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As Astolfo held up the small container of what appeared to be "Happy Pills," curiosity mixed with caution among Charlomaine and his knights. They gathered around, peering at the container as if it held the secrets of Sloth itself.

"What are these, exactly?" Oliver asked, squinting at the tiny pills inside.

"They were given to us by one of the goat demons," Astolfo replied, turning the container over in his hand. "Apparently, they're called Happy Pills. Probably something to do with maintaining Sloth's serene atmosphere."

Ivon, ever the studious one, furrowed his brow. "Happy Pills? Do they induce happiness?"

Baphomet, who had been observing quietly until now, spoke up with a knowing smile. "In a sense. They're designed to alleviate stress and induce a sense of calm and contentment. It's one of Sloth's methods to ensure its inhabitants remain in a state of tranquil equilibrium."

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully. "That explains why everyone here seems so... relaxed."

Gerier eyed the pills skeptically. "Do they have any side effects?"

Belphegor, reclining lazily on his cushion, chuckled. "Not particularly harmful ones. They're more of a placebo effect, designed to reinforce the peaceful vibe of Sloth. The demons here believe in the power of relaxation, after all."

Astolfo shook the container gently, making the pills rattle softly. "Should we try them?"

Charlomaine hesitated, weighing the implications. "I'm not sure. We need to stay focused on finding our next knight. Distractions, even ones that promise relaxation, might not be the best idea."

Baphomet nodded approvingly. "Wise choice, Charlomaine. We can't afford to lose sight of our goal, especially here in Sloth."

Samson, who had been silently observing, spoke up with a smirk. "Besides, I'm not sure I want to risk feeling happy in Hell."

Everyone chuckled at that, easing the tension that had briefly settled over them. Charlomaine placed a reassuring hand on Astolfo's shoulder. "Hold onto those, Astolfo. Maybe we'll find a use for them later."

Astolfo nodded, tucking the container back into his pocket. "Got it. No pill-popping in Sloth, at least for now."

So basically. Charlomaine said looking at him. You are just drugging people

Baphomet chuckled softly at Charlomaine's comment, reclining comfortably on his cushion in the tranquil surroundings of Sloth. He adjusted his glasses with a thoughtful expression before responding.

"Well, 'drugging' might be a strong word for it," Baphomet replied casually. "Think of it more as enhancing the natural state of Sloth. These pills merely help maintain the equilibrium that makes this ring what it is."

Charlomaine raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "Enhancing or altering?"

Belphegor, lounging lazily beside Baphomet, chimed in with a grin. "Oh, come now, Charlomaine. In Sloth, we prefer to call it 'facilitating relaxation.' Keeps everyone mellow and the vibes serene."

Astolfo, who had been listening intently, couldn't resist a quip. "Facilitating relaxation sounds like a fancy way to say 'making everyone lazy.'"

Laughter rippled through the group, easing the tension that had momentarily settled among them. Despite the seemingly laid-back atmosphere, Charlomaine couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Sloth than met the eye. In a realm where ambition and drive were subdued by tranquil inertia, finding a knight motivated enough to join their cause would indeed be a challenge.

"Let's focus on finding our knight," Charlomaine said, his tone firm. "We can't afford to lose sight of our mission, no matter how... relaxed the environment may be."

Ivon nodded in agreement, his scholarly demeanor undisturbed by Sloth's tranquil influence. "Indeed. We must remain vigilant and discerning."

But this pill are bought by all demon. Baphomet said looking at them. I mean a lot of depress demon take and it help them

Really. Oton said looking at him. Helping them or giving them false happiness, she I gess these are more bought by the royal demon and the Arse Goetia

Baphomet chuckled softly at Oton's question, adjusting his glasses thoughtfully before responding. "It's a bit of both, really. These pills help balance the emotional state of many demons here in Sloth. They alleviate the more overwhelming aspects of their despair and inactivity, allowing them to find some peace."

Oliver, ever the skeptic, crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow. "But does it really solve anything, or just mask the problem?"

Belphegor, lounging nearby, shrugged nonchalantly. "Who's to say what's a problem in a place like Sloth? We're not trying to fix anything here, just maintain equilibrium. Sloth isn't about solutions; it's about... well, sloth."

Charlomaine nodded slowly, absorbing their explanations. "I understand. It's about maintaining the balance of this realm."

Astolfo, always curious, leaned forward. "So, are these pills the reason why it's so hard to find motivated demons here?"

Baphomet nodded knowingly. "Partly. Sloth tends to attract those who seek refuge from the chaos and ambition of other rings. Finding someone willing to leave that comfort can be challenging."

Samson, intrigued by the dynamics, spoke up. "What about our search for a knight? Are we going to rely on these pills to find someone?"

Charlomaine glanced at his knights, thoughtful. "No, we'll find someone who aligns with our mission naturally. We can't force someone to join us."

Ivon, ever the strategist, added, "Perhaps we should look for those who seek more than what Sloth offers. Someone looking for a purpose beyond tranquil existence."

With renewed focus, Charlomaine and his knights continued their search through Sloth, mindful of the pills' influence on its inhabitants. As they ventured deeper into the serene landscape, they kept their eyes peeled for any signs of a potential knight, knowing that their journey through Hell's rings was far from over.

As the group departed from Baphomet's presence, each of Charlomaine's knights tossed their happy pills into a nearby ethereal pool, where the pills dissolved into shimmering fragments that dispersed into the air.

"I guess we won't be needing those," Ivon remarked, watching the last traces of the pills fade away.

