
Chapter 2

Alicent had worried when Elaena had come to her. Rhaenyra, spiteful as she was, had attempted to poison their relationship by making it clear Alicent had been behind the refusal for her to ride with Rhaenyra on Syrax. The daughter of her heart, if not her blood, came prepared to discuss it. Speaking of how tame Syrax was, how careful Rhaenyra had been, and with tales from Old Valyria of newborns being taken up on dragons to fly with their fathers. None of it moved Alicent; it was dangerous, and she had convinced Viserys.

Her experience with Aegon had led her to be prepared for a tantrum, cries, and even barbed words that would cut her. She had been prepared to endure them, even bear Elaena's disdain. None of that came. Once it was clear Alicent was adamant in her view, Elaena dropped the matter entirely. There were no tears or recriminations, or anything of the like.

Months later their relationship was as strong as ever as Alicent prepared to give birth to her third child. Little Elaena had asked to be there with her, to hold her hand as she faced the birthing bed. Touched, Alicent had accepted.

It was the first birthing without her father nearby. Not that he would be in the birthing chamber, of course, but knowing he was there within walking distance had comforted her. Now he had been sent back to Oldtown; one of those uncommon times where Viserys had refused her. She knew the succession and his advice to the King on favoring Aegon over Rhaenyra was the major reason. She felt Elaena's hand tighten around hers, and her anxiety over the birth, her father, and her son's futures faded a bit.

The delivery turned out easier than her prior two births. Was she becoming used to labor? The pain itself had felt a distant thing even as the contractions had reached their peak. She thanked the Seven for the easy birth. Her youngest son, Aemond Targaryen was smaller at birth than her other two, but his cry was fierce and the Maester stated he was healthy.

That was what mattered most. Viserys had come in later and held his son. He seemed surprised to see Elaena there.

"So that is where you are. I had looked for you earlier to walk while I awaited news, but assumed you had found a nook somewhere to read another one of your tomes."

"Forgive me father, I wanted to be here with mother."

Viserys waved his hand. "No explanation is needed." He turned to Alicent. "You have given me another son; thank you my dear."

Alicent smiled in return, hopeful that her completing her responsibility as a dutiful wife would aid in putting her son on the Iron Throne. The realm wished it. With a trueborn son many were clamoring to have Rhaenyra set aside. Only her husband would not do it, so what would bitter Rhaenyra who whored around and had to be made to do her duty do when there was another who the realm desired to have rule over them? She hated to think Rhaenyra would be capable of having her half-brothers killed or sent to the Wall, but the way she had acted lately, she was almost sure that would happen once she ascended the Iron Throne.

It was made all the worse with the betrothal between Laenor Velaryon and Rhaenyra. Even though Rhaenyra did not want the marriage, it had bolstered her claim. Laenor flew Seasmoke, and his mother was the Princess Rhaenys, who's line had carried the alternative to Viserys. Her father had tried all he could to push for alternatives for Rhaenyra when he was still Hand.

She accepted the babe back from her husband. He did have a good set of lungs. She prayed that he would not take after Aegon too much. That boy would scream and cry over anything; it was a chore to get him to quiet down. The servants who tended to him admitted to helplessness, his cries alarming those around who were not used to it. Viserys enjoyed interacting with his son when he wasn't like that, but when he was, he washed his hands of him entirely. Elaena who was now sized smaller than Aegon, despite her being older, was one of the few who could return him to calm. Aemond had to be better than her difficult firstborn, he just had to be.


Viserys had his fill of family quarrels. Exiling his brother from court a second time had burdened his heart. The icy coldness between Rhaenyra and Alicent was only growing more pronounced. Things could be worse, and there had been progress on some fronts. Rhaenyra and Laenor were finally betrothed. The two seemed amicable with each other, though no wedding date had been set. He had a fine healthy third child with Alicent, and he was starting to feel physically better himself. Aemma's youngest daughter had proven correct, his morning walks were helping his constitution. That, and not drinking and eating so heavily at night.

She seemed to look forward to them as much as he, but if he was late, she could not be found. When he had asked why she had not waited, her response was heart wrenching.

"I just assumed that you cared more about indulging then in spending time with me."

He tried to explain that wasn't the case, and she said she understood, but in the way where you know someone is just humoring you. After that he had reiterated his commitment to curbing his drinking when the stresses of Kingship grew too much. Time flew, as oft it did, and he wished to cherish the time he had with his family, especially the ones who didn't cause endless headaches. Or shrieked like a banshee as his eldest son often did.

That brought something to mind as he walked with his daughter.

"You seem to be one of the few who can contain Aegon. I had told Alicent that I thought a match between Aegon and Helaena to be appropriate. But you are so good with him, we could change our plans. Instead, Helaena can marry Aemond and you can marry Aegon."

His poised daughter stumbled a step.

"Ah, oh, well, no, I don't think that would be good. I've helped rear him to some extent, father, and it would be queer for me to take the same child I helped in that way as a husband."

Viserys frowned. He knew she helped Alicent with his children, but she surely did not rise to the level of a mother figure for Aegon. Something else was going on here.

"You must marry of course, and options are somewhat limited. Perhaps if Rhaenyra and Laenor have a son soon after marriage. Or if Daemon ever father's a child with his wife, an unlikely scenario since he did not return to the Vale."

Elaena looked less than her typical poised self.

"What is the matter?"

"I… understand I will one day marry. I also know the traditions of our house. Despite this, I find the notion of marrying family, off-putting."

Viserys stopped and crouched down to get eye level with his daughter. She was but five and had read scores of books. No doubt those texts written by the Andals and the First Men held strong beliefs about incest and considered it a great sin. He oft forgot she was so young, and girls her age could be quite impressionable.

"You must remember, we are not like others. Some say Targaryens are closer to Gods than men." At her face he put his hands up, "I did not say I believed it, just that it is said. We command, or are at least tolerated, by dragons. It is what allowed Aegon to conquer the Seven Kingdoms, it is what keeps us on the Iron Throne. It is thought that the purity of Targaryen blood, once diluted will not allow after a generation or two, command over dragons. You have bonded to… what was its name again?"


"Ah, yes, Viktoriya, an odd name, but a strong one. You have bonded to her, do you not wish the same for your children, and your children's children?"

"Has this been tested? Have we looked to see if a child who is half Targaryen and married someone with no Targaryen blood, would they still be able to command dragons? Is this just someone's theory or has it been proven?"

Viserys honestly didn't know. "We shouldn't doubt the wisdom of our forefathers, but who would wish to take that risk? No, it is better to be certain. If you were to marry outside of our bloodline, it may be your children could still command dragons. But if they too married without, I believe it ends there. You also may not realize another critical reason we would not want to marry you outside of the family."

"And that is?"

"Dragons. Say you do marry a Lannister, Stark, Baratheon, or Tyrell. Your children can claim dragons, but they would not be Targaryens. The balance of power in the ream would shift and in dangerous ways."

"But you had planned on letting Rhaenyra choose who to be married to."

"Yes, but they would be joining as a Prince Consort, they would be becoming a Targaryen, if only in name. And her children will be part of the family as she will be Queen after me."

Elaena nodded, but did not look convinced.

"And one more thing. The blood of Old Valyria, our blood, is special. At times it runs quick with the ability to foresee the future. That is why our family still lives. Daenys the Dreamer predicted the Doom, it for that reason alone our family sailed away and why we all live."

Elaena narrowed her brows and opened her mouth to make an objection, but then closed it and began again.

"Father, there is plenty of time, so I would suggest we not make any firm plans yet. As to the dangers of marrying outside of the house, I think controls can be put in place. My children can be married back to the main Targaryen line when the time comes, and if they do not, they cannot claim a dragon. The few wild dragons we know of are on Dragonstone. I believe there would be little risk in establishing these sorts of parameters, which would open the situation up for other alliances that can help keep the throne secure."

Viserys did not see anything wrong with waiting to name betrothals for his children. She was right in that much, at least. They had time. He did not mind agreeing, and it was always enjoyable to see a full smile bloom on Elaena's features. She and Rhaenyra always reminded him of Aemma, the great love of his life. As usual they ended their walk with a customary kiss on the cheeks. And as always, he felt much refreshed and less winded than he had before the walk started.


Rhaenyra enjoyed her little sister's company. Despite her delicate appearance, and innocent features, her wit was sharp. Such an inquisitive girl too, always asking about Syrax and how she trained her, what were the 'lessons learned' and 'take-aways' from her time bonding with her dragon. Other times they spoke of her marriage tour, not about the matches, but about the places she had been. What castles she had visited. It was refreshing to have her thoughts taken seriously, even if it was by someone who had only reached her fifth name day. Elaena was different than other children, that was plain to see, so it wasn't quite as pitiful as it sounded.

"I wish I could take you flying again, you had so much fun with it."

"I do too, but father was clear and we must obey his edicts."

"Of course." Elaena was always picky about following the rules that Viserys and Alicent laid out for her. Though Alicent should be not be making any rules for her, it wasn't her place to do so. That bitch was not her true mother.

"Perhaps you should ask father again, you are older now."

"Hmm maybe, but he was firm last time. I hate to be overly bothersome and make him repeat himself. I do long for the day when I can take to the skies. It will be fun to race you on Viktoriya."

Rhaenyra looked forward to that day as well. There were no other dragon riders regularly at court, not since Daemon left. Until they were wed Laenor was spending his days in Driftmark. Laenor had his own dragon, though he had other pleasures than dragon flight that distracted him. Rhaenyra did not mind; she had her sights on another knight who fit her desires more keenly. It was all done with Laenor's blessing as well, an unexpected surprise, and something that made the looming marriage tolerable.

"Viktoriya has been growing so quick, soon you will be able to have her saddled. For your next name day present you should ask father to allow you to try riding her."

"That would even be before you rode Syrax! Do you think she'll be large enough?"

"Oh yes, especially with how tiny you are," she said as she ruffled her sister's perfectly groomed hair.

The little girl huffed with indignation, but did not voice complaint beyond that.

Rhaenyra enjoyed doing that. She hoped that her suggestion took root. More than likely her father would not allow her to fly because of his shrew wife. She had tried several times to get Elaena to hear and speak ill of Alicent, but her little sister was too appropriate to speak ill of others. Rhaenyra hoped she would grow out of that stage, gossip was a joy, and there were so many in court who were dullards or just plain hideous.

"What have you been reading these days?"

"I found an interesting book in the library, The Iron Chronicle. It is about when the Ironborn ruled the Riverlands pre-conquest."

Rhaenyra wrinkled her nose. The Ironborn were quite awful. They were little better than pirates. Not that she had much contact with them as they were on the other side of the continent and reaved along the west coast. It would be interesting to see how they would stand up against the Velaryon fleet at Driftmark.

"What is interesting about it?"

"The King of the Iron Isles and Rivers would often arrange thing so that his bannermen fought each other. This would keep them weak and not able to challenge his rule. I do not approve of such tactics myself."

"Not that those tactics would be needed today. We have dragons, our family has no need for such tawdry efforts, no one can challenge us."

Elaena hesitated for a moment before rebutting. "I'm not sure that is fully true. Dorne resisted for how long? The Stepstones proved quite difficult to wrangle, and is still not fully under control. Multiple dragons and it still took years to bring the pirates occupying to heel. It isn't as if its impossible to kill a dragon, look at what happened to Meraxes."

"A lucky bolt, surely you aren't suggesting our hold on the Seven Kingdoms is in peril?"

"What? Oh, no, not at all. Dragons are amazing weapons of mass destruction. I am just against complacency. You never know when some vile lying entity… ah well I just mean one shouldn't underestimate future threats, that's all. As I said, I did not approve of the Ironborn's behavior."

Rhaenyra ruffled her hair again. "You will be an important figure in my court when I am Queen, but there's no need for you to worry about these things at your age. You should have fun and play more!"

"But I do play. Just yesterday I played monsters-and-maidens with Aegon, and we are starting to show Helaena how to play too. You can join us if you'd like."

She frowned and looked off into the distance. She had no desire to be around Alicent's brood. Mood a bit soured she told her sister they would talk later. Rhaenyra knew just how to cheer up and strengthen her disposition.


Alicent was feeding Aemond while others cared for her two oldest children. Closeness to her child was a precious thing, and yet she wondered if this was to be her fate. Pregnancy, nursing, and then another pregnancy. She felt, worn, and tired. The stress of dealing with Viserys, Rhaenyra, and Aegon combined with her physical exhaustion wore on her.

Helaena was a much easier child, though she acted at times like the way Elaena had acted when younger. It was less pronounced but more frequent. She would stare off at a ceiling or wall for hours unless she was interrupted. Unlike Elaena she could be interrupted, though it frightened her. Fortunately, when she cried from it, she was not loud like Aegon. Her daughter worried her, was it something from Viserys? She could only pray that she grew out of it like Elaena had.

A scream, followed by a shout of alarm jarred her from her thoughts. What had happened? The sound came from her children's rooms. She stood up and listened. A cry came up to fetch a Maester. Alicent handed Aemond to one of her handmaidens and rushed down the hallway.

She saw a servant checking an extremely pale face Aegon.

"What is the matter, is he hurt?"

"No, Your Grace, he isn't, but he is shaken by what he saw. It is Elaena and the maid who fell."

Alicent heard more shouts from the stairs nearby and she moved down them and saw one of the Maesters training under Mellos tending to Elaena. One of Aegon's toy swords was on the ground as well next to several other servants.

"Is she well? What happened?"

Elaena was sitting upright looking somewhat annoyed.

"I told you; I did not hit my head on the way down, it is only my ankle that is twisted and my arm. Fetch some ice for the swelling and be done with it."

The Maester shook his head, "Princess, you fell down at least 30 steps and had someone land on you, I must ensure you have not taken serious injury."

"What happened?" Alicent repeated herself.

One of the maidservants who took care of Aegon had trembled slightly.

"My Queen, your son was striking out with his toy and becoming a danger, so I sought to take it from him. I was taking it downstairs and out of sight when he shoved me and I fell down the stairs. I do not know how Elaena came to be under me, she had been reading nearby."

Alicent grew cold. Viserys could already not stand to be around Aegon when he threw a tantrum. And while Aegon was young, she held the fear an incident like this would sour Viserys to Aegon completely. She remembered her father's words. If Rhaenyra took the Iron Throne her children would be in danger. Aegon could not develop a reputation for cruelty, it would harm his chances of replacing Rhaenyra.

She slapped the maidservant.

"Filthy liar. It was your own clumsiness that made you fall and brought harm to the King's daughter. I suggest you admit what truly happened or I'll see you whipped or worse."

All eyes flew to her. Before the terrified girl could respond, Elaena interrupted.

"Falls can be shocking things and they can lead to much confusion. I confess, I realized I was late to see the squires practice in the yard, and was in a hurry. I must have bumped Marya in my haste. No doubt the unfortunate timing and the fall caused this muddle. Fortunately, the one who caused the mishap was the only one injured, me. So, there is no need for you to be wroth with anyone else, mother."

The maidservant looked to Elaena and then back at Alicent.

"I… yes I don't recall exactly… forgive me, Your Grace, I must have been confused."

Alicent ignored her and went down to one knee to check on Elaena.

"Where are you injured?"

"Please, my Queen, allow me to finish my examination," the Maester gently requested.

Alicent saw that Elaena was not only clear eyed, but did not seem to be in any discernable pain despite what occurred. With matters in hand, she went to check on Aegon. Back up the stairs she dismissed the servant and took Aegon to her room and shut the door.

"What happened," she asked as she lowered herself to look him in the eye.

"She took my toy. I'm prince and she stole it; she can't do that. I didn't push Elee, I didn't!"

Alicent slapped her son.

"You idiot child, you do not push. If anyone, anyone at all, including your father, asks you what happened you will say she fell on her own. You will not admit to pushing anyone. And you will not push her or anyone else again."

Aegon began crying loudly and Alicent put her hand over his mouth to silence him.

"Be silent for once in your Gods cursed life! Why must you scream so?"

Aegon kicked and flailed, yet at his age he had little ability to free himself. Alicent held him firmly, ensuring he stayed quiet and finally he exhausted himself.

"Remember, tell no one that you pushed her. If you do, sister Elee will not be allowed to play with you anymore."

That, finally caused his childish brain to listen. He nodded solemnly and promised and Alicent let out a sigh of relief. Tears welled in her eyes. She shouldn't have struck her child. That was her temper getting the better of her. She washed her face and went to check on Aegon, then she would have to check on Elaena. There was always something, and almost no time to rest.


Viserys had sent for Elaena so that he could admonish his daughter to be more careful. Children would be children, but trying to run down a narrow staircase ahead of a maidservant was foolish. It could have been far worse given the unfortunate circumstance where her haste had caused the servant to fall atop of her after they fell down the stairs. It was a minor miracle that somehow the maid had not been seriously injured as well.

As it was quite literally the first time, he or Alicent had ever had to discipline her, they felt her injuries were sufficient penalty. Mellos had said outside of the small bruise on the arm and her sprained ankle she was unharmed. No sign of concussion or damage to her head.

He chose to speak with her in the room where he had the model of Old Valeria. A knock on the door announced Ser Erryk Cargyll of the Kingsguard, or maybe Ser Arryk, he never could tell them apart. He was carrying Elaena who's featured were placid but he could tell she was annoyed at being carried.

"Thank you, ser, I can find a seat myself," she said with a hint of ice in her courtesies.

She hopped over to a chair and sat down.

"Thank you, ser," Viserys said and gestured to wait outside.

After the Kingsguard left, Viserys stood up and circled the large diorama.

"The Valyrian capital was built into a volcano, much like Dragonstone. The dragonlords, the highest of the nobility, lived here, closest to the source of their magic and power," he said as gestured toward the central part of miniature city his stonemasons had carved based on his instructions.

Elaena looked at it with appreciation.

"The detail is very fine, and you have draconic figures as well."

"Ah, you noticed. I am quite proud of them. This entire civilization was once the seat of power that was unrivaled in the world. And yet, one day it was gone in a blink of an eye. The stonemasons did fine work, they were careful, and exacting in their efforts. They were not careless, had they been there would be flaws and the impressive site before you would be diminished."

"Yes, father. I know I erred. I promise to me far more careful in the future."

"You know it was not just yourself you injured?"

She cocked her head, "I understood that Marya was not hurt in the fall."

Viserys shook his head, "The Maester said she has no serious injury, but that does not mean she did not feel pain from the fall. Not only that, but the panic and terror of falling and fear she would be punished for your injury would weigh heavily on her. Many nobles feel the servants are beneath their notice and that their lives are unimportant, this is not true. They are, of course, less important, but they are what allows us to live our lives."

"Yes, father."

"I know you meant the girl, what was her name again?"


"Ah yes, I know you didn't mean Marya any harm, but negligence is an evil, if lesser than maliciousness. In the future I expect you to be more careful and not to rush about needlessly."

"I will not."

"Good, now are you in pain? I can have the Maester prepare you a small dose of dreamwine to help you sleep if it hurts."

"That will not be necessary, it is not burdensome and I will sleep just fine. I would also suggest that outside of severe situations dreamwine or something strong such as milk of the poppy should not be given to children."

Viserys smiled at his little daughter's audacity. "I believe the Grand Maester knows best, but of course if it is not needed you do not have to take it."

His daughter nodded again.

"Tell me, Elaena, are you excited for the tournament?"

Her blue eyes looked to be considering something before answering. "I am pleased to attend and represent the family, father. Some of the event's appeal to me, and I hope that there are no serious injuries or death. I enjoy the entertainment provided greatly, the juggling of knives and fire eating I find quite fascinating."

The tournament was to be a grand event, with higher than usual prizes. It was to be a twin celebration of Rhaenyra's marriage to Laenor as well as his fifth wedding anniversary to his Alicent. By combining the two celebration he could unify his family and hopefully end the divisiveness that had overcome his house lately.

"Excellent. Excellent. Even though you erred, I am proud of you today. I heard you even apologized to the maidservant and kept an even bearing when you were examined. You did not speak ill of her or reject what I have told you in this conversation. Throughout life mistakes will be made, it is how we respond and react to them that determines whether we repeat them or not. You are a credit to the name Targaryen and I love you, Elaena."

She smiled. "You have my love as well, father. Thank you for the kind words, I do try to represent the family as best I can."

Viserys dismissed her and sat back looking at the diorama. He saw another section that could use some tweaks. The entire area on the eastern side could also be expanded. What he had spoken to his daughter was true, she had comported herself very well after the fall. Now if only Rhaenyra could be more like her younger sister!

A few minutes later his wife, Alicent, joined him. She looked lovely as always, but had a concerned look on her face.

"How did it go?" She asked.

He embraced her. "I told you I wasn't going to be too hard on her. She's a dutiful child, and listened intently."

Alicent looked at him searchingly and then nodded. "Yes, she is."