

Viserys, King of the Seven Kingdoms, was a man filled with grief. His wife, his beloved Aemma lay dead, while his newborn daughter still clung to life. The Grand Maester said the babe was too small for there to be much hope. Yet, she fought. Viserys had been so certain that it was to be a boy, but even in his disappointment, he cherished the tiny blue-eyed girl that fought so fiercely just for breath.

She fought, while his brother, Daemon, drank and whored and spat foulness from his lips. When his loyal right hand, Otto Hightower, had brought word of what had been said on the Street of Silk he had grown wroth. He sat on the Iron Throne and waited for his brother to answer his summons. His Kingsguard were arrayed in front of him, and the naked Valyrian Steel blade, Blackfyre, rested across his lap. Woe be to his brother if he responded with anything but contrition!

Daemon Targaryen was his beloved brother. The man had many faults, and all on his small council oft reported them. He had been made Master of Coin, but the post bored him. Viserys had made him Master of Laws next, but all he did was quarrel with his Hand, Otto. Finally, he had been made Commander of the City Watch. There, finally, he seemed to have found purpose; crime had been curtailed, things had been looking up, and now this.

His brother entered the throne room with his typical arrogant swagger. Daemon's strong Targaryen features immediately revealed his noble lineage at a glance. His deep-set purple eyes always held either contempt, amusement, or boredom. Silver hair fell to his shoulders and framed his clean-shaven face.

"You cut the image of the conqueror, brother."

"Did you say it?" Viserys asked with a weary voice.

"I don't know what you mean," Daemon replied.

"You will address me as "Your Grace," or I will have my Kingsguard cut out your tongue," the King spoke with constrained fury.

Daemon paused a slight look of uncertainty on his proud features.

"The Gods left nothing to chance." The King's eyes bore into his brothers.

"Did you say it? Upon my Aemma's death? Were you celebrating her death so your own position was secured? Were you celebrating that she bore a daughter when I so longed for a son?"

"We must all mourn in our own way, Your Grace. I was in my cups; you know I harbored no ill will towards the queen."

Viserys rarely lost his temper. He always sought to find a balance, to ensure all parties were, if not content, at least not wholly slighted or harmed by his decisions. Now, he felt fire and rage in his belly. His beloved was dead, his eldest daughter shattered by her death, and his youngest still confronting the Stranger.

"My family has been destroyed. But instead of being by my side, or Rhaenyra's, you chose to celebrate your own rise!" Rage overtook him fully. "Laughing with your whores and your lickspittles. You have no allies at court but me!"

It was true, Daemon had rubbed his entire council the wrong way at one point or another. Ever had Viserys defended his brother, and this was how he had been repaid.

"Everything I have given you; you've thrown back in my face."

Daemon's own temper soared as his nostrils flared.

"You've only ever tried to send me away. To the Vale, to the City Watch, anywhere, but by your side. Ten years you have been King and yet not once have you asked me to be your Hand!"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because I'm your brother. And the blood of the dragon runs thick."

"Then why do you cut me so deeply?" Viserys trembled. Was Daemon's frustration at not being made Hand the cause of this virulent bitterness in his heart?

"I've only ever spoken the truth. I see Otto Hightower for what he is."

The King made a dismissive gesture. Otto had proven his faithfulness time and time again.

"An unwavering and loyal Hand?"

"A cunt," Daemon vulgarly replied. "A second son who stands to inherit nothing he doesn't seize for himself."

Viserys would not allow his friend to be besmirched. "Otto Hightower is a more honorable man than you could ever be."

"He doesn't protect you, I would."

"From what?"

"Yourself. You are weak, Viserys. And that council of leeches knows it. They all prey on you for their own ends."

Viserys closed his eyes for a moment. He was not weak. Daemon did not understand, he thought that a King should rule and run roughshod over anyone and everyone. He did not believe in compromise. He did not believe in seeking solutions that would prevent bitter feuds. He ruled with wisdom, not weakness. And yet, his brother's words had barbed his soul. Was he being taken advantage of, at times?

He opened his eyes, and there was pain, not satisfaction or gloating.

"I have decided to name a new heir."

Daemon's face filled with shock. "I am your heir."

"Not anymore. You are to return to Runestone and your lady wife at once, and you are to do so without quarrel, by order of your King."

Daemon advanced a step, and two of the Kingsguard immediately barred his path. Rage twisted upon his features, and his hand twitched, but he refrained from doing something foolish. Instead, he bowed his head fractionally.

"Your Grace." The King's brother walked out without a further word.

Once he had gone, Viserys exhaled heavily. That had been difficult for him. He hated having his brother apart from him, but Otto had explained why it was necessary. Such borderline treasonous talk could not be tolerated. It was also clear that Daemon could not be trusted with the crown; should something befall Viserys, the realm would suffer.

He rose heavily from the throne, he should check on his daughters. He would find both Rhaenyra and the newborn together. So sure had Viserys been that he would have a son, they had not even considered the possibility of a daughter. A name had to be given, and he named her Elaena Targaryen after one of his ancestors.

He arrived to see his eldest daughter pacing fitfully as a wetnurse held his newborn daughter. The Maester was there as well and the King conferred with him.

"I hesitate to give you any misplaced hope, Your Grace, but I am heartened by her continued survival. With her size and difficulty breathing, I would have thought her to have passed. Every hour she seems to grow stronger. I have seen a score of babes healthier pass by now, again, Your Grace, I can make no guarantees."

Viserys approached the wetnurse who bowed while carrying her burden. The princess was nuzzling. Her fine hair was silver and when she opened her eyes, they were blue, likely from Arryn heritage on her mother's side. This was his daughter, the last vestige of his Aemma. He had been faced with an impossible choice in the birthing room, he could only pray that little Elaena would survive.

He went to hold Rhaenyra who was stiff. He surmised she blamed him for her mother's death. Aemma had always suffered in the birthing bed, but Viserys had so badly wanted a son. He had dreamt of it, not as in men dreamed, but as a Targaryen. He had thought he was a Dreamer, someone with prophetic visions. Those visions spoke of a son, wearing the conquerors crown. Now, he knew that had just been a childish fancy, he was no Dreamer. His error had cost him his wife's life.

"The Maester believes Elaena has a chance. We must not lose hope. We will place an egg in her cradle, and she will find strength from it."

The tradition of placing an egg in a babe's cradle had fallen out of use, yet old tales talked of dragons lending strength to their riders. Viserys knew it could not hurt, and may give his daughter some hope.

His daughter remained silent. When the newborn had finished drinking, she coughed and rasped. It was a wretched sound. Placing the babe down onto its cradle made it worse, Rhaenyra lifted the babe to her own body, and the coughing subsided for a time. Viserys felt helpless and took his leave. There was little he could do and neither daughter seemed to long for his presence.

Chapter 1

Queen Alicent Hightower was heavy with the King's child. Having seen what happened with Aemma she was wrought with worry. Even though the good Maester had told her, by all indication she, and the babe within her were healthy, she was apprehensive. She knew her husband was also concerned and he doted on her constantly. She loved him for his concern, Viserys was many years her senior and she could not say she enjoyed his form, but he was good to her.

In some ways, she was already a mother. Little Elaena was almost two now and with her mother dead, and Alicent the new King's wife, it was up to her to help raise her. She had help, of course, the wetnurse and other serving maids, and even the King's first daughter, Rhaenyra who came to check on her and play with her.

Alicent's relationship with Rhaenyra was complex. She was only a year older than the princess, and yet it had always been Rhaenyra who had been the bold one and taken the lead in their conversations. Alicent marrying her father, had strained things. She felt an interloper between father and daughter. They both loved Viserys and Elaena, and that united them, yet the undercurrent of usurpation of Aemma lay between them, unspoken, but keenly felt.

The realm had delighted when Elaena had survived. She was still small for her age, but the egg that had been placed in her cradle had hatched. The hatchling had scales of palest silver, and the young creature seemed to lend strength to the little Targaryen. Alicent was more comfortable around dragons than most of Westeros, but even she was wary. And yet the hatchling's behavior was as keen as any well-behaved hound or horse. Even so, the dragon keepers had said the hatchling would soon need to be taken to the pit. It had clearly bonded with little Elaena, but until she was old enough to command it, a stray flame could ignite a room.

Elaena herself was somewhat of an oddity. She seemed to develop like a normal child, only at times she would catatonically stare at nothing. These spells would last minutes at a time and she could not be broken from them. When she would finally snap out of it, she would weep and sob, but eventually return to being a normal young child. It was the strangest thing. The new Grand Maester suggested the babe may have been deprived of air during the difficult birth or shortly after and that it had impacted her mind. He claimed that something similar would occur to those struck in the head, but given the overall rate of learning to crawl, toddle, and grasp things she likely would be able to lead a normal life. Well, as normal a life as a princess could.

Alicent worried over her and would always hold her when those episodes occurred. She hoped Elaena would get along well with the child in her womb. They would be siblings of similar age. It was possible they may even be married to each other if she bore a son. A part of her yearned for a son, as it was something Viserys desperately desired. Another part of her feared the consequences. With a son, would Rhaenyra still be the heir? Viserys had said she would be, but the realm would always prefer a male over a female. If Viserys ceded to tradition, would Rhaenyra hate her forever?

She knew her father would want nothing more than to be the grandfather of the next King. He had warned her not to press for it if it was a boy. The thought should not come from her, lest she be viewed as grasping for power for her children at the expense of Aemma, his first wife. It was with some bitterness, that Alicent knew Viserys still cared and longed for her. He was not so vile or crass to speak her name as they lay carnally with each other, but when he was asleep and lost in his dreams, her name was heard.

She knew her husband worried over his brother. Daemon had been exiled from court due to his rash words after the Queen's death. Viserys still loved him, and hoped he would not fall in the battles that were taking place in the Stepstones. Alicent also knew there was no love lost between her father and Daemon. She could not wish for his death, not when it would cause such grief to her husband.

She felt movement in her belly and smiled. It would not be long now. She cherished being able to raise Elaena. Raisng her was not the same as having her own child and she longed to welcome it into the world.


Rhaenyra doted upon her little sister. Such a tiny precious little girl. Even after she began walking, Rhaenyra adored cradling Elaena like a baby. Those troubling spells of her staring off at nothing had grown worse, and Rhaenyra was worried.

Then the day occurred, just shy of her third name day, Elaena stared off as was becoming so frequent and then collapsed. Upon hearing of it, Rhaenyra had run to see how she was doing. The Maester, again had no answers for them. Both Rhaenyra and Alicent stayed by the girl's side. Relations between the two had grown strained with the birth of Prince Aegon. Aegon the second, the first son of Viserys. Rhaenyra heard the whispers, the talk of how it was only a matter of time until the King formally announced him as his heir.

The frostiness that existed between the two of them did not lead to quarrelsome words, not typically and certainly not while Elaena's small frame lay almost unmoving. Her breathing had not been an issue for over a year now, and they took comfort in the steady rise and fall of her chest.

Sometime, in the hour of the owl, Elaena awoke. Rhaenyra immediately shouted for a servant to fetch the Maester. Alicent touched her and felt to make sure she was well.

"Forgive me for causing you worry, mother, sister, but I am doing better now."

The words, and the poise in which they were spoken stunned them both. It wasn't as if Elaena had never spoken before, but she spoke in the way of young children. Not that the words were complicated, but the way they were spoken belied her years. Rhaenyra was shocked, as they stared in silence at Elaena, the girl's eyes darted around in panic for a moment, before slowly closing.

"I… tired. Rest now."

Rhaenyra looked at Alicent in confusion. Had she spoken beyond her years and then regressed and just shut her eyes again. What to make of it. Soon, the Maester and the King arrived. The Maester prodded the princess awake.

"Sleepy, very sleep, sleep. No noise… please."

The Maester assured the King that all was well; she had woken from whatever episode had occurred and any danger had passed.

"Will this happen again?" Viserys asked.

"Only the Gods know, Your Grace. Your daughter may have these fits throughout all her life. There was a boy from House Marbrand a few generations back who would get the shakes, but only once or twice a moon's turning. Predicting these is all but impossible."

Rhaenyra felt a deep well of sadness rise within her. If this was to keep happening, Elaena would never be a dragonrider. That sort of risk was too great. It was a bitter thought, but better than losing her all together. They filed out of the room and Rhaenyra went to get some sleep herself.

The following days were odd. Elaena was not her typical self. She spoke queerly, at times seemingly to regress to an even younger age, and other times more fluently, not like when she first awoke, but somewhere in between. She cornered Grand Maester Mellos twice demanding answers, her own father admonished her for hectoring the man who had already given his answer.

It was announced that Alicent was with child again. Aegon was still a babe. Viserys was busy with his new son, his pregnant wife, and of course running the Seven Kingdoms.

We are being pushed aside, me and Elaena.

Alicent still seemed to care about Viserys' youngest daughter, but there was a lessening of the care and attention paid to her. Rhaenyra tried to fill in that space, but it seemed she needn't have bothered. The active child had become more withdrawn and had asked for books with pictures. There were fewer hugs and games, and when they played hide-the-treasure, there was no joy in her eyes. It almost seemed as if the girl of three was humoring her. Which was an absurd notion, but she could not shake the feeling.

Despite her earlier desire to do so, Rhaenyra slowly retreated from regular time with Elaena. It was just discomforting. Those sea-blue eyes had a way of seeing through her. The heir of the Seven Kingdoms had taken to flying Syrax more and more often. It was a way to clear her thoughts and dispel the disquiet from her mind. The one silver lining in the change with her little sister was that she no longer had any of her episodes.


Rhaenyra was unhappy with the grand hunt that had been called to honor her half-brother's second name day. She had more than a few reasons, but the largest was that her father was trying to sell her off to the Lannisters, and the thought made her skin crawl.

In the King's tent, while the hunters sought their quarry things came to a head. Her father had been drinking and jesting with his lords. When she spoke with him it quickly became heated.

"I see what is happening here, father! Was there this celebration for Elaena's second name day? Her third name day? Will there be one for her upcoming fourth?"

Viserys looked flummoxed. "I, well, it isn't quite the same."

"Of course it isn't, the King's heir is to be honored above mere daughters."

"You are my heir, Rhaenyra."

"Do you think me blind? You held a tourney for his first name day as well. All can see what you intend to do, so just do it."

Viserys looked angry and raised his voice "I have…"

The King's Hand interrupted, likely to prevent a scene from being made and getting tongues wagging. Hightower was good about smoothing things over and managing her father. Viserys loved to drink, and while he was neither lecherous nor fury-driven when in his cups, he did sometimes lose his more graceful bearing and guarded tongue.

Little Elaena, who traveled with the Queen's family, approached as the Hand drew away her father.

"Sister, you should not quarrel with father over such things. I do not care about having things done in my name."

It had been months since that day. Elaena had matured quickly, unnaturally quick in Rhaenyra's eyes. The girl had not just been looking at the pictures of the books provided but reading them. She was not yet even four!

"It isn't about you; it is about the disparity between how he treats his son and how he treats us."

Elaena nodded in understanding. Which was wrong. She shouldn't understand that!

"I see. Well, if you feel strongly about this, speak to father in a less crowded area and when he is not within his cups. Tempers could flare with the wrong timing."

She ruffled her sister's hair, which drew an annoyed childlike glare that Rhaenyra still found adorable. She liked to do things like this when her sister was speaking beyond her years.

"I'm certain you know best with your many years of wisdom, sister."

Elaena let out a small huff and then wandered off back toward Alicent's side. Rhaenyra had tried to talk with Alicent about Elaena, but her one-time friend had thought her strange. She had even told Rhaenyra that Elaena was a boon and could reliably calm down Aegon when he went into a tantrum.

Rhaenyra sighed; she would talk to her father again, later. This endless waiting had her in a state of limbo. If he meant to replace her, he should just do it. She was in no hurry to wed, no hurry to face the woman's battlefield that Aemma had suffered through. Bedding, now that sounded fun to her, but childbirth. She shuddered. Whether her father took the heirship away from her or not, she would have to face it one day.


Viserys rarely grew truly wroth, but this was one of those times. Since the hunt he had reassured Rhaenyra; he had no intention of replacing her as heir. More, he had even given her leave to make her own choice as to who to marry. She had gone on a tour of the Seven Kingdoms and rejected every offer. Birth, wealth, reputation, or even looks, none would sway her.

Then his damned brother, who had returned so triumphant and yet had humbled himself after his grand victory, had gone and done something unconscionable. Why could his family not simply do their duty? Had he not given them chance after chance? Had he not forgiven slight after slight?

Much had happened in a short time. Otto Hightower had been replaced as Hand, Daemon exiled, again, and now he had made Rhaenyra finally do her duty. She would wed Laenor Velaryon, or he would replace her as heir. If she could not be made to see sense, she could not rule the Seven Kingdoms. Viserys would remove her for the same reason he removed Daemon as heir.

Fortunately, she had complied, though she had tried to make him feel as if she were the wronged one. It was enough to drive a man to drink. He poured himself more wine; he deserved it after the last few weeks.

"You should not drink to excess, father." Elaena told him as she entered the room. Viserys was always guarded by his Kingsguard, but he had left instructions that his wife and children need not be announced or barred from his company. Not unless he specifically instructed it.

The little princess had not yet seen her fifth name day, and yet the Maesters claimed she was brighter and more knowledgeable than half the nobility. Her love of books had made her a bit of a recluse. His wife reassured him that she got on well with Aegon and his youngest daughter Helaena.

"I believe I'll need a word with the septa on teaching you the proper courtesies when speaking with your lord father and King," he jested.

She smiled for a moment and Viserys felt at peace, but it faded quickly.

"I am serious. Excess food and alcohol will prematurely age you and add to your current infirmities. I would not see you join my mother in the grave before I even reach my maturity."

He grunted. Little Elaena would couch her words sometimes, but other times she was as direct as a Stark. This was one of those times where she seemed to judge him with those decidedly un-childlike eyes.

"Do not worry, I have many good years left in me. The stresses of kingship require a bit of vice to get through them."

She frowned. "I know I am young, but there are texts that suggest that are better ways to alleviate anxiety. Have you considered going out riding? Or even a morning brisk walk? I could join you, and you can start your day with a fresh mind."

Viserys was touched by his daughter's words. She was genuinely worried about his health. He knew he had not spent much time with her compared to Aegon, but he must have made some favorable impression on his precocious child.

"I will think on it, being a King is very busy."

She nodded to him. "Would you like to meet tomorrow or the day after to begin?"

He laughed; he couldn't quite help himself. She was as relentless as Otto had been. Ah, but he did miss his old friend and Hand. Viserys shook his head.

"So insistent, very well, I will walk with you on the morrow."

She smiled again, walked up to him, and took the bottle he had poured from off his desk.

"Lest you fall into temptation, father. You will be most vexed if you try to rise in the morn, only for a pounding head to keep you from adhering to the word you have given me."

Viserys blinked. Elaena was going to be even more willful than Rhaenyra! Only a child could be so audacious with a King, and yet he found he did not mind.

"Alicent will be cross if she sees you with that, you can leave it here."

"Only if you promise not to drink more tonight."

"You have the solemn word of the King of the Seven Kingdoms, is that sufficient for you, Princess Elaena of the House Targaryen?"

It was and she gave him a kiss on the cheek goodnight and went off to her own room. He shook his head again in bemusement. His mood was lifted, and breath came easier into his lungs. His mind was now more at ease with the big changes he had made. He was even more intent on personally sailing to Driftmark and see to it that the match was agreed upon with House Valeryon.


Rhaenyra stood her ground as Alicent angrily yelled at her.

"How could you? You risked the life of your sister on a lark! What were you thinking?"

Her sister had been perfectly safe riding behind her on Syrax, she had made sure the chains and straps were secure. Little Elaena had loved every second of their flight.

"I was thinking my sister could use a change of pace. She was perfectly safe, Syrax is well behaved! She loved it, I have not seen her laugh with such glee in almost two years."

Alicent shook her head. "Did someone else join you in making sure she was secure?"

"No… but I know what I am doing."

"Yes, because we all know how sound your judgement is."

Rhaenyra's blood ran hot. She knew she was talking about her… escapades with men and going into the city. It had not been long since that discussion.

"Watch what you say, Alicent."

"She's not even five! She is fragile; her neck could have snapped with the wrong wind!"

Rhaenyra laughed, "You are ridiculous. You do not understand, nor will you ever. You are not a Targaryen. Stop speaking of things which you know not!"

"I will speak with the King about this. You endanger your honor and yourself with your recklessness, but to risk your sister like this… no more. I forbid it."

Rhaenyra almost struck her. How dare she try to forbid her something. She was the heir!

"You are not her mother; you have no say in what she does. I will take her flying every day if it pleases me."

Her one-time friend quivered with rage and promised once more to take it to the King. Rhaenyra turned away herself. Alicent had no right to interfere with her bonding with Elaena. She wasn't there. She had not felt the sheer joy emanate from Elaena. And to accuse her of being reckless with her sister's life… that had been too far.

Her father came to her later that evening.

"You and Alicent have been quarrelling. I have heard her side; I would hear yours."

"Elaena asked to fly with me; I saw no reason to deny her. It was perfectly safe. Alicent worries over nothing and oversteps her place. She is not my mother; she is not Elaena's mother."

Viserys sighed heavily.

"No one can replace Aemma."

Rhaenyra let out a dismissive laugh.

"Rhaenyra! I say again, no one can replace Aemma. She will always be dear in my heart above all others. She is gone and could not be here to care for Elaena. Alicent, and yes, you as well, took on the role of mother in her place. And what a fine job you both have done! She is brilliant, kind, and studious."

Rhaenyra hated the fact her father had remarried. And if he had to get married, why did it have to be Alicent? He could have married Laena Valeryon, yes, she was younger but it would have secured an important political alliance. A marriage that was based on pragmatism, not love and lust. Not a replacement of the heart.

"If you claim that I also helped raise her as a mother figure, then Alicent still has no right to hector me over her safety. I would not let harm befall her."

Viserys let out another a sigh. "Rhaenyra, I know you will always protect your sister. It is natural to worry, she is young and fragile." He chuckled a bit, it was forced. "A stiff wind likely could knock her over. Surely it is not necessary to take her to the sky again so soon. She will fly all her life, if she desires. In a few short years she will be flying alongside you on her own. For the sake of peace in this house, just be patient."

"You are forbidding me?"

"Part of being a ruler is compromising, Rhaenyra."

She arched an eyebrow. "You are either forbidding me or you are not. Which is it, Your Grace," the last words were said harshly full of derision.

"Forbidding you, then. Do not fly your sister without my permission."

Rhaenyra nodded, "Next time little Elaena asks I'll tell her to go to you for permission then."

Viserys scowled, a telltale sign that his temper was on the verge of fraying. Rhaenyra could tell and considered the wisdom of guarding her tongue.

"You are being spiteful, and for no need. She will fly soon enough."

"As you say, Your Grace."

Viserys sighed one more time and dismissed her.