Adam big mistake

But. Charlomaine said looking at the sky. We will just wait for tomorrow as extermination is staring

As Charlomaine was in his room, with Liltih, Lucifer, and Zestial, Hakuno and all his night, as they were just chilling as they thought it was another extermination like always Charlomaine got a system Notification

[ Adam has decide to ignore the one role not to kill the royal demon in hell, not just that he is justifying this as him lowering the Population, quets activated stop of kill Adam, filed to do this to a war agents heaven and hell ]

Already reading half way Charlomaine had transformed everybody looked confused he broke the window and went flying hsi blood was blowing, as meanwhile with Adam he was grinning he was at the main place of all the royal demon

Oh this, this is going to be fun. Adam said looking at the Royal demon. Time to kill Lute.

Lute his ring hand Woman nodded as she ready are angelic spear as behind them a whole army of Exterminator ready to attack, as even before Adam can be attacked he was slammed down to the ground his mask broke as he saw who it was it was Charlomaine and he is waa beyon angry

Adam lay stunned on the ground, trying to gather his wits as Charlomaine stood over him, radiating fury and power. His knights, sensing the tension, readied themselves for battle, surrounding Adam and his army of exterminators.

"You dare defy the laws of Hell and threaten its royal demons?" Charlomaine's voice boomed, echoing through the chamber. "Your arrogance knows no bounds, Adam."

Adam struggled to rise, his eyes narrowing with defiance. "You think you can stop me, Charlemagne?" he sneered, trying to regain his composure. "I am the chosen successor. I will cleanse Hell of its weaklings and ensure our supremacy."

Charlomaine's expression hardened. "Your delusions end now," he declared, his wings unfurling with a majestic sweep. With a gesture, he unleashed a torrent of energy that engulfed Adam and his army in a blinding light.

The knights leaped into action, their weapons flashing as they engaged the exterminators. Oton and Oliver fought side by side, their swords slicing through the ranks of enemies. Gerier and Gerin used their spears with precision, fending off attackers with skillful maneuvers.

Ivon and Engelier channeled arcane spells, creating barriers and launching devastating magical assaults. Samson charged into the fray, his massive shield deflecting enemy strikes while his strength overwhelmed them.

Roland and Bradamante fought with savage ferocity, their axes cleaving through the enemy lines. Berengier and Anseis coordinated their attacks, their teamwork proving invaluable in the chaotic battle.

Meanwhile, Hakuno stood beside Charlomaine, her eyes wide with awe and concern. She could sense the immense power radiating from him, the weight of his responsibility as the prince of Hell.

As the battle raged on, Charlomaine focused his energy, unleashing his Noble Phantasm, Joyous Order. The twelve swords of light materialized around him, each glowing with a different hue representing his knights. With a swift motion, he sent them flying towards Adam and his remaining forces.

The battlefield erupted in chaos and destruction as the swords pierced through the ranks of exterminators, shattering their defenses and scattering them in disarray. Adam struggled against the onslaught, but Charlomaine's power was overwhelming.

Finally, Charlomaine stood victorious amidst the debris of the battle. Adam lay defeated, his ambitions shattered and his forces routed. Charlomaine approached him, his gaze unwavering.

"This ends here, Adam," Charlomaine said firmly, his voice resonating with finality. "You will answer for your crimes against Hell and its people."

Adam, bloodied and broken, glared up defiantly. "You can't stop the inevitable," he spat, his voice filled with bitterness.

Charlomaine's expression softened briefly with pity. "Your arrogance was your downfall," he replied solemnly. "But mercy still has a place in Hell."

With that, Charlomaine signaled to his knights to restrain Adam and his remaining forces. The battle had been won, but the repercussions would ripple through Hell and beyond.

As then to add insult to injury Azrael came down in his through angel from as liltih and Lucifer.

As Azrael descended in his formidable angelic form, a chilling silence fell over the battlefield. His presence alone commanded respect and fear among the gathered demons and exterminators. With a thunderous crash, he slammed Adam to the ground, his grip unyielding and wrath palpable.

"What in the name of Father were you thinking, Adam?" Azrael's voice echoed with authority, resonating across the battlefield. His eyes blazed with a mixture of disappointment and anger as he awaited Adam's response.

Adam, struggling to free himself from Azrael's grasp, sneered defiantly. "I was doing what needed to be done! Lowering the population of these sinners is the only way to maintain order in Hell."

Lilith stepped forward, her expression a mix of concern and reprimand. "Lowering the population by killing indiscriminately? That's not how we maintain order, Adam. You've overstepped your bounds."

Lucifer, usually calm and collected, approached with a discernible edge to his voice. "This reckless action could have ignited a war between Heaven and Hell. Do you understand the consequences of your actions?"

Adam's arrogance faltered slightly as the weight of his actions began to sink in. He glanced around at the assembled demons and exterminators, many of whom looked uncertain and uneasy under Azrael's imposing presence.

Charlomaine stepped forward, his eyes blazing with a mix of fury and disappointment. "Adam, your actions are unacceptable. You've violated the peace and balance we strive to maintain in Hell. We cannot allow this to happen again."

Azrael released Adam, who slumped to the ground, defeated and humiliated. "You will face consequences for this, Adam," Azrael declared sternly. "Your role is to execute justice, not to wield destruction. Return to your duties and reflect on your actions."

With a solemn nod, Azrael turned away, leaving Adam to contemplate the repercussions of his misguided actions. The demons and exterminators dispersed, their tense standoff diffused for now. Charlomaine, his knights, and Hakuno watched silently as order was restored, but the tension lingered in the air.

"I didn't expect things to escalate like this," Charlomaine muttered, his voice tinged with regret. "We'll need to ensure this doesn't happen again."

Hakuno, observing the aftermath, sighed softly. "This place is more complex than I imagined. But you handled it well, Charlomaine. I'm here to support you in whatever comes next."

Charlomaine nodded gratefully, his thoughts already turning to the challenges ahead. As they returned to their respective quarters, the gravity of their roles in Hell's intricate politics weighed heavily on their minds.

As Azrael took Adam to Heaven for judgment, the atmosphere in Hell remained tense and expectant. Charlomaine and his knights gathered in the grand hall of the Pride Ring, waiting anxiously for news from above. The gravity of the situation hung heavy upon them, knowing that Adam's actions could have sparked a devastating conflict.

Hours passed like an eternity before Azrael returned, his expression somber and weary. He stepped into the hall, flanked by emissaries from Heaven, who bore a solemn countenance that spoke of grave deliberation.

"Charlomaine," Azrael began, his voice carrying the weight of divine authority. "Adam has been taken to Heaven for judgment. The higher-ups have convened to decide his fate."

Charlomaine and his knights listened intently, their eyes fixed on Azrael as he continued.

"The Council of Elders in Heaven has decided unanimously," Azrael announced gravely. "Adam's actions have violated the sacred balance and peace between Heaven and Hell. He will face a punishment that reflects the severity of his transgressions."

A hushed silence fell over the hall, broken only by the faint murmurs of disbelief and concern among Charlomaine's companions. Even Lucifer and Lilith, who rarely showed outward emotions, appeared troubled by the unfolding events.

"What will happen to him?" Zestial asked quietly, his voice betraying a hint of apprehension.

Azrael sighed heavily before responding. "Adam will undergo a penance that will strip him of his powers and authority indefinitely. He will be confined to a place of isolation and reflection until he has atoned for his actions."

Charlomaine nodded solemnly, absorbing the gravity of the punishment. "Is there anything more we need to do?" he inquired, his voice steady despite the turmoil within.

Azrael shook his head. "For now, we must maintain vigilance and ensure that such incidents do not occur again. Heaven and Hell are interconnected, Charlomaine. Our actions here reverberate across both realms."

With that, Azrael and the emissaries from Heaven departed, leaving Charlomaine and his knights to contemplate the fragile balance between order and chaos in their domain. The repercussions of Adam's folly echoed through the halls of Hell, serving as a stark reminder of the consequences of hubris and recklessness.

As they dispersed, Charlomaine felt a renewed sense of responsibility weighing upon his shoulders. The journey through Hell had become more perilous and unpredictable, yet he knew that with the support of his knights and allies, they would navigate the challenges ahead.

In the celestial chamber of the Council of Elders, the air was charged with tension as the members deliberated Azrael's proposal. The elders, distinguished by their radiant presence and timeless wisdom, listened attentively as Azrael made his case.

"This time, I propose Cain as the replacement for Adam," Azrael reiterated, his voice carrying the weight of authority earned through millennia of service. "He is my student, yes, and while he shares blood with Adam, Cain is nothing like his father. He has shown remorse and a desire for redemption."

The eldest among the council, her form shimmering with ethereal light, regarded Azrael thoughtfully. "Cain's history is fraught with tragedy and regret, Azrael. Are you certain he is ready for such responsibility?"

Azrael nodded solemnly. "I have been guiding Cain for eons, witnessing his growth and transformation. He has the potential to uphold the duties of the Angel of Death with integrity and wisdom."

Another elder, his voice resonating with celestial authority, interjected, "Cain's past actions cannot be overlooked, Azrael. He is known for the first act of murder in history. Can we trust him to maintain the delicate balance between life and death?"

Azrael's gaze remained steady as he addressed the council. "Cain's journey has been one of atonement and seeking redemption. He understands the weight of his actions and the consequences they have wrought. I believe in his capacity to serve Heaven and Hell impartially."

The council members exchanged contemplative glances, weighing the implications of Azrael's recommendation. Finally, the eldest elder spoke again, her voice resonant with finality.

"Very well, Azrael. We will trust your judgment in this matter," she declared, her tone echoing through the celestial chamber. "Cain shall be appointed as the new Angel of Death, under your guidance. May his tenure bring stability and harmony to both realms."

Azrael bowed respectfully, acknowledging the council's decision. "Thank you, esteemed elders. I will ensure Cain is prepared for his new role and that he upholds the sacred responsibilities entrusted to him."

With that, the council session concluded, and the elders dispersed, leaving Azrael to contemplate the weight of his decision. In Heaven's hallowed halls, the transition of power from Adam to Cain heralded a new chapter, fraught with challenges and opportunities for redemption.

Meanwhile, in a secluded part of Heaven reserved for the most severe punishments, Adam and Lute stood with their wings now turned black, a symbol of their disgrace and fall from grace. Adam's face was twisted with rage and frustration, his fists clenched at his sides. Lute, though outwardly calmer, shared in his anger and resentment.

"You two seem quite upset," came a soft, almost playful voice from behind them.

Adam turned sharply, and a chill ran down his spine as he recognized the figure before him. Standing there was a cute young girl with long black hair flowing down to her hips and piercing black eyes. Despite her innocent appearance, Adam knew all too well who she was: the Ouroboros Dragon, one of the nine beings on the same level of power as the God of the Bible, his creator.

"What do you want?" Adam spat, trying to mask his fear with defiance.

The Ouroboros Dragon smiled serenely, her presence radiating an almost overwhelming power. "I'm here to ensure your punishment is carried out properly," she said, her tone calm and authoritative. "You have defied the order of Heaven, and now you must face the consequences."

Adam's eyes blazed with fury. "I was trying to do what was necessary! The population needed to be controlled."

"And you overstepped your bounds," the Ouroboros Dragon replied, her voice now tinged with a hint of menace. "Your actions were reckless and endangered the delicate balance between Heaven and Hell. You are not above the laws set by the divine."

Lute stepped forward, her expression resolute. "And what exactly do you plan to do with us?" she demanded.

The Ouroboros Dragon's smile widened, though it did not reach her eyes. "You will be stripped of your powers and condemned to wander the mortal realm as humans, devoid of your former glory. You will live out your days in servitude, working to atone for the chaos you have caused."

Adam's anger gave way to a flicker of fear. "You can't do this," he protested weakly. "I am the first man, the one created in God's image."

"And that is precisely why your punishment must be severe," the Ouroboros Dragon said, her voice like ice. "To remind you and others that even those closest to the divine are not exempt from the consequences of their actions."

As then Ophis looked at them with a smile.

"But you have another option," she said, her voice dripping with dark allure. "Join me. Join my army against Great Red."

"Great Red?" Adam said, his eyes widening in realization. "You want to fight the Great Red, the Dragon of Revelation?"

Ophis's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. "Yes. The Great Red has long been a thorn in my side, disrupting the balance and challenging my dominion. With your power and knowledge, you could be valuable allies in this fight."

Adam exchanged a glance with Lute. The proposition was tempting. They had just been stripped of their powers and humiliated, and the chance to regain their strength and seek revenge against Heaven was appealing. However, aligning with Ophis, the Ouroboros Dragon, was not a decision to be taken lightly.

"And what do we gain from this?" Lute asked cautiously.

Ophis's expression turned more serious. "You will regain your powers and more. You will be instrumental in a cause that will shake the very foundations of the universe. Together, we can overthrow Great Red and establish a new order, one where your past transgressions will be forgiven and forgotten."

Adam considered her words. He had been the first man, revered and respected, but now he was nothing more than a fallen angel. This was a chance to reclaim his status, to be powerful once more. "What do you think, Lute?" he asked, his voice low.

Lute nodded slowly. "It's a risk, but what do we have to lose? We've already lost everything. This could be our chance to regain what we once had and more."

Adam turned back to Ophis, his decision made. "Alright. We will join you, Ophis. Together, we will bring down Great Red."

Ophis's smile was triumphant. "Excellent. Welcome to my army. I will restore your powers, and you will have the opportunity to prove your loyalty and strength."

With a wave of her hand, a surge of dark energy enveloped Adam and Lute, restoring their celestial forms and imbuing them with even greater power. The sensation was exhilarating, and they felt their strength returning tenfold.

"Now," Ophis said, her tone commanding, "prepare yourselves. The battle against Great Red will be unlike any you have faced before. But with your help, we will emerge victorious."

Adam and Lute nodded, a newfound determination burning in their eyes. They had a new purpose, a new enemy to vanquish, and under Ophis's leadership, they would rise once more to power and glory.


Meanwhile, in Hell, Charlomaine and his knights continued to strengthen their defenses, unaware of the brewing storm in Heaven. As the lines between allies and enemies blurred, the fate of the realms hung in a precarious balance, with battles yet to be fought and destinies yet to be fulfilled.

To be continued