Lucifer can't multitask

As the next day arrived as Charlomaine his knight and Zestial and Beelzebub, were ready to call someone

I can't believe we are to town to the king of hell. Astolfo said looking Charlomaine. We finally get to see your dad.

Yeah. Charlomaine allowing the magic call to go. Just give it a few seacond for him to pick

As after that Lucifer picked, as what, Astolfo, Oton, Oliver, Gerier, Gerin, Berenginer, Ivon, Samson, Engelier, Roland and Bradamante were expecting the king of hell, fire brimstones and all out chaotic person, what they found was someone trying to do 666 cooking taska sn failing

Shit, shit, shit, shit. Lucifer finally noticed the call as then then rubber duck in the desk just did flip. Oh son you called me

"Father," Charlomaine greeted with a mixture of surprise and amusement at the sight of Lucifer struggling with his cooking tasks. "We need to speak with you."

Lucifer paused mid-flip of the rubber duck on his desk, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Oh, hello there, son. Just a moment." He hastily set aside his cooking endeavors and turned his attention fully to the screen where Charlomaine and his knights appeared.

"Sorry about that," Lucifer chuckled, waving off the chaos in the background. "What can I do for you today, my boy?"

"We've encountered a situation in Gluttony," Charlomaine began, casting a glance at Astolfo and the others who stood beside him. "We need your guidance on how to proceed."

Lucifer leaned in closer to the screen, his demeanor shifting from playful to serious. "Gluttony, hmm? That's a tricky one. What seems to be the issue?"

"We've found potential recruits," Charlomaine explained, gesturing towards Roland and Bradamante who stood quietly among the group. "But integrating them into our ranks has proven challenging."

Lucifer nodded thoughtfully. "Ah, hell hounds. They're not always easy to work with, but they have their strengths. Have you considered their motivations?"

Roland stepped forward, his demeanor cautious but determined. "We seek a better life for ourselves and our kind, my lord. Charlomaine has offered us a chance to make a difference."

Lucifer's expression softened as he regarded the hell hound. "I see. Your determination is admirable. Charlomaine, if you believe they have potential, then trust your judgment. Remember, leadership is about understanding and empowering those who follow you."

Charlomaine nodded, grateful for his father's counsel. "Thank you, father. We'll continue to support Roland and Bradamante as they integrate into our knightly order."

Lucifer smiled proudly. "That's my boy. Keep me updated on your progress. And if you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask."

With that, the communication ended, leaving Charlomaine and his knights with renewed determination to overcome the challenges ahead in Gluttony.

As finally Astolfo and Ivon let out a powerful laugh, followed by Oton, Oliver, Gerier, Gerin, Berengier, Samson, and Engelier.

"That really is the King of Hell," Astolfo exclaimed between chuckles, unable to contain his amusement. "Oh boy, Charlomaine, your apple really didn't fall far from the tree, did it? Your father is just like you!"

Charlomaine couldn't help but smile at Astolfo's observation. Indeed, despite the grandiose expectations of Lucifer's fiery and chaotic nature, seeing him struggle with mundane tasks was a refreshing reminder of their shared humanity, even in the depths of Hell.

"He may rule over Hell, but he's not immune to everyday challenges," Charlomaine remarked, joining in the laughter. "I guess we all have our moments."

The knights continued to exchange amused glances, finding camaraderie in the unexpected glimpse into Lucifer's less intimidating side. It was moments like these that strengthened their bond, reminding them that even in Hell, there could be moments of levity and connection.

"We should get back to our tasks," Charlomaine said eventually, his smile lingering. "Thank you, everyone. Let's make sure we're ready for whatever comes next."

With renewed resolve and a shared understanding, Charlomaine and his knights returned to their duties, knowing they had each other's support, even in the face of Hell's challenges.

As Charlomaine chuckled, reflecting on Lucifer's endearing yet unpredictable nature, he couldn't help but share his thoughts with his knights.

"You know," Charlomaine began, his voice laced with amusement, "despite his title, Lucifer is quite the sweetheart. Sure, he can be the devil when he wants to be, but I'd say 90% of the time, he's just a lovable goofball. No wonder mother loved him."

Astolfo nodded vigorously, still chuckling from the earlier scene. "Yeah, I can see why. He's got that charm, even in Hell. Makes you forget he's the King of this place."

"I suppose being surrounded by chaos and fire all the time might get old," Ivon remarked thoughtfully, adjusting her glasses. "It's nice to see the lighter side once in a while."

Oton smirked. "Guess the King of Hell needs a break from all that tormenting souls and ruling Hell."

Oliver chimed in, "It's like seeing a different side of him. Makes you wonder if all that fiery reputation is just for show."

Charlomaine nodded in agreement. "Maybe it's his way of balancing the scales. A reminder that even in the darkest places, there's room for a bit of light."

As they shared a moment of camaraderie, watching Lucifer on the screen struggling with his cooking tasks yet again, Charlomaine couldn't help but feel grateful for his knights. They were more than just allies in Hell; they were friends who understood the complexities of their existence and found humor in unexpected places.

"Alright, back to business," Charlomaine said finally, a smile playing on his lips. "Let's make sure we're ready for whatever challenges come our way. And maybe, just maybe, we'll get to see more of Lucifer's 'human' side."

With renewed determination and a shared sense of camaraderie, Charlomaine and his knights refocused on their duties, ready to face whatever trials awaited them in the depths of Hell.

Back in the Pride Ring, in the Morning Star household, Lucifer closed his call and began to sing. He was soon joined by Lilith.

"You're in a happy mood today, darling," Lilith remarked, watching her husband. "Did our son call?"

Lucifer chuckled, his jovial demeanor evident. "Indeed he did, my dear. Charlomaine and his knights summoned me, and let's just say they were quite surprised to see me in the midst of a chaotic cooking experiment."

Lilith smiled warmly. "It must have been a sight. I hope you didn't scare them too much."

Lucifer shook his head. "Not at all. They found it rather amusing, actually. They seem like a spirited bunch."

"I'm glad they're getting to know you," Lilith said softly, her eyes reflecting a mix of pride and fondness.

Lucifer nodded thoughtfully. "They're a good group. Charlomaine has gathered an interesting ensemble. It's going to be quite an adventure guiding them through Hell."

As they continued their conversation, the morning in the Pride Ring carried on with a sense of familial warmth and anticipation for what lay ahead.

Back in their camp within Gluttony, Charlomaine and his knights gathered around a flickering fire, the dim light casting shadows on their faces as they discussed their next steps.

"I think we need to reassess our approach to finding new knights," Charlomaine suggested, his voice firm yet thoughtful. "The challenges we've faced here are unique, and we need to adapt."

Astolfo, reclining against a tree, nodded in agreement. "Agreed. The traditional methods might not work in Gluttony. We need to think outside the box."

Ivon, sitting cross-legged nearby, adjusted her glasses. "Perhaps we should focus on understanding the culture and hierarchy within Gluttony better. It might give us clues on where to find potential candidates."

Gerier, sharpening his spear, grunted in approval. "We've encountered various demons here. Maybe we should approach them differently, learn what they value."

Roland, the Hell Hound, scratched his head thoughtfully. "Maybe we should ask around, see if anyone knows of warriors with the skills we seek."

Charlomaine nodded, his gaze flickering to Beelzebub who had been observing silently. "Beelzebub, do you have any insights? You've been here longer than any of us."

Beelzebub nodded thoughtfully, her wings twitching slightly. "In Gluttony, strength and resilience are highly valued. But so is cunning and adaptability. We need knights who embody these qualities."

Bradamante, standing beside Roland, spoke up softly. "We should also consider individuals who may not be warriors in the traditional sense but possess other valuable skills."

Gerin, the Jester Demon, interjected with a grin. "Perhaps we should host a tournament! Draw attention and attract potential candidates."

Oliver, leaning against a rock, chuckled. "That could work. It's unconventional, but it might just be what we need to find those willing to join us."

As they discussed their strategies, the night deepened around them, the sounds of Gluttony's eerie wilderness echoing faintly in the background. Each knight felt the weight of their quest, understanding that their choices would shape not only their journey but also the fate of Hell itself.

But I think it is time. Zestial said said looking at the group. To go tontrh final ring and get out final Knight, the final ring is Sloth

So I need to make call to uncle Belphegor hope he picks up. Charlomaine said sighs. It is either that or his business partner Baphomet

As Charlomaine prepared to make the call to Sloth's ruler, he felt a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. The Knights of Charlemagne had faced numerous challenges in Gluttony, but Sloth presented a different kind of test. They gathered around him, ready to support their prince as he dialed the number to Belphegor, the demon lord overseeing Sloth.

The ancient device crackled as it connected, and after a few rings, a sleepy voice answered on the other end.

"Who dares disturb my slumber?" Belphegor's voice was thick with drowsiness, clearly irritated at being disturbed.

"Uncle Belphegor, it's Charlomaine," he replied respectfully, knowing the demon lord's temperament well. "We seek an audience with you to discuss a matter of importance."

There was a long pause, filled only with the sound of Belphegor yawning loudly.

"Charlomaine, my nephew," Belphegor finally said with a hint of curiosity in his voice. "To what do I owe the pleasure? And why are you bothering me during my rest?"

"We seek to recruit a knight from Sloth," Charlomaine explained, straight to the point. "Someone who can embody the virtues we need for our cause."

Belphegor chuckled lazily. "Ah, knights? In Sloth? They'd have to be quite motivated to get anything done. Very well, I'll entertain your request. Come to my palace tomorrow at noon. We'll discuss this further."

"Thank you, Uncle," Charlomaine replied gratefully. "We will be there."

With that, Belphegor ended the call, leaving Charlomaine and his knights with a mixture of relief and trepidation. They knew Sloth would test them in ways they hadn't experienced before, but they were determined to find a knight who could help them achieve their goal.

As the sun set over Gluttony and the campfire crackled, the knights prepared for their journey to Sloth, each one silently contemplating the challenges that lay ahead in the final ring of Hell.

As they went it the lipt to sloth they passed envy and arrived at the lowest and very peaceful ring the sky was pink colour as water fall was falling as the water id envy was falling down to this ring.

Are we sure we are still in hell. Astolfo said looking at around. I know that sloth is hell medical industry but still

The tranquil atmosphere of Sloth indeed seemed contradictory to the fiery chaos typical of Hell's other rings. Charlomaine and his knights walked along a serene path lined with lush, overgrown foliage and gentle streams fed by the cascading waters from Envy above. The air carried a soothing scent of exotic flowers, a stark contrast to the brimstone and ash they were accustomed to.

"I must admit, this is quite unexpected," Ivon remarked, running his fingers through the soft leaves of a nearby plant. "I imagined Sloth to be more... lethargic."

"Well, slothful creatures do enjoy their peace and quiet," Gerin mused, his eyes scanning the tranquil surroundings. "Perhaps this is their idea of paradise."

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the peaceful ambiance. "It's as if Hell itself is taking a moment to catch its breath."

They continued their journey deeper into Sloth, the path winding lazily through groves of ancient trees and past tranquil ponds where large, lazy fish drifted languidly. Occasionally, they passed by sloth demons lounging in hammocks or reclining under the shade of trees, their eyes half-lidded with contentment.

"This doesn't feel like we're recruiting knights," Berengier remarked with a chuckle. "More like a stroll through a heavenly garden."

"Just remember, appearances can be deceiving," Samson cautioned, his eyes scanning their surroundings warily. "Sloth may seem peaceful, but it's still Hell. We must remain vigilant."

