Nezuko POV
Hello, my name is Nezuko Kamado. Yes, the Nezuko Kamado, the demon from the Taishō era. You might be wondering what I am doing in the modern era.
Well, the cure did not work on me, and we don't know why. It worked on Tanjiro and the demon that Muzan created when he and Tanjiro first met. However, I do have a theory about why it didn't work on me.
What if the curing process was disrupted because the cure was also injected into Muzan and it only slowly worked on him? The cure did work on Tanjiro and the man Muzan turned into a demon when Tanjiro and Muzan met without any problem, but they were both pretty weak. So what if the reason why the cure didn't work on me is because, unlike those two, I was quite a powerful demon and had more experience of being one, so my body was already accustomed to it by that time. Therefore, the curing process would have originally take a while to work, but because I used my demon strength to get onto the battlefield as fast as I could, the process stopped. This could have also happened to Muzan, but the other poisons were preventing it from stopping. However, since I only took the cure, it completely stopped for me.
But it's all just a theory and will remain that way because Lady Tamayo took the ingredients of the cure to her grave, and no one knows what the ingredients are. Shinobu-san also died, so there is no way I can find the ingredients on my own.
Youhiro also committed suicide 200 years after the final battle. I allowed him to do so, so he could be happy beside Lady Tamayo. I also attempted to do the same thing, but failed because the Nichiren Blade doesn't work on demons that are immune to sunlight. I also tried using wisteria, but my body somehow developed an immunity to it.
I have also attempted various methods to end my life, but none of them have been successful. I even reached the point where I considered jumping into an active volcano. However, just as I was about to take that leap, a thought crossed my mind. What if another disaster were to occur, such as the emergence of another Demon King? Who would protect this world if the tale of the demon slayer had already faded away?
In fact, it already did the legacy of the demon slayer has already been forgotten. The breathing techniques and everything associated with it have been lost to time, with only a few old books serving as a record. Even if I were to create a story about it, who would believe an ancient tale about demons?
And regarding the books, they are all about breathing. However, I doubt that someone can understand them without being taught how to breathe properly. Even if I were to translate them, it's unlikely that anyone would believe it to be true. I can already imagine what people would think: "The idea of gaining power just by breathing? What nonsense!" That would most likely be their reaction.
So, I spent over 100 years training in swordsmanship and mastering the breathing techniques. Surprisingly, I was able to utilize the breathing techniques even as a demon, which was believed to be impossible. With my incredible adaptability, I managed to learn all the Breathing Styles and achieve a certain level of mastery after an additional 200 years. Although it could have been faster, I also had to adapt to the new society, new technologies, and everything that came with it. As a result, I took on a job, bought a house, and settled down there.
"I also bought a piece of land in the middle of nowhere and built a house there because, why not?
Since I can change my size, I decided to visit an orphanage pretending to be an 8-year-old, hoping to be adopted. However, no one chose to adopt me until I turned 18 (in their eyes) and was allowed to live on my own.
So, I transformed into my adult form and returned to my house to live there. Now that I have an 18-year-old identity and a birth certificate, I can easily find a job and purchase the house that I own without raising any suspicions.
After three more years, I started a small business that grew tremendously. It began as a restaurant and now I have around 20 branches across the entire country.
Surprisingly, no one knows that I am the owner. I simply trust some managers to run my restaurants. Although I don't mind if they steal from me, I still don't tolerate such actions.
In fact, they only know me as the representative of the restaurant owner, so I still receive some respect."
But even with that, I never stopped my training. Despite all the things that kept me busy, mastering the Breathing Style remained my number one priority. Because you well never know when a disaster will come.
To Be Continued...