What the hell happened

As Charlomaine sat with his harem, his mind still reeling from the encounter with Draco, he couldn't help but voice his confusion.

"What the hell was that?" he exclaimed, rubbing his temples. "Draco jumping on me and saying she would claim me... Do any of you have an answer?" He looked around at Justice, the Cerberus sisters—Prime, Second, and Third—Serafall, and Hakuno, hoping for some clarity.

Justice, always the pragmatic one, was the first to speak. "Draco is known for her unpredictability and her obsession with power. She probably sees you as a valuable asset and a way to strengthen her position."

Cerberus Prime, with her usual no-nonsense attitude, added, "Yeah, but jumping on you like that? It's more than just a power play. She's trying to rattle us, maybe test our reactions."

Cerberus Second and Third nodded in agreement. "She thrives on chaos," Second said. "And she knows how to get under people's skin," Third added.

Serafall, who had been thoughtfully quiet, finally spoke up. "Draco's behavior might also be a form of asserting dominance. By claiming you, she's trying to show that she can take what she wants, even if it's you."

Hakuno, who had been observing the dynamics, chimed in with a thoughtful expression. "In our world, people like Draco—those who wield significant power—often do things that seem irrational to us but have deeper strategic purposes. She might be trying to create an alliance or simply make sure you're under her influence."

Charlomaine sighed, leaning back in his chair. "So, it's a mix of power play, chaos, and strategy. Great."

Justice placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll figure this out. Draco might be powerful, but we're not without our own strengths. And we have something she doesn't—unity and trust."

Cerberus Prime grinned. "Besides, if she tries anything funny, she'll have to go through us."

Charlomaine couldn't help but smile at their determination. "Thanks, everyone. We'll keep our guard up and deal with Draco on our terms. We've faced worse before, and we'll get through this too."

Serafall nodded. "Just remember, Charlomaine, you're not alone in this. We're all here to support you, no matter what comes our way."

Hakuno added with a soft smile, "And who knows, maybe we can turn this situation to our advantage. Draco's influence could be useful if we can steer it in the right direction."

With a renewed sense of resolve, Charlomaine looked at his harem, feeling grateful for their unwavering support. Together, they would navigate the challenges ahead, facing whatever Draco and the world of Hell threw at them.

Charlomaine sat in his room, frustration etched across his face as he stared at the glowing blue box of his system interface. He took a deep breath and activated it.

"System," he began, his voice tinged with exasperation. "Is there a way to turn off 'Harem Protagonist EX'? I feel like that's the reason why the thing with Draco happened."

The system responded quickly, its words appearing in neat text on the screen.

[Nope, sorry about that.]

Charlomaine sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. "Great, just great," he muttered. "So I'm stuck with this ridiculous skill."

[On the bright side, it does attract powerful allies,] the system chimed in, seemingly trying to be helpful.

"Yeah, and also attracts trouble," Charlomaine replied, shaking his head. "I need to find a way to handle this without things spiraling out of control."

Just then, a soft knock on the door broke his concentration. "Come in," he called out.

The door creaked open, and Hakuno stepped inside, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. "Charlomaine, are you alright? You seemed pretty shaken up earlier."

He gave her a small smile, trying to mask his frustration. "Just trying to figure out how to deal with Draco and this whole 'harem protagonist' nonsense."

Hakuno chuckled softly. "It's definitely a unique problem to have. But remember, you're not alone in this. We're all here to support you."

Charlomaine nodded, feeling a bit better. "Thanks, Hakuno. I just need to figure out a way to navigate this without letting it get out of hand."

"We will," she assured him, sitting down beside him. "We'll take it one step at a time and face whatever comes our way together."

Hey. Charlomaine said looking at Hakuno. Can you call Ivon

As she did, she brought Ivon as Ivon look at him

Before you asked your answer to your Question is Yes. Ivons said looking at Charlomaine. Yes from the vision I saw Draco fits the bill of wife no 7 so yeah good luck finding thr other 15 future wifes

Charlomaine sat back, rubbing his temples. "Great," he muttered. "Another wife."

Hakuno and Ivon exchanged glances, trying to gauge his reaction. "It's not all bad," Hakuno said, trying to sound optimistic. "Draco is incredibly powerful. She could be a valuable ally."

"True," Charlomaine admitted. "But managing all these relationships is exhausting."

Ivon chuckled softly. "Well, you chose this path, Charlomaine. And from the visions I've seen, it's not like you're going to have much choice in the matter. Your future is set."

Charlomaine sighed. "I just wish it was easier. Anyway, thanks for the heads up, Ivon."

"Anytime," Ivon replied with a smirk. "Just be prepared. The future wives won't all be easy to handle."

Hakuno nodded. "We're here to help you, Charlomaine. You don't have to do this alone."

"I know," he said, feeling a bit more reassured. "I appreciate it, really. Let's just take this one step at a time."

As Ivon and Hakuno left the room, Charlomaine sat back and contemplated his next steps. The situation with Draco was unexpected, but he knew he had to adapt and move forward. With his knights and his harem by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges came his way.


The next day, Charlomaine found himself in the training yard with his knights. Despite the recent events, their focus remained on their ongoing mission. They practiced tirelessly, honing their skills and preparing for the battles ahead.

As they trained, Charlomaine couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie and unity. They had been through so much together, and each challenge only made them stronger.

After an intense session, they took a break, gathering around Charlomaine. "I know things have been chaotic lately," he said, addressing his knights. "But I want to thank all of you for your dedication and support. We have a long road ahead, but I believe in us. We'll face every challenge head-on and come out stronger."

Astolfo grinned. "You can count on us, Charlomaine. We're in this together."

The rest of the knights nodded in agreement, their resolve evident. Charlomaine felt a surge of pride and determination. With his knights and his growing harem, he was ready to face whatever the future held.

As they resumed their training, Charlomaine knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. With unity, strength, and determination, they would overcome any obstacle and continue their quest through Hell.

Ok so I am going to ask this. Oton said looking at Charlomaine. We all know you will get 22 wife's let's look over the list so far

We have Justice, the Cerberus sister, Serafall, Hakuno. Zestial said listing up Charlomaine harem. And Now and ancient and powerful demon in draco

Damm. Astolfo said finally relishing. What is next a dragon

Meanwhile in the crack between demotion Ophis sneezes wondering if someone was talking about her

I mean in my defences. Astolfo said looking at everyone. It nti like that is going happened right

Charlomaine chuckled at Astolfo's remark, though his expression grew thoughtful. "Who knows, Astolfo? Given everything that's happened, I wouldn't be too surprised if a dragon or some other legendary being ends up in the mix."

Astolfo scratched his head, looking uncertain. "I mean, dragons are pretty cool and all, but..."

"Let's not jinx it," Ivon interjected with a wry smile. "We've already had quite the lineup of powerful and unique individuals joining us."

Gerin nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Each addition brings its own challenges and strengths."

Charlomaine glanced around at his knights and harem, a mix of amusement and gratitude on his face. "Regardless of who joins us next, we'll face it together. We've come this far because of our unity and determination."

The knights exchanged nods, their resolve firm. "Right," Samson boomed, his voice filled with conviction. "No matter who it is, we'll stand strong."

With renewed determination, they resumed their training, preparing for whatever challenges lay ahead in their journey through Hell. Charlomaine knew that with his knights and harem by his side, they were more than ready to face the unknown.

As the next day arrived as Charlomaine was talking to someone.

So you the new one leading the exterminator now. Charlomaine said looking at the person. Hope your better then Adam

As he looked at a handsome, possessing black hair, olive-coloured skin and yellowish teeth. On his forehead is engraved a mysterious illuminating blue symbol of either Sumerian or Daevite origin, most likely the Mark of Cain. This man was Cain Adam son the first murdered, and right know the new leader of the the extermination on hell

Cain smiled warmly, his affable demeanor evident as he responded to Charlomaine. "Thank you for the vote of confidence. I understand Adam's methods were... controversial, to say the least. Rest assured, I intend to bring a more measured approach to the extermination proceedings."

Charlomaine nodded, observing Cain's composed and courteous demeanor. "That's good to hear. We've had enough turmoil recently. Cooperation between Hell and Heaven is crucial for maintaining balance."

Cain inclined his head slightly. "Indeed, cooperation and understanding are key. My father has tasked me with ensuring that the exterminations are conducted with fairness and justice."

Charlomaine raised an eyebrow. "Your father? I assume you mean Azrael, the Angel of Death."

Cain nodded. "Yes, precisely. He believes in my ability to uphold the responsibility entrusted to me."

Charlomaine offered a handshake, acknowledging Cain's dedication. "Well, Cain, I look forward to working with you. If there's anything Hell can do to assist, please don't hesitate to ask."

Cain clasped Charlomaine's hand firmly. "Likewise, Charlomaine. Let's strive for peace and stability in these challenging times."

I think I am but confused. Charlomaine said looking at him. Your the same Cain from the bible your father is Adam, so why do you call Azrael father

Cain's expression turned thoughtful, his gaze momentarily distant as he considered Charlomaine's question. After a moment, he spoke with a hint of reverence in his voice.

"Indeed, I am the same Cain from the biblical account," he began, "but my relationship with Adam is... complicated. While he is indeed my biological father, our history is marred by the tragic events that transpired long ago. Azrael, the Angel of Death, took me under his wing after those tumultuous times. He became a father figure to me in every sense of the word—guiding me, teaching me, and instilling within me a sense of duty and purpose."

Charlomaine listened intently, recognizing the weight of Cain's words. "I see," he replied, nodding thoughtfully. "So, Azrael has played a significant role in shaping who you are today."

Cain nodded solemnly. "Indeed. He saw potential in me despite my past deeds, and he entrusted me with this responsibility to oversee the exterminations. It is a duty I do not take lightly."

Charlomaine could sense the depth of Cain's loyalty and respect toward Azrael. "Thank you for sharing that with me, Cain," he said sincerely. "Your perspective sheds light on your role and your commitment to maintaining order in Hell."

Cain smiled faintly, a blend of gratitude and resolve in his expression. "I appreciate your understanding, Charlomaine. I hope that together, we can navigate these challenging times with wisdom and compassion."

With their conversation drawing to a close, both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to their respective duties, mindful of the complexities that intertwined Heaven and Hell in a delicate balance.

So may I ask. Charlomaine said looking at the dying grass around Cain. Can you answer me about this

Will you see. Cain siad looking at him. This is my punishment for being the first man, sense I killed my brother Able who was farmer god punished me by giving her curse of decay, this is one my two curse the second is the curse of replication, aka any damage is take gets reflection to the person that hurd it not just damage but anything, even Doctor talking by blood will instead have there blood taken

Charlomaine nodded, absorbing Cain's explanation with a mix of curiosity and empathy. The revelation about Cain's curses shed light on the deep-seated consequences of his actions.

"That's heavy," Charlomaine murmured, his gaze lingering on the withered grass. "To carry such burdens... It must be a constant reminder."

Cain's expression remained somber yet resigned. "It is indeed," he replied quietly. "A reminder of the consequences of my choices and the weight of my past."

Charlomaine glanced at Cain with newfound understanding. "And the curse of reflection... That sounds like an immense burden as well."

Cain nodded solemnly. "It is. It ensures that any harm inflicted is mirrored upon the one who caused it."

Charlomaine contemplated this, realizing the profound implications of Cain's curses. "I can't imagine living with that," he admitted, his voice tinged with sympathy.

Cain offered a small, appreciative smile. "It is my penance," he said softly. "A constant reminder to tread carefully and seek redemption in my actions."

"And so, um," Charlomaine said, looking at Cain's arm, which was robotic. "What's with the robot arm?"

"Oh, this," Cain said, tapping the metal. "Remember the war that happened between Heaven and Hell? Well, I died and got my curses, so I joined the battle. I lost my arm and had to get a new one."

Charlomaine nodded, understanding the sacrifices and transformations that came with such conflicts. "I see," he replied, a mix of sympathy and curiosity in his voice. "It must have been quite a battle."

Cain's gaze turned distant for a moment, recalling the tumultuous events. "It was," he admitted. "But it taught me a lot about strength and resilience."

Charlomaine examined Cain's robotic arm with fascination. "Does it work well?" he asked, genuinely intrigued by the advanced technology.

Cain flexed his fingers, demonstrating the arm's functionality. "Better than the original," he remarked with a hint of wry humor. "And it doesn't feel pain, which is a plus."

Charlomaine chuckled softly. "I can imagine," he said. "Well, you seem to have adapted."

Cain nodded, a sense of acceptance in his expression. "One adapts or doesn't survive," he said simply. "It's all part of the journey."

As they stood there, Charlomaine contemplated the resilience of the man before him, bearing both physical and metaphysical scars from battles long past. It was a reminder of the constant struggles and sacrifices that defined life in Hell, and the strength required to endure them.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones for all my work please