
Chapter 3

Rhaenyra had been married the day before. The bedding ritual, where she and Laenor were stripped of their clothes and hauled to their bedchambers by the feast goers had been amusing. It had been an even more wonderful night when Ser Harwin Strong had made his appearance. Laenor had slipped to the join with Ser Joffrey Lonmouth for his own pleasures.

There would be seven days of feasting and then one of the grandest tournaments the realm had seen in some time. It was a pity it was not just for her wedding. Her father had thought it a splendid idea to combine his anniversary celebration and Rhaenyra's wedding feast in one grand fête of unity.

It was emblematic of her father's inability to perceive just how wretched his wife was. Rhaenyra loved her father, but more and more she was becoming frustrated with how blind he was to Alicent's ambitions. Rhaenyra was the Lady of Dragonstone now, she could move there with Laenor, but there were reasons to stay in King's Landing. Among those reasons was her adorable little sister. She would hate to see Alicent get her claws fully into Elaena without her around.

Elaena joined them for breakfast, taking a seat with Ser Laenor, Ser Harwin, and Ser Joffrey. The food was well prepared and the conversation was naturally less ribald than their typical ones with the inclusion of her young sister. Rhaenyra had no complaints; they were all satiated and exhausted from the previous night's activities.

"Will you be taking part in the tourney in a few days?" Elaena asked.

All three nodded. Ser Harwin and Ser Laenor would participate in the jousting, while Ser Joffrey intended to join the grand melee.

"Ser Joffrey, I understand you fought alongside my good-brother Laenor in the Stepstones."

"I did, princess. Although, for the most part, he fought with Seasmoke raining down fire on our foes. Him and that beautiful dragon of his saved us all more than once."

Rhaenyra watched with amusement as Elaena put Joffrey and Laenor to the question about the conflict. The tactics, the major players in the war, why the commanders chose to do what they did. Elaena was like a sponge, no doubt after their meal was over, she would be the foremost expert on the Stepstones conflict.

"Speaking of dragons," Rhaenyra interrupted, having heard enough talk of warfare, "how did it go with father?"

Elaena looked down for a moment. "Sadly, father said six was still too young. I did secure a promise that I would be allowed to try when I am seven, assuming my High Valarian is excellent and Viktoriya shows she can obey commands."

Joffrey titled in his head in surprise. "You've already had your sixth name day?"

Laenor kicked him under the table and then asked Elaena in that ancient language, "And can you speak tongue the well?"

"I believe it is; 'And can you speak the tongue well', and yes, I can," she responded in perfect High Valarian.

Rhaenyra chuckled. "My husband, you'll soon discover Elaena knows it better than even the Dragonkeepers."

Ser Harwin swallowed a mouthful of pigeon pie, then asked, "Well then, what of your dragon? Does it obey your commands."

"Yes, Viktoriya is responsive. She often predicts what I will ask of her before I even give the command. I am very fortunate to have her."

Ser Joffrey raised a cup, "A toast then, to the next dragonrider!"

Laenor raised his cup and smiled at his lover, prompting the others to do so as well. Elaena thanked them and the meal proceeded. Rhaenyra was content. Harwin Strong was everything she dreamed of in a man. Her husband had no issues with her dalliances, if she had no issues with his, which she did not. It had even been amusing to watch the two. Joffrey was a glib and witty man who was enjoyable company. When she became Queen, she would ensure places of honor and importance for them all.


Alicent wore green to the opening feast. The dress fit her well, and the weight from her pregnancy had already fallen off. Sometimes, she wished she would have been given the opportunity to be wooed by the great lords and knights of the realm like Rhaenyra had been during her tour. Men still looked at Alicent with lust, but none dared to flirt, not when her husband was the King.

Alicent sat next to the King, and her brother Ser Gwayne Hightower sat at her side. It was a place of honor for a relatively minor noble of standing, but her brother was fresh to King's Landing and she wished for her family to be honored. Viserys had agreed that he could be made an officer in the City Watch, and this would be his first major tournament as a knight.

Aemond was with the maidservants and not at the feast. He was too young, and few would want to listen to an infant's wails. Alicent had considered excluding Aegon for similar reasons, but Elaena had agreed to watch over him and Helaena. Alicent still felt some guilt over her being blamed for what Aegon did, but she had not truly been harmed. As an unexpected boon, Aegon had been more behaved as of late. Perhaps a firmer hand had been needed.

Rhaenyra entered the feast in a dress of black and red that drew every eye. No expense had been spared; it was cut in the Essosi style, adorned with sewn-in gems. Nephrite and rubies glittered from it, and she wore more wealth upon her than many houses could boast.

Of course, she had to show me up on our joint celebration.

Rhaenyra never could stand not being the center of attention. Her husband raised a glass and complimented his daughter.

"The next Queen of the Seven Kingdoms!"

Alicent struggled to keep a grimace from her features. Viserys did not understand what that meant for the children she had borne him. They would have no future, and he was too blind to see it.

Gwayne whispered to her, "It catches the eye, but it draws it away from her and to itself. When they look at her, they see wealth. When they look at you, they see you."

Alicent's brother had always known how to cheer her up, and he was right. The talk was of the dress, not of Rhaenyra. The feast was lavish, Viserys had spared no expense for this grand celebration. Mushrooms, kissed with garlic and bathed in butter had a unique taste, but Alicent felt it too rich. Viserys could not get enough of the Essosi dish and had three more plates served to him personally. Alicent hoped that at least if he stuffed himself, he would not wish to claim his marital rights tonight. The thought of his breath after so much garlic and mushrooms began to nauseate her.

Appearances had to be kept and she put on a dutiful smile and raised her glass to the various toasts. Many a knight boasted that they would win the joust or the melee. She hoped Gwayne did well, beyond that she hoped those closest to Rhaenyra went down in ignoble defeat. Ser Laenor, Ser Harwin, Ser Joffrey, and Ser Loreth were all ones she would be cheering against.

Alicent nibbled at the sweetbread and had a helping of the chestnut soup. She did not enjoy the feeling of overindulging, so she was careful. Her father had always told her that a lady was expected to keep a good figure, even after childbirth. It was only in their dotage when a husband's ardor was useless that one could cease being vigilant. She spied Laenor feed morsel after morsel to Rhaenyra. There was no moderation in what she did, just like her father.

She sighed and Viserys glanced at her.

"What is the matter, my love?"

"I am afraid something I have eaten did not agree with me, if you will excuse me."

He patted her hand with greasy fingers, "Go then, I'll have a Maester check on you later."

She kissed him on the cheek and hurried away.

Rhaenyra enjoyed tournaments. Some of her memories of her fondest events were soured, thanks to that ingrate Ser Criston. He had taken her maidenhead, she was glad to give it up, and yet that had not been enough for him. The fool had wanted to take her to Essos, as if her destiny was not to be Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. In some sense it was starry-eyed, like in a song, but it wasn't reality. He had not taken her rejection well, even when she told him they could fuck whenever they liked!

Seeing Ser Criston and her uncle Daemon fight in the past had been an immense pleasure, and now the memory caused her bitterness. Fortunately, she had found someone better than Ser Criston. Ser Harwin Strong, and he was strong. Yet, he could also be exceedingly gentle. Her greatest fear when she learned she was forced to get married to Laenor was losing her Strong lover. She was not pious by nature, but she did thank the Gods for Laenor.

Ser Laenor jousted well, but he would not be a finalist. He made a respectable showing, however and in no way brought shame on their union. He was overthrown by Ser Arryk, losing to a Kingsguard was expected. Ser Harwin however, was a contender. His massive size and skill at arms put down four knights, including Ser Willis Fell of the Kingsguard.

Unfortunately, he ended up matched against Ser Criston. They broke four lances against each other before Ser Criston moved his lance, just so, to avoid her lover's shield and sent him spinning into the dirt. The fall and the placement of the lance left him groaning in the dirt. Irritation turned to worry when he did not rise. Squires came and lifted him on a stretcher, Rhaenyra hurried out of the stands to see how he was doing. Along the way she saw her sister get up and follow her.

She arrived as the Maester was viewing the wound.

"The elbow and your collarbone are in poor shape, ser. You will be fighting in no tourneys for many moons, but with as young and as hearty as you are, you will not suffer lifelong impairments."

Rhaenyra breathed a sigh of relief. Ser Harwin grunted and asked for milk of the poppy which was given to him as he was taken away to be properly cared for.

"It sounds like he will be well in time, sister," Elaena comforted. "I'm sure father can assign another sworn shield to you in the interim."

