair point, Mammon. But let's not get too distracted. We have more important matters to discuss, like my son Charlomaine . It's about time he learned about his extended family, don't you think?"

Oh wait. Lucifer said. He already knows the only sin not meet him was you, why is that why didn't you visit my son

Mammon shifted uncomfortably, his expression briefly clouded with guilt. "Well, you see... I've been busy with, uh, other matters. Managing the treasures of the underworld and all that. You know how it is."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Mammon, you're the embodiment of greed. Don't tell me you couldn't spare a moment to visit your nephew."

Mammon sighed, relenting under Lucifer's scrutiny. "Alright, alright, I'll admit it. I've been avoiding him. I wasn't sure how he'd react to me, given my... reputation."

Lucifer's expression softened, understanding dawning in his eyes. "Mammon, Charlomaine is family. He deserves to know his uncle, regardless of your reputation. I'll arrange for you to meet him. It's about time you two got acquainted."

Will actually. Mammon said not knowing how to say this. I already meet him.

Wait what. Lucifer said looking at Mammon. He went greed ring didn't he

Mammon nodded sheepishly. "Yes, he did. I happened to run into him there, but our encounter didn't go as smoothly as I'd hoped."

Lucifer's curiosity was piqued. "What happened?"

Mammon scratched his head, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "Well, let's just say he wasn't too thrilled to see me. He didn't exactly welcome me with open arms."

Lucifer sighed, understanding the situation. "I see. Well, I'll talk to him about it. Maybe he just needs some time to come to terms with everything."

Mammon nodded gratefully. "Thanks, Lucifer. I appreciate it."

"Of course, Mammon. We're family, after all," Lucifer said, offering a reassuring smile.

But may I ask something. Mammon said looking at Lucifer. Why was he at my ring should someone like the next king of hell once you retire be in pride what is gathering knight. Mammon said that last part as a joke

Lucifer chuckled at Mammon's joke. "Well, it seems our young prince has quite the adventurous spirit. He's on a quest to gather his own knights, and it seems he's chosen representatives from each of the seven rings of Hell."

Mammon raised an eyebrow. "Really? That's quite ambitious of him."

"Yes, indeed," Lucifer agreed. "It's an interesting approach. Perhaps he wants to ensure that his knights understand the unique challenges and dynamics of each ring."

Mammon nodded thoughtfully. "That makes sense. Well, I wish him luck in his quest. He's going to need it, especially if he's dealing with demons like me."

Lucifer grinned. "I'm sure he'll manage just fine. After all, he's got your uncle's charm."

Mammon laughed. "Let's hope that's enough to see him through."

But he won't be your son if he didn't do something like this. Mammon said looking at Lucifer. I mean remember when you declared War on Heaven Beelzebub, Lilith and Asmodeus were trying to stop meanwhile me and Satan were saying do it over and over again

Lucifer chuckled at the memory. "Ah, yes, those were interesting times indeed. You're right, Charlomaine does seem to have inherited some of that adventurous spirit."

Mammon nodded. "It's good to see him taking initiative. It's not easy being the son of the King of Hell, but it seems like he's finding his own path."

"Indeed," Lucifer agreed. "And he's certainly keeping things interesting around here."

Mammon smirked. "Well, I'll be keeping an eye on him. Who knows, maybe one day he'll be stirring up trouble in the Greed Ring too."

Lucifer laughed. "Wouldn't surprise me one bit. After all, he is my son."

To be continued