
Charlomaine was in the training area, blindfolded. He stood still, listening intently. His knights surrounded him, ready to test their skills.

Astolfo lunged first, his spear aimed with precision. Charlomaine sidestepped, grabbed the spear, and redirected it towards Ivon, who was preparing a spell. The spell fizzled out as Ivon was knocked off balance.

Samson and Engelier attacked next, their movements synchronized. Charlomaine twisted between them, causing them to crash into Oton, who had been advancing from behind. The three tumbled together, disoriented.

Berengier and Gerin stretched their limbs, attempting to catch Charlomaine in their grasp. Charlomaine ducked and weaved, grabbing their arms and spinning them into a tangle, their efforts countered effortlessly.

Roland and Bradamante, the hell hounds, charged with fierce determination. Charlomaine leapt into the air, letting the two crash into each other. They fell to the ground in a heap, dazed.

Anseis, seeing the chaos, simply dropped to the ground and raised his hand in surrender.

Charlomaine removed his blindfold, surveying his disheveled knights with a mix of amusement and pride.

"Not bad," he said, a smile tugging at his lips. "But remember, coordination and anticipation are key. You need to work as a unit, not individually."

Astolfo grinned, rubbing his head. "Easier said than done when you're this good, Charlomaine."

Ivon nodded, brushing off dirt. "We'll get there. This was just a warm-up."

Charlomaine chuckled. "Indeed. Now, let's go again. This time, try to anticipate my movements and support each other. We need to be ready for anything."

The knights nodded, determination renewed. They repositioned themselves, ready to take on their leader once more. The training continued, each session bringing them closer to the unity and skill they needed to face the challenges ahead.

As the training session continued, Charlomaine's knights improved with each round. Their movements became more coordinated, their attacks more synchronized. Charlomaine, despite his prowess, was increasingly challenged by their growing teamwork.

After several intense bouts, Charlomaine called for a break. "Alright, let's take a breather. You've all done well."

The knights, breathing heavily but smiling, gathered around. Astolfo stretched his arms, feeling the strain of the exercises. "We're getting better, huh?"

"Definitely," Ivon agreed, wiping sweat from her brow. "We're starting to read each other's movements."

Charlomaine nodded approvingly. "That's the spirit. Remember, our strength lies in our unity. When we fight as one, we're unstoppable."

As they rested, Hakuno approached, having watched the entire session from the sidelines. "Impressive," she said, a hint of admiration in her voice. "You really know how to bring out the best in your knights, Charlomaine."

"Thank you, Hakuno," Charlomaine replied, smiling. "We've been through a lot together, and it shows."

Hakuno took a seat next to Charlomaine, curiosity in her eyes. "So, what's the next step in your plan? How are you going to deal with the new challenges ahead, especially with Adam's recent actions?"

Charlomaine's expression grew serious. "We need to be prepared for anything. Adam's defiance and punishment mean that we might face some problem from both Heaven and rogue elements in Hell. Our training is crucial, but we also need to forge alliances and gather intelligence."

Berengier, still catching his breath, spoke up. "What about the other rings? Can we count on support from the other rulers?"

"That's a good question," Charlomaine said, thoughtful. "Lucifer and Lilith have considerable influence, but we need to reach out to the other rings discreetly. We can't afford to draw too much attention."

Engelier, always the strategist, nodded. "We should send emissaries to establish communication and feel out their positions. We need to know who our potential allies and enemies are."

Charlomaine agreed. "Exactly. I'll speak with my parents about coordinating these efforts. In the meantime, continue your training and stay vigilant."

As they resumed their break, Charlomaine pulled Hakuno aside. "Hakuno, your knowledge of the Moon Cell and your experience are invaluable. I might need your help in strategizing and understanding the larger cosmic forces at play here."

Hakuno nodded, her expression serious. "Of course, Charlomaine. I'll do whatever I can to help. We're in this together."

Charlomaine smiled, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. With his knights, Hakuno, and the support of his family, he was ready to face whatever came next. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but he was determined to protect his home and his loved ones, no matter the cost.

Still I mind kinda funny. Hakuno said looking at Charlomaine. Even in this universe your on the top of the 12 knight of Charlemage, unlike the knight of round table with 4 people going for the top. She said loud enough only he can hear

Charlomaine chuckled softly at Hakuno's comment, appreciating her humor amidst the gravity of their situation. "It seems fate has a sense of irony," he replied quietly. "No matter the universe, I find myself leading a band of knights."

Hakuno smirked. "And doing a damn good job of it too. But seriously, it's interesting how these parallels exist. Almost as if some stories are destined to repeat themselves."

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully. "Perhaps. Or maybe it's just that certain archetypes resonate across different worlds. Leadership, loyalty, and the fight for justice seem to be universal themes."

Astolfo, overhearing the latter part of their conversation, joined in with a grin. "Are you two talking about destiny and fate again? You know, sometimes I think we're just incredibly lucky to have Charlomaine as our leader."

Ivon, catching the mood, added with a smile, "Luck or fate, it doesn't matter. What matters is that we stick together and support each other, no matter what."

Charlomaine looked around at his knights, pride swelling in his chest. "Exactly. As long as we remain united, we can face any challenge that comes our way."

The group dispersed to continue their training, their spirits lifted by the camaraderie and shared purpose. Charlomaine turned back to Hakuno, his expression serious but warm. "Thank you, Hakuno. Your insights always help put things into perspective."

Hakuno nodded. "It's the least I can do. We're all in this together, and I'll do whatever I can to support you and the knights."

As the training session continued, the bond between Charlomaine and his knights grew stronger. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with their combined strength, they were ready to face whatever trials lay ahead.


In a different part of the Pride Ring, Lucifer and Lilith watched from a distance, their expressions a mix of pride and concern.

"He's grown so much," Lilith said softly, her eyes following Charlomaine as he trained with his knights. "I only hope he's ready for what's to come."

Lucifer nodded, his gaze intense. "He has the strength and the heart of a true leader. He'll be ready."

Still. Lucifer said looking at hour glass. She is coming back

Really her. Lilith said singing. Why is she coming back.

Yeah she is. Lucifer said singing remebring a particular demon, one with yellow hair, weairng a black armoured and holding a red buster sword she has red mark and red eyes. Seciresly as someone name the beast of revelation she is something else

Doesn't she also go by other name. Lilith said looking at Lucifer. Beast of 666, beast of Sodom, Whore of Babylon

Lucifer nodded, his expression serious. "Yes, she goes by many names: the Beast of 666, the Beast of Sodom, the Whore of Babylon. But she prefers to be called Draco. Her power is immense, and her return signals a significant shift in the balance of Hell."

Lilith frowned, her mind racing with the implications. "What does she want this time? Last I heard, she was content ruling her own domain."

"She's never truly content," Lucifer replied, a touch of weariness in his voice. "Draco thrives on chaos and conflict. If she's coming back now, it means she's sensed an opportunity—perhaps a weakness she can exploit, or a challenge she can't resist."


Meanwhile, back in the training area, Charlomaine felt a sudden chill, a premonition that something significant was about to happen. He looked around at his knights, who were still engaged in their training, unaware of the looming threat.

Hakuno, noticing the change in his demeanor, approached him. "Is everything alright, Charlomaine?"

Charlomaine shook his head, his eyes distant. "I just have a feeling... like a storm is approaching. Something powerful is coming, and we need to be ready."

Hakuno placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll face it together, just like we always do."

Charlomaine nodded, drawing strength from her words. "You're right. We need to stay vigilant."


As the night fell, casting long shadows across the Pride Ring, a figure emerged from the darkness. Clad in black armor and wielding a massive red buster sword, Draco moved with a predatory grace, her red eyes glowing with a fierce intensity. The air around her seemed to crackle with dark energy, and her presence was palpable, even from a distance.

She approached the Morning Star household, her steps measured and deliberate. As she reached the entrance, she was met by Lucifer and Lilith, who stood side by side, their faces a mix of determination and caution.

"Draco," Lucifer greeted her, his voice steady. "What brings you back to our domain?"

Draco smirked, her red lips curling into a dangerous smile. "Lucifer, Lilith, it's been too long. I've come to offer my assistance... and perhaps stir up a little fun."

Lilith narrowed her eyes. "What kind of assistance are you offering? And what's in it for you?"

Draco laughed, a sound that was both alluring and menacing. "Let's just say I have a vested interest in the upcoming conflict. Adam's rebellion and the threat to Hell's stability present a unique opportunity. I can lend my strength to ensure that order is maintained—or, if you prefer, we can let chaos reign."

Lucifer exchanged a glance with Lilith, both of them weighing the potential benefits and risks of Draco's involvement.

"We'll need to discuss this further," Lucifer said finally. "Your power could be an asset, but your motives are always... complex."

Draco's smile widened. "Of course, take your time. I'll be around, enjoying the sights and sounds of Hell. And when you're ready, we can talk terms."

As she turned and disappeared into the night, Lucifer and Lilith were left to ponder the implications of her return. The balance of power in Hell was shifting, and they would need to be prepared for whatever came next.


Back in the training grounds, Charlomaine continued to push his knights, sharpening their skills and preparing them for the battles ahead. He couldn't shake the feeling that something monumental was on the horizon, and he knew that they would need every ounce of their strength and unity to face it.

As the first light of dawn began to break, Charlomaine gathered his knights around him. "We have a new challenge ahead," he told them. "A powerful figure has returned to Hell, and her presence could change everything. We must be ready for anything."

His knights nodded, their expressions resolute. They had faced many trials together, and they would face this new threat with the same courage and determination. As the sun rose, casting its light over the Pride Ring, Charlomaine and his knights prepared themselves for the battles that lay ahead, united and unyielding.

Back in the Morning Star household, Lucifer, Lilith, and Draco were seated around a grand table, discussing the terms of Draco's proposed alliance. The atmosphere was tense, with Lucifer and Lilith maintaining a cautious demeanor while Draco's eyes glinted with mischief.

"So, Lucifer," Draco began, leaning forward with a sly smile, "why won't you become my husband?"

Lucifer's patience frayed at the edges. She had asked him this question countless times since his fall, and it never ceased to annoy him. "No," he replied firmly. "No matter how much time has passed, my answer remains the same, Draco."

The door to the room creaked open, and Charlomaine entered, followed by Zestial and Hakuno. Charlomaine and Hakuno had to take a moment to process Draco's appearance; she bore a striking resemblance to Nero from their universe but seemed more mature and infinitely more dangerous.

Draco's eyes lit up when she saw Charlomaine. "Wait, don't tell me," she said with a playful grin, suddenly pouncing on Charlomaine. "If I can't have the father, then I'll claim the son!"

Everyone in the room, except Draco, experienced a moment of sheer disbelief. Their minds went blank, unable to comprehend the sudden turn of events. Even Charlomaine's system seemed to short-circuit momentarily, struggling to process the new data.

Charlomaine, regaining his composure, gently but firmly pushed Draco back. "What are you talking about, Draco?" he asked, his voice steady despite the confusion.

Draco pouted slightly but maintained her grip on his arm. "It's simple, really. If Lucifer won't marry me, then I'll just have you. You're strong, handsome, and you carry the legacy of Charlemagne. What more could I want?"

Lucifer, rubbing his temples in frustration, interjected. "Draco, this isn't a game. We have serious matters to discuss."

Draco sighed dramatically but didn't release her hold on Charlomaine. "Fine, fine. But the offer stands, Charlomaine. Think about it."

Hakuno, trying to ease the tension, stepped forward. "Draco, we're here to discuss your proposal regarding the conflict in Hell. Let's focus on that."

Draco finally let go of Charlomaine and turned her attention back to the table, her demeanor shifting to one of business. "Very well. As I was saying, my power and influence could turn the tide in our favor. However, I want assurances that my interests will be protected."

Lilith narrowed her eyes. "And what exactly are your interests, Draco?"

Draco's smile was enigmatic. "Oh, just the usual. Power, control, a little bit of chaos here and there. And, of course, my personal stake in Charlomaine."

Charlomaine, now fully recovered from his initial shock, spoke up. "If we're going to form an alliance, we need to be clear about our objectives. Your... personal interests aside, what do you hope to gain from this?"

Draco's eyes gleamed. "I want to see Hell thrive. Under my influence, we could strengthen our forces and expand our territory. And as for you, Charlomaine, you could rise to even greater heights."

Lucifer, sensing an opportunity to steer the conversation back on track, added, "If Draco can help us maintain stability and fend off threats like Adam, it could be beneficial. But we must ensure her ambitions don't destabilize our existing order."

Lilith nodded in agreement. "We need a formal agreement, Draco. One that binds you to our cause without allowing you to overreach."

Draco waved her hand dismissively. "Details, details. I'll have my lawyers look over whatever contract you draft. In the meantime, I'll be around, getting to know my new... allies."

As the meeting concluded, Charlomaine couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to become much more complicated. With Draco's unpredictable nature and her obvious interest in him, the challenges ahead seemed even more daunting. But with his knights, his family, and now even Hakuno by his side, he knew they would face whatever came their way together.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones