Mistakes are made on both side

Charlomaine gathered his knights in the grand hall of their residence in the Sloth ring. The room buzzed with curiosity and anticipation as the knights sensed that something significant was about to happen.

"So, what exactly is this soul deal you're proposing?" Astolfo asked, breaking the silence.

Charlomaine took a deep breath and stepped forward. "This soul deal is more than just a pact. It's a bond that will elevate all of you to the status of the Arse Goetia, making you among the most powerful demons in Hell. In essence, you'll become royal demons, immortal and almost untouchable."

"What's the catch?" Ivon asked skeptically. "There's always a catch with these kinds of deals."

Charlomaine nodded. "The catch is that once you agree, there's no turning back. Your souls will be bound to mine, and while this grants immense power, it also means we are forever linked. My fate will directly influence yours."

The knights exchanged glances, weighing the gravity of the decision.

"What's in it for us, other than power?" Samson asked.

"This bond will also grant you unique abilities and enhance your current powers," Charlomaine explained. "You'll be able to protect yourselves and each other better. And most importantly, it solidifies our unity as a team."

Astolfo stepped forward, his expression serious. "I'm in. We've faced countless challenges together, and this will only make us stronger."

One by one, the other knights voiced their agreement. Even Roland and Bradamante, the newest members, nodded their consent.

Charlomaine smiled, relieved by their support. "Very well. Let's begin."

He extended his hand towards Astolfo. "We'll start with a handshake. This is the final step to sealing our pact."

Astolfo clasped Charlomaine's hand, and as they shook, a radiant rainbow light enveloped them, symbolizing the binding of their souls. The light was bright and warm, filling the room with a sense of unity and power.

One by one, each knight stepped forward to shake Charlomaine's hand. As each handshake was completed, the same rainbow light appeared, connecting them all in an unbreakable bond. The ritual was solemn, but a sense of hope and determination filled the air.

"It's done," Charlomaine said, as the last knight completed the handshake. "We are now bound by the soul deal."

The knights felt a surge of power coursing through their veins, a testament to their newfound strength and unity.

Meanwhile, back in the Morning Star household, Lucifer and Lilith felt the shift in power.

"Charlomaine has made his move," Lilith said, her eyes narrowing. "This will stir things up with the Arse Goetia."

Lucifer sighed. "Our son always did have a penchant for making waves. We'll have to watch this closely."

The next morning in the Morning Star household, the usual tranquility was shattered by a cacophony of birds taking flight and various objects clattering to the ground. The source of this disturbance was the heated conversation between Lilith and Lucifer.

"I am sorry, what?" Lucifer exclaimed, staring incredulously at Charlomaine. "You did what? You knew you were going to give us a headache, but this?"

Charlomaine stood before his parents, trying to remain calm despite the storm of emotions swirling around him. "I made a soul deal with my knights," he repeated, his voice steady. "I elevated them to the status of royal demons, on par with the Arse Goetia."

Lilith massaged her temples, a gesture that betrayed her rising frustration. "Charlomaine, do you have any idea what kind of political turmoil this is going to cause? The Arse Goetia won't take this lightly."

"I understand," Charlomaine said, meeting his mother's eyes. "But it was necessary. My knights are my family now, and they deserve the power and protection that comes with this bond."

Lucifer paced the room, running a hand through his hair. "You've essentially created a new power bloc within Hell. This will disrupt the balance."

"Perhaps it's time for a change," Charlomaine suggested. "The current system isn't working. There's too much suffering, too much division."

Lilith sighed, her expression softening slightly. "Your intentions are noble, Charlomaine, but Hell is not a place that welcomes change easily. The Arse Goetia will see this as a threat to their authority."

Charlomaine nodded. "I know. But I'm prepared to face whatever consequences come our way. This is about more than just power. It's about building a Hell where demons can live without fear and oppression."

Lucifer and Lilith exchanged a glance, a silent communication passing between them. Finally, Lucifer stopped pacing and turned to face his son.

"Alright," Lucifer said, his voice heavy with resignation. "You've made your decision, and there's no going back now. But be prepared for the fallout. The Arse Goetia will come after you and your knights."

"We'll be ready," Charlomaine assured him. "Thank you for understanding."

Lilith stepped forward, pulling Charlomaine into a hug. "Just promise us you'll be careful, and remember that we're here for you, no matter what."

"I promise," Charlomaine said, returning the embrace.

Lucifer sank into his chair, his expression a mix of concern and contemplation. "Paimon is going to demand answers, and the other kings of the Goetia as well," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

Charlomaine stood resolute, aware of the gravity of his decision. "I did it to empower my knights," he explained earnestly. "To strengthen our forces against the challenges we face in Hell. I thought it was the best course of action."

Lilith sighed deeply, her gaze fixed on Charlomaine. "You've always been headstrong, just like your father," she said with a hint of resignation. "But this time, the consequences could be dire. The balance of power in Hell is delicate."

"I know," Charlomaine replied, his tone reflecting a sense of responsibility. "But I couldn't let them continue to struggle. They've proven their loyalty and their strength."

Lucifer nodded slowly, his mind clearly racing through the implications. "We'll have to prepare ourselves for what's to come," he said finally. "You've set in motion a series of events that will shape the future of Hell. We'll stand by you, but be prepared for the challenges ahead."

With that, the atmosphere in the Morning Star household shifted from tension to quiet resolve. The decision was made, and now they would face the consequences together, as a family bound by both blood and the intricate politics of Hell.

Lucifer sank into his chair, his expression a mix of concern and contemplation. "Paimon is going to demand answers, and the other kings of the Goetia as well," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

Charlomaine stood resolute, aware of the gravity of his decision. "I did it to empower my knights," he explained earnestly. "To strengthen our forces against the challenges we face in Hell. I thought it was the best course of action."

Lilith sighed deeply, her gaze fixed on Charlomaine. "You've always been headstrong, just like your father," she said with a hint of resignation. "But this time, the consequences could be dire. The balance of power in Hell is delicate."

"I know," Charlomaine replied, his tone reflecting a sense of responsibility. "But I couldn't let them continue to struggle. They've proven their loyalty and their strength."

Lucifer nodded slowly, his mind clearly racing through the implications. "We'll have to prepare ourselves for what's to come," he said finally. "You've set in motion a series of events that will shape the future of Hell. We'll stand by you, but be prepared for the challenges ahead."

With that, the atmosphere in the Morning Star household shifted from tension to quiet resolve. The decision was made, and now they would face the consequences together, as a family bound by both blood and the intricate politics of Hell.

Are we forgetting something. Lucifer thought for a bit before rembering. Right the extermination that happens they got a new leader Adam, yes the same first man

Charlomaine saw his mother face as it had a discussion remebring of Adam being in charge, and so did his father.

Um may I ask. Charlomaine said looking at them. Why do you two hate Adam, he is the first man

Lucifer exchanged a glance with Lilith, their expressions reflecting a mixture of ancient grievances and resigned tolerance.

"He might be the first man," Lilith began, her voice tinged with a hint of bitterness, "but he's also the epitome of everything that led to our exile from Eden."

Lucifer leaned forward, his eyes narrowing slightly as he recounted the tale. "Adam was given paradise and dominion over all creation, including us," he explained. "Yet he betrayed that trust, choosing to cast us out rather than share Eden."

Charlomaine listened intently, sensing the deep-seated resentment in his parents' voices. "So, it's more about what he represents rather than who he is?" he asked cautiously.

Lilith nodded solemnly. "Precisely. He represents betrayal, ingratitude, and the loss of everything we held dear."

Lucifer sighed, leaning back in his chair. "And now he's in charge of the extermination forces," he added grimly. "It's a constant reminder of our past and a threat to our future in Hell."

Charlomaine absorbed their words, realizing the weight of history and personal vendetta intertwined in their feelings towards Adam. "I understand," he said quietly, his thoughts drifting to the complexities of their shared history and the ongoing power struggles within Hell.

Silence settled over the room for a moment, each of them lost in their own thoughts about the ramifications of Adam's leadership. Despite the tension, Charlomaine felt a renewed sense of determination to navigate the challenges ahead, both from external threats and internal politics.

"We'll deal with Adam in due time," Lucifer finally said, breaking the silence with a tone of resolve. "For now, let's focus on ensuring the stability and strength of our own domains."

Charlomaine nodded, a sense of unity and purpose emerging among them despite the shadows of past betrayals and current threats.

I think I am but confused. Charlomaine said looking at them. I thought uncle Azreal will not leave his spot as the extermination with our losing an arm and a leg

Lilith exchanged a glance with Lucifer, her expression softening slightly with understanding.

" Azrael," she began, "has been a steadfast force in Hell for eons. His role as the leader of the extermination forces was not one he relinquished willingly."

Lucifer nodded in agreement, adding, "Azrael's decision to step down was unexpected, to say the least. It's left many wondering about his motives and what this means for the balance of power."

Charlomaine furrowed his brow, trying to piece together the implications. "But why now?" he asked, his curiosity mixing with concern. "And who appointed Adam as his successor?"

Lilith sighed softly, her gaze distant for a moment. "Azrael's reasons are his own," she explained carefully. "As for Adam, his appointment was... a surprise to many."

Lucifer leaned forward, his expression grave. "The Council of Elders," he clarified, "decided on Adam's appointment. It's a move that has sparked its share of controversy and speculation."

Charlomaine nodded slowly, absorbing the complexities of the situation. "So, Adam's rise to power isn't just about leadership," he mused aloud. "It's a strategic move within the hierarchy of Heaven."

"Yes," Lilith agreed quietly. "And it's one that threatens to shift the balance of power in ways we have yet to fully comprehend."

Lucifer nodded thoughtfully, his gaze turning inward as he contemplated the broader implications. "For now," he said, breaking the silence that followed, "we must remain vigilant and prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead."

