Changing Hell

As Charlomaine was seating on table next to him was Justice, The Cerberus sister and Serafall, Justice and the Cerberus was glarring at him with bloody murder

So darling. Cerberus prime said looking at him. When were you going tell us about her

Yes. Cerberus second said looks at Serafall. When were you going to tell us about this her

Cerberus third nodded also looking at Serafall

We really wanna know. Justice said cracking the table a bit. So tell us

Charlomaine just stated to sweet as saw Serafall as he tail was rapped around his leg, to come him down but it just made him more nervous.

Charlomaine cleared his throat nervously, feeling the weight of their collective gaze bearing down on him. Serafall's tail tightened around his leg in a gesture of comfort, but it only served to amplify his anxiety. He knew he couldn't evade their questions any longer.

"I... I didn't mean to keep it from you," Charlomaine began, his voice wavering slightly. "Serafall and I... we have a history. She's not just another demon. She's someone from my past, someone I care deeply about."

Cerberus Prime's eyes narrowed, a low growl rumbling from deep within her throat. "A history? Care deeply about? What kind of history are we talking about here, Charlomaine?"

Justice's grip on the table tightened, cracking the wood further. "Don't play games with us. If you've been keeping secrets, it better be something we can understand."

Serafall gently removed her tail from Charlomaine's leg, standing beside him with a determined look. "It's true. Charlomaine and I have a bond that goes beyond our roles here. He's someone I've known for a long time, and he's trusted me with his secrets as much as I've trusted him with mine."

Charlomaine took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "In my past during when I was, Serafall was... important to me. She stood by my side through difficult times. When I went to gather my knight, our paths crossed again. I didn't plan to keep it from you, but I didn't know how to explain it either."

Cerberus Third crossed her arms, studying Charlomaine intently. "So, what you're saying is that she's more than just a friend. She's someone you have a deep connection with, someone you trust."

Charlomaine nodded, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension. "Yes, exactly. I trust her with my life."

Justice sighed heavily, the tension in the room easing slightly. "Well, you could have told us earlier, but I suppose it's understandable. Just... no more secrets, okay? We're in this together."

Cerberus Prime grunted in agreement, her expression softening. "Fine. But don't expect us to trust her just because you do. She'll have to earn it."

Serafall nodded, her eyes reflecting determination. "I understand. Thank you for hearing us out."

As the tension began to dissipate, Charlomaine glanced at Serafall gratefully. He knew their journey through Hell would continue to be fraught with challenges, but having his knights and Serafall by his side gave him a renewed sense of resolve.

"So let me get this correct she is a childhood friend?" Justice said, looking at them. "What royal demon family is he from?"

"Well, yes," Charlomaine said, looking at her. "Also, she is the daughter of Leviathan."

Hearing the name Leviathan, they blinked in disbelief. Their expressions turned incredulous.

"The daughter of Leviathan?" Cerberus Prime repeated, her voice tinged with surprise. "You mean the ruler of the Envy Ring?"

Charlomaine nodded solemnly. "Yes, Leviathan."

Justice leaned back in her chair, processing the information. "Well, I'll be damned. Leviathan's daughter is standing right here in front of us."

Cerberus Second raised an eyebrow skeptically. "What's someone like Leviathan's daughter doing here with us, and with you, Charlomaine?"

Serafall spoke up, her voice calm yet resolute. "I left my father's domain a long time ago. I wanted to forge my own path, away from the expectations and pressures of being a ruler's daughter."

Cerberus Third tilted her head, studying Serafall intently. "And you found yourself here, with Charlomaine. Is there a reason you didn't tell us sooner?"

Serafall glanced at Charlomaine briefly before meeting Cerberus Third's gaze. "I didn't want my identity to overshadow my actions. I wanted to be judged for who I am now, not for who my father is."

Charlomaine interjected, a hint of frustration in his voice. "I understand if you're skeptical, but Serafall has proven herself to be trustworthy. She's been instrumental in our missions through Hell."

Cerberus Prime sighed heavily, the tension in the room palpable. "Alright, Serafall. We'll give you a chance to show us what you're made of. But remember, trust is earned."

Serafall nodded gratefully. "Thank you. I won't let you down."

Justice leaned forward, her expression serious. "Alright then. We have a lot to discuss, but for now, let's focus on the task at hand. Charlomaine, Serafall, we need to prepare for the challenges ahead."

As they began to strategize and plan their next moves, Charlomaine couldn't shake the feeling of relief mixed with apprehension. Revealing Serafall's identity was a risk, but he hoped it would strengthen their bond as they faced the trials of Hell together.

"Also," Charlomaine said, looking at them, "she has become my fiancée, thanks to a new contract my father and her father arranged."

Justice's expression softened slightly. "Okay, you should have started with that. We wouldn't have been so angry then. Another fiancée, and we might have suspected you of cheating on the four of us. That was our first thought."

Serafall glanced at Charlomaine, her eyes conveying both gratitude and apology. "I'm sorry for not being upfront about it sooner. It's a recent development, and I wanted to find the right time to explain."

Charlomaine nodded, understanding their concerns. "I understand your skepticism, but Serafall has chosen to stand with us. She's proven her loyalty many times over."

Cerberus Prime crossed her arms, contemplating the situation. "Alright, Charlomaine. We'll accept it for now. Just make sure she pulls her weight."

Serafall nodded earnestly. "I will do everything I can to prove myself to you."

Justice leaned back, her expression thoughtful. "Well, this certainly changes things. We'll have to adjust our plans accordingly."

Charlomaine sighed with relief, grateful that the tension was easing. "Thank you, Justice. I appreciate your understanding."

As they continued their discussion, Charlomaine felt a sense of unity among them, knowing that despite the initial shock, they were willing to accept Serafall as part of their team.

As Charlomaine looks at the girls he gathered his knight and his father and mother, Lucifer and Lilith and called each of the sin

As Charlomaine looked around at the assembled group—his knights, his parents Lucifer and Lilith, and the representatives of each sin—he knew it was time to reveal his ambitious plans. With a resolute expression, he dropped several folders filled with blueprints onto the table before them.

"I've been working closely with Zestial on something," Charlomaine began, his voice steady despite the weight of anticipation in the room. "These blueprints represent a vision for the future of Hell."

Lucifer, always curious about innovations and changes, leaned forward, his piercing gaze fixed on the intricate designs. Lilith, standing beside him, raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

"What exactly are these, Charlomaine?" Lilith asked, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and caution.

"These are plans to modernize and transform each of the rings," Charlomaine explained, gesturing towards the folders. "From upgrading infrastructure to introducing new technologies, my aim is to elevate Hell into a more efficient and prosperous realm."

Gerier, the demon representing Greed, squinted at the blueprints. "So you're proposing changes that will benefit all of us? How do you plan to achieve this?"

Charlomaine nodded, acknowledging the skepticism. "Yes, the goal is to benefit everyone. We'll start with Pride, but the improvements will extend to every ring. I envision better living conditions, advanced facilities, and opportunities for all demons to thrive."

Roland, representing Gluttony, folded his arms skeptically. "Sounds ambitious. What's the catch?"

"No catch," Charlomaine replied firmly. "I want to create a Hell where demons can pursue their aspirations without being bound by outdated systems or hierarchies. This isn't just about modernization; it's about empowerment."

Astolfo, ever the optimist, grinned. "I'm in! Let's make Hell a place worth fighting for!"

Charlomaine smiled gratefully at his knights' support. "Thank you, Astolfo. Together, we can bring about these changes. With your help, we'll convince each sin and ensure that this vision becomes a reality."

Lucifer leaned back in his chair, contemplating the proposals. "It's a bold plan, Charlomaine. But I see the potential. If you can prove the benefits to each of the sins, you'll have my support."

"And mine as well," Lilith added with a nod. "This could redefine how Hell operates."

Charlomaine felt a surge of determination. "Thank you, both of you. Now, let's get to work. There's much to be done, but with our combined efforts, we can usher in a new era for Hell."

As the meeting continued late into the night, ideas flowed, concerns were addressed, and plans were solidified. Charlomaine knew that this was just the beginning of a challenging journey, but one that held the promise of transformation for all of Hell.

As the night wore on, discussions in the Morning Star household echoed with fervor and contemplation. Charlomaine meticulously outlined his vision, backed by detailed blueprints and impassioned arguments. Around the table, Lucifer and Lilith listened intently, their expressions shifting from curiosity to cautious optimism.

"This proposal, Charlomaine," Lucifer mused, tapping his fingers against the table, "it's ambitious, to say the least. Modernizing Hell is no small feat."

Lilith nodded thoughtfully. "But if anyone can spearhead such a transformation, it would be you, Charlomaine. Your determination and foresight are admirable."

Charlomaine took a deep breath, sensing the weight of responsibility but emboldened by their encouragement. "Thank you, Mother, Father. I believe in the potential of these changes. Pride will be the first ring to undergo transformation, but the benefits will extend to all."

Serafall, representing Envy, leaned forward, her eyes narrowing in contemplation. "What assurances do we have that these changes will benefit every demon, not just those in Pride?"

Charlomaine anticipated the question. "The upgrades will focus on improving living conditions, infrastructure, and access to resources across all rings. Each sin will see tangible improvements tailored to their unique needs."

Justice, the stern and imposing Cerberus sister, spoke next. "And what about security? With such extensive changes, how will we ensure stability and prevent unrest?"

Zestial, Charlomaine's steadfast advisor, stepped in. "We've accounted for security measures in the plans. Upgraded surveillance, enhanced guard protocols, and community policing initiatives will maintain order and safety."

Gerier, representing Greed, raised an eyebrow skeptically. "What's in it for Pride? Why should we invest resources in this?"

Charlomaine met Gerier's gaze firmly. "Investing in the future of Hell means a stronger, more prosperous realm for all. Pride will lead the way, setting an example of innovation and progress that will benefit everyone."

Roland just looked at him before he spoke

Your plans is going to be something else let's see where is goes

Charlomaine nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely. Improved infrastructure will attract investments and trade opportunities. We'll introduce educational programs and vocational training to equip demons with skills for emerging industries."

Astolfo, always the optimist, grinned broadly. "I can't wait to see new places to explore and innovations to enjoy!"

Charlomaine chuckled, appreciating Astolfo's enthusiasm. "Thank you, Astolfo. Together, we'll make Hell a place where every demon can thrive."

Lucifer leaned back in his chair, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Charlomaine, you've presented a compelling case. It's clear you've thought this through. If you can ensure that each sin benefits equitably, you'll have my full support."

Lilith nodded in agreement. "And mine as well. This endeavor has the potential to redefine Hell for the better."

Charlomaine felt a surge of gratitude and determination. "Thank you, Father, Mother. With your support and the cooperation of each sin, we can achieve something extraordinary."

As the meeting drew to a close, agreements were reached, and plans were set in motion. Charlomaine knew that the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, but he also knew that together with his knights, his parents, and the representatives of Hell's sins, they could turn his vision into reality.

As they dispersed for the night, Charlomaine looked out over the sprawling cityscape of Pride, envisioning a future where demons lived not just in darkness and despair, but in prosperity and unity. The journey to transform Hell had begun, and Charlomaine was determined to lead it to a brighter tomorrow.

As Charlomaine called each of the other 7 deadly sins

I am in. Beelzebub said looking at him. It will be more fun for party

Interesting. Satan said looking at him. But wrath will not do the sorry nephew, wrath is place I made for the strongest to survive I worn change that.

I am in more souls for me. Mammon said looking at Charlomaine from the call. So yeah I am in nephew

Hahahahahhaha. Asmodeus lapped as he looked at him. sounds fun I am on board to change my ring nephew

Interesting. Leviathan said looking at Charlomaine. I gesss my demons will do my rings work seeing how my ring is

I don't care do what you want. Belphegor said drinking his juice. But Baphomet may say something will not as long you don't mess with our business you have the green light Nephew.

Charlomaine listened attentively as each of the Seven Deadly Sins responded to his call, their reactions ranging from enthusiasm to cautious approval. Beelzebub's readiness for a good time, Mammon's interest in acquiring more souls, and Asmodeus' amusement were expected. However, Satan's reluctance regarding Wrath and Leviathan's practical concern over their respective rings gave Charlomaine pause for thought.

"I understand your concerns, Uncle Satan," Charlomaine began, addressing Satan's apprehension about changing the nature of Wrath. "I respect the traditions you've established there. Perhaps we can find a way to preserve its essence while still integrating necessary improvements."

Satan grunted in acknowledgment, clearly mulling over Charlomaine's words.

Turning to Leviathan, Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully. "Your ring plays a crucial role, Uncle Leviathan. We'll ensure that any changes benefit all demons, including those in your domain."

Leviathan inclined his head, his expression grave yet contemplative.

"And Belphegor," Charlomaine said, directing his attention to the demon lounging with apparent disinterest. "I understand the importance of your business ventures. Rest assured, I have no intention of interfering. Your support means a lot, Uncle Belphegor."

Belphegor raised his glass in a lazy salute. "Just don't disrupt my naps, nephew. Everything else is fair game."

With these assurances and commitments from the Seven Deadly Sins, Charlomaine felt a sense of unity and determination among them. They each had their own motivations and concerns, but they were aligned in the goal of improving Hell for all demons.

"Thank you all for your support," Charlomaine said sincerely. "Together, we'll make Hell a place where every demon can thrive."

As the calls concluded and agreements solidified, Charlomaine felt a surge of optimism. The path ahead was challenging, but with the backing of the Seven Deadly Sins and his knights, he knew they could achieve their vision of a transformed Hell.

With renewed determination, Charlomaine set about finalizing plans, knowing that the real work was only just beginning.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones