The journey of Envy

As then they arrived at Leviathan place as they saw him, the group was confused it was clear Leviathan was deep see demon, what fish he was, will it was confusing he looked like the fusion of every deep sea demon that took a bit of a humane form

Hp Lovecraft. Zestial said before he through to him. What is that.

"Hi, Uncle Leviathan," Charlomaine said, looking at the imposing figure of the sea demon. "Still confusing as ever."

Leviathan's many eyes blinked in unison as he assessed the group. "Charlomaine, my dear nephew. You've brought quite the entourage. I see you've managed to gather quite an array of knights. What brings you to my domain?"

Charlomaine nodded respectfully. "We're here to continue our quest, Uncle. We need to find the knight who represents Envy."

Leviathan's laughter echoed through the chamber, a deep, rumbling sound. "Finding a knight in Envy? You're brave, I'll give you that. Very well, I'll set you a challenge. Prove your worth to me, and I will reveal the knight you seek."

"What's the challenge?" Astolfo asked, glancing nervously at the dark waters around them.

"You must navigate the Labyrinth of Depths," Leviathan replied. "It's a maze filled with illusions and dangers. Only the truly worthy can reach the end."

Ivon stepped forward, her eyes determined. "We've faced challenges before. We're ready."

Leviathan smiled, his many teeth gleaming. "We shall see. Follow me."

The group followed Leviathan deeper into his palace until they reached the entrance to the labyrinth. The walls glistened with moisture, and the air was thick with the scent of salt and the unknown.

As the group prepared to enter the labyrinth, a voice echoed through the chamber. "Long time no see, Charlomaine."

They all turned to see a beautiful girl in her late teens with black hair tied into twin tails and striking blue eyes. She had a fish-like tail and waved cheerfully at Charlomaine.

"Serafall," Leviathan said, looking at his daughter. "What brings you here?"

"Just here to see an old friend," Serafall said, smiling at Charlomaine. "I mean, at one point he was going to be my fiancé. Also, I heard you were setting them up to fail, testing if they'd fall for your tricks or not."

Charlomaine returned her smile, though his eyes held a mix of surprise and familiarity. "Serafall, it's good to see you. And Leviathan, testing us with illusions? We'll be ready."

Leviathan chuckled, his many eyes twinkling. "A little test of character never hurt anyone. But now that Serafall is here, perhaps she could guide you through the labyrinth instead."

Serafall nodded eagerly. "I'd be happy to help. The labyrinth can be tricky, but with me here, you'll have an advantage."

"Thank you, Serafall," Charlomaine said. "We appreciate any help we can get."

The group, now with Serafall leading the way, entered the labyrinth. The walls shimmered and twisted as before, but Serafall's presence seemed to stabilize the environment, making it easier to discern the true path from illusions.

As they moved deeper into the labyrinth, Serafall shared stories of her past with Charlomaine, recalling their childhood memories and the bond they once shared. The knights listened intently, gaining a deeper understanding of their leader's history and connections.

Despite Serafall's guidance, the labyrinth still posed challenges. Shadows continued to play tricks on their minds, and whispers of doubt and fear filled the air. But with Serafall's knowledge and Charlomaine's leadership, they navigated through the maze with determination and unity.

Eventually, they reached a large chamber filled with shimmering pools of water, similar to the one they had seen earlier. However, this time, Serafall's presence kept the creatures at bay, allowing the group to pass through unharmed.

At the far end of the chamber, a door opened, revealing a staircase leading upwards. They ascended, and at the top, they found Ivon waiting for them.

With Serafall and Ivon now part of the group, they left Leviathan's palace, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The journey through Envy had been difficult, but they emerged stronger and more united than ever before.

As they exited, Serafall gave Charlomaine a knowing look. "Take care of yourself, Charlomaine. And remember, I'll always be watching out for you."

Charlomaine nodded. "Thank you, Serafall. Your help means more than you know."

The group continued their journey, now with two new allies and a renewed sense of purpose.

As then Serafall stopped Charlomaine ready to finally tell him something

Um Charlomaine. Serafall said blushing as she showed him a contract. Did you know about this

What, I mean I am not mad. Charlomaine siad looking at the contract which said that hom and Serafall are going to finance. But........

Charlomaine said looking at Leviathan with a face that huh, when, what, how when where as this was all his questions

But I already have 4 fiancé. Charlomaine said remebring justice and the Cerberus sister. I am not mad why, this, uncle Leviathan your a king of hell like dad

Leviathan nodded solemnly. "I understand, Charlomaine. It's a lot to process. But remember, these arrangements are about more than just personal relationships. They're about securing alliances, ensuring the stability of our realms, and protecting our families' legacies."

Charlomaine sighed, feeling the weight of his responsibilities as a future ruler. "I know," he said. "But it's still overwhelming."

Leviathan placed a reassuring hand on Charlomaine's shoulder. "You don't have to make any decisions right away. Take your time to consider what's best for you and for our families. We'll support you no matter what you choose."

Charlomaine nodded, grateful for his uncle's understanding. "Thank you, Uncle Leviathan. I'll think about it."

With a final glance at Serafall, who offered him a supportive smile, Charlomaine turned to rejoin his companions. As they ventured forth into the labyrinth of Envy, he knew that the challenges ahead would test not only his strength and courage but also his resolve as a leader. But with loyal allies by his side and the guidance of his trusted mentors, Charlomaine was determined to face whatever fate had in store for him.

As Charlomaine and all of his knight were in a room, Alstolfo and Ivon were lapping at him, Oliver just nodded his head back and forth, Oton and Gerin just sighed, Gerier and Berengier just were ignoring everything

Hahahahhahaha. Ivon lapped as she looked at Charlomaine. You came here for Knight but got another Fiancé

Charlomaine chuckled nervously, feeling the weight of the situation. "Yeah, it seems like my love life is getting more complicated by the day."

Astolfo grinned mischievously. "Well, at least you won't be bored, right?"

Ivon nodded in agreement. "And think of all the wedding planning we can do together!"

Charlomaine's eyes widened at the thought of multiple weddings. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves," he said with a wry smile. "We've got more pressing matters to attend to, like navigating this labyrinth and finding our next Knight."

Olivier interjected, his tone serious. "Charlomaine's right. We need to stay focused on the task at hand. We can deal with the fiancé situation later."

The group nodded in agreement, their determination renewed. With their bonds strengthened and their resolve unshaken, they set out once again, ready to face whatever challenges Envy had in store for them.

Still. Ivon said looking at Charlomaine. Want me to check the future of how many wife you will have

Fuck it. Charlomaine said looking at her. If I have to gess probably 6

As Ivon checked the future, she can only do this for a little bit and only a few times, this is unreliable in battle, and it is magic she has less control of so she doesn't use that much, as she looked she just lapped.

Hahahajahahhahawj. Ivon said looking at the number. Fucking 22 wife's

Charlomaine's eyes widened in disbelief. "Twenty-two?! That's... unexpected."

Astolfo burst into laughter. "Looks like you'll have your hands full, Prince!"

Oton shook his head, amused. "Well, at least you won't be lacking in companionship."

Gerin chuckled. "I guess we'll need to start planning for a lot of weddings."

Charlomaine sighed, a mixture of amusement and resignation. "I suppose I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. For now, let's focus on the task at hand."

Let's see. Zestial said remebring all the member so far. With miss Serafall, you have 5 finance sense you will have 22, will 17 more to meet in the future

Zestial's remark prompted a mix of laughter and incredulity among the group.

"A whole harem, huh?" Astolfo said with a smirk. "You'll be the envy of every demon in Hell."

Oton raised an eyebrow. "I wonder how you'll manage to keep track of them all."

Gerin chuckled. "Well, at least you'll never be lonely."

Charlomaine couldn't help but grin at the banter. "Let's hope I'll have enough time for all of them. But for now, let's focus on finding the rest of our knights."

As it was night as everyone was sleeping Charlomaine opened the Charlemage system as he went to his stats



LUCK: A[1]. NP: A[1] ]

As then she saw something he missed for so long

[ Do you having many wife's in your past life or people thinking so you got a unique skill, this skill is giving to Ritsuka Fujimaru and now you]

[Harem Protagonist: EX]

Charlomaine stared at the screen in disbelief, reading and rereading the description of his newfound skill. "Harem Protagonist...?" he muttered to himself, trying to wrap his head around the implications.

Suddenly, he realized the significance of this skill. It wasn't just a joke or a random bonus—it was a game-changer. With this skill, he could navigate the complexities of multiple relationships, turning potential challenges into advantages.

Feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension, Charlomaine pondered how best to utilize this newfound ability. One thing was certain: his journey was about to get a lot more interesting.

Wait a minute this skill suss it is a passive skill. Charlomaine then remember all the political marriage, and then what Ivon said about the 22 wife's. This, this explains so much, system why

The system remained silent, its interface flickering slightly as if processing Charlomaine's question. After a moment, a new message appeared:

[ Harem Protagonist: EX ]

[ This skill is a manifestation of your unique charisma and potential to attract companions. It enhances your ability to navigate complex relationships and adapt to various situations involving multiple partners. As a passive skill, its effects are always active, influencing the outcomes of interactions and decisions related to romance and alliances. Congratulations on unlocking this rare and powerful ability. ]

Charlomaine absorbed the information, realizing that this skill was both a blessing and a curse. While it could offer strategic advantages in diplomacy and personal connections, it also meant he would need to navigate the intricacies of numerous relationships carefully. With a newfound understanding, he resolved to wield this skill wisely and make the most of its benefits on his journey.

When did I unlock this. He had feeling he already knew but he just needs to be sure. Tell me

[ Ten year ago when you first meet the Cerberus sister ]

The revelation hit Charlomaine like a wave, memories flooding back to that pivotal moment when he encountered the Cerberus sister. It was a turning point in his life, marking the beginning of a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. Reflecting on the past decade, he realized how much he had grown and evolved, unknowingly guided by the latent power of his Harem Protagonist skill.

With this newfound understanding of his abilities and their origins, Charlomaine felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. Armed with his unique skill and the support of his companions, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on his quest to fulfill his destiny.

To be continued

Yeah I know short Ch and everything but still enjoy