
Chapter 4:

Viserys smiled at his daughter as she regaled him with her tales of her shopping with Alicent. It gave him no little joy to know that Alicent and Elaena were close. With the advantage of hindsight, it was clear that marrying Alicent so quickly was the correct decision. It allowed Elaena to have a mother in her life.

Now, if only Rhaenyra and Alicent could cease bickering with each other.

"Then we purchased a most interesting type of leather. The merchant claimed it was specially made in Yi Ti, but I have my doubts. I plan on taking it to a leatherworker and have it made into new riding gloves for Rhaenyra."

"That would be a fine gift!"

"It really was fascinating to make these purchases. I want to learn more about how trade works in the Seven Kingdoms. Might it be possible for you to arrange a meeting with Lord Beesbury, your Master of Coin, so that I can learn a bit more hands on how taxation and tariffs work?"

Viserys was well accustomed to the eager curiosity that Elaena so often displayed. Their now daily walks were the perfect thing to clear his mind before a busy day of ruling, small council meetings, discussions with various lords seeking favors, and feasting. It was rare for him to miss these now, and only when there was some urgent matter to deal with.

"I shall speak with him. Lyman is a busy man, but I will make sure he makes time for you soon."

"Thank you, father. I am sure I will learn much from him."

They had incorporated going up stairs lately as they walked, a task that still winded him somewhat, but was becoming easier. He caught his breath after going up a set and then inquired upon how her siblings were doing.

"Aegon is learning his letters and will soon be able to read on his own."

The King's eyebrows rose. "So quickly? Mellos had reported his early lessons had not gone well."

Elaena gave a small shrug. "Perhaps he listens to me more, since I know him better. I've found the key is to burn off his excess energy before putting books in front of him."

Maesters were the ones who taught children, and Aegon would still be taught by them, but there was no hurry. If the troublesome boy started with a strong level of literacy, all the better. He once again felt himself inclined toward a match between Elaena and Aegon. As his daughter had said sometime ago, there truly was no hurry. Elaena was six and Aegon's fifth name day celebration would be soon. They would need to wait at least seven or eight years to get married, if that is what he ended up choosing to do.

"Helaena and Aemond are healthy and growing, too early to start on their letters, of course."

Viserys nodded; that was good. He would check on them himself, every now and then. He would also ask his wife how they were, but Elaena spent so much time with her siblings, she was the best person to ask. Alicent boasted on how caring and reliable her daughter was and how Viserys should be proud of her. The unspoken condemnation of Rhaenyra always hung heavy in the air, but he ignored it.

The walk ended and Elaena gave her customary embrace. He took in a deep breath as she returned to the Royal Apartments. Viserys felt invigorated, ready to tackle the day. There was trouble between Dorne and the Stormlands, again, and they would have to navigate tricky waters. The last thing the realm needed was open conflict, and he was determined to prevent it. Above almost all else, Viserys wished for peace.


Rhaenyra had missed her moon's blood for a second time. She was also having issues with nausea. It could be nothing else, she was pregnant. This was both a joyous and worrisome occasion for her. Joyous because it was expected of her as heir to produce children. If ill fortune had made her barren, it was likely that not even her father's edict would allow her to inherit. It was worrisome because Laenor had not been in King's Landing for some time. And it was also terrifying, due to what had happened to Aemma.

Ser Joffrey had been taken to Laenor's home in Driftmark. The blows to the head he had received have very nearly been fatal. The Grand Maester had been amazed that Joffrey had woken up at all. As it was, the man was not the same when he had awoken. His personality was intact, but he was less coordinated and his speech had an odd slur to it. Laenor had written that the speech had improved, but that Joffrey still needed care and taking him to court would not be helpful. Her husband was loath to leave Joffrey alone, and so he had remained on Driftmark.

Rhaenyra needed to keep the pregnancy hidden for now and visit Driftmark quickly. She left word with a servant to tell the King that she wanted to visit her husband and then headed for the Dragonpit. The pit itself was a huge domed construction that housed multiple dragons. As she neared, she saw Elaena working with Viktoriya in the courtyard of the structure under the careful guidance of the Dragonkeepers. The silver scaled dragon almost shone in the sunlight.

Viktoriya was given commands in High Valyrian and she adhered to them all. When Elaena told her to fly, she launched herself into the air with an easy grace. The dragon was growing nicely and she would already be able to bear the weight of Elaena. It was absurd that her father was making her wait.

"Hello, sister," Elaena greeted her. "Come to fly on Syrax?"

"I am, but I intend to go to Driftmark and visit Laenor."

"How long will you be gone?"

That was a good question. "I'm not sure, but at least a few days."

Elaena nodded, "Safe travels then, please give my regards to my good-brother and his family."

Rhaenyra ruffled her little sister's hair and then walked past her into the Dragonpit and brought out Syrax. Her yellow scales were hardening as she grew in age. Dragons grew more powerful the older they became. When they are younger it was possible for a heavy crossbow to pierce their scales, but not so for Syrax. Now it would take a scorpion firing a large bolt to pierce her defenses. Arrows and crossbow-fired bolts could still harm her dragon, of course. The eyes and the wings were vulnerable, and in battle, so was she while riding Syrax.

She mounted her dragon and ensured the chains were secure and then took off for Driftmark. The journey to Driftmark would take but a few hours on Syrax. Despite her anxieties, she felt alive while flying. The roar of the wind and the spectacular view took her mind off her troubles. Soon she landed at Driftmark and was quickly greeted by Lord Corlys Velaryon. This was her good-father and one of the most powerful nobles in the Seven Kingdoms. House Velaryon had an impressive navy, and his ships did much trade with Essos.

"Princess, we were not expecting you."

"Forgive me, but I wished to see my husband, there is no cause for alarm."

He bowed and led her into the castle of High Tide, his seat of power. There he had the servants begin preparation for a welcoming feast, and then he showed her to her husband.

After making sure they were alone she shared the news.

"Laenor, I'm with child."

He blinked. "That is good, my parents and Viserys will be happy."

"We haven't been seen together in some time; we have to fix that."

Laenor looked away and then back to her. "I see the issue; you've been seen here now at least. I will visit King's Landing myself in a few days."

"How is Joffrey?"

Laenor exhaled heavily. "He is getting better, but it is slow. His speech has almost returned to the way it was previously, but physically… some things just are not improving. He is a knight, and he cannot fight, either in war or in a tournament. It is hard for him."

She nodded her in sympathy. It must be wretched to not be able to do what you loved. Had someone told her she could never fly Syrax again, she too would be distraught. However much she sympathized, Rhaenyra still needed Leanor to be by her side as often as possible.

"You know that it will not just be one visit. We will need to be seen together more frequently, and not just here in Driftmark, but in King's Landing. How will it appear if you are away while your wife is bearing your child?"

Laenor gave a frustrated groan and ran his hands through his hair.

"I know, I know! I will go to King's Landing and I will play my part. But I will be back to Driftmark regularly. I cannot abandon him."

It will have to do… for now.


Viserys greeted the council members who had assembled. His Hand was Lord Lyonel Strong. A good and honorable mountain of a man. His Master of Ships was Ser Tyland Lannister. Viserys had offered Corlys his post back as part of the nuptial agreement between their children, but he had declined. Ser Tyland was not nearly as useful as the Sea Snake had been, but he was competent and knew enough about nautical matters to advise. His Master of Coin was Lyman Beesbury. He had kept the royal treasury full and ensured the realm's finances ran smoothly. His Master of Laws was Lord Jaspar Wylde, a stern man who took his duties seriously. Grand Maester Mellos rounded out his small council.

He met with the council regularly. Today was different, as Lyman had an issue to bring before King and council.

"Your Grace, my lords, I had been asked to show the princess how the treasury was run and she proved to be most inquisitive."

That sounded like Elaena.

"So much so, that I had to spend several days addressing her concerns."

Viserys frowned, he had thought they would just meet for an hour or two. If Elaena was distracting Lyman from his work, he should have come to him personally, not brought this up in the small council.

"To my shame, there were several discrepancies that had been overlooked. As I investigated, I uncovered several culprits who worked under me that had been stealing from the treasury."

Lord Wylde narrowed his gaze, "What was done with these miscreants?"

"They have been arrested; it will be up to the King to decide what to do with them."

"How much was stolen?" Lord Strong asked.

"We are still determining that. It appears to be several thousand gold dragons over the years. They misused my trust and spent the coin on various vices. It is a fantastically large sum for individuals; however, it has done little to dent our coffers."

"We should mount their heads on the walls of the Red Keep to send a message against any other would-be thieves," declared Lord Wylde.

The Grand Maester nodded in agreement, "The sum that was stolen warrants such a fate."