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully. "No, we have a different path to follow. Our mission is to find knights who are motivated for reasons beyond temporary contentment."

Gerier, adjusting his spear, spoke up. "It's hard to imagine being content with just existing here."

Samson, his gaze fixed on the horizon, added, "But maybe that's why it's so important for us to find those who want more. To break free from the cycle of sloth."

Astolfo, always insightful, chimed in, "And maybe those pills aren't all bad. They serve a purpose for many demons here. But our purpose lies elsewhere."

With renewed determination, the group continued their journey through Sloth, their eyes keenly scanning the tranquil surroundings for any signs of potential knights. They moved with purpose, each step bringing them closer to their next encounter in this realm of lazy tranquility.

As they ventured deeper into the pink-hued skies and gentle waterfalls of Sloth, Charlomaine couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing on his shoulders. Finding knights who shared their vision wasn't just about assembling a team—it was about shaping the future of Hell itself.

With each passing moment, the resolve of Charlomaine and his knights grew stronger, ready to face whatever challenges Sloth had in store for them on their quest for allies in the battle against the infernal chaos.

"I heard you guys were looking for a knight," a voice called out from behind them.

The group turned to see a very active-looking goat demon with blue-colored fur and a candle on his head, similar to the other native demons of the Sloth ring. He had a wide grin on his face as he approached them.

"Name's Anseis," he said confidently. "And I wanna be your final knight."

Charlomaine studied Anseis for a moment, his eyes narrowing with cautious curiosity. "What makes you think you can join us?" he asked. "What sets you apart from the other demons here?"

Anseis shrugged nonchalantly. "I might be from Sloth, but I'm not lazy. I know how things work around here, and I've got skills that could be useful to you. Plus, I'm tired of just existing. I want to make a difference."

Astolfo stepped forward, intrigued. "What kind of skills are we talking about?"

Anseis grinned wider. "I'm a strategist. I can plan, I can lead, and I can fight when needed. I know the ins and outs of this place, and I can help you navigate through the challenges ahead. Besides, you need someone who knows how to get things done without relying on those happy pills."

Charlomaine exchanged glances with his knights. They all seemed to be considering Anseis's words carefully. Finally, Charlomaine nodded.

"Alright, Anseis," he said. "Welcome to the team. But know this—joining us means committing to our cause wholeheartedly. We're not just looking for fighters; we're looking for allies who share our vision."

Anseis's grin softened into a sincere smile. "You won't regret it. I'm in this for the long haul."

With their newest member now part of the group, Charlomaine and his knights felt a renewed sense of purpose. The addition of Anseis brought a fresh perspective and new energy to their mission. Together, they prepared to face the final challenges of Sloth, ready to bring their quest one step closer to completion.

"With you," Charlomaine said, looking at Anseis, "I have my full list of twelve knights."

The group stood together, a diverse collection of demons united by their shared mission and the guidance of their prince. Charlomaine felt a sense of pride and determination as he surveyed his knights, each one unique and powerful in their own right.

Astolfo, the hybrid demon of imp and sinner, leaned against his hippogriff, smiling confidently. Oton, the steadfast imp demon, stood beside him with his arms crossed. Olivier, the charming incubus, flashed a quick grin. Gerier, the skilled spear-wielding imp demon, nodded in acknowledgment. Gerin and Berengier, the jester demons, exchanged a playful look.

Ivon, the elegant succubus, and Samson, the formidable deep sea shark demon, both appeared focused and ready for whatever lay ahead. Engelier, the hybrid deep sea demon of Leviathan, Siren, and Abyssal Behemoth, stood tall and imposing. Roland and Bradamante, the recently added hell hounds, looked determined, their loyalty to each other evident.

And now, Anseis, the blue-furred goat demon with a strategic mind, completed the lineup. His confident stance and eager expression made it clear he was ready to contribute to their cause.

"Together, we'll face the challenges of Sloth and beyond," Charlomaine continued. "Each of you brings something unique to this group, and with your help, we will succeed in our mission."

Anseis stepped forward, his grin unwavering. "Let's do this. I'm ready to prove myself."

As the knights prepared for their journey through the final ring of Sloth, Charlomaine couldn't help but feel a surge of optimism. Despite the challenges they had faced and those that still lay ahead, he knew they had the strength, skill, and unity to overcome them.

The path was set, and with his twelve knights by his side, Charlomaine was ready to continue his quest, determined to bring change and hope to the infernal realms.

Meanwhile, in the Morning Star household, Lucifer and Lilith were both struck by a sudden, inexplicable headache.

"Why do I feel like..." Lucifer began, rubbing his temples. "Charlomaine did something that's going to spark a lot of arguments between the Ars Goetia and us?"

Lilith, her brow furrowed, nodded in agreement. "I have the same feeling. It's like a disturbance in the infernal order. What could he have done this time?"

Lucifer sighed deeply, leaning back in his chair. "Knowing our son, it's probably something ambitious and reckless. We should prepare for the fallout."

Lilith gave a small, rueful smile. "He's certainly inherited our penchant for stirring things up, hasn't he?"

"More than we'd like to admit," Lucifer said with a chuckle, despite the growing tension he could sense on the horizon. "I suppose we'll find out soon enough. In the meantime, let's brace ourselves for the inevitable storm."

As they shared a moment of mutual understanding and concern, the atmosphere in the Morning Star household grew heavy with anticipation. Whatever Charlomaine had done, it was bound to have significant repercussions in Hell's complex political landscape.

To be continued