"Where am i?" That is what am i thinking in my head. For some times, i just have a deja' fu reminds me of some similar place. But now i have to make it go, ha.. i- forget to introduce myself. Veyrl is my name, i just one of the Emperor's trustable person. I got caught and ended up here. Also i don't really remember how to use a Maya Rune... i am afraid of doing it, afraid of killing myself. "I want to know how master can remember all of this rune combination..." as i, myself just remember 3 of them. "Maybe because Master is the creator of this rune type." I have more to ask but unfortunately, i can't ask to them for now. "So, let's cover all of this world.
As you would probably guessed, i am not that good to communicate somebody else, exept- for someone who previously i know. For your information 'I am horrible at doing this i mean, really horrible.'
"I just need to reach some city or atleast a village." I just thought to myself, the only way to figure out about what would happen is to 'Get into one of this society'
"Finnaly, a certain town!" I hope you don't wan't to know that i just get lost into a deeply bizarre forest, also i just kill some of the wood beast that ligering around of this forest. Yep, very embarassing to be honest.
I just enter the town and suprisingly nobody notice me at all, i am started to confused then i go to the fountain of this town, i mean it was literally in the middle of the town itself! Then i just rest in one of the bench for 5 minutes, snoring a Calculous Rhapsody. Also i noticed that a lot of ponies here wears no clothes, i am being serious here almost no one wears clothes. Maybe it is wierd, but this isn't usualy happen in my original world.
Then someone was approaching me out of curiousity.
"Umm, excuse me... i have ever seen you before... are you new to this town?" a young unicorn mare ask me with curious in her eyes.
With a low voice "Yes i am, i just happen to get lost for some days then lead me here." I just explain in a calm ways.
Unexpectedly this mare just scream and said "PINKIE!" outloud, i just feel that something would gone wrong.
As what am i expected that anoter mares, spesifically pink mares seems to appear from the shadows.
"I know this would happen." I let out a simple sigh when i just frozing in the flow of this mare affection. I literally can't move in the way of her doing this 'party' as i don't usually visit someone's party, but i have no actual choice to refuse. "I need more information about this world."
"That was a long-ass party!" I just need to gather more information from the library around this town.
But, i have no plan to leave.
I have found this to be more...
'Exciting,' i need to exactly figure out how to back into my world. I know that there is a rune to do that, unfortunately i just slightly remembered it.
"Maybe if i just right... i can search how to breach the dimentional fabric correctly!" That is what am i thinking about, for now i can just hope that there is a book for that in this library. As i don't hope that much from this library, but here is the interesting one... this world actually feature such as rune and some interesting history, but i just get the space fabric breacher one. I try to remember this, but maybe i need to make a copy out of it. Staying all night copying the exact 4 page of this space fabric breaching.
"That is frustating as always." Let out an exhale being a night with less sleep rate, is just ordinary for the Emperror's most trustworthy person. I kept pondering, "Why? Why am i being trusted to?" I kept questioning emperor's purpose... till now.
Underneath, stray, is a perfect word to describe my condition now. Luckily i still can eat something, atleast i can survive this. "So, whom i need to ask for to back into my world?" I persually don't know how to, because this is unexpected. "Even my world don't have this kind of information, how do i came back there?" It is too early to stop, i need to gather more and more!