Rhaenyra pulled her sister into a short embrace, and they returned to the stands together. The jousts continued and the damnable Ser Criston ended up winning the entire tournament. He then compounded his vileness by giving the victory laurel and title of "Queen of Love and Beauty" to Alicent.

"Who better than the woman who has won our King's heart?" His voice had bellowed out and the crowd watching had lavished their praise on the white knight of the Kingsguard honoring his Queen in such a manner.

It was time for the grand melee and Rhaenyra enjoyed this event most of all. Here was unrestrained violence, chaos, and fierce battle. Rhaenyra knew from the stories that tournaments under her father's reign were less bloody and deadly than those in the past. Ever was Viserys seeking harmony among his subjects, which meant that he disliked needless death and crippling injury. Still, melees were events of great chaos, anything could happen, and that was exciting to her.

Most of the Kingsguard did not participate. Ser Criston did and he wielded his morningstar to great effect. Two knights had already fallen and she watched as he avoided three others and called out a challenge to Ser Joffrey.

Joffrey turned and faced him and they battled back and forth for several moments. Laenor's hand gripped hers. Her husband had cast off his armor and returned the stands after his lost bout. Ser Criston proved to be the better and his morningstar lashed out and caught Ser Joffrey on the helm. Laenor's lover fell to ground, his blade dropping from his hand, knocked senseless from the blow. Ser Criston did not stop, he raised his morningstar again and smashed it down on Joffrey's helm, cracking his helmet with the force behind the blow.

"STOP!" Laenor shouted over the melee.

Ser Criston went to strike again, but thought better of it and returned to fight the remaining competitors. As the fighting moved away from the still form of the noble from House Lonmouth, squires rushed in and pulled him from the field. A chill passed through Rhaenyra as she saw Alicent stare down impassively at the fighting.

She won't gloat openly, but this was her doing!

Rage filled her. This was a tournament in honor of her royal marriage. That despicable woman would do anything she could to hurt her and hers. Rhaenyra would talk to her father about this. The act of Ser Criston brought shame to the very notion of gallant knighthood. She would see him stripped of his cloak over this!


Laenor paced outside the infirmary. He had insisted the Grand Maester himself see to Ser Joffrey. He was the groom and now the Prince Consort, and he would use that position to ensure his Joffrey got the very best care in the realm.

Mellos exited and look at him.

"Ser, I did what I could. Head wounds are notoriously difficult to aid. I give direct counsel to all. If he wakes, he may survive, but I do not think he will."

Laenor let out a sob and pushed past the Maester and knelt at Joffrey's bedside. He lifted his hand, kissed it, and held it tight. It was inconceivable; Joffrey had survived the worst fighting on the Stepstones, only to fall in a tournament. A tournament held in his honor!

The door opened and he did not care who saw him in this state. He would honor Joffrey with his tears and his vigil, the realm be damned. It was the princess. Little Elaena looked at him and walked to the other side of the bed.

"I take it the Maester did not deliver welcome news."

Laenor shook his head.

The girl took Joffrey's other hand in hers.

"I've read of the bond that forms when soldiers fight together. A bard once wrote, 'For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.'"

The words were apt, but the six-year-old child had missed her mark. Laenor did not correct her and instead just held Joffrey's hand.

"May I sit with you? I did not know Ser Joffrey long, but he was kind to share his stories of battle with me."

"Yes," he croaked out. Part of him wanted to be alone with Joffrey, but the thought of another person who was fond of him staying by his side also seemed right.

It must have been an hour before anyone else entered the room. It was his mother, Rhaenys. She looked at him with a frown, and then glanced at Elaena.

"Princess Elaena, I did not expect to find you here."

"I worried over Ser Joffrey. He had told me all sorts of fascinating stories of his time fighting in the recent wars to the south. I also wished to keep my good-brother company."

Laenor was half paying attention. Was Joffrey's breathing becoming better? Did his eyelid flutter, or was that his imagination.

"How kind of you, princess. Would you mind if I spoke with my son alone?"

Elaena swayed when she stood up.

"Careful," Rhaenys said and took Elaena's arm.

"Thank you, I think seeing the injuries up close may have upset my stomach. Please excuse me."

Laenor heard the door close.

"I am sorry my son, I know you were… close. If there is aught I can do, please let me know."

"No mother, not unless you can prevent his death."

"If I could, you know I would. I understand this is difficult, and I know you wish to stay in vigil over him. But you must make an appearance at the post-tournament feast. This is your wedding the realm celebrates."



"I will not leave him."

His mother gave him a hard glance. Before she could say anything else, a soft groan rose from Joffrey, and his eye lids fluttered. He was stirring!

"Fetch the Maester mother, I think he is beginning to wake!"


Ser Criston guarded the Queen's chamber. It had been a day since the tournament. His King had chided him for his 'overzealous' strike on Ser Joffrey. Criston had felt shame for lying to his King, but he had told Viserys that he had thought Ser Joffrey was still able to fight. The King had told him to be more careful in the future, but there had been no punishment. From the Queen he learned Rhaenyra had tried to have him removed from the Kingsguard.

He hated her. She had tempted him and showed him how weak the flesh was. He was a man of honor. A man who took his vows seriously. Or so he thought. Her tight body had won over his integrity. He had deflowered the King's daughter, and later still, he had offered to betray the King's trust once more by stealing away in the night with Rhaenyra. Only she had refused him. Bitterness had filled his soul, and he knew he was knave of the worst kind, and it had all been for naught.

Criston had been prepared to confess all to the King, but in the end, it was the Queen who saved him. He had unburdened himself with Alicent. She had told him that while he had erred, he still had a duty, and that duty could not be fulfilled with his execution. It would not even have harmed the harlot heir, as the King allowed her to get away with anything. Alicent knew the King's heart better than any.

Ser Joffrey had ended up living. He had been gravely wounded and his speech was slurred. For that, Ser Criston felt no guilt. The man made a mockery of his knightly vows and devotion to the Seven. Criston knew in some ways he was as bad as the sword-swallower for what he had done with the princess, but he at least planned to devote his life to making amends. He doubted a deviant like Joffrey would ever commit to the same.

Nearly silent footsteps came from around the bend of the hall. Despite his thoughts, he had not let his attention falter for a moment. The cadence could only be that of the princess, the younger one. Ser Criston was familiar with Elaena. One could not be unfamiliar with any of the King's family given the Kingsguard's role. She was a dutiful child who made Queen Alicent's life significantly easier. Little Aegon's tantrums were already a thing of legend, but Elaena was able to calm him better than even his mother.

"Princess," he bowed as he went to open the door.

"A moment of your time, please, Ser Criston."

Elaena was unfailingly polite and courteous, but she had never spoken overlong with him.

"Of course," he replied.

"I am upset with your actions in the tournament. My sister's wedding feast was quite ruined as my good-brother spent it away from her side."

He grew a bit uncomfortable, not quite sure how to respond to a child bringing this issue up with him.

"I was too forceful in the melee, and I have apologized to the King for it. Yet, Ser Laenor should have attended the feast. It is unseemly for him to be that… distracted."

The little princess tilted her head slightly. "Ser, I don't think you would understand the relationship Laenor and Joffrey have, it is no easy thing to attend a celebration when someone so dear to his heart lay potentially mortally wounded."

Now Criston was even more discomfited. Had Rhaenyra told her sister about Laenor's perversions? And mayhap even have gone so far as to excuse it. Fresh disgust welled within him, though none of this was the fault of a girl of, what, nearly five? He recalled she had recently had a name day celebration, but could not remember her age.

"Whatever their relationship is, he had a duty."

"As do you, ser. You should call on my good-brother and Ser Joffrey and apologize for the accident. The longer you delay the less understanding they will view the incident."

He scoffed, and then his finely honed instincts sent a surge of adrenaline through his body. He felt as if he was in mortal danger. His eyes flickered to the right and to the left, but he saw nothing. His attention turned back to Elaena whose eyes were staring up at his own. There was a weight to that gaze. Criston recalled the last time he saw Syrax land bearing Rhaenyra, after their argument. The dragon had stared at him, and just now, he felt the same sense of peril.

Ser Criston had not let his body's alertness unman him then and he would not do so now. He was a knight of the Kingsguard. He opened his mouth to speak, but could not think of what he wished to say.

Her gaze broke away and she let out a tsk.

"You should apologize, but I will not press the issue. I know the real reason for your frustrations, and you have my sympathies. It isn't easy, but it will get better as time passes. But in regards to my request, I ask you to remember it is not Ser Joffrey's fault either! Again, do as you will, I will see my mother now."

