Royal summons

Ch 9 Royal demons meeting

As Justice and The Cerberus sister found them self in the royal demon summons, with the other 72 demon pillers.

You know. Justice said looking at the Cerberus sister. I always wonder why is there 72 royal demon family the same number of family as in the Ase Goetia.

The Cerberus sister shrugged. "Maybe it's just a coincidence. Or perhaps there's some deeper significance to the number 72 in demonology."

Justice nodded thoughtfully. "Could be. Anyway, we're here. Let's see what this meeting is all about."

As they entered the grand hall, they were greeted by the imposing figures of the other demon pillars, each representing their own prestigious families.

Oh shit you guys are here. Raiser siad looking at the girls. Hello there 'Half breed' and justice.

The Cerberus sister narrowed her eyes at the derogatory term but maintained her composure. "Greetings, Raiser. We're here as representatives of our respective families."

Justice folded her arms. "And we demand to know why we were summoned. This better be important."

Raiser just looked at them with a smirk. I don't know or maybe I do

Cerberus prime just rolled her eyes looking at him. Come on justic, Sister's let's go and see what this is about

As they entered the meeting hall, they were greeted by a mix of curious glances and indifferent stares from the other demon pillars. At the front of the room stood the current head of the royal demon families, an imposing figure known as Malphas.

Malphas nodded in acknowledgment as they took their seats. "Welcome, representatives of the Chain and Cerberus families. You may be wondering why you've been summoned here today."

"We are indeed," Justice replied, her tone firm.

Malphas gestured to a large screen behind him, which displayed images of various locations across the demon realm. "As you may know, there have been recent disturbances in several regions, including reports of increased angelic activity near the borders of the pride ring."

The Cerberus sister leaned forward, her interest piqued. "Are you suggesting that angels are encroaching on demon territory?"

Malphas nodded gravely. "Indeed. It appears that they may be planning an incursion into our realm. We need to be prepared for any potential conflict."

Justice exchanged a glance with her sister, their expressions hardening with determination. "Understood. We will do whatever it takes to protect our realm."

Malphas nodded in approval. "Good. We will need all the strength and unity we can muster in the face of this threat."

But if that was the only problem lord Lucifer will deal with them. Malphas said showing another screen with the overlord. The overlord are becoming to aringent and to power, not listing to us and makinh to much soul deal, yes us royal demons were also once overlord but still

Cerberus Prime leaned forward, her expression thoughtful. "The Overlords have always been a contentious issue. Their power unchecked could destabilize the entire hierarchy."

Malphas nodded in agreement. "Exactly. We need to reign them in before they become a threat to all demonkind. Your families are respected among the pillars. We need your support in this matter."

Justice nodded, her gaze unwavering. "You have it. We will work with you to address this growing concern."

As they discussed strategies for dealing with the Overlords, the atmosphere in the room grew tense. It was clear that the delicate balance of power in the demon realm was at risk, and decisive action would be needed to maintain order.

Hhahjaah I see. Raiser said looking at everyone. We are doing a extermination of the current overlord like how the Angele do to the sinner every ten years, we are demon, I mean there was never a dout with that

Cerberus Second raised an eyebrow, her expression incredulous. "Extermination? Isn't that a bit extreme?"

Raiser shrugged, his smirk widening. "Extreme times call for extreme measures, don't you think? We can't afford to let the Overlords run rampant."

Justice exchanged a glance with her sisters, her expression grave. "We need to ensure this is handled with caution. The repercussions could be severe."

Also not all over lord. Malphas said showing a picture of Zestial, Vespera and Balthazar. We have given all them an altmadam and only these 3 decide to listen so they will be not killed

Cerberus Third leaned forward, studying the images on the screen intently. "Zestial, Vespera, and Balthazar... They've accepted the ultimatum?"

Malphas nodded, his expression solemn. "Yes, they've chosen to comply with our demands. They won't be targeted for extermination."

The news brought a sense of relief to the Cerberus sisters. "At least some are willing to cooperate," Cerberus Prime remarked, her voice tinged with resignation. "Let's hope this helps prevent unnecessary bloodshed."

The atmosphere in the room grew tense as they pondered the implications of the impending extermination. Justice couldn't shake the feeling of unease gnawing at her. "Is this really the only solution?" she questioned, her voice laced with doubt.

Raiser let out a low chuckle, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Oh, my dear Justice, when has extermination ever been the only solution in hell?" He leaned back in his chair, a smirk playing on his lips. "But sometimes, it's the most efficient one."

Cerberus Second exchanged a troubled glance with her sisters. "Efficiency at what cost?" she murmured, her thoughts drifting to the potential consequences of such drastic measures.

Malphas interjected, his tone grave. "We must tread carefully. The balance of power in hell is delicate, and any disruption could have far-reaching consequences."

As the discussion continued, Justice couldn't shake the feeling that they were teetering on the edge of a precipice, unsure of what lay beyond.

Justice straightened up, fixing Raiser with a stern look. "Also, don't call me 'Dear Justice.' Only Charlomaine can call me that."

The Cerberus sisters nodded in agreement, their voices harmonizing. "Same goes for us, you fried chicken."

Raiser rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed. "Yeah, yeah, say all you want."

Malphas shook his head in exasperation. "Why did the Phoenix family have to send you? Why not your older brother? Heck, we'd even take Ravel. But what do you all royal demons say to this plan?"

The room fell silent as the other demons considered the proposal. One by one, they began to voice their opinions.

"I think it's a necessary move," Astaroth said, his voice measured. "The overlords have grown too bold, too powerful. They need to be reminded of their place."

Baal nodded in agreement. "Yes, but we must ensure that the balance of power remains intact. We can't afford to create a vacuum that would lead to chaos."

Azazel, leaning against a pillar, shrugged. "As long as it doesn't interfere with my operations, I'm fine with it."

Lilura, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up. "I agree with Justice. Extermination should be a last resort. We should explore other options first, see if we can bring them back into line without resorting to violence."

Justice felt a surge of relief at Lilura's support. She glanced at the Cerberus sisters, who nodded in agreement.

"Let's not rush into this," Cerberus Prime said. "We need to consider all the ramifications."

Raiser looked around the room, noting the mixed reactions. "Seems like we have a lot to discuss," he said, his tone serious for once. "But we need to reach a decision soon. The longer we wait, the more power the overlords will consolidate."

Justice felt a heavy weight settle in her chest. The stakes were high, and the path forward was uncertain. But she knew one thing for sure: whatever decision they made, it would shape the future of hell itself.

As then the door opened, a tall man with long red hair entered, exuding an aura of authority. Dressed in a sharp European suit, he had two devil horns protruding from his forehead. He took a seat, his presence commanding the room's attention.

Malphas looked at him, raising an eyebrow. "Sirzechs Gremory, you're finally here. Did your wife keep you busy, or were you occupied with something else? I expect more from one of the upper royal demon families."

Sirzechs smirked, leaning back in his chair. "Always a pleasure, Malphas. You know, family matters do take precedence sometimes. But I'm here now, so let's get to it. What's the current debate?"

Malphas gestured to the holographic images of the overlords. "We're discussing the issue of the overlords' growing power and arrogance. The proposal on the table is to carry out an extermination similar to the angelic purge of sinners every ten years."

Sirzechs glanced at the images, then at the gathered demons. "Extermination? That seems...drastic. Have we exhausted all other options?"

Lilura nodded. "That's what I've been saying. We should try to bring them back into line without resorting to violence first."

Astaroth interjected, "While I agree with Lilura in principle, we must be prepared to take decisive action if necessary. The overlords' defiance cannot be tolerated."

Sirzechs considered this, then turned to Justice and the Cerberus sisters. "What are your thoughts on this, Justice? Cerberus sisters?"

Justice took a deep breath. "We believe that extermination should be a last resort. We need to explore diplomatic options and see if we can rein in the overlords without bloodshed."

Cerberus Prime added, "We need to maintain stability. An all-out war could have unintended consequences."

Sirzechs nodded thoughtfully. "I concur. We should give diplomacy a chance, but be ready to act if it fails."

Malphas sighed. "Alright, then. It seems we have a consensus on trying a diplomatic approach first. But we can't afford to be lax. We need a contingency plan in case diplomacy fails."

Raiser, who had been silent, spoke up. "Let's assign envoys to negotiate with the overlords. We need to make it clear that we mean business, but that we're offering a way out."

Sirzechs leaned forward. "I'll volunteer to be one of those envoys. We need someone with enough authority and respect to get through to them."

Malphas nodded. "Very well. Let's move forward with this plan. But remember, time is of the essence. We can't let this drag on."

As the meeting continued, Justice felt a mix of relief and anxiety. They were taking a step in the right direction, but the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty and danger.

As Malphas shifted the topic to the next agenda, he cleared his throat. "Anyway, there's another significant change we need to discuss. The current task of carrying out the exterminations is undergoing a transition. Originally, it was led by Azrael, the angel of death. However, this duty is now being passed to Adam, the first man."

The room fell silent for a moment, absorbing the weight of this announcement.

Justice furrowed her brow. "Adam? The first man? Why the change?"

Malphas leaned forward, his expression serious. "Azrael's methods have become... controversial. There's a need for a new approach, one that balances justice and mercy. Adam has been chosen because of his unique perspective and experience with both Heaven and Earth."

Sirzechs nodded thoughtfully. "Adam's involvement could bring a new dynamic to the process. His understanding of humanity might lead to more equitable outcomes."

Cerberus Prime added, "But will he be able to handle the responsibility? The exterminations require a firm hand."

Lilura spoke up, "Adam has proven himself capable in various roles over the eons. His leadership could offer a fresh perspective, but we need to ensure he has the support he needs."

Raiser, who had been quiet, chimed in. "It sounds like this could either be a great opportunity for change or a potential disaster if not handled correctly."

Malphas sighed, "That's why we need to keep a close eye on the transition. Adam's appointment is a significant shift, and we need to be prepared for any fallout."

Justice glanced at the other demons in the room. "We should offer our assistance to Adam. If he's going to take on this monumental task, he'll need allies who understand the intricacies of Hell's politics."

Sirzechs agreed, "Indeed. We should establish a liaison committee to work closely with him, ensuring the transition is smooth and the exterminations are carried out justly."

Malphas nodded, "A good idea. I'll see to it that such a committee is formed immediately."

The room buzzed with a mix of cautious optimism and lingering concerns. The appointment of Adam as the new leader of the exterminations marked a significant turning point, one that held both promise and peril for the denizens of Hell.

Meanwhile in Heaven, Azrael paced back and forth, his agitation clear as he confronted Michael.

"Why, brother?" Azrael demanded, his eyes burning with frustration. "Adam is nothing like what demons and sinners think he is. He's extremely rude, condescending, and sadistic." He fixed Michael with a hard stare. "And the amount of crass words he uses... it would make pirates blush in embarrassment that they didn't think of them first."

Michael sighed, his serene demeanor contrasting sharply with Azrael's agitation. "Azrael, I understand your concerns. Adam's demeanor can be... challenging. But there's a reason for this decision."

Azrael stopped pacing and crossed his arms, his wings twitching in irritation. "And what reason could possibly justify putting someone like him in charge of such a delicate task?"

"Adam's connection to humanity gives him a unique perspective," Michael explained patiently. "He understands the mortal struggle in ways that even we, as angels, cannot fully grasp. His methods may be unorthodox, but his insight into the human condition is invaluable."

Azrael shook his head, disbelief etched on his face. "Insight? He uses his 'insight' to belittle and demean. How is that going to help anyone?"

Michael placed a hand on Azrael's shoulder, attempting to calm him. "Adam's approach is harsh, but it serves a purpose. Sometimes, a direct and brutal method can achieve what diplomacy cannot. We must give him a chance to prove himself."

"Give him a chance?" Azrael echoed, incredulous. "Brother, we are talking about the extermination of souls. This is not a trial run."

"I am aware of the gravity of the situation," Michael replied solemnly. "But we have to trust in the plan. Adam has been chosen for this role for reasons that may not be immediately apparent to us. We must have faith."

Azrael took a deep breath, his wings settling as he tried to temper his frustration. "I hope you're right, Michael. For the sake of all those who will be affected by this change."

Michael nodded. "As do I, Azrael. As do I."

The two angels stood in silence for a moment, the weight of their conversation hanging heavily in the air. Azrael, though still unconvinced, knew he had to accept the decision, even if reluctantly. The appointment of Adam as the new leader of the exterminations was a shift that would bring its own set of challenges and uncertainties.

To be continued