Chapter 26: Omnipotent


If Li Yian knew how Song Chengjun commented on him, he would definitely applaud him, as this was definitely an intimate understanding.

The bright sunlight streamed through the window into the room. Li Yian, who had worked through the night, had already woken up. The scent of perfume beside him made him involuntarily turn to look. He saw waves of chestnut hair scattered on the white cotton sheets. Looking further down, the undulating curves resembled rolling hills, sparking fanciful thoughts.


He gave a firm pat on the covered buttocks. A blonde beauty emerged from beneath, her eyes opening to reveal a bright smile as she glanced at the man.

"Darling, you've worn me out. I'm so tired. Let me sleep a little longer..."

With that, the woman fell back asleep.

Glancing at the woman on the bed, Li Yian shook his head helplessly and said, "Fine, you go back to sleep!"

As he was leaving, he took out two ten-dollar bills from his wallet. After a moment's thought, he exchanged them for a Franklin. Foreign beauties were indeed enthusiastic and proactive; it was worth the price.

"Wealthy as we are now, we don't need to worry about this amount of money!"

He even forgot how he brought her back yesterday. Bored yesterday evening, he went to a bar for a drink, watched a dull performance, and then this woman sat beside him. They drank and chatted together, and eventually, she invited him to the casino. He naturally declined, preferring to play cards in the room. The woman didn't refuse either, and they spent the whole night together.

Regardless of whether he was tired or not, he still had work to do. After all, he was currently in a period of business expansion and needed to prioritize his career!

Of course, by "career," he meant utilizing the space and transporting goods.

In the warehouse as agreed, Li Yian called out softly, "System."

After the screen flashed, Li Yian selected the warehouse option.

"Is it possible to temporarily increase the storage space?"


After the transaction was completed, the warehouse space increased by 50%, reaching a total of 1140 cubic meters.

"Upload the goods!"

With a flash of light, sacks of sugar continuously entered the storage space. Although this wasn't his first time uploading bulk goods, he couldn't help but be amazed when thousands of tons of goods were uploaded.

"This isn't just a system; it's practically a moving expert!"

It wasn't just moving; it was practically clearing out!

The warehouse, originally filled with goods, became empty in no time. Seeing the empty warehouse, Li Yian snapped his fingers triumphantly.

"Done for the day!"

The chauffeur was waiting outside the warehouse. Getting into the car, the driver asked, "Sir, back to the hotel, or...?"

Li Yian said directly, "To the airport!"

As the car headed towards the airport, in the room at the National Hotel, the blonde woman lazily yawned. With a coquettish expression, she even couldn't help but hum softly, a smile playing on her lips.

"This guy... Where did he go?"

Seeing the empty room, the woman became a little perplexed. Just then, she saw a hundred-dollar bill and a note on the bedside table.

"The room fee has been settled. Thank you for a wonderful night."

Instantly, the woman's expression became complicated. It was hard to tell if she wanted to laugh or cry.

Looking at the hundred-dollar bill on the bedside table, the woman scratched her head and said, "I've really been played by this guy..."

The woman, with a helpless expression, suddenly became indignant.

"This guy, he actually left. It's really... infuriating!"


When the plane landed in New York again several hours later, Li Yian had already taken a nap. As the flight attendant reminded them that the plane was about to land, he could see the Statue of Liberty through the porthole. As the plane adjusted its course, the skyscrapers of Manhattan came into view.

This was New York!

Full of opportunities and wealth!

Looking at the urban landscape beneath the wings, Li Yian's eyes burst with excitement!

The wealth and opportunities here belonged to him!


A few hours later, Li Yian truly understood what it meant to be excited— a group of burly men, armed with Thompson submachine guns, arrived in cars and trucks, surrounding his company.

Was this a robbery?

While he was puzzled, Anastasia got out of the car and asked excitedly, "Li, is what Zhu said true?"

"Do you really have thirteen hundred tons of sugar?"


Looking at the group of men behind him and the situation in front of him, Li Yian felt somewhat speechless.

"Anastasia, are you planning to rob a bank?"


Anastasia said directly.

"We're not here to rob a bank; we're here to protect you. My God, I really wonder how you've survived till now, my friend."

As he spoke, he pointed to the warehouse.

"Do you know if someone finds out that there are over a thousand tons of sugar in your warehouse, every thief, thug, and robber in New York will come to loot your warehouse, my friend!"

As Anastasia walked inside, he continued to explain.

"Cars may not attract attention because there are limited channels for selling them, but sugar is different. Sugar is omnipotent. A few pounds of sugar can get you into a woman's bed, dozens of pounds can make a grocery store owner ecstatic to give you money, hundreds of pounds can make all the bakery and dessert shop owners in New York treat you like a god, and if there are thousands of pounds, all the food factory owners will treat you as their savior..."

Anastasia's exaggerated words made Li Yian feel a little incredulous. It was just sugar; did it really need to be this exaggerated?

In the next moment, Anastasia stopped talking. His eyes were fixed only on the mountains of sacks, and even through the sacks, he could still smell the sweet aroma permeating the air.

This was definitely the sweetest smell!