Chapter 27: The Sincerity of the Chicago Typewriter

The entire warehouse was filled with a sweet aroma!

This scent was enough to drive everyone crazy!

"My God, Lee, you always manage to surprise me. Is this real? Is it really sugar?" Anastasia walked over, somewhat excited, and directly lifted a sack. Unlike common packaging, there were no markings on the bag—according to the agreement with Song Cheng, regardless of whose sugar it was, the packaging couldn't bear any labels.

Folded open a bag of sugar, Anastasia grabbed a handful directly, then exclaimed to his men, excitedly,

"It's real sugar, absolutely the best sugar!"

Forget Anastasia, even those big men with Thompsons in their hands were all ecstatic, looking like bears spotting honey.

It's just sugar, why get so excited?

Watching them holding their Thompsons, Lee Yi'an understood that this excitement was absolutely genuine. Anyone who doubted its authenticity, the Chicago Typewriter would teach them how to spell that word.

"Lee, about this..."

Anastasia, holding the Chicago Typewriter, looked at him with excitement.

"All the sugar is mine now!"

Are you trying to rob me?

But for the excited Anastasia, he didn't even notice that he was using the Chicago Typewriter to display his "sincerity."

"I mean buy, I want to buy all the sugar, all of it. From now on, no matter how much sugar you bring in, we'll buy it. The price will be the standard market price, until the controls are lifted. This is the Godfather's promise to you!"

Anastasia said solemnly.

Market price!

That price was higher than expected.

"The price of sugar this week is 57 cents per pound!"

After giving the quote, Anastasia continued,

"These sugars are worth over a million dollars. So, the Godfather asks for a night to gather the funds. I'm sorry, everything happened too quickly. You see, we just bought over half a million dollars worth of cars from you. Even if we're bankers, it's hard to gather so much money in just a few days..."

Although Anastasia spoke with some lack of confidence, he then thumped his chest and said,

"But rest assured, the safety of these goods will be entrusted to us from now on. I promise not a grain of sugar will be missing."

To prove his determination, Anastasia even intentionally thumped the Chicago Typewriter in his hand.

Lee Yi'an was a bit speechless. Goodness, are you protecting me or engaging in highway robbery?

We need to strengthen security!

It's not easy to find manpower!

Nowadays, any able-bodied young man is off somewhere. Trying to find bodyguards isn't easy. One slip-up, and the bodyguard might become a kidnapper.

Who knows?

This matter is a bit difficult to handle!


Hanging up the phone, Chris said,

"Godfather, the Gennovese family agreed to lend us $300,000. They'll send someone over in three hours."

As he spoke, he added a note to the memo.

"We've raised a total of $1.5 million now, which should be enough."

"Not enough. Call the Jews again and ask to borrow $500,000."

Carlo Gambino spoke, lighting a cigar with a lighter. The dim light from the desk lamp illuminated his face, and in the flickering red dot of the cigar, he seemed to be pondering something. Occasionally, his gaze would shift to the advisor, who was currently leveraging all his connections to borrow money.

Soon, Chris hung up the phone again.

"The Jews agreed to send the money in two hours, but... they want us to sell them twenty cars."

Carlo Gambino raised an eyebrow and sneered.

"These damn Jews always like to take advantage!"

After hanging up the phone again, Chris looked at the Godfather and said,

"Godfather, it's done. We've raised enough money."

Carlo Gambino nodded without saying a word.

"Godfather, I don't understand why you attach so much importance to this deal?"

"Over a thousand tons of sugar!"

Looking at the advisor, Carlo Gambino said,

"The first time with cigarettes was a test, and so was the cars. But this time?"

Taking a puff of his cigar, Carlo Gambino continued,

"This time is a trial, Lee, or rather, the bigwigs behind Lee are testing our capabilities. If we can pass this test smoothly, perhaps, in the future, we can get thousands of tons of sugar every month, even tens of thousands. We only need to raise the price by 10%, and we can make hundreds of thousands, even millions in profits. Most importantly, this is a legal business!"

Clamping the cigar between his fingers, Carlo Gambino gazed into the distance, then asked,

"Are you sure there haven't been any sugar ships from Cuba or Brazil in the past two days?"

Actually, if there were ships, Carlo Gambino would have shipped sugar from Cuba long ago. But the problem was, he only had a few small boats. Even if he worked non-stop, he wouldn't be able to ship much sugar. So he chose the lighter cigarettes and the higher-priced coffee instead.

"Yes, Godfather, the outer seas of New York have too many German submarines. Ships from South America often prefer to dock in southern ports."

"Hmm, it seems that the bigwigs behind him should have their own channels. But that's not important. What's important is that the business we're conducting is legal!"

Nodding slightly, Carlo Gambino stopped speaking. He had his own plans for the future. His plan was to whitewash his family, live a dignified life like other wealthy people, and his children would become congressmen, senators, even judges.

But the premise was... he had to conduct legal business.

And the current business was legal!

This business would make his family a true family!

Imagining the future, Carlo Gambino silently congratulated himself.

"God bless, those bigwigs chose me, not someone else..."