Viserys leaned back. "I dislike this talk of mounting heads. Have them show us how they were able to commit this sort of act under your nose, so we can prevent it in the future. If they are cooperative, they can join the Night's Watch. Should they refuse, then they will be executed."

"We already know how, Your Grace. The princess was able to uncover exactly just how they altered the ledgers to get away with it. I leave the King's justice to you and Lord Wylde, but there is a proposal I would present to stop this from happening in the future. And not just for the royal treasury, but across Westeros."

Viserys motioned for him to continue.

"The idea requires three parts. The first is that we begin doing our bookkeeping differently. What we do today is when coin is added to the treasury from taxation we mark it in the ledger. In the future we would mark it within the ledger upon receipt, but then also mark it in a separate ledger for the royal treasury. The princess coined the term 'double-entry bookkeeping.' The usage of it will make it more difficult to defraud the treasury."

Ser Tyland looked at the Master of Coin, "Rhaenyra came up with this?"

Viserys glanced at the Lannister nobleman with annoyance. He didn't have to sound so incredulous about his eldest daughter doing something like this. She hadn't, but still…

"Forgive me, Tyland, it was the Princess Elaena."

That surprised the lords assembled, with some exchanging disbelieving looks.

"Continue please Lyman, you mentioned three parts," Viserys commanded.

"Yes, the second part is that for all physical transactions where gold and silver are exchanged, there must always be a second witness who validates the transaction. The Bank of Braavos uses a similar mechanism. Depending on what is being accepted, we do have multiple individuals already who are part of the exchange, but there is no requirement that their names be recorded. Maesters, knights, and nobles could be the witness for it and be recorded as ratifying what exchange took place within the royal treasury."

Tyland frowned, "That seems burdensome for your work."

"Not really, we already have several knights who guard the vaults. The purpose of this, is that any sort of theft and deceit that takes place will require multiple individuals to work in concert, further reducing its feasibility."

The small council digested the idea, and then Lord Beesbury continued.

"The third step is to have the great lords of the realm keep track of their tax calculations with similar record keeping, which will be audited by the King's men on a random basis to ensure that everyone is following the rules."

Tyland outright laughed. "That's absurd. The Paramount lords of the Seven Kingdoms would never agree to such a thing."

"Our Master of Ships has spoken," Viserys commented, "what say the rest of you?"

Lord Strong was noncommittal, Grand Maester Mellos was opposed, but Lord Wylde thought it good.

"Prior to accepting the honor of being Master of Laws, I oversaw House Wylde's finances as its lord. What Lord Beesbury suggests is not overly onerous. The dual ledgers and having an individual put their name as a witness is a paltry price to pay to avoid thieves and traitors from denying the King his due," Lord Wylde said firmly.

Viserys disliked when his council was divided on matters. It was much easier when most were all in agreement on an issue.

Mellos urged that by passing this sort of edict, they would be challenging the honor of the realm. Ser Tyland agreed readily with him, stating that his own brother, the Lord of Casterly Rock, would take great offense to this sort of heavy-handed lawmaking.

"Why are we even listening to ideas brought forth from a child? I'm surprised at you Lord Beesbury, your laxness in keeping the treasury secure is foul enough, by why compound your foolishness by giving credence to a child's fancy."

Lyman stood up, outraged, and Viserys called for order.

"Ser Tyland, that was uncharitable of you. I have not made any decision yet, but you will treat the other members of this council with respect."

"Yes, Your Grace," was Tyland's response as he bowed his head.

Viserys called an end to the council meeting and asked Lyman to stay behind.

"My daughter's curiosity turned out useful then. I had not expected all of this when I asked for you to meet with her."

"Your Grace, your daughter has a natural grasp for mathematics and understands how the underlying concepts that govern trade within Westeros function. I did not bring all before the small council. By examining the historical accounts and our estimation of trade, she made a list of houses that she suspected of shorting the crown in taxation."

Viserys was shocked at that, just how much time had his daughter worked on this?

"Who is on that list?"

Lyman took out parchment and handed it over. There were several houses listed, and majority were either within The Reach or the Westerlands. It included the Lannisters and the Hightowers.

"Is there proof of this?"

Lyman shook his head. "No, it is only suspicion based on the amount of trade being reported and the amount of taxation provided. Princess Elaena believes it would be difficult to prove with certainty that outright shorting has taken place without a confession. However, by implementing these changes, it will make it far more difficult for this sort of fraud to take place in the future. Additionally, she believes those houses who likely have cheated in the past, will suddenly find more coin for the treasury, even without us formally laying down an accusation to them directly."