Charlomaine nodded in agreement, a sense of unease settling over him as he considered the uncertain future of Hell under Adam's leadership and the ramifications it could have for all its inhabitants.

So let me get this correct. Charlomaine said looking at him. The reason trh council of Elder in heaven Chose Adam is Because....

Lucifer and Lilith exchanged a knowing look before Lucifer spoke, his voice tinged with a hint of frustration and resignation.

"The Council of Elders in Heaven," he began, choosing his words carefully, "has always been... selective in their decisions. Adam's appointment, I suspect, serves their agenda of maintaining a delicate balance in the realms."

Lilith nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "Adam represents a figurehead that they believe can exert influence over Hell, potentially aligning it more closely with their interests," she explained.

Charlomaine frowned, trying to grasp the implications. "So, they see Adam as a means to control or influence Hell from afar," he concluded, a touch of skepticism in his tone.

"Yes," Lucifer affirmed with a nod. "His position gives them leverage, a way to exert indirect authority without direct intervention."

"Exactly," Lilith added, her gaze steady. "It's a move to ensure that Heaven's interests are protected and advanced, even in the depths of Hell."

Charlomaine sighed, realizing the complexity of the political dynamics at play. "So Adam's appointment isn't just about leadership," he summarized. "It's a strategic maneuver to maintain control over Hell without openly interfering."

Lucifer nodded solemnly. "Unfortunately, yes," he agreed. "It's a reminder that even in Hell, the influence of Heaven's decisions can reach far and wide."

As Charlomaine processed this revelation, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease about the future implications of Adam's leadership and the ongoing influence of Heaven over Hell's affairs.

Meanwhile, back in heaven, Adam eagerly counted down the days until the extermination began. Lute, his right-hand woman, shared in his enthusiasm, both of them anticipating the cleansing of sinners.

"You two seem unusually excited," a voice echoed through the hall. Azrael, his presence commanding attention, stood before them with a penetrating gaze.

Adam, undeterred by Azrael's disapproval, replied confidently, "We are merely fulfilling our duty to cleanse this realm of sin. It is our purpose."

Azrael's expression remained stern. "Remember, Adam, the balance must be maintained. Extermination is not to be taken lightly."

Lute, with a smirk, retorted, "We understand, Azrael. But sometimes, drastic measures are necessary to restore order."

Azrael sighed deeply, his concern evident. "Just ensure that you do not overstep your bounds. The consequences could be dire."

With a nod, Adam and Lute resumed their preparations, their determination unwavering. Azrael watched them depart, troubled by the fervor with which they embraced their mission. As the countdown to extermination continued, tensions in heaven simmered, hinting at upheavals yet to come.

As then he put his hand on his solder as they see him

If you there to over step do anything over the things. Azreal said looking at Adam. You will die for real there will be no heaven waiting for this time, understand

Adam met Azrael's gaze with a mix of defiance and determination. "I understand the stakes, Azrael," he replied firmly. "But this is our duty, our divine mandate to cleanse hell of sin. We will not falter."

Azrael's expression softened slightly, his eyes reflecting both concern and resolve. "Remember, Adam, there is more at stake here than you realize. Balance must be maintained. Proceed with caution."

With that warning lingering in the air, Azrael turned and departed, leaving Adam and Lute to finalize their preparations. Adam clenched his fists, his mind set on the impending task despite Azrael's ominous words. Lute, undeterred by the warning, continued to rally their forces, eager to purge heaven of what they deemed impurity.

As the countdown to the extermination drew nearer, tension in heaven reached a palpable height. Uncertainty loomed over Adam's bold ambition, raising questions about the consequences of their actions. Yet, driven by zeal and conviction, Adam remained resolute, ready to confront whatever challenges awaited them in their quest to cleanse heaven.

Azrael stood in his chamber, the weight of his thoughts pressing heavily upon him. His hand trembled as he poured a glass of water, trying to steady himself. The bitter taste of bile lingered in his mouth, a physical manifestation of his turmoil.

"Why him?" Azrael muttered to himself, pacing the room. "Of all the choices, they picked Adam. Arrogant, reckless... undeserving." His reflection in the mirror revealed a weariness etched into his features, a testament to the millennia he had spent faithfully serving as the overseer of souls.

He sank into a chair, running a hand through his hair. Memories of the council's decision replayed in his mind, the moment when his role was usurped by Adam's ascent. It wasn't just about pride or status; Azrael harbored genuine concern for the consequences of Adam's zealotry.

"He'll lead them into chaos," Azrael whispered hoarsely, his voice tinged with resignation. "And I... I must ensure balance, even if it means cleaning up after his mess."

With a deep sigh, Azrael composed himself, resolving to monitor Adam's actions closely. Despite his disdain for the council's decision, he knew that his duty remained unchanged—to maintain the delicate equilibrium between order and chaos, even in the face of Adam's fervent ambition.

As he gazed out of the window at the celestial expanse, Azrael's resolve hardened. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he would navigate them with the wisdom born of eons, steadfast in his commitment to safeguarding the cosmic balance.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones