And Then There Were More

As the group was wondering where to go to get their next knight, everyone looked at Gerier, who was hanging by a tree. He looked at them with a sly smile.

"I have a friend," Gerier said, looking at everyone. "He's a jester demon like me and he may be interested in joining you guys."

"Where can we find him?" Charlomaine asked, intrigued.

"He's in the greed ring, not far from here," Gerier replied, swinging down from the tree. "His name is Berengier, and he's known for his cunning and tricks. But convincing him won't be easy."

"Alright," Charlomaine said with determination. "Let's go find Berengier."

The group prepared to travel, gathering their belongings and ensuring they were ready for the journey. As they made their way through the greed ring, Charlomaine turned to Gerier.

"You think this Berengier will be as easy to convince as the rest of you?" he asked, glancing around at the bustling environment of the greed ring.

"Definitely not," Gerier admitted. "Berengier values his independence and won't easily give it up."

With that, the group continued deeper into the greed ring, navigating through the various areas filled with wealth and excess. It wasn't long before they reached a large, ornate building where Gerier indicated Berengier would be.

"Here we are," Gerier said, leading the way inside. "But be prepared for a challenge."

Inside the building, they found Berengier in the middle of a performance, juggling a series of golden coins and laughing as he entertained a crowd of demons. He spotted Gerier and the others and wrapped up his act, bowing to the audience before approaching them.

"Gerier, old friend!" Berengier exclaimed, embracing him. "What brings you here with such a diverse group?"

"We're on a quest," Gerier explained. "And we need your skills. How about joining us, Berengier?"

Berengier looked at the group thoughtfully, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "A quest, you say? Sounds intriguing. But I'm not so easily swayed. What's in it for me?"

Charlomaine stepped forward. "We seek to gather the twelve knights and bring some order and purpose. Your skills would be invaluable, and you would be part of something greater."

Berengier laughed. "Order and purpose? In Hell? You're either naive or extremely ambitious. Either way, I'm intrigued. But I'll need more than words to be convinced."

"Name your challenge," Charlomaine said, determined.

"Very well," Berengier said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Impress me with a feat of skill or wit. If you can best me in a contest of my choosing, I'll consider joining you."

Charlomaine nodded. "What contest do you propose?"

For my challenge," Berengier said, looking at Charlomaine with a mischievous grin, "horse riding."

"Hahahahha," Gerier laughed, clearly amused. "You're not going to make it easy for the young prince."

"What do you mean?" Oton asked, looking at Gerier. "What do you mean by that?"

Astolfo, Olivier, Gerin, the Cerberus sisters, Justice, and Zestial all leaned in, curious about the answer.

"Berengier is the best horse rider in the greed ring," Gerier explained. "He's known for his speed and skill. Challenging him to a horse race is no small feat."

"I accept the challenge," Charlomaine said firmly, his eyes meeting Berengier's with determination.

"Very well," Berengier said with a nod. "Meet me at the starting line in one hour. We'll race through the Valley of Echoes. First one to reach the end wins."

As the group prepared for the race, Justice pulled Charlomaine aside. "Are you sure about this?" she asked. "This could be dangerous."

"I have to prove myself," Charlomaine replied. "If I want Berengier to join us, I need to show him that I'm worthy."

An hour later, they all gathered at the starting line. Berengier was already there, mounted on a sleek, dark horse that seemed to radiate power.

"Ready?" Berengier called out, a smirk playing on his lips.

Charlomaine mounted his own horse, a strong and fast steed that he had chosen for this very challenge. "Ready," he replied.

"Go!" Gerier shouted, and the two horses shot forward, galloping into the Valley of Echoes.

The race was intense. Berengier's horse was fast, but Charlomaine pushed his steed to the limit, navigating the twists and turns of the valley with skill. The sound of their hooves echoed off the valley walls, creating a thunderous roar that filled the air.

Charlomaine's friends watched anxiously from the sidelines, cheering him on. The Cerberus sisters barked in encouragement, and Astolfo and Olivier shouted their support.

As they neared the end of the valley, Charlomaine saw his chance. With a final burst of speed, he urged his horse forward, pulling ahead of Berengier. The finish line was in sight, and with one last push, Charlomaine crossed it first.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Charlomaine dismounted, panting but victorious. Berengier arrived moments later, a look of surprise and respect on his face.

"Well done," Berengier said, dismounting and approaching Charlomaine. "You have proven yourself worthy. I will join you as one of your knights."

Charlomaine smiled, extending his hand. "Welcome to the team, Berengier."

The two shook hands, sealing the deal. As the group celebrated their newest member, Charlomaine couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. They were one step closer to completing the new 12 Knights of Charlemagne.

"Let's see," Zestial said, writing down Berengier's name. "With Berengier, we have six out of twelve knights."

Charlomaine nodded, feeling a mix of pride and anticipation. "Halfway there," he murmured, glancing at his growing team.

Astolfo was bouncing with excitement. "Who do we go after next? This is getting so exciting!"

"Maybe we should rest first," Justice suggested. "The last challenge was intense. We need to gather our strength before moving on."

The group agreed and found a nearby inn to rest for the night. As they settled in, Charlomaine couldn't help but think about the challenges that lay ahead.

As night fell, Charlomaine found himself outside, staring at the moon. He felt a presence beside him and turned to see Gerier standing there.

"You're doing well," Gerier said, his tone uncharacteristically serious. "Gathering these knights isn't easy."

Charlomaine sighed. "It's harder than I thought. Each challenge tests not just my strength, but my resolve."

"That's the point," Gerier replied. "These knights need to see that you're capable, that you're worthy of leading them. They need to know you can face any challenge and come out stronger."

Charlomaine nodded, absorbing Gerier's words. "Thank you," he said quietly. "For your support."

Gerier grinned, his usual mischievous demeanor returning. "Don't mention it. Now get some rest. We have more knights to find."

As the next morning arrived as everyone was wondering where to go.

So where to next young Lord. Zestial siad looking at Charlomaine. Where do we go next

Let's see. Charlomaine siad thinking for a bit. The ring below greed is lust, Uncle Asmodeus domain, he is a really nice guy and the ring above this one is Aunty Beelzebub domain aka where all the hell hounds are, so we have two option.

Charlomaine paused, weighing their options carefully. "We could go to the Lust ring first," he suggested. "Asmodeus may be able to offer us valuable assistance, and it would be wise to secure his support early on."

Justice nodded in agreement. "That makes sense. Plus, navigating the Lust ring could present its own unique challenges. It's better to tackle it sooner rather than later."

Astolfo grinned mischievously. "I'm sure Uncle Asmodeus will be thrilled to see us," they said, winking playfully.

Charlomaine chuckled. "Let's hope so. Lust or not, we have a mission to complete."

With their decision made, the group set off towards the Lust ring, prepared to face whatever trials awaited them in Asmodeus's domain. As they journeyed onward, Charlomaine couldn't shake the feeling of anticipation tinged with a hint of apprehension. Little did they know, the Lust ring held secrets and challenges beyond anything they could have imagined.

As they arrive getting just they saw the purples sky of the lust Ring as Olivia was looking at the ring as this was his birth place, as then multiple carriage came as it had Asmodeus simble as then a large, vibrantly-colored, and burly demon of intimidating stature. He has long arms and digitigrade legs, a broad upper chest and narrow waist, and a tuft of cyan rooster-like tail feathers that have three sickle tail feathers colored red, black, and ivory-white each this was Asmodeus

Charlomaine how have you be. Asmodeus said hugging him. And are these your friends and those girl they must be your fiancee

Charlomaine returned Asmodeus's embrace warmly. "It's good to see you, Uncle Asmodeus," he greeted. "And yes, these are my friends, and these lovely ladies are indeed my fiancées."

Asmodeus chuckled heartily. "Ah, young love," he mused. "Well, welcome to the Lust ring, my dear guests. I trust you'll find it... stimulating."

The group exchanged glances, unsure of what to expect in this sensual realm. Charlomaine spoke up, his curiosity piqued. "Uncle, we're actually here seeking assistance. We're on a quest to gather a group of knights, and we were hoping you might know of any suitable candidates."

Asmodeus's eyes twinkled with amusement. "Oh, I do indeed know a few individuals who might fit the bill," he replied slyly. "But first, why don't we indulge in some of the pleasures this ring has to offer? A little relaxation never hurt anyone."

With that, Asmodeus gestured for his guests to follow him into the vibrant and enticing world of the Lust ring, where temptation and desire awaited at every turn.

I don't think I will. Charlomaine said getting back before Justice and Cerberus sister just stopped and looked at him. Oh no

Time to lose your virginity darling. The four girls siad grabbing him tightly. Let's go.

As seeing this Asmodeus just teleport the hoal group to his castle as Charlomaine was dragged to a room as the group was there.

What about you. Asmodeus said looking at Zestial and Charlomaine knight. What do you wanna do

Zestial glanced around the room, taking in the opulent surroundings of Asmodeus's castle. "I think I'll pass on the festivities for now," he replied calmly, maintaining his composure despite the suggestive atmosphere. "I prefer to explore the castle grounds and perhaps indulge in some quiet reflection."

Asmodeus nodded understandingly. "Of course, my dear Zestial. Feel free to wander as you please. My servants will ensure you have everything you need."

Meanwhile, Charlomaine's knights exchanged uncertain glances, clearly uncomfortable with the lascivious atmosphere of the Lust ring. Gerin, always eager for adventure, stepped forward hesitantly. "I suppose I'll... um, join the... festivities," he mumbled, looking somewhat apprehensive yet intrigued by the prospect.

Oton on the other hand, hesitated, exchanging hesitant glances. "We think we'll explore the castle gardens instead," Astolfo suggested tentatively. "Yes, that sounds like a nice idea," the Cerberus sisters agreed quickly, relieved to have found an alternative to the more risqué activities.

Actually. Astolfo siad thinking to him self. Can I go back to the main city I would like to have some fun with succubus and incubus

Never say the word fun and Incubus in the same sentence infornt of me every again. Olivier sid looking at his fellow knight. While Charlomaine has his fun I will go and read some books i gess

Astolfo chuckled at Olivier's reaction. "Suit yourself, Olivier. Everyone has their preferences," he remarked with a mischievous grin. "As for me, I'll take my chances with the succubi and incubi." With that, he headed off in the direction of the main city, eager for some adventure and excitement.

Meanwhile, Olivier made his way to the library, where rows upon rows of ancient tomes and manuscripts awaited him. Finding solace among the pages of knowledge, he immersed himself in the world of literature, seeking wisdom and enlightenment amidst the chaos of Asmodeus's domain.

Astolfo is really like the person' he is named after. Oton siad looking at Olivier. I mean even in the legend of Charlemagne and his 12 Knight Astolfo was Know to be a ladies man

Olivier nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Astolfo seems to embody the spirit of his legendary counterpart," he remarked thoughtfully. "It's fascinating how history seems to echo through the ages, even here in the depths of hell."

Just then, Gerin chimed in with a playful grin. "Well, if Astolfo's going to be the ladies' man of our group, I suppose it's only fair that we let him have his fun," he quipped, earning a chuckle from the others.

As the next morning arrived Charlomaine was tried from last night activities with Justice and the Cerberus sister as he drinked a new thing in hell made by Beelzebub Coffe, as then he saw Oton

How was last knight. Oton siad looking at Charlomaine. How was it like having a foursome with the Cerberus sister and Justice

Charlomaine nearly choked on his coffee at Oton's blunt question, his face flushing with embarrassment. "It was... um... eventful," he stammered, trying to regain his composure. "Let's just say it was an experience I won't soon forget."

Oton chuckled knowingly, giving Charlomaine a playful pat on the back. "Well, I'm glad you had a memorable time," he said with a smirk. "But now that you're fully awake and recovered, shall we continue our quest for the remaining knights?"

Charlomaine nodded, grateful for the change of subject. "Yes, let's get back on track," he replied, eager to focus on the task at hand. "We still have several rings of hell to explore, and I'm determined to find the rest of my knights."

But I have quest. Charlomaine siad looking around seeing all his Knight and Zestial. Where is Astolfo

Just then, Astolfo sauntered into the room with a mischievous grin on his face, his hair tousled and his expression playful. "Sorry for being late, everyone!" he exclaimed, his energy infectious as always. "I got caught up exploring the city and, uh, making some new friends."

Charlomaine raised an eyebrow, already anticipating Astolfo's next adventure. "Making new friends, huh? I hope you didn't get into too much trouble," he said with a wry smile.

Astolfo chuckled, waving off Charlomaine's concern. "Oh, nothing too wild," he replied nonchalantly. "Just your typical devilish escapades. But fear not, my lord! I'm ready to join the quest once again and find our next knight."

Charlomaine couldn't help but laugh at Astolfo's carefree attitude. "Alright then, let's not waste any more time," he said, energized by Astolfo's enthusiasm. "We have a quest to continue, and I have a feeling it's going to be quite the adventure."

As Charlomaine said leaving to get ready for the days quest as Oton, Olivier, Gerier, Gerin and Berengier.

How many. Gerier said his sharp teeth showing. How many succubus and incubus did you sleep with. Gerier said looking at Astolfo.

Astolfo chuckled, shaking his head. "I don't kiss and tell, Gerier. But let's just say, I had a memorable night."

Oton smirked. "Well, well, Astolfo, seems like you had quite the adventure."

Olivier rolled his eyes playfully. "Always the adventurous one, aren't you, Astolfo?"

Gerin chuckled. "I hope you didn't exhaust all the energy for today's quest, Astolfo."

Berengier simply nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "Sounds like you had a good time, Astolfo."

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stone also have a new fanfic out called Ben 10 a crack in everything do check it out