Viserys recalled how firm Tyland was in his opposition of the changes. He frowned. Damn him, it was a powerful indication that the Lannisters had been shortchanging the crown. His irritation was tinged with true delight over what Elaena had accomplished. He had always known the last gift he received from Aemma was special, but he had not known just how special. He resolved to approve the changes Lyman and Elaena had brought forward. There would be much to talk of in the morning on their next walk.


Alicent almost began to weep when she realized she was pregnant again. She was doing her duty, but did it have to be so often? This would be her fourth child in six years. Pregnancies were always fraught with peril and pain. Her back would ache, the contents of her stomach would rest uneasy for months, and then she would have to face the birthing bed. She could only pray that delivering this child would as easy as Aemond had been.

The children she had already borne were doing well. Aegon had finally calmed down and was doing much better. At… everything. His tantrums were a thing of the past. He played energetically, but no longer without control. The Maester said he was advanced for his age in his letters. She knew she had Elaena to thank for it.

With Aegon turning into a proper prince, she could broach the subject of the succession. Viserys had even complimented Aegon and spent time watching him play, a rare occurrence for Viserys. When her father, Otto, was in King's Landing he had instructed to leave the matter of convincing Viserys to him. But he was back in Oldtown, dismissed for his persistence. If it wasn't her, who could speak up for Aegon's rights?

That evening when Viserys was done with his duties he joined her for dinner. There were more age lines on his face, and while he was still rotund, he had lost some of his weight. He would never be as handsome to look at as his brother, but she supposed things could be worse. It just… just wasn't what she dreamed of when she was a girl.

"My love, I have good news. I am bearing another child."

Viserys smiled at her. "That is wonderful. Do you think it will be a boy or a girl?"

"I don't know, but whichever would please you best, I will pray for."

"Ah, any child is a blessing. I just hope they are healthy, and you as well for the birth."

It needn't be said why he added the last. Aemma would always loom large over their marriage, his first love who had so cruelly lost her life while bringing Elaena into the world. Alicent took a deep breath and then plunged ahead. "I have pleased you then?"

"Yes, of course."

"It is ever my aim to do so. If I have, I would l like to bring up ensuring Aegon's birthright."

"His birthright?"

"He is your eldest son."

Viserys set down his cup and gave her a hard look.


She wished she didn't have to. She wished her children's future was not in jeopardy.

"I must, Viserys, you are flying in the face of all tradition and precedent. He is your son; he is destined to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Rhaenyra is unfit, she is undisciplined, and selfish. Why insist on keeping her as heir?"

Viserys slammed his fist down on the table.

"The matter of succession is closed. Even if she was unfit, which she is not, that would still not make Aegon King. Elaena is older than Aegon."

Alicent paused. She was on less sure footing here. Elaena was everything Rhaenyra was not. She was considerate, kind, dutiful, and intelligent.

"I will not speak ill of Elaena. She would be better than Rhaenyra, however that too does not matter. The lords will not follow a woman. We will have rebellion after rebellion and your precious peace will not outlive you for long."

Viserys stood up, anger etched upon his features.

"I've lost my appetite. The lords have all sworn their obeisance to Rhaenyra. They will hold to their oaths, and your attempts to sow fear will not sway me."

With those words he stalked out of the room and Alicent bowed her head with grief. She had tried, but he would not see. What was she to do? What more could she do? She never denied him his marital rights, she bore his children, she guarded his secrets, and fulfilled her duties as Queen. Would nothing ever be good enough?

She had just disobeyed her father's advice, but who else could she turn to? Ser Criston was a confidant, but he was a warrior, not someone who knew Viserys as she did or the intrigues of court. Alicent would write to her father and ask for guidance. Otto Hightower had served as Hand for many years. Yet he had also failed to convince Viserys. Her outlook was bleak, but it was the only thing she could think of.


Viserys was eager to see his daughter fly on her dragon. Elaena had patiently waited for over a year. Alicent had tried to argue again that she was too young and too fragile to handle a dragon, but he had overruled her. He had promised Elaena and the Dragonkeepers said the bond between the two was ironclad.

Alicent's pregnancy was far along now and it would only be a couple more moons before she birthed again. Even more exciting, he was soon to be a grandsire. Rhaenyra was with child as well. It was a momentous time for House Targaryen.

Their coffers were now even more robust thanks to Elaena and Lyman. There had been protests and angry denouncements from a variety of lords. When Viserys made clear he would be firm on this, their tune changed. Mellos could barely keep up with the ravens that descend on King's Landing. So many lords had suddenly discovered theft, embezzlement, and other financial chicanery. Those jackals fell over themselves to make restitution, men were beheaded, hung, maimed, or sent to the Wall by the scores before it was all said and done.

Without any wars the Seven Kingdoms finances had always been more than sufficient, but with this sudden increase they had the delightful problem of determining what to do with it. Elaena suggested giving half of it back to the lords who pass the 'audit' and had not been cheating the crowd. The rest could be used to improve infrastructure in King's Landing and the roads of the Seven Kingdoms.

Others on the small council suggested expanding the royal fleet so they were not as dependent on House Velaryon. His Hand thought it should go to reinforcing the Dornish Marches. Raiding had begun on and off again in the Stormlands. Viserys thought that would be too antagonistic. It wasn't as if Dorne could invade the Seven Kingdoms successfully. They had proven thorns in the side of Aegon the Conqueror, but only by trickery, stealth, and subterfuge. Lord Wylde wanted to expand the confessors and bring the King's Justice far and wide.

Elaena's suggestion was likely best, but Viserys was sensitive to the need to balance scales and not deny his advisors proposals outright. A wise King was one who listened to others and looked for a way that everyone can be happy.

Much of his family was with him as they watched Elaena saddle Viktoriya. Despite her pregnancy, Rhaenyra was the one next to Elaena, ensuring the chains were secure. Alicent had brought Aegon and little Helaena. His wife looked terrified and held both of her children's hands tightly.

"Don't worry. She can fly," little Helaena told her in an ethereal sounding voice.

Beyond his children and wife, Laenor and his sister Laena were there to observe as well. Mighty Vhagar, the biggest dragon alive, was there in King's Landing for the first time in years. She had bonded with Laena several years ago. Vhagar was one of the dragons that helped subdue Westeros during Aegon's Conquest. She dwarfed the other dragons in the Dragonpit, and seeing her massive form was always awe inspiring.

Rhaenyra backed away and Elaena's voice rose up, firm and high as she commanded her dragon to fly. The silver scaled dragon took two steps and then launched itself in the air. She flapped her wings and Elaena gave a cry of joy as the dragon began circling and rising higher.

"Ah, you see, my wife? She is perfectly safe and has full command over her dragon. Elaena was born to ride dragons; it is in her blood."

Alicent gave a shaky nod and gave a prayer of thanksgiving to the Seven. Elaena flew for several minutes and then descended. The landing was smooth and did not jar Elaena who undid the chains and hopped down. She spoke again and Viktoriya flew back int the sky.

That was odd, and so Viserys approached and after congratulating his daughter, asked her why she hadn't bidden the dragon return to its lair in the pit.

"She wished to fly longer; I could sense it. She will return in the morning."

Viserys had bonded with Balerion, and knew that one could sense desires and wants from the dragon. His time with the Black Dread was short due to his advanced age, and he had died less than a year after being claimed. This level of specificity was rare though, and he hoped his daughter understood that dragons were not like regular beasts. Viktoriya could get into much mischief. Once bonded a dragon would always return, but it wasn't unheard of for one to disappear for weeks on end. That was why most dragons were housed in the Dragonpit when not in use.

"I hope that is true; she is still quite young. But, how was it? Were there any difficulties?"

"No, father. It was delightful, I intend to ride Viktoriya as frequently as I can. Being in the air is such a liberating experience. Thank you for allowing me to fly her."

The King was pleased he had made his daughter happy. The way she viewed things was a stark difference between her and Rhaenyra. If Rhaenyra had been held back from flying, she would no doubt have said something to the effect of 'It felt good to finally be able to fly.' Perhaps, he was being uncharitable, but Rhaenyra had a saucy tongue that was often inappropriate.

"Of course, you are a Targaryen, this is your birthright."

"May I also visit places like Dragonstone and Driftmark if I am not needed for other activities?"

"You are a bit young to go off on your own, but you may join your sister when she flies there. Or if another rider wishes to escort you." His Velaryon kin, Laenor, Rhaenys, and Laena could be trusted to care for his daughter as well.

"I understand, thank you, father," she replied with a smile on her face.

Viserys turned back to the tasks for the day as the others approached Elaena and congratulated her on her first successful flight as a dragonrider.