Ser Criston felt his face heat up in shame. That vile whore had spoke of his shame to a child? How many knew of his dishonor? He didn't trust himself to speak and merely opened the door to allow Elaena in. Hot rage suffused his being; he was mortified.

The princess did have a point, as vile as Ser Joffrey was, those actions had nothing do with him. It was Rhaenyra who had sullied him, no one else. It was Rhaenyra who now dragged his name through the muck. No, it was not Ser Joffrey's fault, perhaps an apology was owed.


The Queen had to weigh in and help Ser Criston keep his cloak. Fortuitously, it was within the realm of possibility that Ser Criston had merely been overeager in the melee. She was a bit annoyed with what he had done. There was only so many things she could cajole out of Viserys, especially when his daughter made demands. Make too many pleas and he would grow irate, it was a fine balance that needed to be maintained, and she had expended goodwill on his cloak remaining affixed to him.

She heard the door open and saw Elaena enter. Yesterday, the poor girl had come back from the tournament grounds and immediately went to sleep. The excitement of the tournament, followed by such a serious injury had no doubt been hard for the girl to endure. Alicent knew that in many ways she was quite delicate, her soft-spoken daughter of the heart hid behind an advanced manner of speech and a royal mien, but she was still a child.

"Are you feeling better, Elaena?"

"Yes, mother, I am. I apologize for not caring for Aegon yesterday evening, I'll make sure to accompany him for the rest of today."

Alicent made a dismissive gesture. "I'll hear none of that, Elaena. You take responsibility for your siblings far more than most would. Do not feel any sort of guilt if you must rest yourself."

Elaena smiled, "Thank you, mother. I do have a suggestion. Even with my help, Aegon is often noisy and it drives our guards to frustration. If Ser Criston was not always acting as your sworn shield and around Aegon, I suspect he would never have let his anger get the better of him."

Alicent considered, she knew that was not the reason for Cole's actions, but no doubt being around Aegon was an annoyance. It certainly was for her. She felt guilty at that thought, but it was true. He was getting better, but slowly. Thankfully her babe, Aemond, seemed less difficult. At least at this early juncture of his childhood.

"I will speak with Ser Harrold; you have some good ideas, Elaena."

Ser Harrold Westerling was Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and a man who took his duty quite seriously. Speaking to him and suggesting a more active rotation in the Kingsguard guarding her would likely be accepted. It felt good to act on something Elaena suggested. The Seven knew Elaena had probably single-handedly saved her from madness. An extreme thought, and not accurate, likely if Elaena had not proven so helpful with Aegon she would have forced the poor maids to deal with him even more. Still, she was very grateful.

"Thank you, mother. I wanted to ask you if we could make regular visits to places like the Street of Steel and some of the independent merchants for gifts. I am coming to the age where I feel it is appropriate to give family members tokens of appreciation and presents on their name days."

Alicent had not thought about it at all. Viserys gave gifts freely and frequently, and of course on her name days lords and ladies currying favor would occasionally provide gifts to her, but it was infrequent. It was rarely done for children to give adults something, but it was clear to see little Elaena was not a normal child.

"We would have to arrange it with the Kingsguard and the City Watch. I'm sure Viserys will not mind providing coin, assuming it is within reason."

"Thank you, and I will not be wasteful. I also see value in being a patron to the hardworking entrepreneurs of the city. I find matters of coin and trade fascinating, but tomes and scrolls can only tell me so much. I want to see the process in person."

The Queen was warming up to the idea. It would be fun. As a young girl in Oldtown, before she came to King's Landing, the rare times she had been allowed to go shopping for her own jewels had been enjoyable. There was something pleasant about simply browsing wares and in deciding for herself what she had wanted.

"Let me talk to your father and Ser Harrold. We will find a time soon."

They would also want the City Watch nearby. That would be a good opportunity to spend time with Gwayne too. They talked at length about the shops Elaena wished to peruse. Her daughter had a significant breadth of interest. Ranging from weaponry, art, books, cloaks, and even mundane items like saddles that could be ornately designed as unique gift.

"I'm not sure we can visit all those places in a single day."

"Oh, I know. I hoped this could be a regularly occurrence. Perhaps once a fortnight."

That might be a bit much, Alicent thought, but they could see how the first excursion went.