Heavenly politics

Azrael slumped into a chair, his eyes filled with concern as he looked up at Michael.

"There's another reason why this is a terrible idea," Azrael said, his voice heavy with conviction. "Lilith left because of him. And Eve? She was literally created from one of his ribs to ensure she wouldn't leave, and where is she now? Probably in Hell, just to get away from him."

Michael sighed deeply, his expression a mixture of patience and empathy. "Azrael, I understand your frustration. Adam's past is complicated, and his relationships with Lilith and Eve were... problematic, to say the least. But this decision wasn't made lightly."

Azrael shook his head, his wings rustling in agitation. "Problematic? Lilith fled to Hell to escape him, and Eve, the very woman created to be his companion, couldn't stand to stay by his side. What does that tell you about his ability to lead?"

Michael placed a calming hand on Azrael's shoulder. "Adam's history with Lilith and Eve is indeed troubling. However, his experiences have also shaped him in ways that can be valuable. He understands the depths of human sin and suffering more intimately than any other being."

"And that understanding is supposed to make him fit for this role?" Azrael retorted, his voice rising. "He's a reminder of everything that can go wrong with unchecked power and arrogance. His judgment is clouded by his past."

"Which is precisely why he can bring a different perspective," Michael countered gently. "His flaws and failures make him more attuned to the complexities of human nature. Sometimes, the most effective leaders are those who have learned from their own mistakes."

Azrael sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I just worry, Michael. His influence might bring more chaos than order. We've worked hard to maintain balance, and Adam's presence could disrupt everything."

"We will keep a close watch on him," Michael assured. "And if his actions threaten the balance, we will intervene. But we must give him the opportunity to prove himself. Perhaps his past transgressions will guide him towards a more compassionate approach."

Azrael's expression softened slightly, though his worry remained. "I hope you're right. For the sake of Heaven and all the souls we're entrusted to protect."

Michael nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "We must have faith, brother. Even in the most unlikely of choices, there can be a path to redemption."

Michael sighed, a hint of exasperation in his voice as he looked at Azrael. "There is a woman who likes him, Azrael. His new right-hand exterminator, Lute."

Azrael raised an eyebrow, his expression a mix of disbelief and concern. "Are you joking? She's a female version of him in personality. What does that say about the kind of influence he'll have?"

Michael shook his head slightly. "I know, brother, I know. But perhaps Lute's presence will balance him. If she understands him as well as we think, she might be able to temper his more... problematic tendencies."

Azrael leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "Or she could amplify them. If she's just like him, it could be a disaster. We need to be very careful here, Michael. The consequences of this decision could ripple through both Heaven and Hell."

"True," Michael acknowledged. "But we must have faith that they can grow and learn from each other. This could be an opportunity for both of them to prove their worth and change for the better."

Azrael sighed deeply. "I just hope your faith is well-placed, Michael. Because if it's not, we're looking at a potential catastrophe on a scale we've never seen before."

Michael placed a hand on Azrael's shoulder, his expression resolute. "We will monitor them closely. And if things go awry, we'll intervene. But we must give them a chance. Sometimes, the most unexpected alliances can bring about the greatest change."

Azrael nodded reluctantly, his worry still evident but tempered by a flicker of hope. "Alright. But I'll be watching them like a hawk. One misstep, and I'll be there to set things right."

Michael smiled, his eyes filled with both understanding and determination. "As will I, brother. As will I."

As the two angels contemplated the uncertain future, their resolve to protect Heaven and maintain balance remained unwavering. The coming days would test their faith and the strength of their convictions, but they were prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Azrael walked away from Michael, still fuming. Memories of his time leading the exterminations surfaced: the countless demons he had slain, the solace he had offered to those who deserved it, and the merciless justice meted out to the truly vile. He took pride in his fairness, in the compassion he showed even to his enemies. That was what made him different, he thought.

Lost in his thoughts, he almost didn't notice the angel approaching him. Her striking sky-blue eyes were accentuated by thick eyeliner and purple eyeshadow, and six angelic wings graced her back. It was Sera, one of the angels who had voted for Adam to take over the exterminations.

"Azrael," Sera called out, her voice soft but firm. "I heard you were meeting with Michael. How did it go?"

Azrael stopped, turning to face her with a mixture of frustration and curiosity. "Sera," he acknowledged, his tone cool. "It went as expected. Michael is trying to see the bright side of a very dark situation."

Sera nodded, her eyes searching his face. "I know you're not happy about Adam taking over. But we need to trust in his strength. Maybe he'll surprise us."

Azrael scoffed lightly. "Surprise us? The only surprise will be if he manages to show a shred of empathy. Do you know why I did what I did, Sera? Why I comforted those demons, gave them their last wishes?"

Sera nodded. "Yes, because you believed in mercy, even in the midst of duty. But times are changing, Azrael. Adam might bring a different kind of strength."

"Mercy is a strength, Sera. It's what separates us from them," Azrael retorted. "Adam... he lacks that balance. And his right-hand, Lute, is just as bad. I fear what they will bring to this task."

Sera sighed, her wings fluttering slightly in a sign of her own inner turmoil. "You might be right, Azrael. But we have to give them a chance. They might learn, grow... become what we need them to be."

Azrael shook his head. "Perhaps. But if they don't, the consequences could be dire. I've seen too much, Sera, to put blind faith in those who haven't proven themselves."

"Then let us watch them closely," Sera suggested, her eyes earnest. "And be ready to step in if things go wrong. But for now, let's hope for the best. Sometimes, people can surprise you."

Azrael sighed, some of his anger dissipating in the face of her calm determination. "Alright, Sera. I'll try to hope. But my eyes will be on them every step of the way."

Sera smiled gently. "That's all we can ask for, Azrael. Let's just pray that hope is enough."

As Azrael walked away, his thoughts still tumultuous, he couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding. He glanced back at Sera, who watched him with a mix of concern and determination. Her sky-blue eyes, filled with a deep-seated faith in their decisions, seemed to plead with him to trust in the new path they were embarking on.

Azrael made his way to the edge of Heaven, where the boundary between their realm and the mortal world blurred. He needed time to think, to process this shift in responsibilities. The memory of comforting demons in their final moments weighed heavily on him. He couldn't imagine Adam, with his abrasive and ruthless demeanor, offering that same compassion.

As he stood on the precipice, the vast expanse of the universe stretching out before him, he felt a presence beside him. It was another angel, one of his closest allies, Uriel.

"Azrael," Uriel said quietly, his voice calm and steady. "I heard about the change in leadership. You're not happy about it."

Azrael shook his head. "No, I'm not. Adam... he's not suited for this. He lacks empathy, the understanding that even our enemies deserve a measure of dignity in death."

Uriel nodded, his expression contemplative. "I understand your concerns. But maybe this is a test for us as well. To see if we can guide and support, even those we doubt."

Azrael sighed deeply. "Perhaps. But I won't stand by if things go wrong. I won't let Adam turn this into a bloodbath without purpose."

"And you won't have to," Uriel assured him. "We are all watching. And we will act if necessary. But for now, let's give Adam and Lute the benefit of the doubt. Let's hope they rise to the occasion."

Azrael looked out over the cosmos, the stars shimmering like distant promises. "Hope," he murmured. "It's all we have right now."


Meanwhile, back in Hell, Charlomaine and his knights prepared for their journey to the Envy Ring. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and a hint of trepidation. Justice and the Cerberus sisters were noticeably absent, their royal summons creating an unexpected detour in their plans.

"Alright," Charlomaine said, addressing his remaining knights. "We'll head to the Envy Ring. It's not going to be easy, but we're prepared for anything."

Asmodeus and Leviathan had been discussing his arrival, their plans interwoven with a mix of curiosity and challenge. The Envy Ring, with its underwater domains and treacherous landscapes, would test them in ways they hadn't yet imagined.

"Stay close," Zestial advised, his eyes scanning the horizon. "We need to be on our guard at all times. The deep sea demons won't take kindly to intruders."

Charlomaine nodded, determination etched on his face. "We'll prove ourselves. No matter what comes our way."

As they descended into the Envy Ring, the world around them shifted dramatically. The air grew thicker, the light dimmer, and the terrain more treacherous. It was a realm of shadows and depths, where envy festered and thrived.

Their first trial awaited, and Charlomaine knew that this journey would push them to their limits. But with his knights by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

In the depths of the Envy Ring, Leviathan ended his conversation with Asmodeus, a wicked smile playing on his lips. "Let's see what our nephew is truly capable of," he mused, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

The stage was set, and the trials of envy would soon begin.

As the group arrived at the edge of the Envy Ring, they looked out over the vast expanse of water that covered the landscape. The sky above was a gradient of blue, light near the surface and deepening to a dark, almost black hue the deeper it went. The air was thick with humidity, and the sound of waves crashing against distant shores filled their ears.

"So now what?" Astolfo said, eyeing the water nervously. "We swim? Because I don't think most of us, but Charlomaine and Zestial, will survive."

Charlomaine nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon. "You're right, Astolfo. This ring is mostly underwater, and not everyone here can handle that environment. We need to find a way to adapt."

Zestial stepped forward, his expression thoughtful. "I can use my magic to create a protective barrier around us, allowing us to breathe and move underwater. It won't last forever, but it should be enough to get us to the main city."

"That's a relief," Olivier said, adjusting his sword. "I've read about this place. The deep-sea demons here are formidable, but they're also bound by strict codes of conduct. If we show respect, we should be able to negotiate safe passage."

Gerin and Gerier exchanged glances, their jester demon features reflecting a mix of excitement and apprehension. "Sounds like a plan," Gerin said. "Let's hope it goes smoothly."

Charlomaine turned to Ivon, who was adjusting her pink armor, looking somewhat out of place against the backdrop of the Envy Ring. "Are you ready for this, Ivon?"

She nodded, her eyes determined. "I'm ready. Let's do this."

With Zestial's magic enveloping them in a shimmering bubble, the group stepped into the water. The protective barrier allowed them to breathe and move as if they were on land. They descended slowly, the light fading as they went deeper, until they could see the outlines of an underwater city in the distance.

The city was magnificent, with structures made of coral and bioluminescent plants lighting up the depths. Schools of colorful fish darted around them, and they could see deep-sea demons going about their daily lives, their eyes glowing in the dim light.

As they approached the city's gates, a group of deep-sea demons, clad in ornate armor, swam up to meet them. Their leader, a tall demon with scales that shimmered like pearls, stepped forward.

"Welcome to Envy," he said, his voice carrying a regal tone. "I am Admiral Leviathos, commander of the city's guard. State your business."

Charlomaine stepped forward, meeting Leviathos's gaze. "We seek an audience with Leviathan. I am Charlomaine, and these are my knights. We come in peace and seek passage through your realm."

Leviathos studied them for a moment before nodding. "Very well. Follow me. But know this: in Envy, respect and honor are paramount. Any breach of our laws will not be tolerated."

With that, the group followed Leviathos through the gates and into the heart of the underwater city. The journey ahead was uncertain, but they were ready to face whatever challenges the Envy Ring had in store for them.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and yes I did change the cover why, why not I felt like that is why