As they approached Belphegor's palace, the architecture itself exuded an air of relaxed elegance, with sprawling verandas and comfortable lounging areas. Belphegor awaited them in a courtyard, reclining on a massive cushioned divan, surrounded by luxurious pillows and lazily sipping from a goblet.

"Ah, Charlomaine," Belphegor greeted with a lazy wave. "Welcome to Sloth, where ambition takes a back seat to relaxation. What brings you and your lively group to my humble abode?"

"We seek a knight from Sloth," Charlomaine stated firmly, his gaze unwavering. "Someone who embodies the virtues we need to join our cause."

Belphegor chuckled lazily, setting his goblet down. "Ambitious indeed. Very well, let's discuss what you're looking for in a knight. But first, join me in some refreshments. Sloth may be slow, but we know how to enjoy life."

Charlomaine exchanged glances with his knights, understanding that despite Sloth's peaceful facade, the challenge to recruit a knight here would be unique and perhaps more complex than they anticipated.

"Thank you, Uncle Belphegor," Charlomaine replied respectfully. "We appreciate your hospitality."

As they settled in for their discussion, the knights of Charlemagne prepared themselves for the trials and tests that awaited them in the tranquil yet deceptive realm of Sloth.

Listen here Charlomaine. Belphegor siad looking at him. It going to be heard to find knight especially ones that will be motivated.

Can you atlest talk to him properly

As the turn there head from see a another Goat demon he was wewirnga suite and unlike the other demon in sloth he looked more active

Oh hi there. Charlomaine said recognising him. Hi there Baphomet, everyone this is Uncle Balphegor business part?. He looked at him with the face are you sure you guys are not more then Business partner

As Baphomet approached with a confident stride that seemed out of place in the languid atmosphere of Sloth, the knights of Charlemagne observed him with a mix of curiosity and surprise. Unlike the sloth demons around them who lounged in leisure, Baphomet exuded an energy that suggested purpose and determination.

"Charlomaine, my boy," Baphomet greeted with a charismatic smile, nodding to the assembled group of knights. "It's a pleasure to finally meet your esteemed company. I've heard quite a bit about your exploits in the other rings of Hell."

Charlomaine chuckled, acknowledging Baphomet's presence with a nod. "Likewise, Baphomet. Uncle Belphegor was just mentioning how challenging it might be to find knights here in Sloth."

Belphegor reclined further into his cushions with a lazy grin. "Indeed, but perhaps Baphomet can offer a different perspective. He's been instrumental in the business dealings that keep Sloth running smoothly."

Baphomet's eyes twinkled with amusement as he glanced around the serene surroundings. "True enough, but even in Sloth, there are those who value efficiency over indulgence."

Astolfo, always quick to speak his mind, quirked an eyebrow. "You mean there are hardworking demons here?"

Baphomet chuckled warmly. "Precisely. While Sloth may appear relaxed on the surface, there are many who understand the importance of productivity, even if it's not in the traditional sense."

Charlomaine considered Baphomet's words thoughtfully. "So, you're saying there could be knights here who possess the virtues we seek, despite the outward appearance of Sloth?"

"Absolutely," Baphomet affirmed. "Motivation and determination can manifest in many forms. It's not always about speed or activity; sometimes, it's about the drive to achieve one's goals, even if it means taking a more leisurely approach."

Gerier, the spear-wielding demon, nodded in understanding. "Like a river flowing steadily towards the sea, rather than a torrent racing down a mountain."

Baphomet smiled approvingly. "Exactly. Each ring of Hell has its own unique strengths. Sloth's strength lies in its ability to preserve, sustain, and provide respite—a necessary counterbalance to the intensity of the other rings."

Charlomaine glanced at his knights, a newfound determination settling within him. "Thank you, Baphomet. Uncle Belphegor, we appreciate your insights. We'll begin our search for a knight here in Sloth with renewed purpose."

As they prepared to explore Sloth further, Charlomaine couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. In this unexpected realm of tranquility and repose, he knew that hidden among its inhabitants lay a knight whose virtues would complement their quest to bring change to Hell.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones everyone