Chapter 3 Learning New Skills



If Stanislava was feeling complicated earlier, now she couldn't help but laugh and cry. It was only now that she noticed the man's gaze wasn't on her at all; it was fixed on the bread in her arms.

In an instant, a surge of amusement welled up in Stanislava's heart, but it was quickly suppressed by a sense of disappointment.

Li Yi'an didn't notice Stanislava's subtle emotional shift.

"Madam, is it alright?"

As his stomach let out a rumble, Stanislava chuckled and said, "Of course."

The rumbling from the man's stomach made Stanislava smile and say, "But using just this bread for an exchange isn't quite appropriate. I live in the building ahead. If you don't mind, you can come with me. Besides bread, I can also make some soup for you."

Mind? Why would I mind?

You see, when you're hungry and thirsty, having a sip of hot soup is just wonderful.

What's wrong with me?

Fifteen minutes later, slicing potatoes in the kitchen, Stanislava still couldn't shake off her doubts: What had come over her today?

Why had she willingly invited a strange man into her home?

She sliced potatoes while listening to the sounds in the living room, which seemed quiet. She couldn't help but pause, her gaze unconsciously falling on the man in the living room.

The man sitting on the sofa, the one she invited into her home, seemed to be inspecting her house.

Li Yi'an was indeed surveying the house. The decorations in the room were quite luxurious, indicating the woman's family was well-off, or had been at least. On either side of the fireplace stood a bookcase filled with books, and on the other side, there was a piano covered in dust, obviously not played for a long time.

There were also several photographs on the fireplace, a couple in each. The woman in the photos was the same woman who had invited him over, and the man beside her in a military uniform was likely her husband.

"Her husband is actually an officer?"

Well, that was quite normal; during World War II, almost every able-bodied man was in the military.

After a quick glance around, Li Yi'an's curiosity was overridden by the growling in his stomach, and he couldn't help but think about when the food would be ready.

Though eating was a top priority, there was one thing he couldn't neglect.

That was his identity.

He was currently in wartime London, and as a foreigner without proper identification, he could easily be mistaken for a spy, arrested, and executed.

That would be the end of his journey through time.

So, what should he do next?

How should he explain his origins?

Or, how could he obtain legitimate identification?

These questions were pressing.

"Even with time travel, you should choose the right place and time... If I'm not careful, it could be all over."

Li Yi'an complained inwardly, unable to help but carefully consider the many problems he would face next.

Lost in thought, time passed quickly. When it was completely dark outside, Stanislava emerged from the kitchen with several plates and said, "Sir, dinner is ready."

"Thank you, madam."

The excitement evident on the man's face brought a smile to Stanislava's lips, but she felt an inexplicable sense of loss in her heart.

So, what he cared about was really just the food.

Picking up the bread, the faint aroma of wheat wafted over, accompanied by the rich scent of bacon. Taking a bite, Li Yi'an felt for the first time how delicious bread could be.

Actually, when you're hungry for several meals, anything tastes good.

There was also mashed potatoes, and...

Actually, this dinner wasn't very sumptuous, considering the limited ingredients.

As the man enjoyed his meal, Stanislava asked, "Sir, you must be Chinese, right?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"Before the war, I lived in the South Seas for two years. The Japanese are short, and the people in the South Seas have dark skin and unattractive features, so I guessed you must be Chinese," Stanislava explained.

"Madam, you are truly brilliant; you guessed right."

Li Yi'an complimented.

"But why would you be willing to exchange expensive perfume for just a meal?"

Finally, she hit the nail on the head. In fact, there was still a certain expectation in Stanislava's heart.

"Actually, I just arrived in England."

Li Yi'an knew sooner or later she would ask about this.

"Just arrived in England?"

Stanislava asked, "From China? At this time?"

"No, I escaped from France."

Li Yi'an sighed helplessly.

Stanislava was taken aback. Her eyes grew somewhat strange.

"Escaped from France? How is that possible?"

Stanislava asked curiously.

"A few years ago, to avoid the chaos of war, my family left China and went to Saigon. Before the war broke out, we took a boat to France for education. But just as we arrived in France, the war broke out. France surrendered, and life as a foreigner in France was truly hard to describe. It wasn't until a few months ago that I found an opportunity to escape to Spain, and then I came to England on a Spanish fishing boat..."

Li Yi'an fabricated his experiences with a mouthful of lies. Thinking of the perfume in his pocket, he changed the subject with a smile:

"Thank God, I met such a kind lady as soon as I arrived in London; otherwise, I might still be hungry. This perfume was a gift from a friend in France. Thank you for the dinner."

As he spoke, he placed the perfume on the table.

"Now, it's yours."

"Are you really willing to exchange it?"

Stanislava asked, surprised.

"Of course, thank you for your hospitality."

Stanislava picked up the perfume directly and held it in her hands like a treasure.

"Thank you."

At this moment, the screen appeared out of nowhere again.

[Detection completed for the second transaction.

The system again?

Is this also considered a transaction?

And it's going to increase my experience points again?

With Li Yi'an in a good mood, he eagerly awaited his reward displayed on the screen.

[This transaction was initiated proactively, seeking suitable opportunities. You can learn the skill 'Psychology'. Do you want to learn it?

"Learn, learn!"

Another new skill as a reward, this system was indeed amazing!

Seeing the words "Psychology learned" on the screen, Li Yi'an was about to feel happy.

To think that even in this way, he could learn new skills. Though it was psychology, it didn't hurt to have more skills. What other skills could he learn in the future?

Although he had just traveled through time, Li Yi'an couldn't help but be full of anticipation for the future.